Zack De La Rocha continues to call for revolution
Oh how I wish i was at Rock the Bells. Zack dropped this bomb at the show!
"we need to rise up like the youth in Iraq and bring these fuckers to their knees"
And he said the band and he refuse to back down from calling for Bush to be tried and hung
There are very few people I agree with more in the world than Zack
Its a question of what we as a generation decide to do. Are we willing to graduate, get married have kids, buy our white houses and white picket fences. Or are we going to refuse that, and say "hey thats not how it works"
Bush is a murderer and killer and a war criminal.
And the only way to stop the goddamn war, isnt to go gaga for Obama or Hillary. They aint gonna end it folks.
As Ben Harper said "there are two ways things change. 1)people say "hey I aint going to stand for you putting your boots on my chest any more, and rising up or 2) manhattan being submerged in water due to global warming, or a similar crazy event. And he further stated, its past time for reform.
We need to rise up. Rise! RISE! This system doesnt give a crap about you. And if you think Obama and hilary give a damn about you you must be high on meth.
"we need to rise up like the youth in Iraq and bring these fuckers to their knees"
And he said the band and he refuse to back down from calling for Bush to be tried and hung
There are very few people I agree with more in the world than Zack
Its a question of what we as a generation decide to do. Are we willing to graduate, get married have kids, buy our white houses and white picket fences. Or are we going to refuse that, and say "hey thats not how it works"
Bush is a murderer and killer and a war criminal.
And the only way to stop the goddamn war, isnt to go gaga for Obama or Hillary. They aint gonna end it folks.
As Ben Harper said "there are two ways things change. 1)people say "hey I aint going to stand for you putting your boots on my chest any more, and rising up or 2) manhattan being submerged in water due to global warming, or a similar crazy event. And he further stated, its past time for reform.
We need to rise up. Rise! RISE! This system doesnt give a crap about you. And if you think Obama and hilary give a damn about you you must be high on meth.
Post edited by Unknown User on
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
couldnt disagree more. What better time than now to speak out to reference a rage lyric. I wouldnt say they are being kneejerk. Its like Ed saying Bush is a killer and people calling that kneejerk
Rage has been explicitly political from the beginning. it was clear they hated all politicans and that they felt the only solution was flat out revolution. A socialist society.
So to say they are being hyperbolic and kneejerk is ludicrous and stupid basically
If the government and economy that allows Zach to not only "continue to call for revolution," but also make millions of dollars while doing it, is so bad, let Mr. De La Rocha lob the first grenade. The mob mentality is bullshit, and Americans in general have had their asses powdered for so long that to hear a U.S. citizen call for revolution smacks of an absurd cry for relevance. So here's a challenge for Zach: Put your money where your mouth is. If you want to preach about some idealistic utopian socialism that only exists in a political vaccuum, that's fine, knock yourself out...God knows it's your right. If you want to represent your cause through charity, go right ahead, it can't hurt anything. However, if you are going to call for a bloody revolution (and glorify guerilla tactics), don't stop at rhetoric, and don't rely on a mob of your fans to do the dirty work. March your free ass to Washington, and make the morning papers. Otherwise, shut the hypocritical hole in your face.
Come on. I love Rage and I don't like the Bush administration. But you're not going to get a rap band to start a revolution.
To be honest, I think De La Rocha is very hypocritical. I've never really agreed or followed with Rage's politics, at least not the violent methods they seem to encourage.
I think that all this "we need Rage now more than ever" is kind of bullshit. They're a great band but they're not going to destroy the Bush administration. "But they're not trying to do that!" Well tell that to Tom Morello. Have you seen some of the interviews with him?
What's stupid is calling for Bush to be hung. It's stupid because it never could/should happen. It's also stupid because anyone continuing to call out Bush and not Cheney as the ultimate instigator of 90% of our woes either can't read or is too lazy to do so.
Our political troubles continue to be fueled by your Ann Coulters, Zach de la Rochas, Bill O'Reillys and Michael Moores. Provocate your masses with the most insane shit you can spew out of your mouth rather than sit down with the "bad guys" on "the other team" and discuss REAL issues with an eye toward REAL solutions.
Or you can just paint a swastika on George Bush's head and tell yourself you're making a difference...
i thought you were a pacfisit?
i giggle every time i see that.
Why would you criticize them for actually trying to make a difference on a large scale? If you don't like their message of sometimes violent uprising, then fair enough. But to scoff at them for trying to envoke change? Seems kinda low to me.
I agree, although I've never really understood why people say things like "we need *insert a defunct band here with political overtones* right now." Why does a person need a band to get the ball moving.
cos they're all talk and too pussy to do it themselves and know it will never happen so it's safer to just talk about how someone else should kick it off.
Those are not necessarily painted with the same brush - Zach is a poet/musician, Moore is a filmmaker. Coulter and O'Reilly are just talkers.
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
You know, I actually agree with some of what you have to say, but as an owner of a house and a fence, Im a little put off by that statement.
I see no reason why we cannot simply be politically active, while also working to support a family and home.
...and a white picket fence, or whatever icono-50's imagery that represents to you.
Nuclear fission
But they are all entertainers.
They are all part of the entertainment industry. They are all fringe. They're polarizing. They are all hot air. Zach is all talk. One of those punk tuffs who wouldn't have the balls to do anything more revolutionary than cash royalty checks. His tirades are pure marketing.
You know that for a fact? Or is that what you want to think?
Believe what you want to believe. Zack is counting on you to lead his revolution. You first! He'll be right behind you.
Okay, that didn't answer the question. More specifically what I was asking was, what leads you to believe that he's all talk? Is there actually something he did to make you think this, or is it just because you don't like him and/or his message?
becos he's onstage calling for a violent and bloody revolution... while he is onstage making money talking about it. he's got enough $. why isn't he in the streets of dc gunning people down? cos he's full of shit and his revolution talk is just part of his image.
Or maybe if he started gunning people down, he'd be thrown in jail for life and boom, that would be the end of his attempts at starting a fire. If he tried to start a revolution right now, it would die before it ever started. Do you think he's a moron or something? If he had the right support behind him, then he could very well do it. I'm not saying he definitely would, because I don't know him. But all signs point to it.
Perfectly stated.
I have no issue with his opposition to the current administration. I have no issue with his opposition to the war. I have no issue with the music - in fact I like much of it. But some fans need to figure it out - he's an entertainer who has been taliking shit for years.
Let's turn it around and send it back to those who think he's "the man." What specific revolutionary actions has Zack taken which lead you to believe he's the real deal?
the right support? what would qualify as the right support? he's had 7 years and for most of it he was nowhere to be seen. suddenly audioslave breaks up and he's screaming revolution. if he were so devoted, what was he doing the other 5 years? apparently not planning a revolution.
all im saying is if he wants to praise iraqi insurgents then he should stop preaching and pick up a weapon and put his money and actions where his mouth is. and this is coming from a ralph nader supporting, george bush hating, anti-iraq war from the day we invaded afghanistan liberal. he's blowing hot air and preaching dorm room politics that help burnouts everywhere feel like they're edgy and sticking it to the man by listening to ratm and hanging a che poster next to the marley-blunt one in their dorm and trying to grow dreadlocks.
Oh how true this is.
Do any of you think RATM would have got back together if none of this terrorist/war shit was going on ??
It's just more marketting !!
Plus, ironically, after teh revolution he wants, anyone calling for destruction of the then current government would be shot down. That's where the true hipocrisy lies.
Zach would not be able to exist in teh world he is calling for, nor would our mate Che the thread starter.
VIVA LA REVOLUCION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Alyce Mahon
maybe he should have been working on building his guerilla army if he's so gung ho on a revolution... but that might cut into his profit margin i suppose.
A limousine revolutionaire. I like the band, but it is impossible to take these guys seriously on any type of revolutionary message.
you deserve a medal for that statement. absolutley spot on.