I've been cycling for about 30 years, and one way to keep the motivation up and build fitness is to pick out 2 or 3 goals for next summer/fall. One thing that really works is checking in your area for different charity bike rides. They usually have different distance options and will have cyclists across all fitness level. Pick a distance that will push you somewhat from where you are currently, and when you commit to doing it, it makes it that much harder to slack off or convince yourself to just do a shorter ride that day. Also, if you're feeling social, check around the internet for group rides in your area. They can range from hardcore race-like rides to going to the next town over to eat doughnuts.
I've been cycling for about 30 years, and one way to keep the motivation up and build fitness is to pick out 2 or 3 goals for next summer/fall. One thing that really works is checking in your area for different charity bike rides. They usually have different distance options and will have cyclists across all fitness level. Pick a distance that will push you somewhat from where you are currently, and when you commit to doing it, it makes it that much harder to slack off or convince yourself to just do a shorter ride that day. Also, if you're feeling social, check around the internet for group rides in your area. They can range from hardcore race-like rides to going to the next town over to eat doughnuts.
The goal thing I was doing. It definitely keeps the motivation going. As for groups I am just looking into them now. Riding by myself is ok but I'd love to have a group to go with so I am researching them now.
For the charity rides there are quite a few but they are all over now. The one I am most interested in is the 5 Borough bike run. As the name suggests you go thorough all 5 boroughs.
Thanks for the tips!
Come spring I will be looking for 1/2 century rides to do.
Since it was going to be almost 60 this past Saturday I planned on being out there. I rode 27 miles, on 3 boardwalks through 2 counties. I hurt so much afterwards, lol.
Westerly wind was brutal but a lot of fun at my backside.
Hoping to find some nice weather coming up so I can get out there more.
Have had a Peloton for 3-4 months now and I'm absolutely loving it. I got a nice corporate discount on the price of the bike and the monthly subscription which made the decision to buy one much easier. It took a few rides to get used to wearing the cycling shoes and clipping in/out...I definitely almost fell on my ass a couple times trying to clip in and out. It's amazing to see how much my outputs have improved since I first started. No more excuses for not working out. Haven't done the 45 min PJ ride is on there since I can't stand that instructor but I may have to give it a shot soon...
A good long half-century ride (or more) that I used to do on weekends, Chris, was starting from our home in South Brooklyn, I'd ride across the Brooklyn Bridge (or the Manhattan Bridge if I got too late of a start and the tourists were already out), then I'd use Chambers St. to zip across Manhattan to the Hudson River Greenway, taking the Greenway (pretty much) all the way up to the GWB, cross the GWB into NJ and then take the Palisades up until I reentered New York, usually with the goal of making it to the TZB. Eat, rest, pedal back home.
I really miss that ride. Nothing like that at all where I live now. Just no connected cycling infrastructure. Plus, I feel like the moment I mount my steed up here, a motorist is already laying on the horn and yelling at me in Massholean.
A good long half-century ride (or more) that I used to do on weekends, Chris, was starting from our home in South Brooklyn, I'd ride across the Brooklyn Bridge (or the Manhattan Bridge if I got too late of a start and the tourists were already out), then I'd use Chambers St. to zip across Manhattan to the Hudson River Greenway, taking the Greenway (pretty much) all the way up to the GWB, cross the GWB into NJ and then take the Palisades up until I reentered New York, usually with the goal of making it to the TZB. Eat, rest, pedal back home.
I really miss that ride. Nothing like that at all where I live now. Just no connected cycling infrastructure. Plus, I feel like the moment I mount my steed up here, a motorist is already laying on the horn and yelling at me in Massholean.
Masshole, love that term, lol!
BK bridge was redone not too long ago and their is a path just for the bikes now. Tourists and bikes do not interact on the bridge anymore.
Sounds like a nice ride too I've got a few ideas to do. One is Montauk, another is the 5 boroughs ride and a North Shore to South shore run.
I might bring my bike in to Central Park one day too and try that out.
Right now I have an awesome 3 boardwalk run that's 20 miles or so and if I go down to 2 of them it's 13. Only bad thing about those is if it's windy those runs are treacherous. I need to expand to runs that will have no wind or very little. Papa don't like wind in golf or cycling...
I now have a static bike so im building up each day a bit longer. Boring but still
brixton 93
astoria 06
albany 06
hartford 06
reading 06
barcelona 06
paris 06
wembley 07
dusseldorf 07
nijmegen 07
this song is meant to be called i got shit,itshould be called i got shit tickets-hartford 06 -
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,767
I used to love cycling and still think it's a great way to go (only I stopped riding because it's mostly too hilly here, I'm not really safe to ride any more, and the roads are dangerous). If I lived closer to the walking trail, I might ride there, but I'm happy to walk.
So anyway, I say this chalk written sign on the trail today and thought I would post it here with a respectful request to cyclists to please watch for walkers and give us a heads up and some safe distance. I have nearly been run over a number of times by cyclists- no exaggeration.
In case you can't read the message, it says, "Road Bikers [cyclists], this is not the tour de France! SLOW DOWN TO
PASS KIDS!" and then something about "Karen", but we won't go there." When I saw that, I said out loud, "Right on!"
Thanks for your consideration, cyclists!
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
I used to love cycling and still think it's a great way to go (only I stopped riding because it's mostly too hilly here, I'm not really safe to ride any more, and the roads are dangerous). If I lived closer to the walking trail, I might ride there, but I'm happy to walk.
So anyway, I say this chalk written sign on the trail today and thought I would post it here with a respectful request to cyclists to please watch for walkers and give us a heads up and some safe distance. I have nearly been run over a number of times by cyclists- no exaggeration.
In case you can't read the message, it says, "Road Bikers [cyclists], this is not the tour de France! SLOW DOWN TO
PASS KIDS!" and then something about "Karen", but we won't go there." When I saw that, I said out loud, "Right on!"
Thanks for your consideration, cyclists!
There are usually signs that let you know that you are sharing the road/lane with a bike. That being said, if you are daydreaming in a bike lane you shouldn't be there, go find a sidewalk.
I do look out for people and kids because they are really aloof when it comes to the bike lanes out here. Last thing I want is to hurt someone or myself so pay attention!
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,767
I used to love cycling and still think it's a great way to go (only I stopped riding because it's mostly too hilly here, I'm not really safe to ride any more, and the roads are dangerous). If I lived closer to the walking trail, I might ride there, but I'm happy to walk.
So anyway, I say this chalk written sign on the trail today and thought I would post it here with a respectful request to cyclists to please watch for walkers and give us a heads up and some safe distance. I have nearly been run over a number of times by cyclists- no exaggeration.
In case you can't read the message, it says, "Road Bikers [cyclists], this is not the tour de France! SLOW DOWN TO
PASS KIDS!" and then something about "Karen", but we won't go there." When I saw that, I said out loud, "Right on!"
Thanks for your consideration, cyclists!
There are usually signs that let you know that you are sharing the road/lane with a bike. That being said, if you are daydreaming in a bike lane you shouldn't be there, go find a sidewalk.
I do look out for people and kids because they are really aloof when it comes to the bike lanes out here. Last thing I want is to hurt someone or myself so pay attention!
Fucks sake, C?
I play by the rules on the walking trail, which are plainly laid out both on sign posts and on the ground: Walkers keep to the left, cyclists to the right. Right of way is posted in this order of priority: Walkers, cyclist.
I'm not asking for anything but common sense and courtesy. This walking trail is used most frequently by walkers and I certainly DO belong there!
OK, now I will go cool off.
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
I used to love cycling and still think it's a great way to go (only I stopped riding because it's mostly too hilly here, I'm not really safe to ride any more, and the roads are dangerous). If I lived closer to the walking trail, I might ride there, but I'm happy to walk.
So anyway, I say this chalk written sign on the trail today and thought I would post it here with a respectful request to cyclists to please watch for walkers and give us a heads up and some safe distance. I have nearly been run over a number of times by cyclists- no exaggeration.
In case you can't read the message, it says, "Road Bikers [cyclists], this is not the tour de France! SLOW DOWN TO
PASS KIDS!" and then something about "Karen", but we won't go there." When I saw that, I said out loud, "Right on!"
Thanks for your consideration, cyclists!
There are usually signs that let you know that you are sharing the road/lane with a bike. That being said, if you are daydreaming in a bike lane you shouldn't be there, go find a sidewalk.
I do look out for people and kids because they are really aloof when it comes to the bike lanes out here. Last thing I want is to hurt someone or myself so pay attention!
Fucks sake, C?
I play by the rules on the walking trail, which are plainly laid out both on sign posts and on the ground: Walkers keep to the left, cyclists to the right. Right of way is posted in this order of priority: Walkers, cyclist.
I'm not asking for anything but common sense and courtesy. This walking trail is used most frequently by walkers and I certainly DO belong there!
OK, now I will go cool off.
What is the designation of that trail? Is it multi-use, walking path, cycling path, or something else? Looking at the picture it seems far too narrow to be an effective multi-use trail. In my area we have some good multi-user trails and both sides of the dotted line are much wider than what seems to be pictured, and while of course a cyclist can still be surprised by a kid or dog darting out there is generally ample space for the walkers, conventional cyclists, e-bike riders, skateboarders, and others. Aside from that there are the designated bike lanes (where sometimes people walk but shouldn't) and the sidewalks (where sometimes cyclists ride but never should, even if they don't feel comfortable riding on the road). If that path above regularly has cyclists and walkers then I'm not surprised there is conflict.
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,767
I used to love cycling and still think it's a great way to go (only I stopped riding because it's mostly too hilly here, I'm not really safe to ride any more, and the roads are dangerous). If I lived closer to the walking trail, I might ride there, but I'm happy to walk.
So anyway, I say this chalk written sign on the trail today and thought I would post it here with a respectful request to cyclists to please watch for walkers and give us a heads up and some safe distance. I have nearly been run over a number of times by cyclists- no exaggeration.
In case you can't read the message, it says, "Road Bikers [cyclists], this is not the tour de France! SLOW DOWN TO
PASS KIDS!" and then something about "Karen", but we won't go there." When I saw that, I said out loud, "Right on!"
Thanks for your consideration, cyclists!
There are usually signs that let you know that you are sharing the road/lane with a bike. That being said, if you are daydreaming in a bike lane you shouldn't be there, go find a sidewalk.
I do look out for people and kids because they are really aloof when it comes to the bike lanes out here. Last thing I want is to hurt someone or myself so pay attention!
Fucks sake, C?
I play by the rules on the walking trail, which are plainly laid out both on sign posts and on the ground: Walkers keep to the left, cyclists to the right. Right of way is posted in this order of priority: Walkers, cyclist.
I'm not asking for anything but common sense and courtesy. This walking trail is used most frequently by walkers and I certainly DO belong there!
OK, now I will go cool off.
What is the designation of that trail? Is it multi-use, walking path, cycling path, or something else? Looking at the picture it seems far too narrow to be an effective multi-use trail. In my area we have some good multi-user trails and both sides of the dotted line are much wider than what seems to be pictured, and while of course a cyclist can still be surprised by a kid or dog darting out there is generally ample space for the walkers, conventional cyclists, e-bike riders, skateboarders, and others. Aside from that there are the designated bike lanes (where sometimes people walk but shouldn't) and the sidewalks (where sometimes cyclists ride but never should, even if they don't feel comfortable riding on the road). If that path above regularly has cyclists and walkers then I'm not surprised there is conflict.
It is, indeed, a multi use trail. It can be used by walkers, cyclists, and horse and rider (rarely seen, but allowed). Right way applies first to horse and rider, then to walkers, then to cyclists. Anything motorized, including motorized bicycles, are prohibited, but we see motorized bicycles frequently and they are more of a terror than the speed demon cyclists. And we also see motorized skateboards, etc. Even actual motorcycles now and then. The rules don't seem to apply to the ignorant and "privileged".
Now lest anyone get the notion I am anti-cyclist, no way! I used to ride a lot! I had a fairly expensive Univega racing bicycle that I rode in the 80's and 90's. It had super skinny tires that held 110 psi and flew like the wind! But I rode it on streets and roads where it belonged, and followed all the rules of the road, and was courteous to pedestrians. I guess courtesy was more "a thing" back then.
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
I used to love cycling and still think it's a great way to go (only I stopped riding because it's mostly too hilly here, I'm not really safe to ride any more, and the roads are dangerous). If I lived closer to the walking trail, I might ride there, but I'm happy to walk.
So anyway, I say this chalk written sign on the trail today and thought I would post it here with a respectful request to cyclists to please watch for walkers and give us a heads up and some safe distance. I have nearly been run over a number of times by cyclists- no exaggeration.
In case you can't read the message, it says, "Road Bikers [cyclists], this is not the tour de France! SLOW DOWN TO
PASS KIDS!" and then something about "Karen", but we won't go there." When I saw that, I said out loud, "Right on!"
Thanks for your consideration, cyclists!
There are usually signs that let you know that you are sharing the road/lane with a bike. That being said, if you are daydreaming in a bike lane you shouldn't be there, go find a sidewalk.
I do look out for people and kids because they are really aloof when it comes to the bike lanes out here. Last thing I want is to hurt someone or myself so pay attention!
Fucks sake, C?
I play by the rules on the walking trail, which are plainly laid out both on sign posts and on the ground: Walkers keep to the left, cyclists to the right. Right of way is posted in this order of priority: Walkers, cyclist.
I'm not asking for anything but common sense and courtesy. This walking trail is used most frequently by walkers and I certainly DO belong there!
OK, now I will go cool off.
I wasn't harsh I don't think Brian?
I have to ride my bike in areas that have a big bike lane but the people do not pay attention so I am swerving and breaking in those areas. I'm actually worrired about getting hurt because of these daydreamers...
It doesn't matter now anyway. 6 weeks before I am allowed on a bike. Doctors orders. Emergency hernia operation on Thursday...
Did my first 1/2 century today. A bunch of firsts.
I took a nap after and I’m wired now…
enjoy my journey!
Congrats!! That is awesome. Are you sore today? I have been to the Mermaid Parade many times. It is always so packed there. How was it this year - first time they held it since Covid.
Did my first 1/2 century today. A bunch of firsts.
I took a nap after and I’m wired now…
enjoy my journey!
Congrats!! That is awesome. Are you sore today? I have been to the Mermaid Parade many times. It is always so packed there. How was it this year - first time they held it since Covid.
My quads are a little tight. Everything else is fine.
The wind has been coming from the south for oh, 3 months now. It changes, yes, but for the most part it's a steady gust of 20mph. It has been so shitty to ride in because you get a cross wind from both directions.
Seriously hoping the wind settles down because riding has not been enjoyable.
The wind has been coming from the south for oh, 3 months now. It changes, yes, but for the most part it's a steady gust of 20mph. It has been so shitty to ride in because you get a cross wind from both directions.
Seriously hoping the wind settles down because riding has not been enjoyable.
Still getting my short rides in w this brutal wind...
Going to get my clip on peddles today and hope that adds some power.
Yesterday I passed a guy who was moving pretty good w the wind. When I got to turn around the other way the dude smoked me into the wind. I felt like a friggin sail... 20mph headwind and just couldn't get any real speed back up.
astoria 06
albany 06
hartford 06
reading 06
barcelona 06
paris 06
wembley 07
dusseldorf 07
nijmegen 07
this song is meant to be called i got shit,itshould be called i got shit tickets-hartford 06 -
For the charity rides there are quite a few but they are all over now. The one I am most interested in is the 5 Borough bike run. As the name suggests you go thorough all 5 boroughs.
Thanks for the tips!
Come spring I will be looking for 1/2 century rides to do.
Since it was going to be almost 60 this past Saturday I planned on being out there. I rode 27 miles, on 3 boardwalks through 2 counties. I hurt so much afterwards, lol.
Westerly wind was brutal but a lot of fun at my backside.
Hoping to find some nice weather coming up so I can get out there more.
I really miss that ride. Nothing like that at all where I live now. Just no connected cycling infrastructure. Plus, I feel like the moment I mount my steed up here, a motorist is already laying on the horn and yelling at me in Massholean.
BK bridge was redone not too long ago and their is a path just for the bikes now. Tourists and bikes do not interact on the bridge anymore.
Sounds like a nice ride too I've got a few ideas to do. One is Montauk, another is the 5 boroughs ride and a North Shore to South shore run.
I might bring my bike in to Central Park one day too and try that out.
Right now I have an awesome 3 boardwalk run that's 20 miles or so and if I go down to 2 of them it's 13. Only bad thing about those is if it's windy those runs are treacherous. I need to expand to runs that will have no wind or very little. Papa don't like wind in golf or cycling...
astoria 06
albany 06
hartford 06
reading 06
barcelona 06
paris 06
wembley 07
dusseldorf 07
nijmegen 07
this song is meant to be called i got shit,itshould be called i got shit tickets-hartford 06 -
I do look out for people and kids because they are really aloof when it comes to the bike lanes out here. Last thing I want is to hurt someone or myself so pay attention!
What is the designation of that trail? Is it multi-use, walking path, cycling path, or something else? Looking at the picture it seems far too narrow to be an effective multi-use trail. In my area we have some good multi-user trails and both sides of the dotted line are much wider than what seems to be pictured, and while of course a cyclist can still be surprised by a kid or dog darting out there is generally ample space for the walkers, conventional cyclists, e-bike riders, skateboarders, and others. Aside from that there are the designated bike lanes (where sometimes people walk but shouldn't) and the sidewalks (where sometimes cyclists ride but never should, even if they don't feel comfortable riding on the road). If that path above regularly has cyclists and walkers then I'm not surprised there is conflict.
I have to ride my bike in areas that have a big bike lane but the people do not pay attention so I am swerving and breaking in those areas. I'm actually worrired about getting hurt because of these daydreamers...
It doesn't matter now anyway. 6 weeks before I am allowed on a bike. Doctors orders. Emergency hernia operation on Thursday...
I've been doing 12 miles a day only but at least it's something!
enjoy my journey!
2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1
astoria 06
albany 06
hartford 06
reading 06
barcelona 06
paris 06
wembley 07
dusseldorf 07
nijmegen 07
this song is meant to be called i got shit,itshould be called i got shit tickets-hartford 06 -
The wind has been coming from the south for oh, 3 months now. It changes, yes, but for the most part it's a steady gust of 20mph. It has been so shitty to ride in because you get a cross wind from both directions.
Seriously hoping the wind settles down because riding has not been enjoyable.
astoria 06
albany 06
hartford 06
reading 06
barcelona 06
paris 06
wembley 07
dusseldorf 07
nijmegen 07
this song is meant to be called i got shit,itshould be called i got shit tickets-hartford 06 -
astoria 06
albany 06
hartford 06
reading 06
barcelona 06
paris 06
wembley 07
dusseldorf 07
nijmegen 07
this song is meant to be called i got shit,itshould be called i got shit tickets-hartford 06 -
Going to get my clip on peddles today and hope that adds some power.
Yesterday I passed a guy who was moving pretty good w the wind. When I got to turn around the other way the dude smoked me into the wind. I felt like a friggin sail... 20mph headwind and just couldn't get any real speed back up.