skip to 1:10....taht is what I cant get out of my head when I hear the "dracula" parts
Haha!! yeah that's the voice. I hadn't seen that movie yet so the Count was the first one to pop into mind.
Nice find! still need to see that movie. That guy was a trip in Knocked Up
“I know this song so well, I can smoke a cigarette, have a drink, brush my teeth, take a shit, and mow the lawn while singing it. But I'll only be doing a couple of those things during this version.”
I wish i was more familiar with some of these guys guitar work because i'd be intrested to know who plays what leads.
I can pick out most of Bucketheads leads. I'm also thinking Better is a combo of both Buckethead taking the early leads and then Robin Finck playing the bluesier ones at the end.
Who plays the "If the World" and "There was a time" leads?
Also, I think the title track, There was a Time, and Riad n' the Bedouins are my favorites so far.
Buckethead plays the ITW solo, and Robin plays the first half of the TWAT solo and Bucket plays the second half. Out of five guitarists, I hear buckets, fincks, and bumbles playing throughout. I can't pick up any parts from Richard Fortus or Paul Tobias....they're prob. buried DEEP in the mix.
skip to 1:10....taht is what I cant get out of my head when I hear the "dracula" parts
Ha ha ha!! I thought that exact same thing when I heard it. I kept thinking Axel was going to start singing about Van Helsing. Hilarious.
PJ: 2003 Mansfield: July 2 2004 Boston: Sept 28 & 29 2005 Montreal: Sept 15 2006 Boston: May 24 & 25 2008 Hartford: June 27, Mansfield: June 28, 2010 Boston: May 17 2013 Worcester: Oct 15, Hartford: Oct 25, 2016 Hampton: April 18, Raleigh: April 20 (cancelled), Columbia: April 21. Quebec: May 5. Boston (Fenway): August 7
Buckethead plays the ITW solo, and Robin plays the first half of the TWAT solo and Bucket plays the second half. Out of five guitarists, I hear buckets, fincks, and bumbles playing throughout. I can't pick up any parts from Richard Fortus or Paul Tobias....they're prob. buried DEEP in the mix.
ah so thats why the entire album sounds like a crowded heavy metal circle jerk... its amazing that with all the overproduction they left so much chaotic layering that does nothing constructive for the songs... the more i listen to it the LESS i like it
ah so thats why the entire album sounds like a crowded heavy metal circle jerk... its amazing that with all the overproduction they left so much chaotic layering that does nothing constructive for the songs... the more i listen to it the LESS i like it
Yeah, Slash's absence is definitely evident. You know what else?......the profanity! What is a Guns N' Roses album without the parental advisory stamp on it! I miss the "Get in the Ring" days.
PJ: 2003 Mansfield: July 2 2004 Boston: Sept 28 & 29 2005 Montreal: Sept 15 2006 Boston: May 24 & 25 2008 Hartford: June 27, Mansfield: June 28, 2010 Boston: May 17 2013 Worcester: Oct 15, Hartford: Oct 25, 2016 Hampton: April 18, Raleigh: April 20 (cancelled), Columbia: April 21. Quebec: May 5. Boston (Fenway): August 7
after my first listen, i like it. however, i think it's going to be one of those albums i might have in heavy rotation for a while, then forget about it. most likely be replaced with one of the Kings Of Leon albums=p
if you want my generic response? "It wasn't worth waiting 14 years for it". that being said, i still think its a pretty good record. what would really be worth waiting 14 years for? not a whole lot.
I dont care what anyone says about Axl...Whether he is an asshole..a primadonna....nuts...full of himself or WHATEVER....and I also dont care that this was 14 years in the making.....
This is one of the BEST records I have EVER heard...PERIOD...That is all...:D
speaking STRICTLY for myself of course....I LOVE IT!!
that's 3 of 3 people i've seen saying it's a great album.
that's 3 of 3 people i've seen saying it's a great album.
great album....sure.
14 years in the making, epic masterpiece?...not so much
........And if I see Van Helsing I swear to the lord I will slay him. AHAHA
He'd take it from me, but I swear I won't let it be so. HAHA
Blood will run down his face when he is decapited. HA!
If a man speaks in a forest and there is no woman around to hear him, is he still wrong?
Random Fact: I heard on K rock the other day that Axl spend a shitload of money to make the drums sound just like Dave Grohl's drums in Nevermind.
To be honest, they really don't. Just a little bit.
Actually, I believe axl wanted that sound JUST for the song Chinese Democracy. In the original demo(s), it is evident that was the sound they were going is very similar. However, since they re-recorded the drumming on the final album version, it sounds nothing like Grohl and I don't think it was suppose to. I think they were actually going for the more traditional GNR drumming, ala Adler, with that take...I actually like the drumming on both versions.
UYI could have been much better with some discipline and editing, one album highlighting all the best tracks would have been killer instead of the self indulgent mess both albums were.
I've been trying to do this for myself on a CD. It's tougher than it seems.
Actually, I believe axl wanted that sound JUST for the song Chinese Democracy. In the original demo(s), it is evident that was the sound they were going is very similar. However, since they re-recorded the drumming on the final album version, it sounds nothing like Grohl and I don't think it was suppose to. I think they were actually going for the more traditional GNR drumming, ala Adler, with that take...I actually like the drumming on both versions.
I see.... that would explain the not so nirvana sound. The drummer on this record is Brain, Primus' second drummer. He is sucha cool ass drummer, but I was pretty dissapointed with the playing. I bet Axl didn't want him to play his own way.
I see.... that would explain the not so nirvana sound. The drummer on this record is Brain, Primus' second drummer. He is sucha cool ass drummer, but I was pretty dissapointed with the playing. I bet Axl didn't want him to play his own way.
Josh Freese was the first drummer but he left and Axl had Brain copy what Josh did. There is a video out there where Brain talks about it, some guy had to transcribe everything Josh did, put it up on a huge screen in front of Brain so he could read it as he was recording. And that is how an album costs 13 million.
The record has 3 or 4 "nice" songs, that's it! I would give it a 4/10 if I never heard anything by "them" before. As an Ex-G'N'R Fan, sorry but waiting 17 years for the next record was simply too long! I have to say: the album is a joke in comparison to the Illusion Records and I don't even want to compare it to 'Appetite'!
I know that some people will say that you should listen to it without comparing. That's impossible if you call it a Guns N' Roses Record, if Axl didn't want any comparison to previous Albums by his band he would have released it as a Solo Album!
If Eddie would throw everyone out of the Band, claim the rights to the name PJ and live in seclusion for the next 14 years and release a lame album like this I don't know how some people would react around here. I don't think that people would say, you can't compare it to the previous records.
The record has 3 or 4 "nice" songs, that's it! I would give it a 4/10 if I never heard anything by "them" before. As an Ex-G'N'R Fan, sorry but waiting 17 years for the next record was simply too long! I have to say: the album is a joke in comparison to the Illusion Records and I don't even want to compare it to 'Appetite'!
I know that some people will say that you should listen to it without comparing. That's impossible if you call it a Guns N' Roses Record, if Axl didn't want any comparison to previous Albums by his band he would have released it as a Solo Album!
If Eddie would throw everyone out of the Band, claim the rights to the name PJ and live in seclusion for the next 14 years and release a lame album like this I don't know how some people would react around here. I don't think that people would say, you can't compare it to the previous records.
1. This album is way better than Use Your Illusion. Those albums are impossible to listen to without skipping half the songs.
2. If Ed did that, I'd assume he'd lost his mind and stopped caring 10 years before the release, then bought it out of curiosity to see what he'd been up to.
After giving it a few spins over the last few days, here's my two cents:
I really wanted to hate this album. I really did. I thought it was ridiculous that he was still calling it Guns N' Roses, when it was clearly nothing more than an Axl Rose solo album. And I never liked the fact that his crazy douchebag behavior had essentially destroyed one of the last great rock bands we'll ever see. The guy has been the butt of so many of my jokes over the years, I was actually worried I might be running out of material if the album never came out. Then I heard Chinese Democracy was finally being released and I was more than ready to rip the album to shreds with a whole new slate of Axl jokes, as were the majority of music critics around the world I presume. But then the reviews started trickling in: Rolling Stone, The Onion,, Los Angeles Times, Boston Globe, Billboard...all of them weighing in with rave reviews of the record. Even holier-than-thou indie hipsters were reviewing the album on music blogs and giving it a somewhat reluctant thumbs up. That and I had a couple of friends who were saying it was actually decent and convinced me to give it a fair listen. So I bought it on Sunday and took it home to absorb it....and I liked it. I didn't want to, but I liked it.
Yea, it's bloated and way overproduced and the musician/production credits read more like a big budget Hollywood movie production, which is beyond ridiculous. But the guy has been re-recording and slaving over this thing for 15 years, so I didn't really expect it to sound like 5 guys in a room playing gritty live-off-the-floor no frills rock a-la Appetite For Destruction. Forget for a moment that he's a bat shit crazy egomaniacal control freak, and forget about comparing this to Guns N' Roses, because let's face it. It's NOT Guns N' Roses, and without Izzy, Slash, and Duff it'll never be Guns N' Roses again. But if you're judging it solely on the songs, then as an Axl Rose vanity project it's quite good. Some of the songs don't work at all. Shackler's Revenge is one of the worst things I've ever heard, Street of Dreams and This I Love are both cringe-inducing cheese fests, and Scraped is just as predictable and boring as anything on mainstream radio. But the rest of the album is decent with a small handfull of tracks that I would call outstanding. Chinese Deomcracy, Better, If the World, There Was a Time, and I.R.S. are all excellent songs and in my opinion are the definite highlights. And I think his voice sounds fantastic on the entire record.
To sum up: is this the greatest album ever made, as all the Axl Rose fanboys are proclaiming? That would be a big fat resounding NO. I could name at least 20 albums released in the last 15 years that easily wipe the floor with Chinese Democracy in terms of songwriting, musicianship, lyrics, production, and excecution. Is it worth the 15 year wait? Not by a longshot. Simply put, it's a solid rock album. Nothing more, nothing less. The fact that it took him this long to finish it is incredibly bizarre and more than a little silly.
"I try my best to chug, stomp, weep, whisper, moan, wheeze, scat, blurt, rage, whine, and seduce. With my voice I can sound like a girl, the boogieman, a Theremin, a cherry bomb, a clown, a doctor, a murderer. I can be tribal. Ironic. Or disturbed. My voice is really my instrument."
1. This album is way better than Use Your Illusion. Those albums are impossible to listen to without skipping half the songs.
That's some funny shit....
Use Your Illusion piss all over this.....
There's nothing on Chinese Democracy that matches November Rain, You Could Be Mine, Estranged, Civil War, Right Next Door To Hell, Coma, Don't Cry, The Garden, Pretty Tied Up etc.
'The more I studied religions the more I am convinced that man never worshipped anything but himself.' - Sir Richard Francis Burton
as far as chinese democracy goes...well, i illegally downloaded it and i want my money back. i think this is the last we'll be hearing from William Bruce Rose, Jr.
Hilarious. I'm betting they're all in on this thing together just to try and sell more records and Dr. Peppers.
"I try my best to chug, stomp, weep, whisper, moan, wheeze, scat, blurt, rage, whine, and seduce. With my voice I can sound like a girl, the boogieman, a Theremin, a cherry bomb, a clown, a doctor, a murderer. I can be tribal. Ironic. Or disturbed. My voice is really my instrument."
I do agree that Dr Pepper should have given everyone more time to claim their free soda, but who really gives a shit. It is a free soda and a pretty funny stunt.
mess?, what mess?....does anyone really care?
If a man speaks in a forest and there is no woman around to hear him, is he still wrong?
I see.... that would explain the not so nirvana sound. The drummer on this record is Brain, Primus' second drummer. He is sucha cool ass drummer, but I was pretty dissapointed with the playing. I bet Axl didn't want him to play his own way.
No kidding axl doesnt want any of these musicians to have any say in the musical direction. He wants them to act like dogs and follow his every word and when they get out of line, hell find someone else. Hes the Al Davis of rock music.
This record is NOT GNR, no matter what the cover says. Where is the attitude? Where is the bluesy influence? Where is the bass? Where is the in your face, no holds barred approach to music?
Its one thing to change musically and its a whole different thing to completely abandon who you are. Cmon Axl! 14 yrs for this . . . . i guess ill try again in 2022
as far as chinese democracy goes...well, i illegally downloaded it and i want my money back. i think this is the last we'll be hearing from William Bruce Rose, Jr.
I believe Axl's real last name was Bailey at one point in time, but who cares after hearing this
There's nothing on Chinese Democracy that matches November Rain, You Could Be Mine, Estranged, Civil War, Right Next Door To Hell, Coma, Don't Cry, The Garden, Pretty Tied Up etc.
No, there isn't. But there's also nothing as bad as the 35 other shitty songs on that bloated double album. That's why it's a better ALBUM.
I like the way you think! If I had to name the best songs on the album I would choose the exact same ones you did.
Really? I think IRS is the weakest song on the album. I've noticed this album is kinda like the Illusions, ask 5 people what their favorite songs are and you will get 5 different responses.
I need a beer
I like the album but those dracula parts ruin an otherwise decent song
skip to 1:10....taht is what I cant get out of my head when I hear the "dracula" parts
Haha!! yeah that's the voice. I hadn't seen that movie yet so the Count was the first one to pop into mind.
Nice find! still need to see that movie. That guy was a trip in Knocked Up
Buckethead plays the ITW solo, and Robin plays the first half of the TWAT solo and Bucket plays the second half. Out of five guitarists, I hear buckets, fincks, and bumbles playing throughout. I can't pick up any parts from Richard Fortus or Paul Tobias....they're prob. buried DEEP in the mix.
Ha ha ha!! I thought that exact same thing when I heard it. I kept thinking Axel was going to start singing about Van Helsing. Hilarious.
2003 Mansfield: July 2
2004 Boston: Sept 28 & 29
2005 Montreal: Sept 15
2006 Boston: May 24 & 25
2008 Hartford: June 27, Mansfield: June 28,
2010 Boston: May 17
2013 Worcester: Oct 15, Hartford: Oct 25,
2016 Hampton: April 18, Raleigh: April 20 (cancelled), Columbia: April 21. Quebec: May 5. Boston (Fenway): August 7
EV Solo: Boston 8/2/08, Boston 6/16/11
To be honest, they really don't. Just a little bit.
8/7/08, 6/9/09
Yeah, Slash's absence is definitely evident. You know what else?......the profanity! What is a Guns N' Roses album without the parental advisory stamp on it! I miss the "Get in the Ring" days.
2003 Mansfield: July 2
2004 Boston: Sept 28 & 29
2005 Montreal: Sept 15
2006 Boston: May 24 & 25
2008 Hartford: June 27, Mansfield: June 28,
2010 Boston: May 17
2013 Worcester: Oct 15, Hartford: Oct 25,
2016 Hampton: April 18, Raleigh: April 20 (cancelled), Columbia: April 21. Quebec: May 5. Boston (Fenway): August 7
EV Solo: Boston 8/2/08, Boston 6/16/11
if you want my generic response? "It wasn't worth waiting 14 years for it". that being said, i still think its a pretty good record. what would really be worth waiting 14 years for? not a whole lot.
that's 3 of 3 people i've seen saying it's a great album.
14 years in the making, epic masterpiece?...not so much
........And if I see Van Helsing I swear to the lord I will slay him. AHAHA
He'd take it from me, but I swear I won't let it be so. HAHA
Blood will run down his face when he is decapited. HA!
2 Actually. One in Riad (axl singing), one in Madagascar (Mike J. Fox quote from a I guess that doesnt really count).
Actually, I believe axl wanted that sound JUST for the song Chinese Democracy. In the original demo(s), it is evident that was the sound they were going is very similar. However, since they re-recorded the drumming on the final album version, it sounds nothing like Grohl and I don't think it was suppose to. I think they were actually going for the more traditional GNR drumming, ala Adler, with that take...I actually like the drumming on both versions.
I've been trying to do this for myself on a CD. It's tougher than it seems.
I see.... that would explain the not so nirvana sound. The drummer on this record is Brain, Primus' second drummer. He is sucha cool ass drummer, but I was pretty dissapointed with the playing. I bet Axl didn't want him to play his own way.
8/7/08, 6/9/09
Josh Freese was the first drummer but he left and Axl had Brain copy what Josh did. There is a video out there where Brain talks about it, some guy had to transcribe everything Josh did, put it up on a huge screen in front of Brain so he could read it as he was recording. And that is how an album costs 13 million.
I know that some people will say that you should listen to it without comparing. That's impossible if you call it a Guns N' Roses Record, if Axl didn't want any comparison to previous Albums by his band he would have released it as a Solo Album!
If Eddie would throw everyone out of the Band, claim the rights to the name PJ and live in seclusion for the next 14 years and release a lame album like this I don't know how some people would react around here. I don't think that people would say, you can't compare it to the previous records. (band)
1. This album is way better than Use Your Illusion. Those albums are impossible to listen to without skipping half the songs.
2. If Ed did that, I'd assume he'd lost his mind and stopped caring 10 years before the release, then bought it out of curiosity to see what he'd been up to.
I really wanted to hate this album. I really did. I thought it was ridiculous that he was still calling it Guns N' Roses, when it was clearly nothing more than an Axl Rose solo album. And I never liked the fact that his crazy douchebag behavior had essentially destroyed one of the last great rock bands we'll ever see. The guy has been the butt of so many of my jokes over the years, I was actually worried I might be running out of material if the album never came out. Then I heard Chinese Democracy was finally being released and I was more than ready to rip the album to shreds with a whole new slate of Axl jokes, as were the majority of music critics around the world I presume. But then the reviews started trickling in: Rolling Stone, The Onion,, Los Angeles Times, Boston Globe, Billboard...all of them weighing in with rave reviews of the record. Even holier-than-thou indie hipsters were reviewing the album on music blogs and giving it a somewhat reluctant thumbs up. That and I had a couple of friends who were saying it was actually decent and convinced me to give it a fair listen. So I bought it on Sunday and took it home to absorb it....and I liked it. I didn't want to, but I liked it.
Yea, it's bloated and way overproduced and the musician/production credits read more like a big budget Hollywood movie production, which is beyond ridiculous. But the guy has been re-recording and slaving over this thing for 15 years, so I didn't really expect it to sound like 5 guys in a room playing gritty live-off-the-floor no frills rock a-la Appetite For Destruction. Forget for a moment that he's a bat shit crazy egomaniacal control freak, and forget about comparing this to Guns N' Roses, because let's face it. It's NOT Guns N' Roses, and without Izzy, Slash, and Duff it'll never be Guns N' Roses again. But if you're judging it solely on the songs, then as an Axl Rose vanity project it's quite good. Some of the songs don't work at all. Shackler's Revenge is one of the worst things I've ever heard, Street of Dreams and This I Love are both cringe-inducing cheese fests, and Scraped is just as predictable and boring as anything on mainstream radio. But the rest of the album is decent with a small handfull of tracks that I would call outstanding. Chinese Deomcracy, Better, If the World, There Was a Time, and I.R.S. are all excellent songs and in my opinion are the definite highlights. And I think his voice sounds fantastic on the entire record.
To sum up: is this the greatest album ever made, as all the Axl Rose fanboys are proclaiming? That would be a big fat resounding NO. I could name at least 20 albums released in the last 15 years that easily wipe the floor with Chinese Democracy in terms of songwriting, musicianship, lyrics, production, and excecution. Is it worth the 15 year wait? Not by a longshot. Simply put, it's a solid rock album. Nothing more, nothing less. The fact that it took him this long to finish it is incredibly bizarre and more than a little silly.
-Tom Waits
That's some funny shit....
Use Your Illusion piss all over this.....
There's nothing on Chinese Democracy that matches November Rain, You Could Be Mine, Estranged, Civil War, Right Next Door To Hell, Coma, Don't Cry, The Garden, Pretty Tied Up etc.
Hilarious. I'm betting they're all in on this thing together just to try and sell more records and Dr. Peppers.
-Tom Waits
mess?, what mess?....does anyone really care?
No kidding axl doesnt want any of these musicians to have any say in the musical direction. He wants them to act like dogs and follow his every word and when they get out of line, hell find someone else. Hes the Al Davis of rock music.
This record is NOT GNR, no matter what the cover says. Where is the attitude? Where is the bluesy influence? Where is the bass? Where is the in your face, no holds barred approach to music?
Its one thing to change musically and its a whole different thing to completely abandon who you are. Cmon Axl! 14 yrs for this . . . . i guess ill try again in 2022
My Movie/Music Reviews & Sports Blog
I believe Axl's real last name was Bailey at one point in time, but who cares after hearing this
My Movie/Music Reviews & Sports Blog
No, there isn't. But there's also nothing as bad as the 35 other shitty songs on that bloated double album. That's why it's a better ALBUM.
I like the way you think! If I had to name the best songs on the album I would choose the exact same ones you did.
Really? I think IRS is the weakest song on the album. I've noticed this album is kinda like the Illusions, ask 5 people what their favorite songs are and you will get 5 different responses.