Economical concert year for me (youngest daughter is a very competitive travel softball player so budget isn't what it was!) but Bruce on 2/8 in Albany, PJ on 8/5 at Fenway and one last dance (I hope not but father time?) with Bruce and the E Street Band on 9/14 to close the 2016 River tour....
Quality over quantity! But I hope he breaks the 4hr6m Helsinki 2012 record Wednesday...
Probably the last time my daughters and I will see Bruce and the E Street Band together, so I can't wait for The Boss to reduce Foxboro to rubble...
GIANFICARO: Springsteen idolatry not music to my ear
Perhaps my feelings are rooted in his somewhat cultlike following. Perhaps it's because of those legions of Bruce-walks-on-water zealots, many of whom actually time his concerts from first note to last, then quickly share the news because they're convinced it affects the foundation of the world, like shifting tectonic plates.
"Four hours, 3 minutes, 46 seconds … First note to last note," tweeted one zealot after Bruce Springsteen's concert at Citizens Bank Park on Wednesday night, his longest show on U.S. soil.
Ah, but wait. Another Springsteen diehard timed the length of the concert and posted it on the internet: Four hours, 3 minutes, 49 seconds. Whaaaat, a three-second difference? Controversy on the edge of town. So, which is it? The American people have a right to know. Rest easy; multiple reliable sources have informed me that a congressional subcommittee has been empaneled to settle the dispute.
Bruce Springsteen. I don't get it. Not the worship, not the idolatry, not the bended-knee reverence around here usually reserved for all things pious and Iggles. Maybe it's because he's a Jersey guy and a blue-collar guy. But there is fandom, there is mania, and then there's this religiouslike thing with Springsteen, their musical Moses with a Fender slung over his shoulder.
Don't misunderstand; I know he's good, very good. But I'm not among those who see him walk onstage for three to four hours, then believe he walks on water the rest of the time. When Chris Christie, the antithesis of cool, has seen Springsteen — Bruce dislikes the governor, by the way — a reported and ridiculous 141 times, that's enough right there to keep me away. It's beyond a following. It's not normal.
"You've got to see him live!" I'm continually told by the zealots. "You'll change your mind if you see him live!" Uh, no. It's pointless to dispute the undeniable hum that runs through the crowd at Springsteen's concerts. It's a party. But that's not nearly enough to get me there to log the length of the concert and compare and contrast it with other zealots, and hold my breath waiting to hear "Rosalita" for the millionth time. Heaven forbid if you disclose you do not share the Bruce love. You are summarily lumped in with Easter Bunny haters and those who ignore puppies in the cold rain. How can you not love Bruce?
Thing is, I should be one of them. I was 18 and had just graduated from high school when Springsteen released "Born to Run." The title song was a pedal-to-the-metal rocker for all time. Great lyrics and music. And I do like several of his songs, like "Girls in Their Summer Clothes," "Hungry Heart," "Glory Days," "Born to Run." But he never became my music opiate; I never became addicted. Never had Bruce in my blood, "Jersey Girl" on my mind, stopwatch in my hand.
I've attended major concerts, from Paul McCartney, to the Eagles, to the Who, to Electric Light Orchestra, to Kiss, to Kansas, to the Beach Boys, to Aerosmith, to Jackson Browne, to Queen. I know each performance was a couple of hours or so. But I couldn't tell you exactly how long, not to the nanosecond that Springsteen's zealots can after an audience with their golden idol. They're Deadheads minus the dope.
Springsteen played Philly again Friday night. No doubt the zealots were back, Bruce on their tongues, timers in hand, hoping for a record, and hoping the concert times jibe. A congressional subcommittee awaits.
It is pretty stupid to track the length of a concert like it has any importance other than bragging rights if you were there or trying to argue that Bruce is better than ABC artist because he plays longer shows.
Australia & NZ tour just announced for Jan/Feb 2017!!!
'95: Brisbane BEC March 21 & 22 '98: Brisbane BEC March 14 & 15 '03: Brad Surfers Paradise Troccadero Jan 11 '03: Brisbane BEC Feb 8 '06: Brisbane BEC Nov 10 & 11 '09: Brisbane QSAC Nov 25 '11: EV Solo Brisbane QPAC March 10, 12 & 13 '11: PJ20 Alpine Valley Sep 3 & 4 '14: Gold Coast BDO Jan 19 EV Solo QPAC Feb 22, 23 & 25
That book tour looks pretty awesome. $85 for a 2-hour talk with Bruce, plus signed copy of the book. I know it's worth it, but don't think I can see myself dropping the $$.
I'm sure I'll kick myself for saying this and not going though.
"Sometimes you find yourself having to put all your faith in no faith."
~not a dude~
2010: MSGx2
2012: Made In America
2013: Pittsburgh, Brooklynx2, Hartford, Baltimore
2014: Leeds, Milton Keynes, Detroit
2015: Global Citizen Festival
2016: Phillyx2, MSGx2, Fenwayx2 2018: Barcelona, Wrigleyx2
That book tour looks pretty awesome. $85 for a 2-hour talk with Bruce, plus signed copy of the book. I know it's worth it, but don't think I can see myself dropping the $$.
I'm sure I'll kick myself for saying this and not going though.
Philly is the closest to me & even though my chances of getting a ticket probably aren't that great, I'm certainly gonna try!
Apparently nobody got a video of Streets of Fire last night...
another song I've been chasing and never got... but I doubt there's a version of the song that tops the one from the "live but empty" performance at the Paramount Theater in NJ back in November 2011 for the Darkness box set:
That book tour looks pretty awesome. $85 for a 2-hour talk with Bruce, plus signed copy of the book. I know it's worth it, but don't think I can see myself dropping the $$.
I'm sure I'll kick myself for saying this and not going though.
Philly is the closest to me & even though my chances of getting a ticket probably aren't that great, I'm certainly gonna try!
I actually got in a couple times to get a ticket but then the stupid captcha code to enter would never show!!
Australia & NZ tour just announced for Jan/Feb 2017!!!
This is amazing....3rd tour down under in 4 years! Only doing Melbourne this time. Who else is going?
I'm hoping for a 2nd Brisbane show so that I don't have to convince my wife to let me go on Valentine's Day
'95: Brisbane BEC March 21 & 22 '98: Brisbane BEC March 14 & 15 '03: Brad Surfers Paradise Troccadero Jan 11 '03: Brisbane BEC Feb 8 '06: Brisbane BEC Nov 10 & 11 '09: Brisbane QSAC Nov 25 '11: EV Solo Brisbane QPAC March 10, 12 & 13 '11: PJ20 Alpine Valley Sep 3 & 4 '14: Gold Coast BDO Jan 19 EV Solo QPAC Feb 22, 23 & 25
Ordered Chapter and Verse vinyl today. Brown vinyl exclusive to B&N. Looking forward to hearing The Rising on vinyl, kicking myself for not buying that when it came out.
it just sunk in...i'm actually meeting the boss on thursday for a photo with him and the book...for list price thank you sooo much eh OMG
So glad you scored! That's awesome! Now you gotta think about what you're going to say. I brought my three year old son with me too. Boston ticket said under-age 6 could accompany me. A memory of a lifetime
So glad you scored! That's awesome! Now you gotta think about what you're going to say. I brought my three year old son with me too. Boston ticket said under-age 6 could accompany me. A memory of a lifetime
thanks again. and again and i'm terrible meeting personal heroes. i've seen bruce every tour since BiTUSA, and have traveled to get to shows when he doesn't come around close and have seen multiple shows on most great tours....all told probably 25 Bruce shows since the early 1980's i couldn't possibly have something intelligent to say that would sum up alla that emotion, other than "much thanks" and other hero worship crap LOL which i'm sure he gets all the time....and will get 600 people telling him the same thing on thursday
another great year to be a springsteen fan and I LOVE THIS Bruce Springsteen w/ Eddie Vedder - Bobby Jean (Seattle 3/24/16) multicam mix video
HOLY SHIT!!! Last night in Brisbane was freaking amazing - quite possibly the best show I have EVER seen.... 3 solid hours of total awesomeness Dude next to me said he's seen him 100 times and rated that show up there with best of them.
So glad I decided to go - Bruce is still The Boss!!!
'95: Brisbane BEC March 21 & 22 '98: Brisbane BEC March 14 & 15 '03: Brad Surfers Paradise Troccadero Jan 11 '03: Brisbane BEC Feb 8 '06: Brisbane BEC Nov 10 & 11 '09: Brisbane QSAC Nov 25 '11: EV Solo Brisbane QPAC March 10, 12 & 13 '11: PJ20 Alpine Valley Sep 3 & 4 '14: Gold Coast BDO Jan 19 EV Solo QPAC Feb 22, 23 & 25
Hey ! Anyone else going to see Bruce on Broadway >?
For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
Economical concert year for me (youngest daughter is a very competitive travel softball player so budget isn't what it was!) but Bruce on 2/8 in Albany, PJ on 8/5 at Fenway and one last dance (I hope not but father time?) with Bruce and the E Street Band on 9/14 to close the 2016 River tour....
Quality over quantity! But I hope he breaks the 4hr6m Helsinki 2012 record Wednesday...
Probably the last time my daughters and I will see Bruce and the E Street Band together, so I can't wait for The Boss to reduce Foxboro to rubble...
GIANFICARO: Springsteen idolatry not music to my ear
Perhaps my feelings are rooted in his somewhat cultlike following. Perhaps it's because of those legions of Bruce-walks-on-water zealots, many of whom actually time his concerts from first note to last, then quickly share the news because they're convinced it affects the foundation of the world, like shifting tectonic plates.
"Four hours, 3 minutes, 46 seconds … First note to last note," tweeted one zealot after Bruce Springsteen's concert at Citizens Bank Park on Wednesday night, his longest show on U.S. soil.
Ah, but wait. Another Springsteen diehard timed the length of the concert and posted it on the internet: Four hours, 3 minutes, 49 seconds. Whaaaat, a three-second difference? Controversy on the edge of town. So, which is it? The American people have a right to know. Rest easy; multiple reliable sources have informed me that a congressional subcommittee has been empaneled to settle the dispute.
Bruce Springsteen. I don't get it. Not the worship, not the idolatry, not the bended-knee reverence around here usually reserved for all things pious and Iggles. Maybe it's because he's a Jersey guy and a blue-collar guy. But there is fandom, there is mania, and then there's this religiouslike thing with Springsteen, their musical Moses with a Fender slung over his shoulder.
Don't misunderstand; I know he's good, very good. But I'm not among those who see him walk onstage for three to four hours, then believe he walks on water the rest of the time. When Chris Christie, the antithesis of cool, has seen Springsteen — Bruce dislikes the governor, by the way — a reported and ridiculous 141 times, that's enough right there to keep me away. It's beyond a following. It's not normal.
"You've got to see him live!" I'm continually told by the zealots. "You'll change your mind if you see him live!" Uh, no. It's pointless to dispute the undeniable hum that runs through the crowd at Springsteen's concerts. It's a party. But that's not nearly enough to get me there to log the length of the concert and compare and contrast it with other zealots, and hold my breath waiting to hear "Rosalita" for the millionth time. Heaven forbid if you disclose you do not share the Bruce love. You are summarily lumped in with Easter Bunny haters and those who ignore puppies in the cold rain. How can you not love Bruce?
Thing is, I should be one of them. I was 18 and had just graduated from high school when Springsteen released "Born to Run." The title song was a pedal-to-the-metal rocker for all time. Great lyrics and music. And I do like several of his songs, like "Girls in Their Summer Clothes," "Hungry Heart," "Glory Days," "Born to Run." But he never became my music opiate; I never became addicted. Never had Bruce in my blood, "Jersey Girl" on my mind, stopwatch in my hand.
I've attended major concerts, from Paul McCartney, to the Eagles, to the Who, to Electric Light Orchestra, to Kiss, to Kansas, to the Beach Boys, to Aerosmith, to Jackson Browne, to Queen. I know each performance was a couple of hours or so. But I couldn't tell you exactly how long, not to the nanosecond that Springsteen's zealots can after an audience with their golden idol. They're Deadheads minus the dope.
Springsteen played Philly again Friday night. No doubt the zealots were back, Bruce on their tongues, timers in hand, hoping for a record, and hoping the concert times jibe. A congressional subcommittee awaits.
'03: Brisbane BEC Feb 8 '06: Brisbane BEC Nov 10 & 11 '09: Brisbane QSAC Nov 25
'11: EV Solo Brisbane QPAC March 10, 12 & 13 '11: PJ20 Alpine Valley Sep 3 & 4
'14: Gold Coast BDO Jan 19 EV Solo QPAC Feb 22, 23 & 25
I'm sure I'll kick myself for saying this and not going though.
~not a dude~
2010: MSGx2
2012: Made In America
2013: Pittsburgh, Brooklynx2, Hartford, Baltimore
2014: Leeds, Milton Keynes, Detroit
2015: Global Citizen Festival
2016: Phillyx2, MSGx2, Fenwayx2
2018: Barcelona, Wrigleyx2
Philly is the closest to me & even though my chances of getting a ticket probably aren't that great, I'm certainly gonna try!
Kitty's Back from last night:
Haven't heard Kitty live since 2009. 14 shows and never got NYC Serenade or Incident.... gonna get at least one on Wednesday (praying!)
another song I've been chasing and never got... but I doubt there's a version of the song that tops the one from the "live but empty" performance at the Paramount Theater in NJ back in November 2011 for the Darkness box set:
simply awesome!
Lost in the Flood from my last show at Gillette in 2012:
'03: Brisbane BEC Feb 8 '06: Brisbane BEC Nov 10 & 11 '09: Brisbane QSAC Nov 25
'11: EV Solo Brisbane QPAC March 10, 12 & 13 '11: PJ20 Alpine Valley Sep 3 & 4
'14: Gold Coast BDO Jan 19 EV Solo QPAC Feb 22, 23 & 25
I met him in Boston two weeks ago at an in-store. A great day!
thank you sooo much eh
i'm terrible meeting personal heroes. i've seen bruce every tour since BiTUSA, and have traveled to get to shows when he doesn't come around close and have seen multiple shows on most great tours....all told probably 25 Bruce shows since the early 1980's
i couldn't possibly have something intelligent to say that would sum up alla that emotion, other than "much thanks" and other hero worship crap LOL which i'm sure he gets all the time....and will get 600 people telling him the same thing on thursday
Roger Daltrey covers Born to Run by Bruce Springsteen
This place is dead
"Kfsbho&$thncds" - F Me In the Brain - circa 2015
Bruce Springsteen w/ Eddie Vedder - Bobby Jean (Seattle 3/24/16) multicam mix video
Last night in Brisbane was freaking amazing - quite possibly the best show I have EVER seen....
3 solid hours of total awesomeness
Dude next to me said he's seen him 100 times and rated that show up there with best of them.
So glad I decided to go - Bruce is still The Boss!!!
'03: Brisbane BEC Feb 8 '06: Brisbane BEC Nov 10 & 11 '09: Brisbane QSAC Nov 25
'11: EV Solo Brisbane QPAC March 10, 12 & 13 '11: PJ20 Alpine Valley Sep 3 & 4
'14: Gold Coast BDO Jan 19 EV Solo QPAC Feb 22, 23 & 25
Bruce Springsteen w. Darlene Love - A Fine Fine Boy - Madison Square Garden, NYC - 2009/10/29&30
(Your Love Keeps Lifting Me) Higher & Higher by Bruce Springteen & All Star Band
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life