Living With War - Neil Young

i'm LIVING WITH WAR everyday
i'm LIVING WITH WAR in my heart everyday
i'm LIVING WITH WAR right now
and when the dawn breaks i see my fellow man
and on the flat screen we kill and we're killed again
and when the night falls, i pray for PEACE
try to remember PEACE...visualize...
i join the multitudes
i raise my hand in PEACE
i never bow to the laws of the thought police
i take a holy vow
to never kill again
to never kill again
i'm LIVING WITH WAR in my heart
i'm LIVING WITH WAR in my heart and mind
i'm LIVING WITH WAR right now
don't take no tidal wave
don't take no mass grave
don't take no smokin' gun
to show how the west was won
but when the curtain falls, i pray for PEACE
try to remember PEACE...visualize...
in the crowded streets
in the big hotels
in the mosques and the doors of the old museum
i take a holy vow
to never kill again
try to remember PEACE
the rocket's red glare, bombs burtsing in air
give proof through the night, that our flag is still there
i'm LIVING WITH WAR everyday
i'm LIVING WITH WAR in my heart everyday
i'm LIVING WITH WAR right now.
i'm LIVING WITH WAR in my heart everyday
i'm LIVING WITH WAR right now
and when the dawn breaks i see my fellow man
and on the flat screen we kill and we're killed again
and when the night falls, i pray for PEACE
try to remember PEACE...visualize...
i join the multitudes
i raise my hand in PEACE
i never bow to the laws of the thought police
i take a holy vow
to never kill again
to never kill again
i'm LIVING WITH WAR in my heart
i'm LIVING WITH WAR in my heart and mind
i'm LIVING WITH WAR right now
don't take no tidal wave
don't take no mass grave
don't take no smokin' gun
to show how the west was won
but when the curtain falls, i pray for PEACE
try to remember PEACE...visualize...
in the crowded streets
in the big hotels
in the mosques and the doors of the old museum
i take a holy vow
to never kill again
try to remember PEACE
the rocket's red glare, bombs burtsing in air
give proof through the night, that our flag is still there
i'm LIVING WITH WAR everyday
i'm LIVING WITH WAR in my heart everyday
i'm LIVING WITH WAR right now.
Post edited by Unknown User on
...found out last week that "heart of gold" is coming to halifax next week, so i'll have to settle for neil on the big screen for now...can't wait to see it!!!
I would love a neil tour this summer. Not sure if he is ready for the road though.
Charlotte 03
Asheville 04
Atlanta 12
Greenville 16, Columbia 16
Seattle 18
Nashville 22
Ohana Festival 24 x2
we will have to bide our time and see when he's ready for the road with the horse or solo i guess...
I understand war is a global problem.........but ...........still.
he's been living in the US for 40 years now, and his wife family and children are american.
back in the days of shock and awe
we came to liberate them all
history was the cruel judge of overconfidence
back in the days of shock and awe
back in the days of "mission accomplished"
our chief was landing on the deck
the sun was setting on a golden photo op
back in the days of "mission accomplished"
thousands of bodies in the ground
brought home in boxes to a trumpet's sound
no one sees them coming home that way
thousands of bodies in the ground
thousands of children scarred for life
millions of tears for a soldier's wife
both sides are losing now
heaven takes them in
thousands of children scarred for life
we had a chance to change out mind
but somehow wisdom was hard to find
we went with what we knew and now we can't go back
but we had a chance to change our mind.
when you try to bring our spirit home
won't you celebrate our lives in a way for our children
when you write your songs about us
won't you try to do us justice
because we want to be just like you
and your FAMILIES
i see a light ahead
there's a chill wind blowin' in my head
i wish that i was home instead
with my FAMILY
there's a universe between us now
but i want to reach out and tell you how much you mean to me
and my FAMILY
i'm goin' back to the USA
i just got my ticket today
i can't wait to see you again
in the USA.
lookin' for a leader
to bring our country home
re-unite the red white and blue
before it turns to stone
lookin' for somebody
young enough to take it on
clean up the corruption
and make the country strong
walkin' among our people
there's someone who's straight and strong
to lead us from desolation
and a broken world gone wrong
someone walks among us
and i hope he hears the call
and maybe it's a woman
or a black man after all
yeah maybe it's obama
but he thinks that he's too young
maybe it's colin powell
to right what he's done wrong
america has a leader
but he's not in the house
he's walkin' here among us
and we've got to seek him out
yeah we've got our election
but corruption has a chance
we got to have a clean win
to regain confidence
america is beautiful
but she has an ugly side
we're lookin' for a leader
in this country far and wide
we're lookin' for a leader
with the great spirit on his side
someone walks among us
and i hope he hears the call
and maybe it's a woman
or a black man after all.
the people have heard the news
the people have spoken
you may not like what they said
but they weren't jokin'
way out on the desert sands
lies a desperate lover
the call her "the queen of oil"
so much to discover
don't need no ad machine
telling me what i need
don't need no madison avenue war
don't need no more boxes i can't see
covered in flags but i can't see them on tv
don't need no more lies
don't need no more lies
don't need no more lies
don't need no more lies
the restless consumer flies
around the world each day
with such an appetite for taste and grace
people from around the world
need someone to listen
we're starving and dying from our disease
we need your medicine
how do you pay for war
and leave us dying?
when you could do so much more
you're not even tryin'
don't need no tv ad
tellin' me how sick i am
don't want to know how many people are like me
don't need no dizziness
don't need no nausea
don't need the side effects like diarrhea or sexual death
don't need no more lies
don't need no more lies
don't need no more lies
don't need no more lies
the restless consumer lies
asleep in her hotel
with such an appetite
for anything that sells
a hundred voices from a hundred lands
need someone to listen
people are dying here and there
they don't see the world the way you do
there's no mission accomplished here
just death to thousands
a hundred voices from a hundred lands
cry out in union
don't need no terror squad
don't need no damned jihad
blowin' themselves away in my hood
but we don't talk to them
so we don't learn from them
hate don't negotiate with good
don't need no more lies
don't need no more lies
don't need no more lies
don't need no more lies
the restless consumer flies
around the world each day
with such an appetite for efficiency
and pace
don't need no more lies
Runnin'the government...
Wont need no stinkin WAR...
Wont need no haircut...
Wont need no shoe shine.
After the garden is gone...
After the garden is gone...
After the garden is gone.
What will people do?
After the garden is gone.
What will people say?.
After the garden...........
Wont need no strong man
Walkin' throught the night.
To live a weak mans day.
Wont need no sunshine...
Wont need no purple haze.
After the garden is gone...
After the garden is gone...
After the garden is gone.......
Where will people go?
after the garden is gone...
What will people know?
After the garden...................................
After the garden is gone...
After the garden is gone.
No problem, figured you were sleeping in. You deserved it.
today's the day our youger son is goin' off to war
fightin' in the age old battle
we've sometimes won before
flags that line old main street
are blowin' in the wind
these must be the flags fo freedom flyin'
church bells are ringin'
as the families stand and wave
some of them are cryin'
but the soldiers look so brave
lookin' straight ahead
like they know just where they're goin'
past the flags of freedom flyin'
sister has her headphones on
she hears the music blasting
she sees her brother marchin' by
their bond is everlasting
listening to bob dylan singin'
in 1963
watchin' the flags of freedom
she sees the president speakin'
on a flat screen tv
in the window of the old appliance store
she turns to see her brother again
but he's already walkin' past
the flags of freedom flyin'
have you seen the flags of freedom?
what color are they now?
do you think that you believe in yours
more than they do theirs somehow?
when you see the flags of freedom flyin'
today's the day our younger son
is goin' off to war
fightin' in the age old battle
we've sometimes won before
flags that line the old main street
are blowin' in the wind
these must be the flags of freedom flyin'
a couple of songs written before the session...a couple in the morning, in the afternoon and evening...anyway, a good behind the scenes look at the record if you're a neil fan...
trippin' down that old hippie highway
got to thinkin' 'bout you again
wonderin' how it really was for you
and how it happened in the end
but i guess i'll never know the truth
if you were really all alone
we were just a couple of kids then
livin' each and every day
when we both went down to the register
we were laughin' all the way
that's when we called it hippie highway
i still call it that today
roger and out good buddy
i still call it that today
two camaros racin' down the road
feels just like yesterday
roger and out good buddy
i feel you in the air today
i know you gave for your country
i feel you in the air today
roger and out good buddy.
again" cd is good and "last time around"
epeiletic candaian who liked reagan in 1980 but went back to dems i guess
"out of my mind
and i just cant take it anymore"
O beautiful for spacious skies,
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties
Above the fruited plain!
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!
Words by Katharine Lee Bates,
Melody by Samuel Ward
Yeah she didn't seem to want to do the interview at first, but I kinda think she warmed up to him after he explained his thoughts. He is very well spoken, I was impressed with what he said. Not that I agree with the impeachment bit, bwtf.
All this about him being Canadian is insulting. If he has lived here for 40 years he has a right to say whatever he wants. Canada and the US are the same country anyway.
very excited!!!
Yeah, this sounds great. The chorus is really well done, doesn't cover Neil up at all, but totally emphasizes the message. It seems to be only the one song now though, it goes silent for me after the song is over.
living with war came up for me right after "after the garden" can still only click for song lyrics...hoping they do the same thing they did with prairie wind, where you could listen to any tune by clicking on, i really can't get over how nice it is to hear something like this...
Let’s impeach the president for lying
And leading our country into war
Abusing all the power that we gave him
And shipping all our money out the door
He’s the man who hired all the criminals
The White House shadows who hide behind closed doors
And bend the facts to fit with their new stories
Of why we have to send our men to war
Let’s impeach the president for spying
On citizens inside their own homes
Breaking every law in the country
By tapping our computers and telephones
What if Al Qaeda blew up the levees
Would New Orleans have been safer that way
Sheltered by our government’s protection
Or was someone just not home that day?
Let’s impeach the president
For hijacking our religion and using it to get elected
Dividing our country into colors
And still leaving black people neglected
Thank god he’s cracking down on steroids
Since he sold his old baseball team
There’s lot of people looking at big trouble
But of course the president is clean
Thank God
It looks like it was a Mac issue. The Safari browser I was using would only play the first track. Tried it with Internet Explorer, and I'm now grooving on Living With War. That guitar lead tied in with the trumpet is really cool.
The lyrics on their own were heavy enough, but the album itself, man...
it comes to life in a big way, eh? this sounds fantastic...just saw heart of gold tonight, and now new neil! and it's phenomenal!