ISO - Apollo 1 Ticket



  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    Been getting into my favorite boots lately. Funny thing - the shows people always talk about and the shows I attended aren’t my go tos.
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    That's awesome they're doing another weekend of Ohana and even cooler that they mentioned rescheduling 2020 shows for early 2022....Apollo? 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    Been digging into a lot of Prince lately, and man that guy was fascinating. Just so broad in his pallet. Fascinating. Wish I would've seen him live. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • dcp3ydcp3y Louisville KY Posts: 836
    I hear the squeakiest wheel gets the grease.  Here’s hoping you get an Apollo ticket.  Wish I had two for the both of us, but alas I also have Apollo on my wishlist.  And by the way, Prince in concert was phenomenal…saw him twice.  Sorry you missed that opportunity.
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    I did miss Prince and Bowie - gone too soon. But I saw Petty 5 times and Soundgarden and Cornell accompany PJ. You can't hit em all. Kind of like my chances to get to the Apollo. If it weren't for Covid I probably wouldn't have made this a daily post. I like a little continuity, as weird as it sounds this has been a normal for me. Just a place to post positive things, bad jokes, and hope for a ticket knowing it probably won't happen. As weird as it feels when I type it, this was the one thing I could count on being the same day after day. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    Watching The Tomorrow War and I love garbage action, but this is B Movie (at best) with a budget. Hilarious how terrible this is.
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    So I'm figuring the Ohana and SeaHear will be pretty fest standard playlists with an emphasis on celebration. Probably 3-4 Gigaton songs out of 2 hours. But I think that Ohana Encore Weekend will be a Gigaton Celebration. It's all going to be amazing. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    When I turn on the news and see wild fires, record temps, a variant of Covid ravaged the unvaccinated, politics at a visceral level I go back to the 06 version of "Daughter" from The Gorge. It's my favorite and the "It's Ok" tag always hits: "Record heat on the west coast, we're bombing the shit out of each other and sometimes I have a hard time thinking it's okay. Can you help me?" 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    Prepping for a kids’ b day party is no joke. So stressful. There will be a day when they want nothing to do with me so I cherish it. But this shit is hectic.
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    I played my favorite version of Elderly Woman for my son yesterday (the acoustic version from the "Go" single). He loved it. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    Man, you watch the news and wonder is normal even possible at this point. Cases rising, people not listening, it's hard. So hard. "It's Okay."
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    Today, I got out in the water in a kayak. I wish I lived near the ocean, I think I would view so much of nature differently. There's something about being in control of your boat but knowing that you are in control of nothing at all that is so freeing. Maybe it's just about the reverence nature needs to truly appreciate it. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    Got a taste of hurricane winds from a Derecho last night and it was intense. Not even that crazy, but for the Mid West, intense. Even crazier, is Iowa got 140 MPH winds last year and I can't imagine that kind of noise and terror from a storm. My sister lived through that one. I never heard of a Derecho until last year and now it's been two years in a row. Nothing wrong with out weather/climate right? 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    I'm used to having teams that aren't good but watching the Cubs sell off piece by piece for undervalued players makes me sad. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    My son loves the Cars movies and the third has a solid cover of Petty's "King's Highway." It's a gem of a Petty song, that I guess most would consider a deep cut. It gets lost in the middle of Into the Great Wide Open but Petty just has so much depth when you move away from the hits. Hell, even a good chunk of his modest hits are lost at this point - I'm looking at you "Walls." 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    Went with teh family in a hike today and they hung tough. It wasn't crazy but when you take little kids on trails you never know how it's going to end up. No tears, just tired. Not a bad day. Get outside people! Enjoy. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    I'm seeing concerts popping off and yet I'm becoming more pessimistic that the 2022 shows are going to happen. Just don't know what things will look like this winter and if this band is anything, they are cautious and never willing to put us in situations that aren't optimal - and that I love. I just hate where we're at. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    I saw on the news parts of Lake Tahoe (last seen on fire) are closed (not because of the fire) due to chipmunks testing positive for the plague. It's as weird writing it as it was writing it. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    It's a bummer to see so much in flux again. Masks coming back. Shows getting pushed. Then at the same time when you see shows happening you wonder: is this smart? Safe? Be well out there. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    I had this epiphany when listening to a recent live recording of "Born to Run"...a lot of times songs lose something for me when I hear them a million times but "Born to Run" is fascinating because it's not a song to be sang by the old, and it's not a song for the old. It's a song for the young, when you believe you are invincible and the status quo won't hold you down but I can't say I feel that way anymore. I'm not a rebel, I'm just a middle aged guy that's not really running anywhere. Is that sad? Not sure. I just think it's the price of getting old. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    It's been one of those rare days when I didn't listen to any music (radio play my wife and kids choose doesn't often count - and didn't today). I know a few people that music isn't a big deal and that's such an interesting facet for me; I need to listen to zone out daily. Just me. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    Growing up Sly Stallone was everything (well him and Arnold), so hearing him as King Shark is great. The dude has solid comedic timing. That's growing old gracefully. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    The Shrek movies are almost 20 years old and hold up extremely well. Still funny. Still clever. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    Lots of wonder and chatter on outdoor fests and what's going to happen. Let's hope people can figure out answers. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    Listening to a lot of Springsteen lately. Just love the live shows. I knew The River had a lot going on but I was listening to Point Blank the other day and that is just about as dark of a song as you're going to find. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    It's interesting, when I go back and listen to tours of bands I saw they don't always resonate as I felt in the moment (PJ Chicago 09 being the huge exception). Sometimes it's cause I was seeing the band for the first time, or it was a cool event but it's the shows/tours I didn't appreciate that have legs. That's kind of fun to go back and see. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    Netflix did a doc on the Brawl between the Pacers and Pistons 15 years ago. I remember watching that unravel live. I loved the NBA, and so did my buddies, we watched ball all Friday at the bars and that was one of the most surreal things I've ever seen on television - certainly in sports. They do a fascinating in depth look at the "offenders" on the Pacers and it really humanizes the situation in a way that deserved to be done as such. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    Finally back at work - weird but nice. Such a weird year and a half.
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    NFL Preseason - I feast on anything normal. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    Oh so close to 25 years of No Code. Pretty crazy! And it holds up beyond well. That's the charm of Pearl Jam, their music still works as single albums. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
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