" ~~~ U2 ~~~ "



  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813

    Bono to Receive Honorary Knighthood

    The British Ambassador to Ireland, Mr David Reddaway, announced today that Bono is being awarded an honorary knighthood.

    As Bono is Irish he is not entitled to the 'Sir' title, as a British national would be, and he can receive the award in a ceremony in Dublin. The award is being granted for his services to music and for his activism.

    In 2003 Bono was presented with the Legion D'Honneur by President Jacques Chirac on behalf of the French Government, for his contribution to music and his campaigning work. Also in recognition of his work promoting justice and equality, Bono was awarded the Time Person of the Year 2005, along with Bill and Melinda Gates.

    British honours are granted by The Queen, on advice from the British Government and previous non-British recipients include Bill Gates, Placido Domingo, Rudolf Giuliani, Steven Spielberg and Simon Wiesenthal.

    We understand that Bono is 'very flattered' to be honoured, particularly if the honour - like its French counterpart - opens doors for his long standing campaigning work against extreme poverty in Africa.
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  • Bathgate66 wrote:
    December 10, 2006

    The stars came out tonight in Honolulu to help U2 close out the 5th and
    final leg of the Vertigo Tour. Green Day's Billie Joe Armstrong joined
    the band for "The Saints Are Coming," and that was followed immediately
    by a cover of "Rockin' In the Free World" with members of Pearl Jam.
    Larry had the final words of the night: "See you soon...."

    see the full set list at U2tours.com >>


    To be honest with you I've never liked U2 at all...still don't..BUT...I really really like the album "POP"...most underated album from them ...big time ! Especially the songs "gone" and "please" oh and as well the song "Miami: ...they still make my playlist !
    but other than that...Bono...gets under my skin.....lol...Too much..blah blah blah blah..not enought ra ra ra rar
    Master of Zen
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    December 23, 2006

    Because two videos are always better than one, U2 has posted a 2nd
    videoclip for "Window In the Skies." Unlike the first clip, which
    covers the history of music/rock-n-roll, the new clip covers U2's
    history in cool, 3D animated effects. It's available on U2.com or

    U2.com link

    You Tube link
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
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  • LedZepFanLedZepFan Posts: 1,009
    i like the second more than the first...cool artsy stuff
    I've faced it, a life wasted, and I'm never going back again.

    Some die just to live.
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    Deutsche Welle
    January 3, 2007

    Rockers Geldof and Bono Urge Merkel to Help Africa

    By DW Staff

    Live Aid legend Bob Geldof and Irish rocker Bono of U2 have called on
    German Chancellor Angela Merkel to help Africa's poor while her
    country holds the presidency of the Group of Eight nations in 2007.

    In a guest commentary in the German mass-circulation daily Bild,
    Irishman Bob Geldof said 2007 will be an important year for Germany.

    "Let us hope and pray that Germany and its chancellor, Ms. Merkel,
    will at last get politicians to act," Geldof said in Bild's Tuesday

    Geldof, who was the mastermind behind the 1985 Live Aid concert and
    the 2005 Live 8 concerts to help Africa, said the continent's
    problems must be on the agenda when Germany hosts G8 leaders at a
    summit in the Baltic Sea resort of Heiligendamm in June.


    Geldof said he was aware that many Germans are suffering from
    unemployment and have financial concerns, but said the country's
    economy would grow in 2007.

    However, "for (Africans), there will again be no economic boom, no
    food, no medicine and no education," he said.

    Irish rocker Bono has also been courting Germany to help Africa. He
    and German Chancellor Angela Merkel exchanged a much-publicized
    embrace at the Davos global economic summit a year ago.

    Bono has urged wealthy nations in the past to grant debt relief to
    poorer nations.


    According to the Financial Times (FT), Bono's London-based campaign
    group called DATA plans to set up an office in Berlin next month
    along with Geldof.

    Geldof's coordinator in Germany, Jeremy Gaines, told the newspaper
    that the two celebrity musicians want to work with German filmmakers
    and television broadcasters to draw attention to Africa's development

    Geldof is also planning "Intellectual Aid" -- a series of debates
    with German thinkers about Africa, development and the role of
    Western countries, the FT reported.

    The first "Intellectual Aid" debate is scheduled for March 22, which
    is World Water Day.

    The second one is to be held in Berlin during the G8 summit in
    Heiligendamm to "monitor whether leaders are living up to their
    promises from Gleneagles," Gaines said.


    Geldof's Live 8 concerts were held just days before the G8 summit in
    Gleneagles, Scotland in 2005 -- at which the group's leaders pledged
    debt relief for poor African countries.

    They also pledged $50 billion in extra development aid by 2010.

    Germany has said it wants to set up a G8 program to encourage foreign
    investment as a reward to African nations who fight corruption and
    AIDS and who promote democracy.

    According to press reports, Merkel's cabinet has drafted a proposal
    that each member of the G8 sign a partnership agreement with an
    African state.

    Some German development non-governmental organizations, however, are
    skeptical of Bono and Geldof's work. They say the two celebrities
    pander to the media and that they do not consult or inform the NGO's
    enough about their plans.

    © Deutsche Welle, 2007.
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
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  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    ShowBiz Ireland
    January 3, 2007

    Sir Bono: Cool Or Not Cool???

    As we shake off the final hangover of 2006 and kick off 2007 anew we
    are left with the resounding debate which was the center of most New
    Year's Eve conversations in Dublin bars...Should Bono accept a
    Knighthood from the Queen of England?

    On Tony Blair's recent recommendation, Bono is set to follow in Bob
    Geldof's footsteps and become an honorary knight of the British
    empire. But as a citizen of Ireland and not Britain he will be
    deprived of the title "Sir Bono" (more accurately, Sir Paul Hewson),
    although that won't stop the media to referring to him thusly...

    But as the U2 frontman gets on in years and his wealth, fame and
    political influence grow so far beyond what any of us could ever
    imagine -- perhaps he's losing touch with the common man, U2 fans and
    even the Irish people?

    Maybe years of hobnobbing with Tony Blair, George Bush, the Pope,
    Bill Gates and their like have given the Northside Dubliner a taste
    for titles, honours and awards? He has stated that such things are in
    recognition of his charity work and help breakdown barriers but we
    can't help feeling that vanity and an overactive ego are at work
    here...Surely charity is a selfless act?

    We read in a paper yesterday that Bono said the British knighthood
    was no different in principal from the Legion D'Honneur he received
    from the French. We beg to differ. The relationship between the Irish
    people and the British Monarchy can hardy be compared with our
    relationship with the French, a totally different ballpark...

    We're not going to get into a debate here about Anglo-Irish relations
    but the fact still remains that the Irish struggled for emancipation
    from British rule for over 900 years and the scourge of bloodthirsty
    tyrants such as Oliver Cromwell who saw the indigenous Irish as no
    better than the beast in the field. Is it right that perhaps the
    greatest living Irishman should now bow down in front of the Queen
    and be knighted?

    We caught up with Bono and the Edge over Christmas as they celebrated
    the end of their World tour with a well deserved knees-up in Lillies
    Bordello's VVIP bar Jersey Lils. We dare not ask Bono about his soon
    to be bestowed sword on shoulder ceremony as the timing just didn't
    seem right...

    But irregardless of whether it is morally, politically, personally or
    otherwise right or wrong for a former Punk Rocker to accept this
    title we at ShowBiz Ireland feel it's just not cool! After a quick
    straw-pole most people we asked seemed to be of the opinion that
    knighthoods are wrinkly rockers well past their best and certainly
    not our Bono...Another talented Irish / Englishman Morrissey recently
    said that he would never be offered a knighthood because of his
    song "The Queen is Dead" and we're somehow reminded of the Groucho
    Marx quip: "I don't want to belong to any club that would have me as
    a member!"

    Happy New Year 2007 to Bono, the Edge & even the Queen. ShowBiz
    Ireland is an equal opportunities Web Site Begorrah!!!

    © ShowBiz Ireland, 2007.
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
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  • PoncierPoncier Posts: 17,403
    This weekend we rock Portland
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
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  • PoncierPoncier Posts: 17,403
    Bathgate66 wrote:

    no show
    Works for me. Its Merkel, or maybe Urkel. :D
    This weekend we rock Portland
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    Poncier wrote:
    Works for me. Its Merkel, or maybe Urkel. :D


    all i see is the little " images by tripod " logo .

    ( just so you know )
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
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  • PoncierPoncier Posts: 17,403
    You need to smack your computer a few times, maybe with a baseball bat.
    This weekend we rock Portland
  • PoncierPoncier Posts: 17,403
    This weekend we rock Portland
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    January 06, 2007

    Thx to dwaltman for the tip in our forum that U2's music will be
    featured in an upcoming edition of the CBS-TV drama Cold Case. The Rock
    on TV listing says the episode, titled "8:03 am" will air on January
    28th, but the date "1/21/07" is listed with the show description. In
    any case, it's not the first time CBS has featured U2 in its prime-time
    lineup. Songs from How To Dismantle an Atomic Bomb were featured
    throughout November, 2004, in episodes of C.S.I.

    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
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  • PoncierPoncier Posts: 17,403
    This weekend we rock Portland
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    Poncier wrote:

    thanks so much !

    i have heard this dozens if not 100s of times- nice to finally see it surface oon the tube.

    bono in the sling is too funny- this is from his fall off the stage in nyc on that tour i believe .

    thanks Poncier.
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
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  • PoncierPoncier Posts: 17,403
    I think the injury happened in DC if memory serves.

    Here's a nugget you also might enjoy, I was at this show in your neck of the woods:

    This weekend we rock Portland
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    Developer joins U2 stars in EU150m Clarence project
    Frank McDonald, Environment Editor
    Tue, Jan 16, 2007

    Dublin's Clarence Hotel, owned by U2's Bono and the Edge, in
    partnership with property developer Paddy McKillen, is to be
    redeveloped at a cost of EU150 million as "one of the most spectacular
    city hotels in Europe".

    The scheme, designed by international architects Foster and Partners,
    is to be submitted shortly to Dublin City Council. It would incorporate
    the former Dollard printing works and four Georgian buildings on
    Wellington Quay.

    Only the quayside facades of the existing hotel and adjoining buildings
    - all of which are protected structures - would be retained, although
    the oak panelling from the Clarence's Octagon Bar is to be salvaged for

    The rear elevations of the hotel and adjoining buildings on East Essex
    Street would be demolished in their entirety and replaced by a
    undulating glazed facade, with shops and cafés at street level and
    bedrooms above.

    The existing hotel, which has only 34 bedrooms, has lost up to EU12
    million since its refurbishment 10 years' ago. Bono (Paul Hewson) and
    the Edge (David Evans) were advised to sell, but decided to bring Mr
    McKillen on board.

    They set up the Clarence Partnership, which is split 50-50 between the
    two U2 band members on the one hand and Mr McKillen on the other. His
    largest project in Dublin to date has been the Jervis Centre on Mary

    A hotel for the past 140 years, the new Clarence will have 114 bedrooms
    and 28 suites, if planning permission is granted for the project. It
    will also have a 1,360sq m (14,640sq ft) spa - the first on this scale
    in central Dublin.

    Andy Bow, a senior partner in Norman Foster's practice, said the new
    hotel would be organised around a "skycatcher" atrium - shaped like an
    elongated hourglass - rising from a 25-metre swimming pool in the
    basement to the roof.

    An elliptical canopy with a reflective surface - a "white hovering
    halo", as Mr Bow described it - would cover the structure, uniting its
    different elements, and this would be topped by a fully-glazed
    "skyroom" with panoramic views.

    The development will incorporate a number of sustainability strategies,
    including natural light and ventilation, to ensure that it will
    function as an energy-efficient and environmentally sensitive mixed-use
    hotel, spa and conference facility.

    Mr Bow said the city council's planners were "hugely supportive" of the
    scheme, while conservationists were also positive. "There's a sense
    that people think it would be great to have a 21st century hotel like
    this in Dublin."

    Norman Foster described it as "an ambitious project - architecturally
    and structurally [ that] presents an exciting opportunity to regenerate
    Temple Bar's river frontage, while also creating a bold new addition to
    Dublin's skyline."

    © 2007 The Irish Times
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
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  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    Poncier wrote:
    I think the injury happened in DC if memory serves.

    Here's a nugget you also might enjoy, I was at this show in your neck of the woods:


    really ?

    i coulda swore that happen in nyc somehwere- he fell off the stage . He also appears in rattle and hum with the gospel choir- in the sling.

    oh well- thanks for the heads up Poncier.
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
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  • PoncierPoncier Posts: 17,403
    So far all I can find about it is this:


    Rattle and Hum Outtakes (look at list #4)

    Lists Bono being driven to Hopistal with dislocated shoulder under the Foxboro 9/22/87 stuff and the NYC shows as 9/28/87 and 9/29/87.

    Strictly from memory it was DC (9/20/87, RFK Stadium)he injured it in. His arm was definitely in a sling in Foxboro on 9/22(and not in the Boston Garden on 9/17 and 9/18), and that show was before NYC
    This weekend we rock Portland
  • PoncierPoncier Posts: 17,403
    Here we go, from @u2.com:


    The critical part:
    From: Sam

    In Rattle and Hum, when the band is walking through Harlem and they stop to listen to "Freedom for my People," Bono's left arm is in a contraption. Is it "tennis elbow" from lifting pints, an injury from leaving the stage or something even better?

    Dear Sam:

    He dislocated his shoulder during a concert at RFK Stadium in Washington, DC on September 20, 1987. The accident happened when Bono slipped on the wet stage during "Exit." He was taken to a hospital immediately after the show and ended up performing with his arm in a sling for the next 12 concerts -- though he ignored doctor's orders by playing guitar on several occasions when he wasn't supposed to!
    This weekend we rock Portland
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    ah okay.

    i shouldve known better then to " test " the great Poncier !

    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
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  • PoncierPoncier Posts: 17,403
    I just remember the timeline well as they played here just before and after the accident. I was at the 2 Garden shows on the 17th and 18th...strangely I didn't attend the Foxboro show (silly me I didn't want to do a stadium show after 2 arena shows, I hate football stadia for concerts, but in hindsight I wish I'd have gone), but my brother did. Since the injury had just happened it was kind of big news among U2 fans.
    This weekend we rock Portland
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    U2.Com has posted a story today cautioning U2 fans not to buy tickets
    that have popped up on some ticketing sites for supposed U2 shows in
    London and Paris during 2007. According to the site, there are no live
    plans for the current year, and any ticket offers you see are "a
    scam". Just a heads up to fans out there that might have seen these
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
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  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    January 19, 2007

    Bono will be heading to Switzerland next week to once again
    participate in The World Economic Forum at Davos. The WEF issued a
    statement yesterday announcing the theme for this year's meeting,
    which will be "Shaping the Global Agenda, The Shifting Power
    Equation." The meeting attracts over 2,400 participants from 90
    countries, including 24 heads of state or government, 85 cabinet
    ministers, and one very vocal rock star. (Actually two, if you count
    Peter Gabriel, who will also attend.) Key segments of the discussions
    will once again be offered via webcast at the WEF website, and will be
    available beginning January 24.

    More info on the WEF:
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
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  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    Thx to U2tour.de

    25 of the greatest gigs ever

    For Bono it's the Clash. For Irvine Welsh it's Roxy Music. For Amy
    Winehouse it's Erykah Badu. Our star-studded panel of artists and
    writers relive the concerts that changed their lives. (And yes, someone
    really should have chosen Iggy ... )

    Sunday January 21, 2007
    Observer Music Monthly


    The Clash
    Trinity College
    Dublin, 1977


    Can't remember the set list, can't remember much about the music, to be
    honest. I just know that everything changed that night, and I'm sure it
    was not just for me. Year zero. The shock of the new, where everything
    reconfigured. The venue was the exam hall of Trinity College, founded
    by Bishop Berkeley 300 odd years previously ... the man who spent his
    entire existence trying to prove the existence of existence. I'm not
    kidding. He also had a corner of San Francisco named after him. Other
    reconfigurations, other revolts.

    It wasn't so much a musical event. It was more like the Red Army had
    arrived, on a cold October night, to force feed a new cultural
    revolution, punk rock. Marching boots and the smell of sulphur. Not
    weed or speed but fear, fear of the future, no future. And the delight,
    so much delight. All kinds of symbols pinned on jackets, some
    ridiculous swastikas, Red Brigade t-shirts, hand made knock-offs of
    extremely expensive Seditionaries threads fromLondon. But as there was
    a war going on 100 miles from here, in a strange way, the Clash made
    more sense in Dublin than anywhere.

    As I sat in the box room and stared out the window the next day, it was
    very clear. The world is more malleable than you think; reality is what
    you can get away with.

    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
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  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813

    Just when you thought U2 fans couldn't get any younger, Baby Rock Records is
    releasing a CD filled with U2 favorites done as baby lullabies called
    Rockabye Baby! Lullaby Renditions of U2. They've already put out CDs with
    renditions of Coldplay, Nirvana, Metallica, Led Zeppelin and others. Amazon.com is
    taking pre-orders if there are any parents interested. The CD track list is:
    Sunday Bloody Sunday / All I Want is You / Beautiful Day / One / With or Without
    You / I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For / Angel of Harlem / Where
    the Streets Have No Name / New Year's Day / Desire / The Sweetest Thing.
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
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  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    United Press International®

    BEIJING, Feb. 2 (UPI) -- Chinese singer Zhang Liangying is among the international
    performers asked to record "Give Your Love" as part of World Peace One's call for world

    Other singers and bands invited to travel to the United States to record "Give Your Love"
    include U2, Madonna, the Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd and Green Day, Chinese Radio
    International said. Zhang, third place in China's 2005 "Super Girl" singing contest, is the lone
    Asian female singer invited to participate so far.

    World Peace One is a non-profit charitable organization that stresses a world community in a
    peaceful existence.

    After the recording session, some performers are scheduled to participate in "A Call for an
    End to War" concert Aug. 15. Organizers said the event should reach an audience of 3.5
    billion worldwide through television, radio, the Internet and cell phones.

    © United Press International, 2007.
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
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  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    February 04, 2007

    Thanks to Rhianna for letting us know that the movie trailer for Across
    the Universe is now available on Yahoo. Bono makes a guest appearance
    in the film, and can be spotted ever so briefly in the trailer, about
    1/3rd of the way in. You can also click the image on our home page for
    a larger version if you miss yer man's appearance.
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
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  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    February 7, 2007
    Posted by: Tassoula

    To benefit Music Rising, The Edge has autographed ten Epiphone Les Paul Guitars, which are
    now available for purchase. All proceeds benefit the charity, which was co-founded by The
    Edge to replace musical instruments lost or damaged in Hurricane Katrina.

    To learn more, follow the link on @ http://www.atU2.com
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
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  • Electrial Storm is fuckin' awesome.
    Oh he fills it up with the love of a girl...
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