New Guns and Roses after the FIRST listen....

pjtradekingpjtradeking Posts: 4,045
edited November 2008 in Other Music
I dont care what anyone says about Axl...Whether he is an asshole..a primadonna....nuts...full of himself or WHATEVER....and I also dont care that this was 14 years in the making.....

This is one of the BEST records I have EVER heard...PERIOD...That is all...:D

speaking STRICTLY for myself of course....I LOVE IT!! :)
Never, ever, flipping forget

My friend was going to see Eddie last night. Since he was in Vegas, I gave him 5 Grand to gamble with. I told him I wanted it all to go on Black. Bastard! PhillyCrownOfThorns-11-2-12
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  • direwolf74direwolf74 Posts: 1,622
    Here's a very well-written and level headed review from, which I totally agree with. People are talking about this album like it's the greatest thing since the discovery of fire. But really, it's just a good rock album. Nothing more, nothing less.
    "I try my best to chug, stomp, weep, whisper, moan, wheeze, scat, blurt, rage, whine, and seduce. With my voice I can sound like a girl, the boogieman, a Theremin, a cherry bomb, a clown, a doctor, a murderer. I can be tribal. Ironic. Or disturbed. My voice is really my instrument."

    -Tom Waits
  • Just heard the album-

    on first listen I'm going to say MEH-

    I'll listen again and get back to you
  • 12345AGNST112345AGNST1 Posts: 4,906
    That "Better" song sounds pretty good IMO. It has a nice old school feel to it, even though the production is way over the top.

    Wait, Axl was working on it for 14 years, I guess thats why it sounds old.
    5/28/06, 6/27/08, 10/28/09, 5/18/10, 5/21/10
    8/7/08, 6/9/09
  • I hope they tour-
    that just might be a better crowd than the Van Halen crowd!
  • Back_PedalBack_Pedal Posts: 1,171
    It's a very good album. I've been a Guns fan for four years, ad without some of their deeper songs like Coma or Estranged and I don't know if I'd be listening to PJ.

    The standouts for me are the title track, Better, Scraped, Catcher In The Rye, and This I Love.
    Thanks EPOTTSIII!
    "Vinyl or not, you will need to pay someone to take RA of your hands" - Smile05
    424, xxx
  • NewDamageNewDamage Posts: 1,913
    Yeah, you have to throw out the preconceptions, and forget how long it took to get this out. I was a big GnR fan back in high school but haven't given their music much of my time since shortly after The Spaghetti Incident was released. My buddies and I listened to them so much I just got burned out, plus I was getting more and more into bands like Pearl Jam back then but anyhow...

    As a longtime fan, I can say its a very solid record. Its not the greatest album ever made, as many are expecting considering the hype and the myth-like status its had for so many years. But I've listened to it three times since this morning and I like it a lot. Its hard to listen with no expectations, just because its fuckin Chinese Democracy! Its finally here! But for those who can manage to listen objectively and take it for what it is, not what you think it should be, its a pretty good album.
    I am lost, I'm no guide. But I'm by your side...

    8/25/92, 10/4/96, 10/5/96, 9/1/98, 9/4/98, 8/4/00, 8/6/00, 4/15/03, 4/16/03, 10/6/04, 6/16/08
  • NewDamage wrote:
    Yeah, you have to throw out the preconceptions, and forget how long it took to get this out. I was a big GnR fan back in high school but haven't given their music much of my time since shortly after The Spaghetti Incident was released. My buddies and I listened to them so much I just got burned out, plus I was getting more and more into bands like Pearl Jam back then but anyhow...

    As a longtime fan, I can say its a very solid record. Its not the greatest album ever made, as many are expecting considering the hype and the myth-like status its had for so many years. But I've listened to it three times since this morning and I like it a lot. Its hard to listen with no expectations, just because its fuckin Chinese Democracy! Its finally here! But for those who can manage to listen objectively and take it for what it is, not what you think it should be, its a pretty good album.

    Good to hear someone say this. I agree.
    Whats got the whole world faking?
  • thanks for the reviews... i was on the fence but i think ill go pick it up after hearing all yous guys
    "Senza speme vivemo in disio"
  • sounds like a GnR cover band the won't play anything off of Appetite. his voice isnt what it used to be either.
  • bobasfeetbobasfeet Posts: 1,168
    I like it..double vinyl 180gm...PLUS free download..NICE.
  • bobasfeet wrote:
    I like it..double vinyl 180gm...PLUS free download..NICE.

    i don't know much about vinyl...what is 180gm? is that good?
    Whats got the whole world faking?
  • i don't know much about vinyl...what is 180gm? is that good?
    yah its pretty good... i dont know a ton about vinyl either but i think it ranges in thickness from 120 - 200 (?) or something like that (atleast my modest collection)

    i saw a price for vinyl in todays best buy ad but i think it said there are only 10 per store... is there anywhere else to get this package?
    "Senza speme vivemo in disio"
  • NewDamageNewDamage Posts: 1,913
    sgossard3 wrote:
    yah its pretty good... i dont know a ton about vinyl either but i think it ranges in thickness from 120 - 200 (?) or something like that (atleast my modest collection)

    i saw a price for vinyl in todays best buy ad but i think it said there are only 10 per store... is there anywhere else to get this package?
    I think that's a minimum 10 per store. The Best Buy here had about 30.
    I am lost, I'm no guide. But I'm by your side...

    8/25/92, 10/4/96, 10/5/96, 9/1/98, 9/4/98, 8/4/00, 8/6/00, 4/15/03, 4/16/03, 10/6/04, 6/16/08
  • I'm listening for the first time now. I'm digging this a lot. It's by no means anything groundbreaking or new, but this sounds like the album UYI might have been with a little more discipline and editing.
    she was underwhelmed, if that's a word
  • chris05chris05 Posts: 347
    I have only listened once, but i do like it..good rock album, I'm sure I will like it more as the days go on.
    Who cares if the world is going down the toilet? Eddie Vedder got his mojo back!
  • fotdfotd Posts: 514
    I just listened to it over at myspace and i must say it wasn't half as bad as i hoped/expected it to be. I would say that it was a decent album. Axl's vocals weren't the greatest and it sure wasn't a Slash-era GNR album, but I sure would rather listen to it than half the shit i hear on the radio now a days.
    I’ve seen Pearl Jam 25 times, Eddie Vedder 9 times, and Brad once.
  • GardenpartyGardenparty Posts: 1,910
    Street of Dreams is hilarious.

    I plan on listening to the whole record tomorrow anyways though.

    Should be interesting to say the least
    “I know this song so well, I can smoke a cigarette, have a drink, brush my teeth, take a shit, and mow the lawn while singing it. But I'll only be doing a couple of those things during this version.”
  • i liked it a lot, its over produced but the lyrics are pretty dame good. I have to check if its getting released on vinyl.
    Tour with fucking NOFX
  • HoonHoon Posts: 175
    Yeah its quite good. Don't forget to get away from those computer speakers and put on a pair of headphones.
    If you keep yourself as the final arbiter you will be less susceptible to infection from cultural illusion.
  • reeferchiefreeferchief Posts: 3,569
    Sounds like Axl has been sucking Chester Benningtons cock for inspiration if you ask me, should have left it unreleased and shrouded in mystery, it was the best place for it.
    Can not be arsed with life no more.
  • Jeremy1012Jeremy1012 Posts: 7,170
    After a few listens I can say only this, it is NOT as bad as it could have been and it is not as bad as some people will say. It is however thoroughly mediocre, unnecessary, dated already and a colossal waste of time and money.

    It would have been a solid follow-up if it had been released in like, 1994 or something but it had to be the greatest album ever to justify the wait, the cost and the hype and it is not. It is solid if a little bland.
    "I remember one night at Muzdalifa with nothing but the sky overhead, I lay awake amid sleeping Muslim brothers and I learned that pilgrims from every land — every colour, and class, and rank; high officials and the beggar alike — all snored in the same language"
  • I like this more with every listen. Yes it's overproduced and over-the-top. It kind of reminds me of the 'Be Here Now' album by Oasis. But I liked that album and I like this one. I actually prefer Chinese Democracy to both of the UYI albums, which were so bloated with filler and unfocused as to be almost unlistenable. This album may be a bit dated and doesn't reach the heights of Appetite, but it's one helluva epic rock album. I dig it.
    she was underwhelmed, if that's a word
  • GardenpartyGardenparty Posts: 1,910
    Hmm, Better kind of rocks after a few listens. We'll see when i finish my full record spin. It may hang around for a few weeks but I don't see it getting too many quality plays after that.
    “I know this song so well, I can smoke a cigarette, have a drink, brush my teeth, take a shit, and mow the lawn while singing it. But I'll only be doing a couple of those things during this version.”
  • DOSWDOSW Posts: 2,014
    People are saying this a lot, but I agree... this album does get a lot better as I listen to it more and more. Better, If The World, and There Was a Time are the standouts for me. There Was a Time in particular is one of the best GNR songs ever I think.
    It's a town full of losers and I'm pulling out of here to win
  • 12345AGNST112345AGNST1 Posts: 4,906
    I just picked it up along with aha shake heartbreak. 2 albums I have no idea if I will like. I love buying music like that. I'll post my "review" later.
    5/28/06, 6/27/08, 10/28/09, 5/18/10, 5/21/10
    8/7/08, 6/9/09
  • Gold 26Gold 26 Posts: 676
    I enjoyed it very much. I was apprehensive to say the least but it's pretty good. And it's nice to have a GNR album with all original tracks on it, the first since Appetite.
    All my favourite singers have stolen all of my best lines.
  • halszka123halszka123 Posts: 1,109
    hmmm. so, it's worhty to listen?
    G'n'R without Slash's guitar?
    I'm not sure if I want to know how it taste...

    but, there will come the time to check it
    Not 10c member? Have sth to say? write to me - I'll put it on the forum
  • DOSW wrote:
    People are saying this a lot, but I agree... this album does get a lot better as I listen to it more and more. Better, If The World, and There Was a Time are the standouts for me. There Was a Time in particular is one of the best GNR songs ever I think.

    For the most part, I (along with many other gnr freaks) have had about most of the album (in leak form) since EARLY 2006. That is nearly 3 years. That being said these songs have gotten the most plays BY FAR from me in that time. I have my itunes set so that i can see the amount of plays ea. song gets. Out of the 4,000 songs I have the ChiDem songs are the most.

    I don't really know what my point is. It could be that the songs are great and don't wear out. However, at this point i'm getting bored with them, still like em though. hmmm...i don't really know what i'm trying to say here.

    It is #1 on U.S. itunes though!!
    Whats got the whole world faking?
  • I'm listening for the first time now. I'm digging this a lot. It's by no means anything groundbreaking or new, but this sounds like the album UYI might have been with a little more discipline and 14 years of editing.

  • GardenpartyGardenparty Posts: 1,910
    very weird. I actually enjoyed my first listen a lot. Wasn't expecting that.

    the Shecklers tune may be a bit much though
    “I know this song so well, I can smoke a cigarette, have a drink, brush my teeth, take a shit, and mow the lawn while singing it. But I'll only be doing a couple of those things during this version.”
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