up here in my tree in Vienna 2006: Vienna 2009: Berlin 2010: London ~ Berlin 2012: Amsterdam 1+2 ~ Werchter ~ Arras ~ Berlin 1+2 2014: Milano ~ Trieste ~ Vienna ~ Berlin 2018: Padova ~ Rome 2022: Budapest ~ Vienna EV London/Hammersmith 2012 EV Berlin/Zitadelle 2017
Am I going to be able to sell my PJ Vienna ticket for the Summer. What do you think? Is there a demand for tickets. Its a decent seated ticket on a row with no seats in front of it. Venue only offering a voucher, not my fault I cant go on the third attempt, might have to claim through my credit card.
At the start of side C, before Why Go, Eddie sings some lyrics. They remind me of Deep Kick from the Chili's album One Hot Minute, but that was released 3 years later. So now I figure Deep Kick took its vocal melody from something else, which must be what Eddie was singing. Any ideas?
I don't really hear the RHCP vibe, but it's Fugazi's Suggestion, if it's the bit I think you mean. They used to play it a bit. Here's another good version, with Saying No. (Apologies if this is obvious info for you) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgxgLPo_FKc&start=2166
Back to the Kallax shelves, if I may. I have a similar variety from Amazon many years ago that apparently they no longer make and sell. Kallax look almost identical, so I think I may get a unit to add on. Mine have backs, kallax do not. For continuity sake, has anyone ever added their own back to Kallax? What did you use?
2006: Vienna 2009: Berlin 2010: London ~ Berlin 2012: Amsterdam 1+2 ~ Werchter ~ Arras ~ Berlin 1+2
2014: Milano ~ Trieste ~ Vienna ~ Berlin 2018: Padova ~ Rome 2022: Budapest ~ Vienna
EV London/Hammersmith 2012
EV Berlin/Zitadelle 2017