right well let's not get crazy. audioslave put together some truly awesome songs. euphoria morning was kinda beautiful. carry on? hell to the no. the bond theme, to me, is unlistenable, but not as wretched as the latest one by jack white and alicia keys.
he's just been on a steep decline in recent years. sweeping judgements are.... well, sweepingly judgemental. ha.
This song is actually pretty decent. I actually dont think Scream is not that bad either to be honest...especially if the ridiculous Timbaland vocals in the middle were not there. That being said, Long Gone, Ground Zero, and especially Watch Out are all abominations.
um.. but i understand both sides of the equation here.. cc wants to create music that is outside the box of what he's done before. some may call it career suicide, some may call it artistic expression.
in the very beginning when i learned of the timbaland collab, i thought, this can't be good. i thought my cc listening days were over at best. then the clip for verizon came out and although it was only a few seconds, i actually felt the beat or the melody or whatever it's technically called was pretty catchy. now rock is my baby, i love it, i live it, i breathe it therefore i vomit it too sometimes (ok, so that was a gross analogy), hint.. I'm no writer! i love all kinds of music. anything from earth wind and fire to cc, to some,not all country, to justin (yes, timberlake) to.. you name it, i've listened and enjoyed! the only thing i totally despise are bubble gum pop boy bands, i.e., currently the jonas bro's. but i must endure if i'm going to live in the house with my 13 yr old boy crazy for nick jonas daughter. oy!
i told you i wasn't a writer!
long gone was leaked and the manufactured sound of the timbalands beats were a little scary for me.. but beyond that i heard that soulful wail that of cc and i couldn't turn away. i think when an artist does something that is completely different than what you're used to hearing, it's gonna create huge debates, good and bad. i'm sure when cc made euphoria morning, a lot of fans turned their backs. i don't think many saw it coming, i didn't! so i'm assuming a lot of people couldn't really talk about euphoria morning before it came out, hell, there wasn't a lot of marketing and promotion done with it either. yes, there was "seasons" and "sunshower" pre euphoria morning, but i never saw the coming of e.m., although maybe i wasn't paying much attention at that point either. regardless of my lack of grammar or knowledge because i'm half asleep.. euphoria morning is my favorite upon favorites ever! the album did not have commercial success which is extremely unfortunate, but nothing will ever rise above e.m on the hierarchy ladder of music in my brain. look.. cc's music has taken me to dark places and has brought me out of dark places. this is just another cog in the wheel of his career. cc said in an interview a long long time ago, and don't quote me 'cause i'm not 100% sure if this is accurate but, didn't he once say something to the extent that he makes music that makes him happy? if it succeeds great, if it doesn't, oh well, onto the next project. i think cc makes music, just to make music. i think he essentially likes making different kinds of music and that probably keeps it fresh and exciting for him too (you know, like a new relationship). the chris cornell that we all know and love isn't gone, you heard that with 2 drink minimum. do i think there will be more surprises like that on "scream", i doubt it, but i've been absolutely wrong before. do i think that chris sold out? who cares! do i think that his career as a "rock god" is over? That answer would be FAR FROM NO! he said in his blog.. "you aint seen nothing yet!" do i think cc wrote that? it doesn't matter. at the end of the day his voice isn't gonna put food on my table so i can't worry about it if he wrote the blog with his fingers or not. i loveee chris cornell, everyone who knows me knows that! the people that surround me in my everyday life want to puke when i mention cc's name. they constantly bitch and moan.. oh god, here she goes again! i have magazine clippings inside my cabinets at work, i talk about him with my patients! even my patients roll their eyes when i talk about cc! but who cares, it's all in fun. i know where to draw my own lines.. in my personal life, some may think i'm obsessed. maybe i have tendencies? but like i said above... i can't worry about the little things such as the verizon ad in the fashion magazine and whether cc sold out or not. is it exciting thinking that maybe he is interacting with his fans on the net?, sure!! but does his magazine ads or what tooth brush he uses in the morning sway my decision to buy his album?, hell no. I'll buy it. i'll give it 100% of my listening ability. and all i can hope for in the end is that cc continues to put out music for my listening pleasure or yours. i also always look foward to reading these crazy threads that are like 2000 pages long of rants, complaints, praises, even god and chris cornell. it's pretty amusing actually. end.
Two-drink minimum - kinda what you'd need to have before you could listen to Scream without running the risk of becoming violenty ill.
hahaha, that's what I thought when I first read the title of the song. It's a shame its at the end of the CD because by then it will be too late.....vomit everywhere
welcome to a real board "sweetu4ria" , thanks for streetteaming here but your efforts are wasted , try boards where members aren't that knowledgable like some of the other crap you listen to.
Would it be too much of a stretch to bet that some late-comers to this thread didn't sign up cos they love Pearl Jam?
To be fair, she (I'm just assuming ) tried her best. There was an attempt at subjectivity.
"I remember one night at Muzdalifa with nothing but the sky overhead, I lay awake amid sleeping Muslim brothers and I learned that pilgrims from every land — every colour, and class, and rank; high officials and the beggar alike — all snored in the same language"
lol... I hope people aren't insinuating that I am a street teamer. I pissed people off on the CC board and got so sick of the ballwashing that I came here. Pearl Jam is one of my favorite bands as is most of the grunge bands and Seattle bands. Regardless, good to see some positive feedback from this "hidden track". After this convo dies we can all go back to trashing CC. Hey, I'd like to bash the new layout/look of his myspace and his new site right now if there are any takers.
I must say though that some of you guys give yourselves way too much credit for calling out street teamers or actually thinking that CC honestly consistently comes here to get an objective opinion. It's like a Salem witch hunt sometimes.
lol... I hope people aren't insinuating that I am a street teamer. I pissed people off on the CC board and got so sick of the ballwashing that I came here. Pearl Jam is one of my favorite bands as is most of the grunge bands and Seattle bands. Regardless, good to see some positive feedback from this "hidden track". After this convo dies we can all go back to trashing CC. Hey, I'd like to bash the new layout/look of his myspace and his new site right now if there are any takers.
I must say though that some of you guys give yourselves way too much credit for calling out street teamers or actually thinking that CC honestly consistently comes here to get an objective opinion. It's like a Salem witch hunt sometimes.
They are referring to Sweetu4ria, a user who has ONE post, defending Cornell. It's not the first time it has happened here. Is it really a witch hunt or is it just an online community wishing people wouldn't sign up with the sole intention of advertising another artist and attempting to dispel any negative discussion?
"I remember one night at Muzdalifa with nothing but the sky overhead, I lay awake amid sleeping Muslim brothers and I learned that pilgrims from every land — every colour, and class, and rank; high officials and the beggar alike — all snored in the same language"
They are referring to Sweetu4ria, a user who has ONE post, defending Cornell. It's not the first time it has happened here. Is it really a witch hunt or is it just an online community wishing people wouldn't sign up with the sole intention of advertising another artist and attempting to dispel any negative discussion?
Especially considering it's a known and popular tactic of that particular street team. And the name is something of a giveaway. "Sweetu4ia"... not even trying to hide the Cornell affiliations.
Smokey Robinson constantly looks like he's trying to act natural after being accused of farting.
They are referring to Sweetu4ria, a user who has ONE post, defending Cornell. It's not the first time it has happened here. Is it really a witch hunt or is it just an online community wishing people wouldn't sign up with the sole intention of advertising another artist and attempting to dispel any negative discussion?
The streetteamers took over the board here when Carry On came out. It was litterally a flood of people with 1 or 2 post making new threads about Cornell left and right. I think that's part of the reason people over here are so quick to call out the streetteamers.
Off topc,but here's a video of him singing "Hunger Strike" with Chester Bennington. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2NxeZVv4Nqk I prefer the original,this song is nothing without Eddie!
To Someone Who Needed To Move Their Car:"Congratulations! You win,you get towed!"-E.V.
ilovesinging-The crazy lady that you catch in detention. Yeah,you can talk to me.
I am me-I would love to keep it that way.
um.. but i understand both sides of the equation here.. cc wants to create music that is outside the box of what he's done before. some may call it career suicide, some may call it artistic expression.
in the very beginning when i learned of the timbaland collab, i thought, this can't be good. i thought my cc listening days were over at best. then the clip for verizon came out and although it was only a few seconds, i actually felt the beat or the melody or whatever it's technically called was pretty catchy. now rock is my baby, i love it, i live it, i breathe it therefore i vomit it too sometimes (ok, so that was a gross analogy), hint.. I'm no writer! i love all kinds of music. anything from earth wind and fire to cc, to some,not all country, to justin (yes, timberlake) to.. you name it, i've listened and enjoyed! the only thing i totally despise are bubble gum pop boy bands, i.e., currently the jonas bro's. but i must endure if i'm going to live in the house with my 13 yr old boy crazy for nick jonas daughter. oy!
i told you i wasn't a writer!
long gone was leaked and the manufactured sound of the timbalands beats were a little scary for me.. but beyond that i heard that soulful wail that of cc and i couldn't turn away. i think when an artist does something that is completely different than what you're used to hearing, it's gonna create huge debates, good and bad. i'm sure when cc made euphoria morning, a lot of fans turned their backs. i don't think many saw it coming, i didn't! so i'm assuming a lot of people couldn't really talk about euphoria morning before it came out, hell, there wasn't a lot of marketing and promotion done with it either. yes, there was "seasons" and "sunshower" pre euphoria morning, but i never saw the coming of e.m., although maybe i wasn't paying much attention at that point either. regardless of my lack of grammar or knowledge because i'm half asleep.. euphoria morning is my favorite upon favorites ever! the album did not have commercial success which is extremely unfortunate, but nothing will ever rise above e.m on the hierarchy ladder of music in my brain. look.. cc's music has taken me to dark places and has brought me out of dark places. this is just another cog in the wheel of his career. cc said in an interview a long long time ago, and don't quote me 'cause i'm not 100% sure if this is accurate but, didn't he once say something to the extent that he makes music that makes him happy? if it succeeds great, if it doesn't, oh well, onto the next project. i think cc makes music, just to make music. i think he essentially likes making different kinds of music and that probably keeps it fresh and exciting for him too (you know, like a new relationship). the chris cornell that we all know and love isn't gone, you heard that with 2 drink minimum. do i think there will be more surprises like that on "scream", i doubt it, but i've been absolutely wrong before. do i think that chris sold out? who cares! do i think that his career as a "rock god" is over? That answer would be FAR FROM NO! he said in his blog.. "you aint seen nothing yet!" do i think cc wrote that? it doesn't matter. at the end of the day his voice isn't gonna put food on my table so i can't worry about it if he wrote the blog with his fingers or not. i loveee chris cornell, everyone who knows me knows that! the people that surround me in my everyday life want to puke when i mention cc's name. they constantly bitch and moan.. oh god, here she goes again! i have magazine clippings inside my cabinets at work, i talk about him with my patients! even my patients roll their eyes when i talk about cc! but who cares, it's all in fun. i know where to draw my own lines.. in my personal life, some may think i'm obsessed. maybe i have tendencies? but like i said above... i can't worry about the little things such as the verizon ad in the fashion magazine and whether cc sold out or not. is it exciting thinking that maybe he is interacting with his fans on the net?, sure!! but does his magazine ads or what tooth brush he uses in the morning sway my decision to buy his album?, hell no. I'll buy it. i'll give it 100% of my listening ability. and all i can hope for in the end is that cc continues to put out music for my listening pleasure or yours. i also always look foward to reading these crazy threads that are like 2000 pages long of rants, complaints, praises, even god and chris cornell. it's pretty amusing actually. end.
Hunger Strike might be my favorite song of all time if somebody put a gun to my head and made me pick. It's always interesting to see the guys Eddie or Chris pick to sing the other part. I've seen Shaun Morgan with Chris, Wolfmother lead singer with Eddie. The biggest surprise for me was an Audioslave show where Wilk sang Eddie's part from the drums.
But I've never really been embarrassed until now with Linkin Park lead singer in his wife beater singing Eddie's part. Damn shame.
I'm also just not getting these sort of statements. I mean as another guy mentioned there was a lot of great material from Audioslave that was not too disimiliar to music Soundgarden wrote. I also read in another thread someone saying that CC hadn't produced anything good since 1994?!!!! -that includes DOTU, Audioslave and EM.
These people seem to be either incredibly casual listners of CC's back catalogue or there is more motivating their Cornell bashing than simply the fact he released an album they don't approve of.
Or can't people just have that opinion because the song is that good? Whomever said he hadn't done anything good since '94, that to me is ridiculous. But the reason I say "Two Drink Minimum" is his best song since EM is due to my finding Audioslave a bit tiring and repetitive. Were there moments of brilliance? Absolutely. There are fantastic songs all over those three albums. But this song is almost like new territory for Cornell, but in a good way. Its a completely different style, yet its still him. My problem with the rest of Scream is there is about 99% Timbaland and 1% Cornell. Its not good music, its not good songwriting. Very boring, and very generic. It does no justice to Cornell as the great musician and songwriter he is. Two Drink Minimum is nothing like the rest of it. Seems Timbaland was nowhere around when that one went down.
And I think it goes without saying the song is better than anything on Carry On, and I'm one of the ones who actually likes Carry On
I really enjoyed Carry On; I agree that Two Drink Minimum beats a lot of them but some were really exceptional; Silence The Voices, Disappearing Act and Ghosts to name three.
or actually thinking that CC honestly consistently comes here to get an objective opinion.
I agree with this... he said one time in an interview when asked about fan feedback that an artist can't go to their own website for real feedback, but that other bands' websites would be more accurate (and he cited PJ's as a theoretical example). People seem to take that like he logs in here and reads all we're saying, which is probably at least 99% not true.
It's a town full of losers and I'm pulling out of here to win
I am a pearl jam fan. I just never joined the forums. Lurker was I? Yes. Any particular reason for joining all of a sudden.. Nah, just felt like it.
To those who think I'm just street teaming? Nope. Just couldn't sleep. Was reading the post and I felt compelled to tell my story. Read it or not, I don't give a flying fuc-!
Those who know of me will know that i'm not an avid poster on the cc forum either. I post when i find it interesting to do so.. Like I mentioned in my earlier post, I'm not a writer. I'm also not a person that particularly likes confrontation so I tend to shy away from all of it. That's wny when all the crap slinging starts over at the cc boards, you won't see my name. I'm not proud that I shy away from confrontation but that's what therapy is for
I also didn't come here with the means to promote cc in my last post either. My initial comment was to say that I understand both sides (people who do like the new music and those who don't). Maybe I didn't put forth what I had originally attempted, oh well, shit happens. And... I do know I shouldn't care what you all think, but I do... You can all pounce on me now!! Some of you seem to really good at that.
he's just been on a steep decline in recent years. sweeping judgements are.... well, sweepingly judgemental. ha.
But the point here is that CC's still got it. That song could be right up there with his other brilliant solo work... off EM, Sunshower, Seasons, etc.
It also reaffirms my longtime belief that CC should come out with a blues album.
Then again, if you think highly of Two Drink Minimum it also makes this Timbaland collaboration even more tragic...
Oh come ON...
this just makes me more confused as to why the hell he is doing this electronic shit. man his voice sounded amazing.
bring out a blues album next chris! please!!!
YieldInHiding: "RED DOT is an intermission...not "filler." I hate that word. Filler is what's in a Twinkie."
um.. but i understand both sides of the equation here.. cc wants to create music that is outside the box of what he's done before. some may call it career suicide, some may call it artistic expression.
in the very beginning when i learned of the timbaland collab, i thought, this can't be good. i thought my cc listening days were over at best. then the clip for verizon came out and although it was only a few seconds, i actually felt the beat or the melody or whatever it's technically called was pretty catchy. now rock is my baby, i love it, i live it, i breathe it therefore i vomit it too sometimes (ok, so that was a gross analogy), hint.. I'm no writer! i love all kinds of music. anything from earth wind and fire to cc, to some,not all country, to justin (yes, timberlake) to.. you name it, i've listened and enjoyed! the only thing i totally despise are bubble gum pop boy bands, i.e., currently the jonas bro's. but i must endure if i'm going to live in the house with my 13 yr old boy crazy for nick jonas daughter. oy!
i told you i wasn't a writer!
long gone was leaked and the manufactured sound of the timbalands beats were a little scary for me.. but beyond that i heard that soulful wail that of cc and i couldn't turn away. i think when an artist does something that is completely different than what you're used to hearing, it's gonna create huge debates, good and bad. i'm sure when cc made euphoria morning, a lot of fans turned their backs. i don't think many saw it coming, i didn't! so i'm assuming a lot of people couldn't really talk about euphoria morning before it came out, hell, there wasn't a lot of marketing and promotion done with it either. yes, there was "seasons" and "sunshower" pre euphoria morning, but i never saw the coming of e.m., although maybe i wasn't paying much attention at that point either. regardless of my lack of grammar or knowledge because i'm half asleep.. euphoria morning is my favorite upon favorites ever! the album did not have commercial success which is extremely unfortunate, but nothing will ever rise above e.m on the hierarchy ladder of music in my brain. look.. cc's music has taken me to dark places and has brought me out of dark places. this is just another cog in the wheel of his career. cc said in an interview a long long time ago, and don't quote me 'cause i'm not 100% sure if this is accurate but, didn't he once say something to the extent that he makes music that makes him happy? if it succeeds great, if it doesn't, oh well, onto the next project. i think cc makes music, just to make music. i think he essentially likes making different kinds of music and that probably keeps it fresh and exciting for him too (you know, like a new relationship). the chris cornell that we all know and love isn't gone, you heard that with 2 drink minimum. do i think there will be more surprises like that on "scream", i doubt it, but i've been absolutely wrong before. do i think that chris sold out? who cares! do i think that his career as a "rock god" is over? That answer would be FAR FROM NO! he said in his blog.. "you aint seen nothing yet!" do i think cc wrote that? it doesn't matter. at the end of the day his voice isn't gonna put food on my table so i can't worry about it if he wrote the blog with his fingers or not. i loveee chris cornell, everyone who knows me knows that! the people that surround me in my everyday life want to puke when i mention cc's name. they constantly bitch and moan.. oh god, here she goes again! i have magazine clippings inside my cabinets at work, i talk about him with my patients! even my patients roll their eyes when i talk about cc! but who cares, it's all in fun. i know where to draw my own lines.. in my personal life, some may think i'm obsessed. maybe i have tendencies? but like i said above... i can't worry about the little things such as the verizon ad in the fashion magazine and whether cc sold out or not. is it exciting thinking that maybe he is interacting with his fans on the net?, sure!! but does his magazine ads or what tooth brush he uses in the morning sway my decision to buy his album?, hell no. I'll buy it. i'll give it 100% of my listening ability. and all i can hope for in the end is that cc continues to put out music for my listening pleasure or yours. i also always look foward to reading these crazy threads that are like 2000 pages long of rants, complaints, praises, even god and chris cornell. it's pretty amusing actually. end.
hahaha, that's what I thought when I first read the title of the song. It's a shame its at the end of the CD because by then it will be too late.....vomit everywhere
This is fucking hilarious
ilovesinging-The crazy lady that you catch in detention. Yeah,you can talk to me.
I am me-I would love to keep it that way.
The 'new' CC site is filled with a bunch of unbearable claqueurs...
I must say though that some of you guys give yourselves way too much credit for calling out street teamers or actually thinking that CC honestly consistently comes here to get an objective opinion. It's like a Salem witch hunt sometimes.
The streetteamers took over the board here when Carry On came out. It was litterally a flood of people with 1 or 2 post making new threads about Cornell left and right. I think that's part of the reason people over here are so quick to call out the streetteamers.
ilovesinging-The crazy lady that you catch in detention. Yeah,you can talk to me.
I am me-I would love to keep it that way.
Holy wall of text.
But I've never really been embarrassed until now with Linkin Park lead singer in his wife beater singing Eddie's part. Damn shame.
Or can't people just have that opinion because the song is that good? Whomever said he hadn't done anything good since '94, that to me is ridiculous. But the reason I say "Two Drink Minimum" is his best song since EM is due to my finding Audioslave a bit tiring and repetitive. Were there moments of brilliance? Absolutely. There are fantastic songs all over those three albums. But this song is almost like new territory for Cornell, but in a good way. Its a completely different style, yet its still him. My problem with the rest of Scream is there is about 99% Timbaland and 1% Cornell. Its not good music, its not good songwriting. Very boring, and very generic. It does no justice to Cornell as the great musician and songwriter he is. Two Drink Minimum is nothing like the rest of it. Seems Timbaland was nowhere around when that one went down.
And I think it goes without saying the song is better than anything on Carry On, and I'm one of the ones who actually likes Carry On
8/25/92, 10/4/96, 10/5/96, 9/1/98, 9/4/98, 8/4/00, 8/6/00, 4/15/03, 4/16/03, 10/6/04, 6/16/08
I agree with this... he said one time in an interview when asked about fan feedback that an artist can't go to their own website for real feedback, but that other bands' websites would be more accurate (and he cited PJ's as a theoretical example). People seem to take that like he logs in here and reads all we're saying, which is probably at least 99% not true.
To those who think I'm just street teaming? Nope. Just couldn't sleep. Was reading the post and I felt compelled to tell my story. Read it or not, I don't give a flying fuc-!
Those who know of me will know that i'm not an avid poster on the cc forum either. I post when i find it interesting to do so.. Like I mentioned in my earlier post, I'm not a writer. I'm also not a person that particularly likes confrontation so I tend to shy away from all of it. That's wny when all the crap slinging starts over at the cc boards, you won't see my name. I'm not proud that I shy away from confrontation but that's what therapy is for
I also didn't come here with the means to promote cc in my last post either. My initial comment was to say that I understand both sides (people who do like the new music and those who don't). Maybe I didn't put forth what I had originally attempted, oh well, shit happens. And... I do know I shouldn't care what you all think, but I do... You can all pounce on me now!! Some of you seem to really good at that.