24-Hour Economic Blackout



  • Get_RightGet_Right Posts: 13,533
    RP123663 said:
    Get_Right said:
    RP123663 said:
    Get_Right said:
    RP123663 said:
    The thing that really grinds my gears is that after 30+ years, this is the most creative system they could come up with? 

    If you actually wanted to do the 10c members a solid, and wanted to ensure that 10c members didn't resell their tickets for a profit, then why not just do this?...

    You enter the 10c drawing for a show.  You get lucky and obtain tickets.  Something comes up and you cannot go.  You are allowed to return your tickets for a refund.  Those same tickets are awarded randomly to another 10c member who originally put in for that show.  If they no longer want to go to that show, they put them back in the pool until ALL of the tickets allotted for 10c members are in the hands of 10c members.  

    At this point, it doesn't even seem like half of the 10c tickets end up in the hands of 10c members.  So, this current system doesn't really work in any way.

    You are asking for 10C managerial oversight. That is long gone, costs money, and is not how the TM business model is designed. It is all automated. If you win the lottery and want to sell F2F then you put yourself in the TM system. Which means bots and resellers. Do not buy if you cannot go. 
    It would still be automated and would take exactly no more management or resources.  Nobody would have to track people who are scalping their tickets.  In fact it would be much easier and cheaper to manage than the current, mindless system.

    Agree to disagree. TM does not manage 10C members. And they might make more money in fees with the current system. There is no incentive for them to make sure the tickets end up in the hands of 10C members at face value. Do not buy if you cannot go. Make them non-transferable. People would be less inclined to spend $500 if they knew they might get stuck with them.
    Are you kidding me?  Life happens.  Tickets go on sale sometimes a year or more before the show. Have you never had anything come up where you had to cancel?  I'm not talking about the common street whore that TM is and PJ is in bed with. I'm talking about a simple process of re-pooling the 10c lottery. It's so simple a dumb cave man could do it. 

    You still have to pay the caveman. And no one is interested in doing that when they can make more money. Of course there has been one or two instances when I had to eat my 10C tickets. That was the assumption of risk I took when I bought them. I just contacted the 10C and said give them away. And that is what they did.
  • pjl44pjl44 Posts: 9,985
    Why come here to rage against something you think is dumb? Just…move along. It’s one day. 

    What do you people do when you hear a song on the radio you don’t like? Just sit there and seethe with rage? Turn the channel…FFS. 
    No discussion on the discussion board!
  • Jimmydean55Jimmydean55 Posts: 1,444
    pjl44 said:
    Why come here to rage against something you think is dumb? Just…move along. It’s one day. 

    What do you people do when you hear a song on the radio you don’t like? Just sit there and seethe with rage? Turn the channel…FFS. 
    No discussion on the discussion board!
    If I saw an actual discussion happening…
  • BF25394BF25394 Posts: 4,779
    RP123663 said:
    BF25394 said:
    RP123663 said:
    BF25394 said:
    RP123663 said:
    BF25394 said:
    RP123663 said:
    BF25394 said:
    RP123663 said:
    RP123663 said:
    Sea said:
    24-Hour Economic Blackout
    News February 27 2025

    In support of the 24-Hour Economic Blackout, Pearl Jam is closing the Ten Club Shop on February 28th.

    For more info on how to participate in the blackout visit thepeoplesunionusa.com.

    Designed by Martha Rich.

    This is the dumbest, most useless thing ever.  How about someone focuses on the idiotic ticket process that is nothing but a bullshit scam?
    Some people only care about themselves. Yeah, the ticket process is a major issue, click a few buttons. Real difficult. 
    Get real.  Boycotting things for a few minutes doesn't come close to moving the needle.  Meanwhile PJ and TM are in bed together completely raping the fan base and they want to play this holier than thou card?  So lame.  
    To be clear, you are saying don’t use your time to draw attention to one thing that is bad, use your time and attention on another thing that is bad? 
    To be even clearer, he is saying: don't use your time to draw attention to major, systemic problems that threaten the very future of the country and our freedoms within it; instead, use your time and attention on a system that people use to access entertainment products.*

    * A system that, whatever its flaws, still manages to ensure that thousands of the best seats in every arena are set aside for the band's fan club members-- a fact that completely undermines his assertion that "every action [Pearl Jam] took was to help monopolize the system and cater to the bots and scalpers."
    Cool fake story.  Let me know when Target and Amazon go under next week.  You know, Target.  The store PJ partnered with?  I'll wait here.

    BTW, the system does nothing for the 10c members other than put them in a corner where they are threatened if they sell their tickets above face value.  Instead, something comes up and they have to sell, but no other fans are allowed to get them at face value.  Nope, the bots are pushed to the front of the line and within seconds, resell them for up to 10x face value while your band does..................absolutely nothing about it.  Those are facts.  So, anyway, make sure you use cash when you pay $1200 for a nosebleed seat to Raleigh.  That'll show em.
    See my post above. "Does nothing for the 10c members"? Au contraire. The system gave me, as a Ten Club member, the opportunity to purchase outstanding face-value tickets to as many shows as I wished-- and, in fact, I got those tickets. I would never have been able to  attend ten Pearl Jam shows in six cities in two countries for under $2,000 if it had not been for the Ten Club lottery (or certainly not without a lot more effort required and a lot more uncertainty).

    What fake story are you referring to? You said something that is demonstrably false, that "every action [Pearl Jam took] was to help monopolize the system and cater to the bots and scalpers." Thousands of fan club tickets are purchased for every show, most of which are excellent. Pearl Jam took actions to make that possible. If you are so convinced that the band is as corrupt as you say it is, why are you paying to belong to this fan club? You're painting yourself as quite a sucker.
    You know who got a much, much better opportunity?  The bots and the scalpers.  You have to be slow to not see the b.s. that is currently happening.  You keep focusing on the TENS of people who ORIGINALLY get an opportunity to get tickets.  However, you fail to see anything past that.  The system is set up for the bots and scalpers to spike the price point and fuck over the fan base. Stop boot licking and be honest for once. Yay, you got tickets to a show.  Awesome. The rest of the arena was monopolized and the fan base was fucked over. 
    Keep moving the goalposts. "The system does nothing for the 10c members other than put them in a corner where they are threatened if they sell their tickets above face value." That's what you said, and it's false. The system enables thousands-- perhaps tens of thousands-- of fan club members to secure tickets before they go on sale to the general public, and at face value. The system ensures that a significant portion of the best seats in the house are set aside for fan club members, something that wouldn't happen if Pearl Jam didn't insist on it. I'm not licking anyone's boots, and I'm never anything but honest. You, on the other hand, are a sucker paying annual dues to belong to the fan club of a band that you think is corrupt and hates its fans. And you're miserable. I actually have empathy for you because it cannot be hard going through life being miserable because you think that everything is rigged against you, including a band that you ostensibly love and that has gone out of its way for over 30 years to be good to its fans.
    What I wrote was 100% true.  You are just incapable of saying anything remotely critical about the band or the system.  You're a common boot licker and the world needs those at times.  If you put in for tickets and don't strike out, you cannot resell them for a profit or risk being "punished".  However, if you sell those same tickets at face value, there is a 99% chance they get scooped up by a bot and resold on the scalper sites for a much, much higher price.  That is a fact, and if you stopped ball washing for a minute and admit that, you wouldn't feel the need to be the band's personal defender.  

    Events are events. Prices are based on supply and demand.  If you buy a ticket for $200 and cannot make it, you should be able to sell it for whatever the market dictates.  Why are the bots the only ones allowed to profit when the 10c members already pay a yearly donation to the band just for the OPPORTUNITY to BUY tickets?  
    More falsehoods. I have been critical of the band on this message board. See, for example, discussions of the handling of the annual single. As far as the system is concerned, sometimes I have had great luck within it (e.g., 2024). Other times, I have not had great luck within it (e.g., 2022). I haven't had an issue with it either time. It's a lottery, and I'm not entitled to anything except the chance to participate in it. I recognize that this system has enabled me to get excellent tickets to see this band dozens of times over the years without paying a premium, including eight times at Madison Square Garden, one of the locations for which the system is supposedly especially corrupt. I appreciate the access I have had. I have no basis for complaint.  

    And more goalpost shifting. Your statement at issue was, again: "The system does nothing for the 10c members other than put them in a corner where they are threatened if they sell their tickets above face value." That is false. The system allows Ten Club members-- tens of thousands of them-- an opportunity to purchase premium seats at face value before the general public. I could list other benefits of the system for Ten Club members, but I don't need to because that one thing is enough to demonstrate the falsity of your claim.

    I have no problem with people who are critical of the band. No one is perfect, including the band and including me. But I do have a problem with people who come into this space populated by Pearl Jam fans and insist that the band is corrupt or, contrary to their decades of behavior, that they don't give a shit about their fans. Neither of those things are true, but your comments clearly indicate that you believe they are, which again leads to the question: why are you paying these corrupt people for the right to belong to this club? You can't even say that you keep up your membership so that you don't lose the opportunity to get tickets to their shows, because you insist that membership doesn't even provide that.
    All you do is boot lick and defend a corrupt system that caters to bots and scalpers.  You're on the wrong team, kid.

    You never address any of the questions. You can't defend your false statements, because they're easily rebutted, and you don't seem to have an answer for why you continue to pay dues to support this "corrupt" regime like a giant sucker.
    I gather speed from you fucking with me.
  • mookeywrenchmookeywrench Posts: 5,963
    The amount of bickering something this irrelevant has created, and well after the fact, is comical....only on this board. 
  • enddemenddem Posts: 144
    tbergs said:
    Get_Right said:
    Help me understand what this will accomplish. What is the end goal? 
    I'm surprised at either all the naysayers or uninterested responses. I mean, sure, we're almost powerless against the billionaires class, but if we unite for one day, we can remind them the power we have when we come together. It's a show of force to remind them not to forget who enriches them and how we can taketh away. I'm not optimistic that a large majority of people would be willing to commit to a long term boycott (at least based on the election outcome), but if we did, we could impact their bottom line significantly and force them to recognize what we as consumers want matters.

    Not sure why so many need to come in here and shit all over it though. Move along if your pessimistic worldview finds this unworthy of your time. We'll just keep marching towards plutocracy.
  • enddemenddem Posts: 144
    Multi millionaires telling me to protest the influence of billionaires.

    I'm going to go get some gas, then I am off to Walmart for 2 pairs of sweatpants and some cheap shirts that I can ruin while I paint my house. Then I'm going to Menards to get a bag of durabond 45(look it up if you don't know). Then I'm going to the Italian Deli down the street to go get Kathy and I some lunch.

    Sorry folks, I will leave this protest to you. 
    I wish you the best. 
    The problem with this kind of statement is that political economy is a thing. Though millionaires, the members of PJ are in fact at the point of production. They may not be lower class, but they are still very much labor. The billionaire class targeted by these kinds of actions are not.
  • julieooliernjulieooliern Posts: 434
    RP123663 said:
    BF25394 said:
    RP123663 said:
    BF25394 said:
    RP123663 said:
    RP123663 said:
    Sea said:
    24-Hour Economic Blackout
    News February 27 2025

    In support of the 24-Hour Economic Blackout, Pearl Jam is closing the Ten Club Shop on February 28th.

    For more info on how to participate in the blackout visit thepeoplesunionusa.com.

    Designed by Martha Rich.

    This is the dumbest, most useless thing ever.  How about someone focuses on the idiotic ticket process that is nothing but a bullshit scam?
    Some people only care about themselves. Yeah, the ticket process is a major issue, click a few buttons. Real difficult. 
    Get real.  Boycotting things for a few minutes doesn't come close to moving the needle.  Meanwhile PJ and TM are in bed together completely raping the fan base and they want to play this holier than thou card?  So lame.  
    To be clear, you are saying don’t use your time to draw attention to one thing that is bad, use your time and attention on another thing that is bad? 
    To be even clearer, he is saying: don't use your time to draw attention to major, systemic problems that threaten the very future of the country and our freedoms within it; instead, use your time and attention on a system that people use to access entertainment products.*

    * A system that, whatever its flaws, still manages to ensure that thousands of the best seats in every arena are set aside for the band's fan club members-- a fact that completely undermines his assertion that "every action [Pearl Jam] took was to help monopolize the system and cater to the bots and scalpers."
    Cool fake story.  Let me know when Target and Amazon go under next week.  You know, Target.  The store PJ partnered with?  I'll wait here.

    BTW, the system does nothing for the 10c members other than put them in a corner where they are threatened if they sell their tickets above face value.  Instead, something comes up and they have to sell, but no other fans are allowed to get them at face value.  Nope, the bots are pushed to the front of the line and within seconds, resell them for up to 10x face value while your band does..................absolutely nothing about it.  Those are facts.  So, anyway, make sure you use cash when you pay $1200 for a nosebleed seat to Raleigh.  That'll show em.
    See my post above. "Does nothing for the 10c members"? Au contraire. The system gave me, as a Ten Club member, the opportunity to purchase outstanding face-value tickets to as many shows as I wished-- and, in fact, I got those tickets. I would never have been able to  attend ten Pearl Jam shows in six cities in two countries for under $2,000 if it had not been for the Ten Club lottery (or certainly not without a lot more effort required and a lot more uncertainty).

    What fake story are you referring to? You said something that is demonstrably false, that "every action [Pearl Jam took] was to help monopolize the system and cater to the bots and scalpers." Thousands of fan club tickets are purchased for every show, most of which are excellent. Pearl Jam took actions to make that possible. If you are so convinced that the band is as corrupt as you say it is, why are you paying to belong to this fan club? You're painting yourself as quite a sucker.
    You know who got a much, much better opportunity?  The bots and the scalpers.  You have to be slow to not see the b.s. that is currently happening.  You keep focusing on the TENS of people who ORIGINALLY get an opportunity to get tickets.  However, you fail to see anything past that.  The system is set up for the bots and scalpers to spike the price point and fuck over the fan base. Stop boot licking and be honest for once. Yay, you got tickets to a show.  Awesome. The rest of the arena was monopolized and the fan base was fucked over. 
    I’m sorry for your stress. 💔 I really do wish you peace RP.
  • Windermere11Windermere11 Posts: 140
    Random thoughts on Mr. Schwartz, his past struggles and economic boycotts in the future. First of all, congrats on escaping NY in 1994 to become a Patriots fan. Solid timing brother. But the success of boycotts, protests, or random initiatives all depend on timing. My years of success have been planned using the leap year advantage. On February 29, 1992, I joined the PJ Vitalogy /10 Club. Best decision I've ever made, socially and financially. I only have to pay my PJ membership dues once every four years. It's awesome! So I recommend planning your next economic blackout on February 29, 2026. That date will guarantee 100% success for your cause. But, I could be wrong....     
    Thank you Mike!!!

    1990 12/22
    1991 2/1,26; 3/1; 5/25; 8/23,29
    1992 1/3,17; 7/22; 9/20
    1993 9/5; 10/25; 12/7,8,9
    1995 6/24; 11/4
    1998 7/10,11,13,14
    2000 10/22,25,28,30
    2003 6/2,3,5,6; 10/28
    2006 7/6,7,9,10,12,13; 11/30; 12/2,9
    2009 9/30; 10/1,6,7,9
    2010 5/1
    2013 11/21,23,24
    2014 10/25
    2016 11/14
    2018 8/8,10
    2021 9/26; 10/1,2
    2022 5/3,6,7
    2024 5/16,18,21,22; 9/27,29
  • LoujoeLoujoe Posts: 10,339

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