Matt Good Acoustic Tour!

For those who don't know the Matt Good Acoustic Tour has been announced. I'll be in Saskatoon March 25th and it will kick some serious ass!
Which came first,
the bad idea or me befallen by it?
the bad idea or me befallen by it?
Post edited by Unknown User on
Not really suprised though cause most people thinks Canada ends in Halifax.
found out about it after it sold out.
What are the odds of scalpers... oh never mind.
I ve never bought off a scalper and still wont.
I think the Thursday show still has tickets, but the Friday and Saturday shows (I'll be at the latter), are long gone. The Cultch only holds about 350 people. Check things out on the HOB website, 'cause it'll tell you straight up if a show is sold out rather than going through the search crap on TM to have it tell you that no tickets matched the criteria ... why can't they just put a SOLD OUT marker next to the gig listing? Idiots.
Edit: Just checked HOB, and they've got all 3 Vancouver shows sold out. :(
the bad idea or me befallen by it?
dang. If you hear of an extra ticket, let me know.
You can hear a handful of tunes by going to and launching the audio player (found in the bottom right of your screen). A few of them are on my list.
Full album recommendation would be Avalanche (MG solo, released 2003).
(My favourite songs on that record are Weapon*, While We Were Hunting Rabbits, Long Way Down, Near Fantastica, and Avalanche.)
Song recommendations from other albums ... (* means it was a single)
"Symbolistic White Walls"* from Last of the Ghetto Astronauts (1995, under the name Matthew Good Band)
"Apparitions"* and "Change of Season" from underdogs (1997, MGB)
"Suburbia," "Failing the Rorschach Test," and "Giant" from Beautiful Midnight (1999, MGB)
"Advertising on Police Cars," "The Workers Sing a Song of Mass Production" from The Audio of Being (2001, MGB)
"Empty Road," "Buffalo Seven," and "Poor Man's Grey" from White Light Rock'n'Roll Review (2004, solo MG)
You could always look into getting the 10-year retrospective GH, In A Coma, which came out this past fall. It's pretty much all the hit singles with a couple of new and/or previously unreleased tracks, as is standard on such comps. The deluxe edition comes with 2 cd's and a DVD with all his videos (which factored into his success during the mid-late 90's ... he's kinda gone the PJ-style, tone-it-down route with the solo career) and is a pretty good bargain - only ~$10 more than the single GH cd. Sorry for sounding like a street teamer, just passing on the info.
Hopefully you will like it. If not, thanks for your interest. There I go being Ms. Street Teamer again. Ah, well.
Damn, right on the money. I would add...
From Underdogs - "Look Happy, It's the end of the World" and "Middle-Class Gangsters"(which happens to be my namesake MCG= Middle-Class Gangsters)
From Audio of Being - "Anti-Pop"
and from The Raygun EP - "Raygun" and "Generation X-Wing"
I like everything Matt Good has put out! I don't see why there aren't more Matt Good fans on this board.
the bad idea or me befallen by it?
That is one of the worst songs on AoB! Well, it isn't worse than "I, The Throwaway," but still you can do way better than that for someone who has never listened to the MGB before!
I like "Anti-Pop". I thought it would be a good song for someone who hasn't heard it before because it's got a catchy hook. I'll admit it is not very representative of the album though. I love the way that cd opens up with "Man of Action"... it just sounds so damn important, demands your attention.
the bad idea or me befallen by it?
Okay here is a question
Underdogs or Beautiful Midnight?
Well that is a tough question. Both are absolutely amazing albums! Beautiful Midnight showed a great deal of progress and had some extremely well written rock tunes and ballads. But I gots to go with Underdogs, its has a kind of defining moment feeling to it and a passion that is undeniable and so rare to find these days. Plus you get Apparitions, Prime Time Deliverance, Look Happy..., Change of Season, MCG's, and I guess I'd name almost any track on that one. Then there's Rico, everybodies 'fuck you' song to virtually anybody...
1. Your Underdogs vs Beautiful Midnight?
2. Matthew Good Band vs Matt Good?
the bad idea or me befallen by it?
although i love 'prime time deliverance' and 'the inescapable us'
the bad idea or me befallen by it?
buddy, most people think Canada ends in Montreal.. Halifax gets the shaft almost as much as St. John's.
no date on this acoustic tour for Halifax..
and how to do it right
fuckin rights! so pumped for "so long Mrs. Smith"!
the bad idea or me befallen by it?
the bad idea or me befallen by it?
Nice! That will probably be one of the better shows of the whole tour if not the best. I wish he would just suck it up and come back to Regina all ready... the shoe throwing incident was like 8 years ago dammit!
the bad idea or me befallen by it?
I'm pretty sure he's been there since.
i'm going to the calgary show.
alone. :(
but i'm going.
I was wondering if you got tickets before it sold out. Too bad your venue isn't as intimate as mine (unless they do the banquet hall set-up).
I'll be going alone, too. I like going to MG shows by myself, though. I have to wait a whole month after your gig 'til mine rolls around. Let me know how it goes.
cabaret seating as i understand. so circular tables in most of the room.
i'll just stand at the back some where.
actually you're right, summer '03. But he was disapointed with the turnout and from what I've heard (rumours mostly) he's vowed never to return :(.
the bad idea or me befallen by it?
the bad idea or me befallen by it?