Mirror Ball is fuckin unreal thread

in Other Music
Listening to Scenery kick my ass, damn this album is so overlooked. PJ is 100 million times better backing Neil than Crazy Horse. Neil has such a friggin stank guitar!
Hyperbole aside, Mirror Ball is a really good album, but it probably isn’t even a top ten NY release for me.
I was lucky enough to to see the last show of the Mirror Ball tour, and I can’t wait for the live release next year.
No... PJ are nowhere near the Horse.
Check out Way Down In The Rust Bucket for all the evidence you need.
(Jeff Tweedy, Sydney 2007)
“Put yer good money on the sunrise”
(Tim Rogers)
I guess being a HUGE Niel Young & Crazy Horse fan I should get Way Down In The Rust Bucket, huh?!
I sent a question into NYA recently asking about the proposed Mirror Ball Live release. Fingers crossed we get some news soon.
(Jeff Tweedy, Sydney 2007)
“Put yer good money on the sunrise”
(Tim Rogers)
Mirror Ball live would be excellent to have! Also crossing my finger for re-issue of Weld on vinyl and DVD! And Ragged Glory too! I've have an original R.G. vinyl and because it's one LP, the grooves are microscopic and the sound (which should be HUGE) is rather weak.
Excellent news!
MB and SwA (with Harvest moon and unplugged) should be in the ORS6 box out for RSD (April) next year. Stand alones later in the year.
(Jeff Tweedy, Sydney 2007)
“Put yer good money on the sunrise”
(Tim Rogers)