Music Game



  • HaylesHayles Posts: 52
    the boy with the thorn in his side - the smiths
    You can't save someone from drowning when you're treading water yourself. E.V.
  • Boys And Girls - Blur
    Forget your perfect offering, there is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in. - Leonard Cohen
  • HaylesHayles Posts: 52
    living dead girl - Rob Zombie
    You can't save someone from drowning when you're treading water yourself. E.V.
  • UnleashedUnleashed Posts: 261
    Bee Girl ~ PJ
    I will feel alive as long as I am free
  • {[No_Code}]{[No_Code}] Posts: 4,059
    The Girl From Ipanema - Frank Sinatra
    So that is how I learned the lesson that everyone is alone. And your eyes must do some raining if you are ever going to grow. But when crying don't help and you can't compose yourself. It is best to compose a poem, an honest longing or simple song of hope.
    That is why I'm singing
  • PorchPorch Posts: 539
    The End - The Doors
    sometimes you're the boxer...sometimes you're the bag...
  • stonemadstonemad Posts: 46
    In The End-Blur
    " sounded like me......"
  • PorchPorch Posts: 539
    into the mystic - van morrion
    sometimes you're the boxer...sometimes you're the bag...
  • uninnocentuninnocent Posts: 1,565
    into the void - soundgarden (covering sabbath)
  • blacknapkinsblacknapkins Posts: 2,177
    The Void ~ Meat Puppets
    "Information is not knowledge.
    Knowledge is not wisdom.
    Wisdom is not truth.
    Truth is not beauty.
    Beauty is not love.
    Love is not music.
    Music is the best."
    ~ FZ ~
  • {[No_Code}]{[No_Code}] Posts: 4,059
    The Gallery - Muse
    So that is how I learned the lesson that everyone is alone. And your eyes must do some raining if you are ever going to grow. But when crying don't help and you can't compose yourself. It is best to compose a poem, an honest longing or simple song of hope.
    That is why I'm singing
  • GalianaGaliana Posts: 554
    In The Gallery--Dire Straits
    Don't threaten me with a good time.
  • cookie5798cookie5798 Posts: 396
    In the Meantime ~ Spacehog
    We need Pearl Jam in Atlanta!!! 2006-2007

    The dirty south needs a fix.
  • uninnocentuninnocent Posts: 1,565
    in my life - the beatles
  • CuriousCurious Posts: 732
    Follow My Way - Chris Cornell
    "The secret of creativity is knowing how to hide your sources." - Einstein
  • {[No_Code}]{[No_Code}] Posts: 4,059
    My Way - Frank Sinatra
    So that is how I learned the lesson that everyone is alone. And your eyes must do some raining if you are ever going to grow. But when crying don't help and you can't compose yourself. It is best to compose a poem, an honest longing or simple song of hope.
    That is why I'm singing
  • ledfloydledfloyd Posts: 604
    way of the world - cheap trick
    "won't you help to sing, these songs of freedom...cause all i've ever had, redemption songs"
  • {[No_Code}]{[No_Code}] Posts: 4,059
    You Talk Way Too Much - The Strokes
    So that is how I learned the lesson that everyone is alone. And your eyes must do some raining if you are ever going to grow. But when crying don't help and you can't compose yourself. It is best to compose a poem, an honest longing or simple song of hope.
    That is why I'm singing
  • ledfloydledfloyd Posts: 604
    talk tonight - oasis
    "won't you help to sing, these songs of freedom...cause all i've ever had, redemption songs"
  • {[No_Code}]{[No_Code}] Posts: 4,059
    Tonight - David Bowie & Tina Turner
    So that is how I learned the lesson that everyone is alone. And your eyes must do some raining if you are ever going to grow. But when crying don't help and you can't compose yourself. It is best to compose a poem, an honest longing or simple song of hope.
    That is why I'm singing
  • CuriousCurious Posts: 732
    Tonight Tonight - Smashing Pumpkins
    "The secret of creativity is knowing how to hide your sources." - Einstein
  • goto_lgoto_l Posts: 1,189
    Tonight We Murder-Ministry
    You men eat your dinner
    Eat your pork and beans
    I eat more chicken
    Than any man ever seen

  • We are the Champions - Queen
  • {[No_Code}]{[No_Code}] Posts: 4,059
    Time Like These - Foo Fighters
    So that is how I learned the lesson that everyone is alone. And your eyes must do some raining if you are ever going to grow. But when crying don't help and you can't compose yourself. It is best to compose a poem, an honest longing or simple song of hope.
    That is why I'm singing
  • {[No_Code}]{[No_Code}] Posts: 4,059
    Days - David Bowie
    So that is how I learned the lesson that everyone is alone. And your eyes must do some raining if you are ever going to grow. But when crying don't help and you can't compose yourself. It is best to compose a poem, an honest longing or simple song of hope.
    That is why I'm singing
  • cookie5798cookie5798 Posts: 396
    Days of the Week ~STP
    We need Pearl Jam in Atlanta!!! 2006-2007

    The dirty south needs a fix.
  • GalianaGaliana Posts: 554
    Eight Days A Week--Beatles
    Don't threaten me with a good time.
  • UnleashedUnleashed Posts: 261
    7 Days ~ Queen
    I will feel alive as long as I am free
  • CuriousCurious Posts: 732
    Days Turn Blue To Gray - Machine Head
    "The secret of creativity is knowing how to hide your sources." - Einstein
  • UnleashedUnleashed Posts: 261
    Behind Blue Eyes ~ The Who, not Fred Durst
    I will feel alive as long as I am free
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