Silverchair at Lolla

This will probably get moved but. . .did anyone see Silverchair's set at Lolla? I have been following these guys since they came out and think they just keep getting better and better, but they almost never play the states. I was just wondering people's opinion on their set.
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young modern station
emotion sickness
without you
*mindreader, insomnia, straight lines, greatest view*
ana's song
the door
if you keep losing sleep
i think that's all of them. as to my impressions
first of all, the crowd was awesome. they seemed very enthused and daniel was interacting with them so much. he seemed to be having a blast, kept looking at his bandmates and grinning and anytime people sang along he'd say "you're gonna make me cry." he did a lot of dancing and glam rock posing and stuff... even climbing onto paul mac's keyboard to play one solo lying on his back. it was truly a riot. the songs were all perfect, the band was very tight but still willing to stretch out a bit and daniel's voice has definitely recovered from the laryngitis becos he was flawless. so i was pretty impressed with the whole vibe going... i was afraid the crowd would be lifeless or hassling for tomorrow and that was not the case.
as to highlights... emotion sickness is always a showstopper. all the new songs sounded great, with if you keep losing sleep being the highlight for me. it was so hard rocking. people seemed less familiar with the new songs (daniel couldn't get people to sing along to straight lines) but were still very into all of them. without you was a song i was never all that into but it was excellent live. and freak turned into a huge singlong which was cool.
it was the highlight of the weekend for me, along with the pearl jam set.
"You're throwing joints on stage! maybe I should insult you some more"-Ed in Pittsburgh '06
"George Bush find yourself another home"
I listened to their XM Radio broadcast of their set, they sounded great!
Their first two albums are not what made me a fan, Neon Ballroom did and I loved Diorama. "Freak" is so fun live, even though Daniel doesn't even really like singing it, he says he loves the fan reaction to it.
It was sad when Daniel got so sick and couldn't tour the U.S. in support of Diorama, but we finally did get to see them live on their Young Modern tour last month, it was such a good show.
There are some good clips from Lolla on Youtube
Silverchair’s set at Lollapalooza was certainly the highlight of the weekend for me. I have waited eight years for the band to come back to Chicago, and it was a spectacular performance. Daniel did a good job of working through some technical problems and getting the casual fans involved. Setlist-wise, I would have loved to hear Tuna instead of The Door, but I understand they have to play certain songs. Throwing one or two from Frogstomp would be cool too.
Afterwards, I was watching Muse from the back of the field and I spotted Daniel walking by. I thanked him for coming back to Chicago and said that I had been waiting a long time. I also asked for a quick picture and he and his friend were kind enough to oblige even though it was drizzling.
Great show, and great to have you back on this side of the planet, finally!
Young Modern Station
Emotion Sickness
Without You
Greatest View
Straight Lines
The Door
Mind Reader
-Happy Birthday to Paul Mac-
Ana’s Song
If You Keep Losing Sleep
I have a bunch of live shots that I also sent to chairpage, but they havent put them up yet.
"In your case, I'll check my brain at the door and we'll start even, okay?"
Have you thanked a taper today?
dude, i didnt realize that picture was taken AT lolla! you're so lucky. he looks kinda wasted though... but then, he did say he was gonna have 8000 drinks for us
I thought it was a pretty kick ass show.
But reading around on I see that they don't really change up the setlist much, and the interacting with the crowd/stage performance has pretty much been the same all tour.
That to me is a little disappointing. I mean, come on! They are playing small clubs, so why have it the same?
I saw them in NYC twice the past year and it was sooo sick.
Daniel J is one talented dude. I highly recommend seeing them when they stop in your town. You'll be suprised.
EV - 5
(**Letterman'02, Irving Plaza, Storytellers, Beacon, ACL, Spectrum 3&4, Bridge School '10**)
"Constant recoil,..sometimes life don't leave you alone."
Let's connect on twitter - @Jeffgorra
yeah, it was pretty cool. i have followed this band since Frogstomp and loved every album, so it was a great experience for me to meet him and just exchange a few words. i took some good pics during the set as well, so hopefully chairpage will put those up as well.
"In your case, I'll check my brain at the door and we'll start even, okay?"
Have you thanked a taper today?
yeah, frogstomp was the first cd i ever bought for myself, and i have bought every one as soon i could thereafter. i've followed their career and lvoed them for so long. i've grown up with them too, even mroe so than pearl jam perhaps.
I'd much rather watch a lead singer with personality than watch someone like Kings of Leon who look like they don't even want to be on stage.
amen. apparently daytime prefers musicians like muse who look like they clocked in before taking the stage to someone who seems to be genuinely enjoying himself and the crowd onstage.
doesnt bother me. youre entitled to your opinion. it is VERY rare that i enjoy something live that i've never heard before. its almost unrealistic to think that you'll fall in love with music that way. daniel's personality on stage is a show of sorts.
side note: if you wear earplugs at a live show, the music sounds MUCH better, and you can actually make out the instruments and what is being said.
if you have a friend who is into them, borrow Live From Faraway Stables. it is a CD/DVD of a full show from 2006. it will change how you feel about this band.
"In your case, I'll check my brain at the door and we'll start even, okay?"
Have you thanked a taper today?
Sydney - 11.03.1998
Melbourne - 18.02.2003
Sydney - 07.11.2006
Nijmegen - 28.06.2007
New York - 24.06.2008
London - 18.08.2009
London - 25.06.2010
Dude...not cool
you just lost major cool points dude
the one of me and daniel and the setlist are up in road reports:
"In your case, I'll check my brain at the door and we'll start even, okay?"
Have you thanked a taper today?
not that i know of, but i did come across this at best buy the other night:
looks like it's being reissued. it's confusing though. it says it's only the cd, but it lists 4 discs, but then the description says they're being released separate?
Do you think that will be coded for North American DVD players?
i didnt look at that link, but their is a US version out there. I ordered a US version from Oz before it was released here. If you like Neon Ballroom and Diorama, this is a MUST HAVE.
"In your case, I'll check my brain at the door and we'll start even, okay?"
Have you thanked a taper today?
I didn't know that there was a US version out there. I need to find that and order it asafp.
blows me away!
Possibly the most beautiful (musically) album in a very very long time.
if youve never heard the song Asylum, prepare to be blown away. one of Daniel's best, IMO.
"In your case, I'll check my brain at the door and we'll start even, okay?"
Have you thanked a taper today?