there's so much i wish i could say on this topic but the real question is why this is going on at all. seriously! U.S. official figures were that from jan 1st - march 20th over 110,000 people died due to regular/seasonal flu, i.e. 1375 per day on average. did they shut down the world and destroy the world economy and peoples lives. the answer is no! i'm not saying people aren't dying, they are i'm just saying that the whole situation has been blown out of all proportion. the media have been instrumental in instilling fear into everybody, millions die every year from malnutrition, starvation or unclean water and no-one cares. hell, a million people every year commit suicide, so a bit of perspective
Your number is ways off on seasonal flu deaths on that timeframe. The highest amount of deaths from the regular flu in recent years was the late 2017-2018 flu season that killed 80,000 estimated people. This was the year that they think that the vaccine was the wrong strain and did not work effectively. Normally 12,000 - 55,000 people die a year in the US from the flu.
I will agree with you however that some things are being blown out of proportion. I do not think that is intentional from the medical experts but they are just going off of the information that the testing is showing them. Of course the media runs with it especially the worse case scenarios. Also it will be easy to be a Monday morning quarterback on this when it is all said and done but living in it and prior to it you 100% need to be prepared for a worse case scenario.
Totally agree, but it’s been about 2 1/2 months now since the shit hit the fan here in NY and national we have over 34k dead so a yr from now this number will be really bad unless miraculously we get a vaccine or the testing improves nationally..
"According to several medical professionals contacted by Rolling Stone, the idea of concerts returning this fall could be, at best, unrealistic and, at worst, dangerous and irresponsible. Responses varied from doubtful to impossible, but the experts all agree on one thing: Major festivals and large-scale concerts are unlikely to proceed in 2020."
"According to several medical professionals contacted by Rolling Stone, the idea of concerts returning this fall could be, at best, unrealistic and, at worst, dangerous and irresponsible. Responses varied from doubtful to impossible, but the experts all agree on one thing: Major festivals and large-scale concerts are unlikely to proceed in 2020."
"According to several medical professionals contacted by Rolling Stone, the idea of concerts returning this fall could be, at best, unrealistic and, at worst, dangerous and irresponsible. Responses varied from doubtful to impossible, but the experts all agree on one thing: Major festivals and large-scale concerts are unlikely to proceed in 2020."
now this number will be really bad unless miraculously we get a vaccine or the testing improves nationally..