the beatles

seriously, is there such a thing as TOO much of a good thing? oh my, i cannot get enough of abbey road today, but they are just completely brilliant anyway you slice it.
cmon now, show your love . . .
Oh yeah alright, are you gonna be in my dreams tonight?
And in the end the love you take is equal to the love you make.
Ah –
cmon now, show your love . . .

Oh yeah alright, are you gonna be in my dreams tonight?
And in the end the love you take is equal to the love you make.
Ah –
Stay with me...
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Post edited by Unknown User on
"Hey, if God didn’t want me to wear it so much, he wouldn’t have made them rock so hard."
~it is shining it is shining~
Can you see me now
I am myself
Like you somehow
I'll ride the wave
Where it takes me
I'll hold the pain
Release me
Funny bastards they were, but great music, NEVER !!
Cute trite forgettable little pop songs, the whole world must have been bored out of it's collective brain to go bananas over these guys.
I think I'm gonna go choke on a carrot !!
EV Solo: 7/11/11 11/12/12 11/13/12
haha. what wolfbear said.
seriously though, while i personally cannot fathom not at least liking the beatles, i do understand some not enjoying their music. however, wolfbear is 100% correct in saying that if all you see/hear is trite pop songs, you clearly are not paying attention and simply do not get it. rock music owes a great debt to the beatles....and yea, i personally think they are totally, utterly and completely brilliant. somtimes, simplicity is the greatest/wisest/most difficult choice......and far more impressive than complexity filled with nothing.
now, i won't say i love EVERY tune the beatles have put out there, but damn close...and even their weakest album, damn impressive. what a serious repertoire of greatness.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
That's neither here nor there. If you were to take that argument, then you would have to look back even further to the bands that influenced The Beatles themselves. Whilst I totally appreciate what The Beatles did for music, even the most ardent fan can surely admit that a lot of their success was influenced by time and place? Like I said, all due respect to them, but to state like a lot of people do that they were the best band ever seems such a ridiculously wild statement, like there couldn't have been a better band in the 40 YEARS since they were about.
just stick with zeppelin then.
~it is shining it is shining~
absolutely. i don't even think wolfbear was looking towards their success, but simply...the influence. and sure, all of us, bands included, are influence by those who preceeded us. however, one at the very least should admit/acknowledge that the beatles had a VERY large influence, whereas many, many other bands did not. and sure, while some may refer to the beatles as 'the' greatest, again, i don't think wolfbear was....simply pointing out that yes, they were/are important/relevant. many bands can make no such claim. liking or disliking the music is irrelevant for any of those points.
anyway, i LOVE em.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Yeah I hear what you are saying, but to me it's kind of like the situation with Nirvana, they were certainly the most important 'grunge' band, because without them, the chances are the whole Seattle scene would never have been discovered. However they certainly weren't the best band to come from the scene. The Beatles benefitted from the fact that they were the right type of band at the right time. This is of course not to say that they weren't extremely good at what they did, but had it not been their time, they may never have been given the chance to become huge. Does that make sense? I guess I just get irritated by the very British assumption that you should be a Beatles fan just because they were The Beatles. I personally find the Stones and Zeppelin far more exciting to listen to.
My favorite Beatles.....
Eleanor Rigby, Rocky Racoon, A Day in the Life, We Can Work It Out, Let it Be, Yesterday, All You Need is Love, Penny Lane, and all of Abbey Road
we sit around and wonder exactly why our marriage should feel threatened by gay marriage
Abbey Road is one of my most favorite albums of all time!!!
I have never heard a Beatles tune I didn't just absolutely love. Listening to every album really gives you a sense of where they were all at in their lives during that particular record.
I shall go home tonight and bust out my Abbey Road vinyl and give it a spin. Then maybe Revolver.
absolutely makes sense. however, i think you may be reading more into mine, and wolfbear's, commetns...more than what was actually presented. neither one of us even remotely pushed the agenda of the beatles, or any band for that matter, being the *greatest* ever. personally, i do not believe in their being one *greatest* anything....and besides, that is delving into the highly sujective area of personal taste.
however, in a much more objective fashion...we can look at the contributions an individual or group may make to their field, and how they have, or have not, permanently changed the landscape of such...not to be the same since, due to their contributions. i think that is what wolfbear was aiming at - and of course, forgive me wolfbear if i am misinterpreting - but for me, that is really what i am focusing on here in response to the whole 'beatles, schmeatles' issue.
now, while i personally see nothing to dislike about the beatles...and whereas, in fact, i find much to love....again as already stated, i realize, taste is a VERY subjective thing. BUT to discount the VERY reral, important contributions they have made to rock music specifically, and music in simply refusing to see the 'bigger picture.' that's all.
btw - i don't know why it's a 'british' assumption?
so was all about sharin' the love. :cool:
i mean, cmon...what's not to love?
Everybody's Got SOmething to Hide Except for Me and My Monkey
Come on come on come on come on
Come on is such a joy
Come on is such a joy
Come on take it easy
Come on take it easy.
Take it easy take it easy.
Everybody’s got something to hide except for me and my monkey.
The deeper you go the higher you fly.
The higher you fly the deeper you go.
So come on come on
Come on is such a joy
Come on is such a joy
Come on take it easy
Come on take it easy.
Take it easy take it easy.
Everybody’s got something to hide except for me and my monkey.
Your inside is out and your outside is in.
Your outside is in and your inside is out.
So come on come on
Come on is such a joy
Come on is such a joy
Come on take it easy
Come on take it easy.
Take it easy take it easy.
Everybody’s got something to hide except for me and my monkey.
btw - i have show mucho, mucho love for ld zep...endlessly on this very board, moreso over in the AET forum before we all got well-behaved and learned to post in the proper forums. haha. and yea, as a young teen...i had the 'sticky fingers' mouth painted on the back of my jean jacket. :cool:
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
About a lucky man who made the grade
And though the news was rather sad
Well, i just had to laugh
I saw the photograph
He blew his mind out in a car
He didn't notice that the lights had changed
A crowd of people stood and stared
They'd seen his face before
Nobody was really sure if he was from the house of lords
I saw a film today oh, boy
The english army had just won the war
A crowd of people turned away
But i just had to look
Having read the book
I love to turn you on.
Woke up, got out of bed
Dragged a comb across my head
Found my way downstairs and drank a cup
And looking up, i noticed i was late
Found my coat and grabbed my hat
Made the bus in seconds flat
Found my way upstairs and had a smoke
Somebody spoke and i went into a dream
I read the news today oh, boy
Four thousand holes in blackburn, lancashire
And though the holes were rather small
They had to count them all
Now they know how many holes it takes to fill the albert hall
I'd love to turn you on
You know, that's about the closest anyone on these forums have come to acknowledging the validity of a point of view they did not agree with.
I am more than happy for anyone to love the Beatles, all power to you dudes !! I am old and brain dead, not young and ignorant, but the unyielding opinionation was starting to bug me, so I just had to rattle the cage !!
I think the monkey song kinda re-inforces my point about dopey lyrics, adn seriously, how many times can you repeat teh same lines in a song and still expect credibility, reminds me of Simple Minds from teh Eighties, more like Simple Songs, like "Don't you, forget about me" repeated about 50 times, or "love song ", repeated about 100.
There's a huge difference between Lennon and some crap, anthemic eighties band. The "Monkey song", as you call it, isn't just about Yoko, as is often presumed, but about heroin addiction: having a monkey on your back is junkie slang. The use of repetition and childlike rhyme intentionally simulates the persistance and childlike pain of withdrawal pangs. Lennon explored the relationship between heroin withdrawal and his childhood traumas to greater effect, in his "primal scream" album, "John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band" (1970).
You know, Yoko Ono's "Why" is really another way of singing "Everybody's Got Something To Hide Except For Me And My Monkey":
Click "Why", track two.
btw, i think they were great, just a little too pop forme
Doesnt seem that POPPY to me...
yes great stuff
no more shows
Sir Paul is without a doubt the MVP of the Abbey Road record
Pearl Jam bootlegs: