Signature Confirmation for Shipping Items

in Lost Dogs
I recently purchased a sealed copy of the Moline Vault release off of eBay. Yesterday, it was stolen off of my front steps, an hour before I got home (mail delivery times are not consistent at my house).
With prices we are paying for a lot of items (sold here or other sites) and the seemingly never ending issue with porch pirates, what’s the thought on using signature confirmations as a community best practice? I know I will no long sell or buy items over a certain value unless signature confirmation is used going forward.
With prices we are paying for a lot of items (sold here or other sites) and the seemingly never ending issue with porch pirates, what’s the thought on using signature confirmations as a community best practice? I know I will no long sell or buy items over a certain value unless signature confirmation is used going forward.
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Luckily I noticed pretty quickly, I called customer service and the driver went back to get it. But you never know.
But I agree with the first response. The seller is responsible for packing properly and getting it safely to the post office. If you don't have a safe porch for mail, that is on the buyer to communicate that and request extra services.
Some people work at home, are retired or have family that is home during the day. I don't think we need to assume everyone wants to pay for the signature.
Always to my work where there is always someone around to receive/sign from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Mon-Sat.
No theft issues that way.
1992- Lollapalooza, Irvine, California
Nothing since then. I suck.2016- Fenway Park, Boston - Both glorious nights
2022- Oakland Night 2
2024 Sacramento, CA
Anyways, appreciate the feedback everyone.
Going forward, I’m going to use/request signature confirmation on anything over $50. I guess spending or rolling the $2-3 cost for the service into the sale price is worth the extra peace of mind. Especially, items purchased through private sales or that cant easily be replaced.
That sucks sorry, hope ut all works out. I gond insurance is worthless most times as they never honor the price
But I would assume if you pay for that service and they forge your signature, they assume all liability if something happens.