



  • Options
    The JugglerThe Juggler Behind that bush over there. Posts: 47,561
    It’s amazing to me that people are scared about some loss of democracy if republicans take the majority.  All that will happen is they’ll be able to stop the disaster of the last two years from ruining the country.  That’s a good thing.  This has been the worst president in my lifetime, and all you have to do is look around for evidence of that.  I have democrat friends who laugh when I say that- I’m 42- and then a day or two later they shoot me a text and they’re like “you know, you weren’t wrong about what you said.  I just didn’t want to agree with you in public.  Things are so F’ing bad man, it’s pretty sad.”  And before everyone starts making excuses about the pandemic, let me remind you that Biden had to basically do nothing and things would have coasted along as they were (not great, but not this bad). Instead, he revoked all of trumps stuff as an FU on day one to appease the far left and those struggling with TDS, and here we are with a shitshow of a border, a frigging war in Ukraine, a disaster in the Middle East, record high this, record high that.  

    we’ll see what happens in a few days, and hopefully no funny stuff from the left goes down, but hopefully we can at least stop the spending, inflation nonsense, paying for student loans with other folks’ money, etc. nothing ever happens with our two tier justice system, but there’s a lot of dirty folks in our govt who should be removed and hopefully more.  I’m hoping without last minute election changes with mail in balloting, we can at least come an honest winner we can all say won. 

    Last but not least we need to nuke the media.  It’s made everyone insane. Here’s a really interesting website which breaks down the stories and how it’s been covered… no wonder liberals and conservatives are living in completely different worlds:

    I'll take "Things that never happened for $400, Alex"

    or your friends need to grow some spine. 
    "Last minute election changes" etc etc etc.....he's clearly still in a parallel universe where the only way his side loses is if the other side cheated. Then he goes on to blame the media for liberals and conservatives living in completely different worlds. 

    I miss rational republicans. 
  • Options
    HughFreakingDillonHughFreakingDillon Winnipeg Posts: 36,174
    It’s amazing to me that people are scared about some loss of democracy if republicans take the majority.  All that will happen is they’ll be able to stop the disaster of the last two years from ruining the country.  That’s a good thing.  This has been the worst president in my lifetime, and all you have to do is look around for evidence of that.  I have democrat friends who laugh when I say that- I’m 42- and then a day or two later they shoot me a text and they’re like “you know, you weren’t wrong about what you said.  I just didn’t want to agree with you in public.  Things are so F’ing bad man, it’s pretty sad.”  And before everyone starts making excuses about the pandemic, let me remind you that Biden had to basically do nothing and things would have coasted along as they were (not great, but not this bad). Instead, he revoked all of trumps stuff as an FU on day one to appease the far left and those struggling with TDS, and here we are with a shitshow of a border, a frigging war in Ukraine, a disaster in the Middle East, record high this, record high that.  

    we’ll see what happens in a few days, and hopefully no funny stuff from the left goes down, but hopefully we can at least stop the spending, inflation nonsense, paying for student loans with other folks’ money, etc. nothing ever happens with our two tier justice system, but there’s a lot of dirty folks in our govt who should be removed and hopefully more.  I’m hoping without last minute election changes with mail in balloting, we can at least come an honest winner we can all say won. 

    Last but not least we need to nuke the media.  It’s made everyone insane. Here’s a really interesting website which breaks down the stories and how it’s been covered… no wonder liberals and conservatives are living in completely different worlds:

    I see literally zero substance of what you are talking about is the actual problem (that can be related to Biden). 

    The border didn't all of a sudden become a shitshow when Biden took over (just as it didn't when Trump took over). The border has always been a shitshow. 

    Inflation is everywhere. Is Biden responsible for the gas prices in Canada?

    what did he revoke as "an FU to trump to appease the far left"? what exactly about Biden is far left?

    so Russia attacking Ukraine was Biden's fault HOW exactly? Oh, right, cuz trump was so STRONG that Putin was scared of him. My goodness that is laughable. Putin was scared of the guy who can't hold a water bottle to his lips and gets enraged by jokes about his hair? You're fucking kidding, right?

    the middle east pullout was a disaster, yes. 

    Please expound on record high this and record high that. I haven't seen those items listed on the NYSE before. 

    He revoked Trump's tantrum of "preventing online censorship" because he got banned from twitter. 

    He revoked Trumps "rebranding of foreign assistance" because it was nothing but another trump logo he wanted to put above his toilet as another "great big achievement". 

    He revoked Trump's "protection of monuments" so his racist friends could attack people for toppling monuments to racists. 

    He revoked Trump's "rebuilding monumenets to american heroes". See again: racist worshipping. 
    Flight Risk out NOW!


  • Options
    brianluxbrianlux Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 41,064
    It’s amazing to me that people are scared about some loss of democracy if republicans take the majority.  All that will happen is they’ll be able to stop the disaster of the last two years from ruining the country.  That’s a good thing.  This has been the worst president in my lifetime, and all you have to do is look around for evidence of that.  I have democrat friends who laugh when I say that- I’m 42- and then a day or two later they shoot me a text and they’re like “you know, you weren’t wrong about what you said.  I just didn’t want to agree with you in public.  Things are so F’ing bad man, it’s pretty sad.”  And before everyone starts making excuses about the pandemic, let me remind you that Biden had to basically do nothing and things would have coasted along as they were (not great, but not this bad). Instead, he revoked all of trumps stuff as an FU on day one to appease the far left and those struggling with TDS, and here we are with a shitshow of a border, a frigging war in Ukraine, a disaster in the Middle East, record high this, record high that.  

    we’ll see what happens in a few days, and hopefully no funny stuff from the left goes down, but hopefully we can at least stop the spending, inflation nonsense, paying for student loans with other folks’ money, etc. nothing ever happens with our two tier justice system, but there’s a lot of dirty folks in our govt who should be removed and hopefully more.  I’m hoping without last minute election changes with mail in balloting, we can at least come an honest winner we can all say won. 

    Last but not least we need to nuke the media.  It’s made everyone insane. Here’s a really interesting website which breaks down the stories and how it’s been covered… no wonder liberals and conservatives are living in completely different worlds:

    I'll take "Things that never happened for $400, Alex"

    or your friends need to grow some spine. 
    "Last minute election changes" etc etc etc.....he's clearly still in a parallel universe where the only way his side loses is if the other side cheated. Then he goes on to blame the media for liberals and conservatives living in completely different worlds. 

    I miss rational republicans. 

    For sure!  I do believe they exist here:

    “The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man [or woman] who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.”
    Variously credited to Mark Twain or Edward Abbey.

  • Options
    It’s amazing to me that people are scared about some loss of democracy if republicans take the majority.  All that will happen is they’ll be able to stop the disaster of the last two years from ruining the country.  That’s a good thing.  This has been the worst president in my lifetime, and all you have to do is look around for evidence of that.  I have democrat friends who laugh when I say that- I’m 42- and then a day or two later they shoot me a text and they’re like “you know, you weren’t wrong about what you said.  I just didn’t want to agree with you in public.  Things are so F’ing bad man, it’s pretty sad.”  And before everyone starts making excuses about the pandemic, let me remind you that Biden had to basically do nothing and things would have coasted along as they were (not great, but not this bad). Instead, he revoked all of trumps stuff as an FU on day one to appease the far left and those struggling with TDS, and here we are with a shitshow of a border, a frigging war in Ukraine, a disaster in the Middle East, record high this, record high that.  

    we’ll see what happens in a few days, and hopefully no funny stuff from the left goes down, but hopefully we can at least stop the spending, inflation nonsense, paying for student loans with other folks’ money, etc. nothing ever happens with our two tier justice system, but there’s a lot of dirty folks in our govt who should be removed and hopefully more.  I’m hoping without last minute election changes with mail in balloting, we can at least come an honest winner we can all say won. 

    Last but not least we need to nuke the media.  It’s made everyone insane. Here’s a really interesting website which breaks down the stories and how it’s been covered… no wonder liberals and conservatives are living in completely different worlds:

    I'll take "Things that never happened for $400, Alex"

    or your friends need to grow some spine. 
    "Last minute election changes" etc etc etc.....he's clearly still in a parallel universe where the only way his side loses is if the other side cheated. Then he goes on to blame the media for liberals and conservatives living in completely different worlds. 

    I miss rational republicans. 
    More than a third of the nation thinks like this woman featured on CNN’s interview with Jordan Kepler. They’ve drunk the cool-aide Kelly Ann CONway was serving and they’re not even living in a parallel universe but in a galaxy far, far away.


    09/15/1998 & 09/16/1998, Mansfield, MA; 08/29/00 08/30/00, Mansfield, MA; 07/02/03, 07/03/03, Mansfield, MA; 09/28/04, 09/29/04, Boston, MA; 09/22/05, Halifax, NS; 05/24/06, 05/25/06, Boston, MA; 07/22/06, 07/23/06, Gorge, WA; 06/27/2008, Hartford; 06/28/08, 06/30/08, Mansfield; 08/18/2009, O2, London, UK; 10/30/09, 10/31/09, Philadelphia, PA; 05/15/10, Hartford, CT; 05/17/10, Boston, MA; 05/20/10, 05/21/10, NY, NY; 06/22/10, Dublin, IRE; 06/23/10, Northern Ireland; 09/03/11, 09/04/11, Alpine Valley, WI; 09/11/11, 09/12/11, Toronto, Ont; 09/14/11, Ottawa, Ont; 09/15/11, Hamilton, Ont; 07/02/2012, Prague, Czech Republic; 07/04/2012 & 07/05/2012, Berlin, Germany; 07/07/2012, Stockholm, Sweden; 09/30/2012, Missoula, MT; 07/16/2013, London, Ont; 07/19/2013, Chicago, IL; 10/15/2013 & 10/16/2013, Worcester, MA; 10/21/2013 & 10/22/2013, Philadelphia, PA; 10/25/2013, Hartford, CT; 11/29/2013, Portland, OR; 11/30/2013, Spokane, WA; 12/04/2013, Vancouver, BC; 12/06/2013, Seattle, WA; 10/03/2014, St. Louis. MO; 10/22/2014, Denver, CO; 10/26/2015, New York, NY; 04/23/2016, New Orleans, LA; 04/28/2016 & 04/29/2016, Philadelphia, PA; 05/01/2016 & 05/02/2016, New York, NY; 05/08/2016, Ottawa, Ont.; 05/10/2016 & 05/12/2016, Toronto, Ont.; 08/05/2016 & 08/07/2016, Boston, MA; 08/20/2016 & 08/22/2016, Chicago, IL; 07/01/2018, Prague, Czech Republic; 07/03/2018, Krakow, Poland; 07/05/2018, Berlin, Germany; 09/02/2018 & 09/04/2018, Boston, MA; 09/08/2022, Toronto, Ont; 09/11/2022, New York, NY; 09/14/2022, Camden, NJ; 09/02/2023, St. Paul, MN; 05/04/2024 & 05/06/2024, Vancouver, BC; 05/10/2024, Portland, OR;

    Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.

  • Options
    gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 22,317
    It’s amazing to me that people are scared about some loss of democracy if republicans take the majority.  All that will happen is they’ll be able to stop the disaster of the last two years from ruining the country.  That’s a good thing.  This has been the worst president in my lifetime, and all you have to do is look around for evidence of that.  I have democrat friends who laugh when I say that- I’m 42- and then a day or two later they shoot me a text and they’re like “you know, you weren’t wrong about what you said.  I just didn’t want to agree with you in public.  Things are so F’ing bad man, it’s pretty sad.”  And before everyone starts making excuses about the pandemic, let me remind you that Biden had to basically do nothing and things would have coasted along as they were (not great, but not this bad). Instead, he revoked all of trumps stuff as an FU on day one to appease the far left and those struggling with TDS, and here we are with a shitshow of a border, a frigging war in Ukraine, a disaster in the Middle East, record high this, record high that.  

    we’ll see what happens in a few days, and hopefully no funny stuff from the left goes down, but hopefully we can at least stop the spending, inflation nonsense, paying for student loans with other folks’ money, etc. nothing ever happens with our two tier justice system, but there’s a lot of dirty folks in our govt who should be removed and hopefully more.  I’m hoping without last minute election changes with mail in balloting, we can at least come an honest winner we can all say won. 

    Last but not least we need to nuke the media.  It’s made everyone insane. Here’s a really interesting website which breaks down the stories and how it’s been covered… no wonder liberals and conservatives are living in completely different worlds:

    I'll take "Things that never happened for $400, Alex"

    or your friends need to grow some spine. 
    "Last minute election changes" etc etc etc.....he's clearly still in a parallel universe where the only way his side loses is if the other side cheated. Then he goes on to blame the media for liberals and conservatives living in completely different worlds. 

    I miss rational republicans. 
    More than a third of the nation thinks like this woman featured on CNN’s interview with Jordan Kepler. They’ve drunk the cool-aide Kelly Ann CONway was serving and they’re not even living in a parallel universe but in a galaxy far, far away.


    is there such a thing as a perpendicular universe?
    There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.- Hemingway

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • Options
    It’s amazing to me that people are scared about some loss of democracy if republicans take the majority.  All that will happen is they’ll be able to stop the disaster of the last two years from ruining the country.  That’s a good thing.  This has been the worst president in my lifetime, and all you have to do is look around for evidence of that.  I have democrat friends who laugh when I say that- I’m 42- and then a day or two later they shoot me a text and they’re like “you know, you weren’t wrong about what you said.  I just didn’t want to agree with you in public.  Things are so F’ing bad man, it’s pretty sad.”  And before everyone starts making excuses about the pandemic, let me remind you that Biden had to basically do nothing and things would have coasted along as they were (not great, but not this bad). Instead, he revoked all of trumps stuff as an FU on day one to appease the far left and those struggling with TDS, and here we are with a shitshow of a border, a frigging war in Ukraine, a disaster in the Middle East, record high this, record high that.  

    we’ll see what happens in a few days, and hopefully no funny stuff from the left goes down, but hopefully we can at least stop the spending, inflation nonsense, paying for student loans with other folks’ money, etc. nothing ever happens with our two tier justice system, but there’s a lot of dirty folks in our govt who should be removed and hopefully more.  I’m hoping without last minute election changes with mail in balloting, we can at least come an honest winner we can all say won. 

    Last but not least we need to nuke the media.  It’s made everyone insane. Here’s a really interesting website which breaks down the stories and how it’s been covered… no wonder liberals and conservatives are living in completely different worlds:

    I'll take "Things that never happened for $400, Alex"

    or your friends need to grow some spine. 
    "Last minute election changes" etc etc etc.....he's clearly still in a parallel universe where the only way his side loses is if the other side cheated. Then he goes on to blame the media for liberals and conservatives living in completely different worlds. 

    I miss rational republicans. 
    More than a third of the nation thinks like this woman featured on CNN’s interview with Jordan Kepler. They’ve drunk the cool-aide Kelly Ann CONway was serving and they’re not even living in a parallel universe but in a galaxy far, far away.


    is there such a thing as a perpendicular universe?
    Good question. Ask Neil deGrasse Tyson. That shits waaaay over my head.
    09/15/1998 & 09/16/1998, Mansfield, MA; 08/29/00 08/30/00, Mansfield, MA; 07/02/03, 07/03/03, Mansfield, MA; 09/28/04, 09/29/04, Boston, MA; 09/22/05, Halifax, NS; 05/24/06, 05/25/06, Boston, MA; 07/22/06, 07/23/06, Gorge, WA; 06/27/2008, Hartford; 06/28/08, 06/30/08, Mansfield; 08/18/2009, O2, London, UK; 10/30/09, 10/31/09, Philadelphia, PA; 05/15/10, Hartford, CT; 05/17/10, Boston, MA; 05/20/10, 05/21/10, NY, NY; 06/22/10, Dublin, IRE; 06/23/10, Northern Ireland; 09/03/11, 09/04/11, Alpine Valley, WI; 09/11/11, 09/12/11, Toronto, Ont; 09/14/11, Ottawa, Ont; 09/15/11, Hamilton, Ont; 07/02/2012, Prague, Czech Republic; 07/04/2012 & 07/05/2012, Berlin, Germany; 07/07/2012, Stockholm, Sweden; 09/30/2012, Missoula, MT; 07/16/2013, London, Ont; 07/19/2013, Chicago, IL; 10/15/2013 & 10/16/2013, Worcester, MA; 10/21/2013 & 10/22/2013, Philadelphia, PA; 10/25/2013, Hartford, CT; 11/29/2013, Portland, OR; 11/30/2013, Spokane, WA; 12/04/2013, Vancouver, BC; 12/06/2013, Seattle, WA; 10/03/2014, St. Louis. MO; 10/22/2014, Denver, CO; 10/26/2015, New York, NY; 04/23/2016, New Orleans, LA; 04/28/2016 & 04/29/2016, Philadelphia, PA; 05/01/2016 & 05/02/2016, New York, NY; 05/08/2016, Ottawa, Ont.; 05/10/2016 & 05/12/2016, Toronto, Ont.; 08/05/2016 & 08/07/2016, Boston, MA; 08/20/2016 & 08/22/2016, Chicago, IL; 07/01/2018, Prague, Czech Republic; 07/03/2018, Krakow, Poland; 07/05/2018, Berlin, Germany; 09/02/2018 & 09/04/2018, Boston, MA; 09/08/2022, Toronto, Ont; 09/11/2022, New York, NY; 09/14/2022, Camden, NJ; 09/02/2023, St. Paul, MN; 05/04/2024 & 05/06/2024, Vancouver, BC; 05/10/2024, Portland, OR;

    Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.

  • Options
    Well, it’s been said that baseball fans are the smartest fans in sports.

    09/15/1998 & 09/16/1998, Mansfield, MA; 08/29/00 08/30/00, Mansfield, MA; 07/02/03, 07/03/03, Mansfield, MA; 09/28/04, 09/29/04, Boston, MA; 09/22/05, Halifax, NS; 05/24/06, 05/25/06, Boston, MA; 07/22/06, 07/23/06, Gorge, WA; 06/27/2008, Hartford; 06/28/08, 06/30/08, Mansfield; 08/18/2009, O2, London, UK; 10/30/09, 10/31/09, Philadelphia, PA; 05/15/10, Hartford, CT; 05/17/10, Boston, MA; 05/20/10, 05/21/10, NY, NY; 06/22/10, Dublin, IRE; 06/23/10, Northern Ireland; 09/03/11, 09/04/11, Alpine Valley, WI; 09/11/11, 09/12/11, Toronto, Ont; 09/14/11, Ottawa, Ont; 09/15/11, Hamilton, Ont; 07/02/2012, Prague, Czech Republic; 07/04/2012 & 07/05/2012, Berlin, Germany; 07/07/2012, Stockholm, Sweden; 09/30/2012, Missoula, MT; 07/16/2013, London, Ont; 07/19/2013, Chicago, IL; 10/15/2013 & 10/16/2013, Worcester, MA; 10/21/2013 & 10/22/2013, Philadelphia, PA; 10/25/2013, Hartford, CT; 11/29/2013, Portland, OR; 11/30/2013, Spokane, WA; 12/04/2013, Vancouver, BC; 12/06/2013, Seattle, WA; 10/03/2014, St. Louis. MO; 10/22/2014, Denver, CO; 10/26/2015, New York, NY; 04/23/2016, New Orleans, LA; 04/28/2016 & 04/29/2016, Philadelphia, PA; 05/01/2016 & 05/02/2016, New York, NY; 05/08/2016, Ottawa, Ont.; 05/10/2016 & 05/12/2016, Toronto, Ont.; 08/05/2016 & 08/07/2016, Boston, MA; 08/20/2016 & 08/22/2016, Chicago, IL; 07/01/2018, Prague, Czech Republic; 07/03/2018, Krakow, Poland; 07/05/2018, Berlin, Germany; 09/02/2018 & 09/04/2018, Boston, MA; 09/08/2022, Toronto, Ont; 09/11/2022, New York, NY; 09/14/2022, Camden, NJ; 09/02/2023, St. Paul, MN; 05/04/2024 & 05/06/2024, Vancouver, BC; 05/10/2024, Portland, OR;

    Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.

  • Options
    mickeyratmickeyrat up my ass, like Chadwick was up his Posts: 36,448
    Well, it’s been said that baseball fans are the smartest fans in sports.



    Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
    you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
    memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
    another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
  • Options
    HughFreakingDillonHughFreakingDillon Winnipeg Posts: 36,174
    Well, it’s been said that baseball fans are the smartest fans in sports.

    Rumour has it the guy who threw the beer at him was a Cruz's gay lover who he told him to show up to the parade for sex. 
    Flight Risk out NOW!


  • Options
    Well, it’s been said that baseball fans are the smartest fans in sports.

    Rumour has it the guy who threw the beer at him was a Cruz's gay lover who he told him to show up to the parade for sex. 
    I heard on MSNBC that the guy who threw the beer was only wearing underwear. Ted Crud’s underwear. NTTIAWWT.
    09/15/1998 & 09/16/1998, Mansfield, MA; 08/29/00 08/30/00, Mansfield, MA; 07/02/03, 07/03/03, Mansfield, MA; 09/28/04, 09/29/04, Boston, MA; 09/22/05, Halifax, NS; 05/24/06, 05/25/06, Boston, MA; 07/22/06, 07/23/06, Gorge, WA; 06/27/2008, Hartford; 06/28/08, 06/30/08, Mansfield; 08/18/2009, O2, London, UK; 10/30/09, 10/31/09, Philadelphia, PA; 05/15/10, Hartford, CT; 05/17/10, Boston, MA; 05/20/10, 05/21/10, NY, NY; 06/22/10, Dublin, IRE; 06/23/10, Northern Ireland; 09/03/11, 09/04/11, Alpine Valley, WI; 09/11/11, 09/12/11, Toronto, Ont; 09/14/11, Ottawa, Ont; 09/15/11, Hamilton, Ont; 07/02/2012, Prague, Czech Republic; 07/04/2012 & 07/05/2012, Berlin, Germany; 07/07/2012, Stockholm, Sweden; 09/30/2012, Missoula, MT; 07/16/2013, London, Ont; 07/19/2013, Chicago, IL; 10/15/2013 & 10/16/2013, Worcester, MA; 10/21/2013 & 10/22/2013, Philadelphia, PA; 10/25/2013, Hartford, CT; 11/29/2013, Portland, OR; 11/30/2013, Spokane, WA; 12/04/2013, Vancouver, BC; 12/06/2013, Seattle, WA; 10/03/2014, St. Louis. MO; 10/22/2014, Denver, CO; 10/26/2015, New York, NY; 04/23/2016, New Orleans, LA; 04/28/2016 & 04/29/2016, Philadelphia, PA; 05/01/2016 & 05/02/2016, New York, NY; 05/08/2016, Ottawa, Ont.; 05/10/2016 & 05/12/2016, Toronto, Ont.; 08/05/2016 & 08/07/2016, Boston, MA; 08/20/2016 & 08/22/2016, Chicago, IL; 07/01/2018, Prague, Czech Republic; 07/03/2018, Krakow, Poland; 07/05/2018, Berlin, Germany; 09/02/2018 & 09/04/2018, Boston, MA; 09/08/2022, Toronto, Ont; 09/11/2022, New York, NY; 09/14/2022, Camden, NJ; 09/02/2023, St. Paul, MN; 05/04/2024 & 05/06/2024, Vancouver, BC; 05/10/2024, Portland, OR;

    Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.

  • Options
    Gern BlanstenGern Blansten Your Mom's Posts: 18,204
    I have to say that I'm a bit surprised at the 538 predictions for the PA Senate seat with Oz/Fetterman. Really thought Fetterman had that in the bag but 538 shows otherwise.
    Remember the Thomas Nine !! (10/02/2018)

    1998: Noblesville; 2003: Noblesville; 2009: EV Nashville, Chicago, Chicago
    2010: St Louis, Columbus, Noblesville; 2011: EV Chicago, East Troy, East Troy
    2013: London ON, Chicago; 2014: Cincy, St Louis, Moline (NO CODE)
    2016: Lexington, Wrigley #1; 2018: Wrigley, Wrigley, Boston, Boston
    2020: Oakland, Oakland:  2021: EV Ohana, Ohana, Ohana, Ohana
    2022: Oakland, Oakland, Nashville, Louisville; 2023: Chicago, Chicago, Noblesville
    2024: Noblesville, Wrigley, Wrigley, Ohana, Ohana
  • Options
    The JugglerThe Juggler Behind that bush over there. Posts: 47,561
    I have to say that I'm a bit surprised at the 538 predictions for the PA Senate seat with Oz/Fetterman. Really thought Fetterman had that in the bag but 538 shows otherwise.
    Nonstop barrage of insanely ridiculous ads by the far right combined with questions about his health over the last month plus have made a difference...
  • Options
    DewieCoxDewieCox Posts: 11,413
    This is gonna be a shitshow. Few sites I’ve checked haven’t posted any results and allegations of cheating are already prevalent. Voting machines hacked and of course it’s democrats and not  the Republican minority in IL. 
  • Options
    OnWis97OnWis97 St. Paul, MN Posts: 4,846
    I'm actually pleasantly surprised that GOP candidates didn't all declare victory two minutes after the polls closed with the intent of claiming fraud. The fraud talk seems minimized outside of Arizona and Twitter personalities. They seem to be taking things pretty well.
    1995 Milwaukee     1998 Alpine, Alpine     2003 Albany, Boston, Boston, Boston     2004 Boston, Boston     2006 Hartford, St. Paul (Petty), St. Paul (Petty)     2011 Alpine, Alpine     
    2013 Wrigley     2014 St. Paul     2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley     2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley     2021 Asbury Park     2022 St Louis     2023 Austin, Austin
  • Options
    Gern BlanstenGern Blansten Your Mom's Posts: 18,204
    OnWis97 said:
    I'm actually pleasantly surprised that GOP candidates didn't all declare victory two minutes after the polls closed with the intent of claiming fraud. The fraud talk seems minimized outside of Arizona and Twitter personalities. They seem to be taking things pretty well.
    Lake in AZ is bitching...I really hope she loses
    Remember the Thomas Nine !! (10/02/2018)

    1998: Noblesville; 2003: Noblesville; 2009: EV Nashville, Chicago, Chicago
    2010: St Louis, Columbus, Noblesville; 2011: EV Chicago, East Troy, East Troy
    2013: London ON, Chicago; 2014: Cincy, St Louis, Moline (NO CODE)
    2016: Lexington, Wrigley #1; 2018: Wrigley, Wrigley, Boston, Boston
    2020: Oakland, Oakland:  2021: EV Ohana, Ohana, Ohana, Ohana
    2022: Oakland, Oakland, Nashville, Louisville; 2023: Chicago, Chicago, Noblesville
    2024: Noblesville, Wrigley, Wrigley, Ohana, Ohana
  • Options
    The JugglerThe Juggler Behind that bush over there. Posts: 47,561
    OnWis97 said:
    I'm actually pleasantly surprised that GOP candidates didn't all declare victory two minutes after the polls closed with the intent of claiming fraud. The fraud talk seems minimized outside of Arizona and Twitter personalities. They seem to be taking things pretty well.
    Lake in AZ is bitching...I really hope she loses
    I wonder how our maga elites in these forums are taking things. lol
  • Options
    Go BeaversGo Beavers Posts: 8,748
    OnWis97 said:
    I'm actually pleasantly surprised that GOP candidates didn't all declare victory two minutes after the polls closed with the intent of claiming fraud. The fraud talk seems minimized outside of Arizona and Twitter personalities. They seem to be taking things pretty well.
    Lake in AZ is bitching...I really hope she loses
    I wonder how our maga elites in these forums are taking things. lol
    You’ll have to wait til mid afternoon before everyone gets the talking points via social media. Memes don’t make themselves! 
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    Gern BlanstenGern Blansten Your Mom's Posts: 18,204
    OnWis97 said:
    I'm actually pleasantly surprised that GOP candidates didn't all declare victory two minutes after the polls closed with the intent of claiming fraud. The fraud talk seems minimized outside of Arizona and Twitter personalities. They seem to be taking things pretty well.
    Lake in AZ is bitching...I really hope she loses
    I wonder how our maga elites in these forums are taking things. lol
    yeah my FB feed is pretty tame...
    Remember the Thomas Nine !! (10/02/2018)

    1998: Noblesville; 2003: Noblesville; 2009: EV Nashville, Chicago, Chicago
    2010: St Louis, Columbus, Noblesville; 2011: EV Chicago, East Troy, East Troy
    2013: London ON, Chicago; 2014: Cincy, St Louis, Moline (NO CODE)
    2016: Lexington, Wrigley #1; 2018: Wrigley, Wrigley, Boston, Boston
    2020: Oakland, Oakland:  2021: EV Ohana, Ohana, Ohana, Ohana
    2022: Oakland, Oakland, Nashville, Louisville; 2023: Chicago, Chicago, Noblesville
    2024: Noblesville, Wrigley, Wrigley, Ohana, Ohana
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    Long Island turned red as expected.
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    josevolutionjosevolution Posts: 28,489
    Long Island turned red as expected.
    Yeah it’s been like that since Trumpolinni won but it’s always trended Red remember 2003 Coliseum PJ show where I live in smithtown it’s all republicans, they are pissed today with Zeldin loosing I walked into deli this morning woman behind the counter was bitching about him loosing and customer joined in the bitching I kept quiet made sure till I got my egg sandwich 🤣🤣🤣
    jesus greets me looks just like me ....
  • Options
    Long Island turned red as expected.
    Yeah it’s been like that since Trumpolinni won but it’s always trended Red remember 2003 Coliseum PJ show where I live in smithtown it’s all republicans, they are pissed today with Zeldin loosing I walked into deli this morning woman behind the counter was bitching about him loosing and customer joined in the bitching I kept quiet made sure till I got my egg sandwich 🤣🤣🤣
    People, including myself are pissed about the stupid bail reform.

    As for everything else, I'm ok with.  No Republican voted in is going to stop inflation and rising taxes.  That is just a damn farce on the island.
  • Options
    Gern BlanstenGern Blansten Your Mom's Posts: 18,204
    Remember the Thomas Nine !! (10/02/2018)

    1998: Noblesville; 2003: Noblesville; 2009: EV Nashville, Chicago, Chicago
    2010: St Louis, Columbus, Noblesville; 2011: EV Chicago, East Troy, East Troy
    2013: London ON, Chicago; 2014: Cincy, St Louis, Moline (NO CODE)
    2016: Lexington, Wrigley #1; 2018: Wrigley, Wrigley, Boston, Boston
    2020: Oakland, Oakland:  2021: EV Ohana, Ohana, Ohana, Ohana
    2022: Oakland, Oakland, Nashville, Louisville; 2023: Chicago, Chicago, Noblesville
    2024: Noblesville, Wrigley, Wrigley, Ohana, Ohana
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    cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,198
    Coming soon to an OnlyFans near you….
    hippiemom = goodness
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    HughFreakingDillonHughFreakingDillon Winnipeg Posts: 36,174
    Coming soon to an OnlyFans near you….
    Flight Risk out NOW!


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    Coming soon to an OnlyFans near you….
    OMG that's hysterical!
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    brianluxbrianlux Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 41,064
    OnWis97 said:
    I'm actually pleasantly surprised that GOP candidates didn't all declare victory two minutes after the polls closed with the intent of claiming fraud. The fraud talk seems minimized outside of Arizona and Twitter personalities. They seem to be taking things pretty well.
    Lake in AZ is bitching...I really hope she loses
    I wonder how our maga elites in these forums are taking things. lol
    You’ll have to wait til mid afternoon before everyone gets the talking points via social media. Memes don’t make themselves! 

    Haha!  Good point!
    “The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man [or woman] who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.”
    Variously credited to Mark Twain or Edward Abbey.

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    gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 22,317
    Coming soon to an OnlyFans near you….
    There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.- Hemingway

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
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    gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 22,317
    Coming soon to an OnlyFans near you….
    hers would be the truth social of onlyfans.
    There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.- Hemingway

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
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    DewieCoxDewieCox Posts: 11,413
    Seen a lot of red maps of illinois on Facebook today😂😂. Of course they ignore the dark blue area that has millions and that there are several light red counties that were like 60/40 split. Fun day to live in Darren Bailey’s home county. 
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    tbergstbergs Posts: 9,357
    Here in MN, the whole state is now controlled by Dems. It's been about 10 years and it's only a 1 person majority, but they've got 2 years to get the shit done they wanted. I keep hearing that OH, FL and IA are gone for Dems, well, it seems MN is almost gone for Repubs based on the last 16 years.
    It's a hopeless situation...
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