Alright, here's 2 new GNR songs leaked!



  • One other thing...You guys are analyzing this songs as if they were FINISHED versions. Saying things like 'it sounds hollow' etc...Proper mix & mastering will fix that kind of thing.

    I actually heard IRS on the radio today and it was OK - I think the negativity going around is people are saying they waited this long for Chinese Democracy and we are just now getting rough demoes? WTF - finish the freakin album already so we can move on with our lives.
    "This guy back here is giving me the ole one more back to you buddy."

    - Mr. Edward Vedder 7/11/03

  • JPS79 wrote:
    I still listen to the old stuff from time to time, but gnr's time has come & went a long time ago. This might have been relevent back in the late 90's but just doesn't intrest me now.

    Man, i can't agree with that.

    The only thing I CAN say is that I PERSONALY would be much more interested if SLASH or ANY OTHER FOUNDING MEMBER was still involved.

    That really is a fucking downer to me.

    That being said the two new tracks being talked about here are "OK", imho.

    They aren't so far gone like "MY WORLD" as I was expecting ...

    the ending bit of "better" (the file i downloaded ends around 1:20?) sounds like FACE POLUTION by Soundgarden !?!


    oh well.
    any axl is better than no axl, i guess.


    i miss slash!

    edit: after having given both several listens
    i want to comment that the GUITAR WORK IS VERY SIMPLISTIC compared to a lot of the old GnR material ...
    you can argue that with me, if you want ... but i've been playing GnR songs on guitar for a while now and these songs are both just sliding a power chord up 3 times over ... chunka-chunka-chunka ... and i do not like the "modern" guitar sound all that much ... this should not sound like POD, for godsake ... I know the chords have to match what axl is singing ... but compared to a song like Don't Damn Me or something ... this is just boring ...

    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • They are demos...
    Main Entry: iro·ny Pronunciation: 'ī-r&-ne also 'ī(-&)r-neFunction: nounInflected Form(s): plural -niesEtymology: Latin ironia, from Greek eirOnia,

    2 a : the use of words to express something other than and especially the opposite of the literal meaning.
  • bobasfeetbobasfeet Posts: 1,168
    They are demos...

    Not bad for demos.
  • pjtradekingpjtradeking Posts: 4,045
    Did I miss these? When I tries to listen, they said they were asked to take them down. Anyone have them, or am I just blind? I would love to hear these, I would appreciate any help.

    Never, ever, flipping forget
    "Free Shipping" SPEEDY MCCREADY

    My friend was going to see Eddie last night. Since he was in Vegas, I gave him 5 Grand to gamble with. I told him I wanted it all to go on Black. Bastard! PhillyCrownOfThorns-11-2-12
  • pjtradekingpjtradeking Posts: 4,045
    Nevermind, found them..thanks though.
    Never, ever, flipping forget
    "Free Shipping" SPEEDY MCCREADY

    My friend was going to see Eddie last night. Since he was in Vegas, I gave him 5 Grand to gamble with. I told him I wanted it all to go on Black. Bastard! PhillyCrownOfThorns-11-2-12
  • AxlUlrichAxlUlrich Posts: 12,652
    heres a link for T.W.A.T

    yeh these demos will definitely change cos they I.R.S still has Buckethead on it
    LIVERPOOL FC -18 time League Champions-15 time Charity Shield Holders-7 time League Cup Winners-7 time FA Cup Winners-5 time European Champions-4 time UEFA Cup Winners-3 time European Super Cup Winners-1 time World Super Cup Winners

    Walk on with hope in your heart
  • the guitar riff from IRS is much the same to The Garden from Illusion1.
  • eMMIeMMI Posts: 6,262
    AxlUlrich wrote:
    heres a link for T.W.A.T

    yeh these demos will definitely change cos they I.R.S still has Buckethead on it

    thanks for that one. :)

    I'm really surprised.. I never really believed Chinese Democracy would come out.
    "Don't be faint-hearted, I have a solution! We shall go and commandeer some small craft, then drift at leisure until we happen upon another ideal place for our waterside supper with riparian entertainments."
  • AxlUlrichAxlUlrich Posts: 12,652
    eMMI wrote:
    thanks for that one. :)

    I'm really surprised.. I never really believed Chinese Democracy would come out.
    it definitely does exist :)

    heres an extended "Better"..the chorus rules
    LIVERPOOL FC -18 time League Champions-15 time Charity Shield Holders-7 time League Cup Winners-7 time FA Cup Winners-5 time European Champions-4 time UEFA Cup Winners-3 time European Super Cup Winners-1 time World Super Cup Winners

    Walk on with hope in your heart
  • Better is my favorite, I wish I had a full length version.

    I like the lyrics a lot.
    The Official Matt Cameron appreciation signature!
  • i know these are just demos, but the album looks verrrrry promising. I've liked every new song ive heard so far: madagascar, the blues, chinese democracy, better, irs, and there was a time. i'm really lookin forward to it if/when it finally gets released.
  • prljam85prljam85 Posts: 227
    Its not too bad. I was expecting worse
  • bobasfeetbobasfeet Posts: 1,168
    Are there more leaked demos?
  • AxlUlrichAxlUlrich Posts: 12,652
    bobasfeet wrote:
    Are there more leaked demos?
    nope..the next one to leak will be the full version of "Better" or the rumored 3 instrumentals on the demo disc
    LIVERPOOL FC -18 time League Champions-15 time Charity Shield Holders-7 time League Cup Winners-7 time FA Cup Winners-5 time European Champions-4 time UEFA Cup Winners-3 time European Super Cup Winners-1 time World Super Cup Winners

    Walk on with hope in your heart
  • bobasfeetbobasfeet Posts: 1,168
    AxlUlrich wrote:
    nope..the next one to leak will be the full version of "Better" or the rumored 3 instrumentals on the demo disc

    The finished "Better" will rock.
  • pjtradekingpjtradeking Posts: 4,045
    I just got done listening to 'there was a time', and I gotta say that I am really digging this shit BIG TIME! Demos or not, and long overdue or not, Axl is an amazing lyrycist and composer imho. I was a g-n-r fanatic back in the days before PJ, and this is amazing. Anyone else like it, or am I on the usual lonely island alone again??
    Never, ever, flipping forget
    "Free Shipping" SPEEDY MCCREADY

    My friend was going to see Eddie last night. Since he was in Vegas, I gave him 5 Grand to gamble with. I told him I wanted it all to go on Black. Bastard! PhillyCrownOfThorns-11-2-12
  • I just got done listening to 'there was a time', and I gotta say that I am really digging this shit BIG TIME! Demos or not, and long overdue or not, Axl is an amazing lyrycist and composer imho. I was a g-n-r fanatic back in the days before PJ, and this is amazing. Anyone else like it, or am I on the usual lonely island alone again??

    you aren't alone!!
  • hey AxlUlrich where are u gettin these songs from they were supposed to be stopped, are u like axl's associate or somethin?
  • AxlUlrichAxlUlrich Posts: 12,652
    bobasfeet wrote:
    The finished "Better" will rock.
    you're so fucking right!! the 2 min leaked version really does show you the direction where the song is going to and wow..its my fave so far.
    hey AxlUlrich where are u gettin these songs from they were supposed to be stopped, are u like axl's associate or somethin?
    haha...if i was Axl's associate i would be removing the links :)
    LIVERPOOL FC -18 time League Champions-15 time Charity Shield Holders-7 time League Cup Winners-7 time FA Cup Winners-5 time European Champions-4 time UEFA Cup Winners-3 time European Super Cup Winners-1 time World Super Cup Winners

    Walk on with hope in your heart
  • Better is the better one, TWAT and Better sound like they are written about Stephanie.
    i think the full version of Better is the last of the songs that should be leaked no more, we dont axl pissed off and further delaying the album.
    i wonder if the songs came from the NYC club outting, maybe someone there copied them somehow?
  • I just got done listening to 'there was a time', and I gotta say that I am really digging this shit BIG TIME! Demos or not, and long overdue or not, Axl is an amazing lyrycist and composer imho. I was a g-n-r fanatic back in the days before PJ, and this is amazing. Anyone else like it, or am I on the usual lonely island alone again??

    there was a time is awesome.
  • bobasfeetbobasfeet Posts: 1,168
    I just got done listening to 'there was a time', and I gotta say that I am really digging this shit BIG TIME! Demos or not, and long overdue or not, Axl is an amazing lyrycist and composer imho. I was a g-n-r fanatic back in the days before PJ, and this is amazing. Anyone else like it, or am I on the usual lonely island alone again??

    You're not're never alone.
  • AxlUlrichAxlUlrich Posts: 12,652
    hell yeh you're definitely not alone
    but some of the gn'r fans i know don't really like T.W.A.T as much as Better and I.R.S.
    i cant wait to hear the full version of "Better" the chorus just explodes in your face!
    LIVERPOOL FC -18 time League Champions-15 time Charity Shield Holders-7 time League Cup Winners-7 time FA Cup Winners-5 time European Champions-4 time UEFA Cup Winners-3 time European Super Cup Winners-1 time World Super Cup Winners

    Walk on with hope in your heart
  • liking the songs more and more with each listen.

    i have also heard a studio version of the song chinese democracy. a friend of mine has had two versions of the song for over a year now. he plays me the song every time i see him, but its not very often, so ive only heard it a few times. hope he lets it out now that there are some songs getting out.
  • AxlUlrichAxlUlrich Posts: 12,652
    only heard like 8 seconds of the studio version of "Chinese Democracy"
    so far so good...the live version is pretty good too
    LIVERPOOL FC -18 time League Champions-15 time Charity Shield Holders-7 time League Cup Winners-7 time FA Cup Winners-5 time European Champions-4 time UEFA Cup Winners-3 time European Super Cup Winners-1 time World Super Cup Winners

    Walk on with hope in your heart
  • how did u get to hear that?
  • AxlUlrichAxlUlrich Posts: 12,652
    how did u get to hear that?
    radio promo for their 2002 tour...had studio clips of Madagascar and The Blues too
    LIVERPOOL FC -18 time League Champions-15 time Charity Shield Holders-7 time League Cup Winners-7 time FA Cup Winners-5 time European Champions-4 time UEFA Cup Winners-3 time European Super Cup Winners-1 time World Super Cup Winners

    Walk on with hope in your heart
  • Better is such a good song. Like what was said before, the album version is going to be so good.
  • here's a link for two other songs live from their last tour that are supposed to be on chinese democracy...the blues from pittsburg and madagascar from cleveland
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