Cigarettes and Alcohol...the Oasis thread

Is it worth the aggrevation
To find yourself a job
When there's nothing worth working for
To find yourself a job
When there's nothing worth working for
Wave came crashing...
Post edited by Unknown User on
will try and piss Liam off so i'll get meself a headbutt
Walk on with hope in your heart
Are they playing near you Axl?
lol...yeah gotta love it when he yells out "Fook off"
hopefully he flicks a V to me too
Walk on with hope in your heart
haha....he is a LEGEND!
The two forks would be a great gesture ||
Walk on with hope in your heart
Walk on with hope in your heart
alcohol - yes
oasis - well, no... errm, ok then, yes... nah, gotta say definitely maybe...
i don't know, i've seen them twice and i don't really think they are a great live act... you typically love them or loathe them - they're liam and noel after all
but i'm undecided... i'm not a fan of the band but i still think they wrote some great tunes that are classics...
Some days you wake up and sit on a park bench next to an eighty year old Russian architect, and some days you don't. I think this is my new life philosophy.
pearl jam @ the astoria, london, 20/04/06
09/21/96 Toronto,ON
08/20/98 Montreal,QC
08/22/98 Toronto,ON
10/04/00 Montreal,QC
10/05/00 Toronto,ON
06/28/03 Toronto,ON
06/29/03 Montreal,QC
09/28/04 Boston,MA
09/29/04 Boston,MA
09/11/05 Kitchener,ON
09/12/05 London,ON
09/13/05 Hamilton,ON
09/15/05 Montreal,QC
09/16/05 Ottawa,ON
lol...not bad psycosmic
Don't ever be denied
You wanna be who ya be if you're comin' with me
You know I think I recognise your face but I've never seen you before!!!
Noel Gallagher fears Sony Music will "do the dirty" on Oasis and release a 'greatest hits' album next year.
Oasis do not want to release a compilation album yet - but their Sony contract ends next year.
Noel said: "We've come to the end of our contract with Sony. We won't sign with them again.
"I'm worried they'll cash in and release a best-of. I've always said we'd never do one until we'd split.
"I think they're going to force our hand. I really wouldn't want to do one, but if they put one out we'll have to get involved otherwise it'll be s***.
"I hope we don't do one. It's all a scam. You should put one out only when you're finished - in chronological order. But I have a feeling they'll do the dirty on us."
Noel, who has just completed a tour of Australia with Oasis, also said he loved the country and would move there if it was closer to Britain.
"It's like America," he said. "Not that I like America. It's like America weather-wise, but it's not full of fat idiots."
Walk on with hope in your heart
Liam announced that it was the last song about 4 times - they just kept playing - even when the lights went up and people we starting to leave they were still playing
Brilliant!!! - I love the Gallagher bros et al
''You could wait for a lifetime
To spend your days in the sunsheeeeeinnneee
You might as well do the white line
Cos when it comes on top . . .
You gotta make it happen! ''
Is the quest we're taking together...
Got in about six to the queue at the point. I was fairly pissed off going in that we were late and that some of the mates stopped in Laois for grub. I was delighted to get into the pit when I got in . There was a nice enough crowd in front of us going in.
Had a few buckets of piss and a shot before hitting center stage.
Shack were pretty good , it helped that I knew some of their songs. The vocals mikes were too low for both Oasis and Shack .
When Oasis came out no one could budge for their intro(Fuckin' in the Bushes). It was fairly mental for the first few songs. I was fairly knackered anyway.
Liam didn't sing the ending of Acquise as some fella threw a bottle of water at the speaker in front of him. He dedicated Live forever to Georgie Best But got in a huff half way threw it as either his mike was too low or Noel's guitar was too loud.
Noel was in some bad mood. Said fuck all between songs and glared out at the crowd when they started singing OLE OLe.
While all the band were sweeting , Noel left his jacket on all through , I don''t think that he was into the gig. Couldn't hear what he said between songs. He voices on Importance to be ideal where hardly audible because of the song quality and the fact that he pulls away from the mike when singing the high parts.
Masterplan was good but IMHO it missed the harmonia.
Liam threw his tambourine into the crowd . About 8 fella's went for it. Two came up with it. each had a hold of it on one arm.
One fella was a jackién and the other fella I think was from Cork.
The Cork fella was a few inches shorter but had some size of arms. His shirt was ripped off and he had an Oasis tattoo on his back. He said that he had it first and would have beaten your man if it came down to it. They were arguing over it for about half an hour. One of the jackiéns sly cunts of friends told and bouncers and they tackled the Cork fella. The dub ended up having the tambourine but the Cork fella went after him and I hope that he kicked the shite of him.
When they played My Generation some stupid weedy young fuckers started a mosh pit with all of them shouldering each other in a circle. Do it a Korn you dicks. Noel and Liam were looking down on them going what the fuck!
When they finished LEt there be love came on the live speakers. They should have played it live. No real chance in the setlist. Masterplan for little by little. But a great gig non the less. I am recked today.
There's no doubt Sony will release a 'best of' like they did with Pearl Jam.
Great band
Noel is a great songwriter
never bothered to check em out live though
Noel is a legendary songwriter!!!
You should watch them live...amazing
Walk on with hope in your heart
I like the lyrics to Keep the Dream Alive the most from DBTT. Was it Gem who wrote this one Axl?
Gem's songs suck to be honest wonder they became b-sides
Walk on with hope in your heart
lol yeah Gem ain't too creative!
Guess God Thinks I'm Abel...Liam's best u think??
pure Liam song..i like The Meaning of Soul best...i think GGTIA sounds incomplete..they could continued the song with a great outro
Walk on with hope in your heart
Been listening to Be Here Now heaps today and the intro to D'Yer Know What I Mean is awesome.....Fade In-Out is the best song I feel from the album but the lyrics for Magic Pie are sick
yeh i love the intro of DYKWIM..great build up to the song...i prefer the single version has the intro but no helicopter sounds lol.
Walk on with hope in your heart
ah I've never heard the single version.
I like the plane and helicopter! sounds cool when u turn it right up.
Take care.
cya next time
>keep the dream alive<
Walk on with hope in your heart
to find yourself a job
when theres nothing worth working for?