You know jimi did nothing but play blues riffs through distortion right? Boring, boring, and more boring. no matter how you slice it.
oh holy god.
as for this issue of navarro vs frusciante, i overall prefer frusciante's range and body of work - HOWEVER i genuinely think the chilis with navarro was a totally different side to the band and in a great way. i dont really rate his janes stuff that much.....but however he fits that album brilliantly. if frusciante wants to layer his guitars and overdub maybe he could look at OHM for a lesson how to do it.
theres not much benefit from JF being a better overall guitar player if he saves all his best work for solo albums - SA has some alrite songs on it, but overall it has 28 songs and lots of them are forgettable rehashes of pre-BSSM stuff just with more modern production.
Without a doubt the best thing that band have churned out since the 80's. Funk, rhythm, acid jazz, has it all. Even Kranky Kunt Kiedis sounds decent on it.
It must be awesome having a guitarist who refuses to play 90% of your catalog.
totally agree - you summed up my last post in one sentence. and ignoring all those songs from SIX albums is fucking insane and makes for one uninspiring live show.
I think One Hot Minute is a great album, but I vastly prefer RHCP with Frusciante on guitar. He plays with more soul than anyone else out there. To the guy that said all he does is bend a note for 5 minutes with a pained expression, that's just showing your own musical ignorance.
How does he play with "soul"? And around half the solos on live at Hyde Park are just one note. Please explain how this shows musical ignorance. I have Grade 5 theory and distinction in Grade 7 Trinity Guildhall classical guitar. Difference in opinion maybe, but musical ignorance no.
Totally agree. I can't believe that someone (if all this is true anyway) can be so arrogant to refuse playing 90% of the catalog (And where did the democracy vanish?) because he doesn't feel like it.
He doesn't like his playing on Mother's Milk? Well fuck you, John, that's my favorite RHCP album. I'm sure I'm not the only one who would very much like to hear some of those songs live.
Not that I would like to go to a Peppers concert today. From what I've heard, they are lame as hell.
That comes from someone who practically grew up with this band.
In all fairness I thought they were pretty decent when I saw them at Earl's Court last summer. Their improvised stuff was below par, as were the solos, but Kiedis's voice wasn't too bad. They did play some old stuff; Nobody Weird Like Me was ace, but that was the only pre-BSSM track.
How does he play with "soul"? And around half the solos on live at Hyde Park are just one note. Please explain how this shows musical ignorance. I have Grade 5 theory and distinction in Grade 7 Trinity Guildhall classical guitar. Difference in opinion maybe, but musical ignorance no.
I guess playing with "soul" really comes down to a matter of taste, but I hear more emotion in his playing than in most other players. I really get a sense when listening to Frusciante solo that he is putting everything he has into it. It's the same feeling I get from guys like Stevie Ray and Hendrix. It makes the music more intese for me. I think Frusciante does a great job in his solos of building and releasing tension.
Scar Tissue, Throw Away Your Television, Parallel Universe, Rolling Sly Stone, Easily - I haven't listened to Live at Hyde Park in a few months, but I clearly remember all those songs as having rocking solos with quite a few more than one note in them. The Californication intro also has some great playing. Besides, done right, a one note guitar solo can be great, i.e. Cinnamon Girl. Many of the other songs on the album are songs that don't really have extended solos. I'm thinking of songs like By the Way, Purple Stain, and Brandy. I don't think it's a legitimate criticism to attack the lack of shredding in those kinds of songs.
I've been playing guitar for 15 years, and saxophone for 3 years longer than that. I also have a minor in Music. You may not be speaking from ignorance, but I think you'd at least have to admit you were being a bit hyperbolic.
In all fairness I thought they were pretty decent when I saw them at Earl's Court last summer. Their improvised stuff was below par, as were the solos, but Kiedis's voice wasn't too bad. They did play some old stuff; Nobody Weird Like Me was ace, but that was the only pre-BSSM track.
See, I find their improvised stuff to be well above par and to be the best part of their shows. I saw them in Charlottesville and Paris this year, and the jams were awesome. I guess it's a matter of personal taste. For me, their live shows call to mind the live stuff I've heard from Hendrix and Zeppelin and other great classic rock bands, and those bands pretty much set the bar for me.
When talking about live improvisation, people generally refer to bands like Phish, but I find their improvs to lack musical tension and to just kind of float along on the same groove. I much prefer the Chili Peppers' style of jamming. Of course, the best improv is generally found in jazz, but there, you don't usually have to worry about the vocalist getting bored.
For me, their live shows call to mind the live stuff I've heard from Hendrix and Zeppelin and other great classic rock bands, and those bands pretty much set the bar for me.
I much prefer the Chili Peppers' style of jamming. Of course, the best improv is generally found in jazz
to quote the commitments "What were you playing out there, that wasn’t soul, soul has corners. What you were playing spiraled, that’s jazz, and jazz is musically wanking.If you wanna wank something, try that thing in your hand."
ive seen the chilis a few times, and other than Slane 03 show (which was exceptional), all of their shows have been major dissapointments for me. This is a band that made me learn to play guitar & bass.....while realizing that their improving is what made them brilliant, if you want to hear a band get really shit over the space of 12 months listen to audios of Slane and then after that listen to Hyde Park. the difference is phenomenal (save for Rolling Sly Stone and 1 or 2 exceptions).
-lazy singing with no energy.
-shouting instead of rapping.
-one-note focused boring solos instead of true, heartfelt, frusciante-esque wailing
-OVERLY LONG, rehashed, repetive and boring improvs instead of quick lead in-improvs that could even sometimes segue one song to the next
I like this album and got to see the tour too. It was Valentine's Day. Silverchair opened for them. It was great. I think this album is great. Haven't listened to it in a while but I will now. Good times!
to quote the commitments "What were you playing out there, that wasn’t soul, soul has corners. What you were playing spiraled, that’s jazz, and jazz is musically wanking.If you wanna wank something, try that thing in your hand."
ive seen the chilis a few times, and other than Slane 03 show (which was exceptional), all of their shows have been major dissapointments for me. This is a band that made me learn to play guitar & bass.....while realizing that their improving is what made them brilliant, if you want to hear a band get really shit over the space of 12 months listen to audios of Slane and then after that listen to Hyde Park. the difference is phenomenal (save for Rolling Sly Stone and 1 or 2 exceptions).
-lazy singing with no energy.
-shouting instead of rapping.
-one-note focused boring solos instead of true, heartfelt, frusciante-esque wailing
-OVERLY LONG, rehashed, repetive and boring improvs instead of quick lead in-improvs that could even sometimes segue one song to the next
I always thought that was a funny line from the Commitments, but I whole heartedly disagree with it. If you don't hear soul in John Coltrane, well, you just have a different definition of soul than I do.
I'll give you that Keidis isn't great on Live at Hyde Park, but I don't care, because Keidis has never been the reason I listen to the Chili Peppers. I totally disagree that the guitar solos are boring, and I've cited examples above. I'm not saying it's his best performance ever, but I think it's solid, and I think all the solos I referred to above are very heartfelt and exciting to listen to. I do think Frusciante's solos and improvs tended to be better on the Stadium Arcadium tour than on the Greatest hits tour, though. All the live stuff I've heard from the 2206-2007 tour (including 2 shows I was at, plus several I found online) had incredible guitar work.
I also never find their improvisations overly long. But then, I love hearing a 20 some minute version of Dazed and Confused from Zep, and I think Hendrix's 12 minute Machine Gun from Band of Gypsys is one of the greatest musical moments in history.
I always thought that was a funny line from the Commitments, but I whole heartedly disagree with it.
I think it's solid, and I think all the solos I referred to above are very heartfelt and exciting to listen to. I do think Frusciante's solos and improvs tended to be better on the Stadium Arcadium tour than on the Greatest hits tour, though. All the live stuff I've heard from the 2206-2007 tour (including 2 shows I was at, plus several I found online) had incredible guitar work.
I also never find their improvisations overly long. But then, I love hearing a 20 some minute version of Dazed and Confused from Zep, and I think Hendrix's 12 minute Machine Gun from Band of Gypsys is one of the greatest musical moments in history.
i dont agree with the quote. Improving is about moving beyond and between "corners", thats what i meant by it.
i could listen to those too, but personally i loved the fact that the improvs were either a finishing jam to a song, or could just happen spontaneously but be over within a minute...personal taste i guess. im just not as much a fan of extended jamming for long time as opposed to jams that segue/fit the structured songs, or change the style of the song that the jam is added to
(eg the RVM jam, or the jam at the end of My Lovely Man or If You Have To Ask on the californication tours).
i dont agree with the quote. Improving is about moving beyond and between "corners", thats what i meant by it.
i could listen to those too, but personally i loved the fact that the improvs were either a finishing jam to a song, or could just happen spontaneously but be over within a minute...personal taste i guess. im just not as much a fan of extended jamming for long time as opposed to jams that segue/fit the structured songs, or change the style of the song that the jam is added to
(eg the RVM jam, or the jam at the end of My Lovely Man or If You Have To Ask on the californication tours).
if it floats ur boat tho, cool
Fair enough. I'm well aware that extended jams are not to everyone's tastes. A lot of it has to do with the fact that, as a guitarist, I love extended improvising when I'm playing. To me, good improvisation is all about how you work the groove - changing the rhythm, building and releasing tension - and I think Flea and Frusicante are masters of that.
I'm really not getting these Frusiante Hendrix comparisons, but hendrix78 seems to know his Hendirx, so maybe I need to listen with a new ear.
What I will say is that the RHCP post One Hot Minute look bored. In comparison to old videos and bootlegs, they don't look as if they are enjoying it as much. Not a mellowing with age like PJ(Who I would say still genuinely enjoy their shows), but an actual "why the fuck are we still doing this?" thing. I'm not obsessive about them, and listen less and less to them with every album post one hot minute, but any chance I've given them(live, video, album) has given me the impression that they are basically trundling along and in it for the money. There was a point when I would have loved for the chillies to play somewhere I could see them in concert, now having seen them live twice post OHM, I'd have to check what was on the TV first. Even Flea puts in bare minimum of effort compared to the explosion of raw musical passion that I've seen in bootleg videos. Maybe I was just unlucky - twice.
Not a fan of this album to be honest, always find it a fairly unrewarding listening experience. Sure it has a couple of decent tunes but tracks like 'Deepkick', 'One Big Mob' and the title track are just too long and turgid.
Thought 'Califorication' was a return to form, but the last couple of albums have lost their spark and become way to middle of the road.
Oh and i've seen a few people in this thread blame John for not wanting to play 'One Hot Minute' tracks, it's actually Anthony who doesn't want to play them because he's stated he doesn't like the album and it when they were making it, it wasn't a good period of his life, so he tends to blank it.
I'm really not getting these Frusiante Hendrix comparisons, but hendrix78 seems to know his Hendirx, so maybe I need to listen with a new ear.
What I will say is that the RHCP post One Hot Minute look bored. In comparison to old videos and bootlegs, they don't look as if they are enjoying it as much. Not a mellowing with age like PJ(Who I would say still genuinely enjoy their shows), but an actual "why the fuck are we still doing this?" thing. I'm not obsessive about them, and listen less and less to them with every album post one hot minute, but any chance I've given them(live, video, album) has given me the impression that they are basically trundling along and in it for the money. There was a point when I would have loved for the chillies to play somewhere I could see them in concert, now having seen them live twice post OHM, I'd have to check what was on the TV first. Even Flea puts in bare minimum of effort compared to the explosion of raw musical passion that I've seen in bootleg videos. Maybe I was just unlucky - twice.
This is how I feel. I buy the ticket ... get excited about the gig ... but just don't get the same buzz from a RHCP's show as I do from most shows ... it's sad but they are the only band I've come out of the show every time felling a little let down.
I love them but seeing them live has started to make me like them less ... before I would buy a ticket automatically but after the last time seeing them I decided I will probably give them a miss next time they tour ... and I feel sad that I feel that way :(
... and if you were unlucky twice, I was unlucky three times.
So are we strangers now? Like rock and roll and the radio?
One Hot Minute is my second favorite RHCP album. BSSM being the first. It's definetly a forgotten album. They don't play any songs on it live, which is ridiculous. The whole album is rockin, much better than their new stuff. I don't understand why they don't play any of it live. I know Frusciate isn't on it but he wasn't on the self titled album or Uplift Mofo Party Plan, which is my third favorite of their albums. They need to bust out One Big Mob, Walkabout, and Transcending. How about Behind the Sun, No Chump Love Sucker, and Organic Anti-Beat Box Band. A show with any of those would be awesome. I saw them on the By the Way tour and I will never go out of my way to see them again. The show was pretty boring and annoying, just a bunch of little girls screaming.
to quote the commitments "What were you playing out there, that wasn’t soul, soul has corners. What you were playing spiraled, that’s jazz, and jazz is musically wanking.If you wanna wank something, try that thing in your hand."
ive seen the chilis a few times, and other than Slane 03 show (which was exceptional), all of their shows have been major dissapointments for me. This is a band that made me learn to play guitar & bass.....while realizing that their improving is what made them brilliant, if you want to hear a band get really shit over the space of 12 months listen to audios of Slane and then after that listen to Hyde Park. the difference is phenomenal (save for Rolling Sly Stone and 1 or 2 exceptions).
-lazy singing with no energy.
-shouting instead of rapping.
-one-note focused boring solos instead of true, heartfelt, frusciante-esque wailing
-OVERLY LONG, rehashed, repetive and boring improvs instead of quick lead in-improvs that could even sometimes segue one song to the next
I agree with every word you just wrote. And it also applies to their studio recordings post californication imo.
Also The Commitments is awesome. "Elvis wasn't a fuckin cajun!"
I look at One Hot Minute the same way I look at YIELD. It isn't so much an album as an experience. THE BEST offering from the Peppers and as good as Californication was, it sent them in a the wrong direction in my opinion. It is truly unfortunate that a genuine follow-up to One Hot Minute will never be made.
I must clarify: in no way am I suggesting that One Hot Minute is better oras good as YIELD. Such a suggestion would be foolishness of the highest calibre.
Which came first,
the bad idea or me befallen by it?
this was the second last good chilis album, and in my opinion the best. I haven't listened to a single other album in the last year. I know a lot of people who are the same. I think the style of the playing and the content fits well with the scene today and as more people look back and realise how good it was i think the chilis themselves will realise that this stuff NEEDS to be played live.
it was so funky, and yet quite heavy too. and the production is spot on, the levels are perfect, and dave is weird and funky enough to have given the chilis an album that was totally different to everything they did before and (unfortunately) since.
heh, keep her lit.
Dublin, 23/08/2006 = Lifechanging! X D
Katowice, 13/06/2007 = Phenomenal = )
London, 18/06/2007 = Pretty darn sweet = )
London Poster Wanted, PM if you have one for sale = )
Sometimes, when i am feeling rebelious, i listen to bands other than the RHCP. You should give it a whirl sometimes. You'd be amazed at the things other guitarists do.
dude if you listen to bands like my chemical romance and buckcherry you have absolutely no right to say bad things about the chili peppers or just basically music in general.
Beavis: All my friends are brown and red? What does that mean?
Butthead: It means that his friends are like turds and that they like suck.
Beavis: Heh heh. Oh yeah. Yeah! Get those spoons out of my face before I shove them up your butt!
Butthead: Huh huh.
Please make this your last comment on this topic.
dissing frusciante and hendrix in the same thread. we can never be friends.
oh holy god.
as for this issue of navarro vs frusciante, i overall prefer frusciante's range and body of work - HOWEVER i genuinely think the chilis with navarro was a totally different side to the band and in a great way. i dont really rate his janes stuff that much.....but however he fits that album brilliantly. if frusciante wants to layer his guitars and overdub maybe he could look at OHM for a lesson how to do it.
theres not much benefit from JF being a better overall guitar player if he saves all his best work for solo albums - SA has some alrite songs on it, but overall it has 28 songs and lots of them are forgettable rehashes of pre-BSSM stuff just with more modern production.
totally agree - you summed up my last post in one sentence. and ignoring all those songs from SIX albums is fucking insane and makes for one uninspiring live show.
I guess playing with "soul" really comes down to a matter of taste, but I hear more emotion in his playing than in most other players. I really get a sense when listening to Frusciante solo that he is putting everything he has into it. It's the same feeling I get from guys like Stevie Ray and Hendrix. It makes the music more intese for me. I think Frusciante does a great job in his solos of building and releasing tension.
Scar Tissue, Throw Away Your Television, Parallel Universe, Rolling Sly Stone, Easily - I haven't listened to Live at Hyde Park in a few months, but I clearly remember all those songs as having rocking solos with quite a few more than one note in them. The Californication intro also has some great playing. Besides, done right, a one note guitar solo can be great, i.e. Cinnamon Girl. Many of the other songs on the album are songs that don't really have extended solos. I'm thinking of songs like By the Way, Purple Stain, and Brandy. I don't think it's a legitimate criticism to attack the lack of shredding in those kinds of songs.
I've been playing guitar for 15 years, and saxophone for 3 years longer than that. I also have a minor in Music. You may not be speaking from ignorance, but I think you'd at least have to admit you were being a bit hyperbolic.
See, I find their improvised stuff to be well above par and to be the best part of their shows. I saw them in Charlottesville and Paris this year, and the jams were awesome. I guess it's a matter of personal taste. For me, their live shows call to mind the live stuff I've heard from Hendrix and Zeppelin and other great classic rock bands, and those bands pretty much set the bar for me.
When talking about live improvisation, people generally refer to bands like Phish, but I find their improvs to lack musical tension and to just kind of float along on the same groove. I much prefer the Chili Peppers' style of jamming. Of course, the best improv is generally found in jazz, but there, you don't usually have to worry about the vocalist getting bored.
to quote the commitments "What were you playing out there, that wasn’t soul, soul has corners. What you were playing spiraled, that’s jazz, and jazz is musically wanking.If you wanna wank something, try that thing in your hand."
ive seen the chilis a few times, and other than Slane 03 show (which was exceptional), all of their shows have been major dissapointments for me. This is a band that made me learn to play guitar & bass.....while realizing that their improving is what made them brilliant, if you want to hear a band get really shit over the space of 12 months listen to audios of Slane and then after that listen to Hyde Park. the difference is phenomenal (save for Rolling Sly Stone and 1 or 2 exceptions).
-lazy singing with no energy.
-shouting instead of rapping.
-one-note focused boring solos instead of true, heartfelt, frusciante-esque wailing
-OVERLY LONG, rehashed, repetive and boring improvs instead of quick lead in-improvs that could even sometimes segue one song to the next
I always thought that was a funny line from the Commitments, but I whole heartedly disagree with it. If you don't hear soul in John Coltrane, well, you just have a different definition of soul than I do.
I'll give you that Keidis isn't great on Live at Hyde Park, but I don't care, because Keidis has never been the reason I listen to the Chili Peppers. I totally disagree that the guitar solos are boring, and I've cited examples above. I'm not saying it's his best performance ever, but I think it's solid, and I think all the solos I referred to above are very heartfelt and exciting to listen to. I do think Frusciante's solos and improvs tended to be better on the Stadium Arcadium tour than on the Greatest hits tour, though. All the live stuff I've heard from the 2206-2007 tour (including 2 shows I was at, plus several I found online) had incredible guitar work.
I also never find their improvisations overly long. But then, I love hearing a 20 some minute version of Dazed and Confused from Zep, and I think Hendrix's 12 minute Machine Gun from Band of Gypsys is one of the greatest musical moments in history.
i dont agree with the quote. Improving is about moving beyond and between "corners", thats what i meant by it.
i could listen to those too, but personally i loved the fact that the improvs were either a finishing jam to a song, or could just happen spontaneously but be over within a minute...personal taste i guess. im just not as much a fan of extended jamming for long time as opposed to jams that segue/fit the structured songs, or change the style of the song that the jam is added to
(eg the RVM jam, or the jam at the end of My Lovely Man or If You Have To Ask on the californication tours).
if it floats ur boat tho, cool
Fair enough. I'm well aware that extended jams are not to everyone's tastes. A lot of it has to do with the fact that, as a guitarist, I love extended improvising when I'm playing. To me, good improvisation is all about how you work the groove - changing the rhythm, building and releasing tension - and I think Flea and Frusicante are masters of that.
What I will say is that the RHCP post One Hot Minute look bored. In comparison to old videos and bootlegs, they don't look as if they are enjoying it as much. Not a mellowing with age like PJ(Who I would say still genuinely enjoy their shows), but an actual "why the fuck are we still doing this?" thing. I'm not obsessive about them, and listen less and less to them with every album post one hot minute, but any chance I've given them(live, video, album) has given me the impression that they are basically trundling along and in it for the money. There was a point when I would have loved for the chillies to play somewhere I could see them in concert, now having seen them live twice post OHM, I'd have to check what was on the TV first. Even Flea puts in bare minimum of effort compared to the explosion of raw musical passion that I've seen in bootleg videos. Maybe I was just unlucky - twice.
Thought 'Califorication' was a return to form, but the last couple of albums have lost their spark and become way to middle of the road.
Oh and i've seen a few people in this thread blame John for not wanting to play 'One Hot Minute' tracks, it's actually Anthony who doesn't want to play them because he's stated he doesn't like the album and it when they were making it, it wasn't a good period of his life, so he tends to blank it.
This is how I feel. I buy the ticket ... get excited about the gig ... but just don't get the same buzz from a RHCP's show as I do from most shows ... it's sad but they are the only band I've come out of the show every time felling a little let down.
I love them but seeing them live has started to make me like them less ... before I would buy a ticket automatically but after the last time seeing them I decided I will probably give them a miss next time they tour ... and I feel sad that I feel that way :(
... and if you were unlucky twice, I was unlucky three times.
Also The Commitments is awesome. "Elvis wasn't a fuckin cajun!"
And for the record, I love One HOt Minute
I must clarify: in no way am I suggesting that One Hot Minute is better oras good as YIELD. Such a suggestion would be foolishness of the highest calibre.
the bad idea or me befallen by it?
it was so funky, and yet quite heavy too. and the production is spot on, the levels are perfect, and dave is weird and funky enough to have given the chilis an album that was totally different to everything they did before and (unfortunately) since.
Dublin, 23/08/2006 = Lifechanging! X D
Katowice, 13/06/2007 = Phenomenal = )
London, 18/06/2007 = Pretty darn sweet = )
London Poster Wanted, PM if you have one for sale = )
fantastic, gotta dig out my dvd and give it a spin soon
dude if you listen to bands like my chemical romance and buckcherry you have absolutely no right to say bad things about the chili peppers or just basically music in general.
Butthead: It means that his friends are like turds and that they like suck.
Beavis: Heh heh. Oh yeah. Yeah! Get those spoons out of my face before I shove them up your butt!
Butthead: Huh huh.