My guess, someone screwed up and went through the process and it now realizing they just dropped 2K.
Way back on this thread (maybe first 20 pages), that happened to someone. They rushed and bought then realized they bought Vitology tickets. TM refunded them. It is a pain in the ass when the put them up. Screws everyone up.
Yep, remember that....still sux tho waiting for your $
If it’s sold out and we are in F2F time all extras should be at face right now. So I guess they did hold tickets back. Either that or TM grabbed up some F2F to upsell for charity?
My guess, someone screwed up and went through the process and it now realizing they just dropped 2K.
Way back on this thread (maybe first 20 pages), that happened to someone. They rushed and bought then realized they bought Vitology tickets. TM refunded them. It is a pain in the ass when the put them up. Screws everyone up.
If it’s sold out and we are in F2F time all extras should be at face right now. So I guess they did hold tickets back. Either that or TM grabbed up some F2F to upsell for charity?
Or someone bought the charity one's just to get in the building and just scored those other tickets that were up an hour ago.
My guess, someone screwed up and went through the process and it now realizing they just dropped 2K.
Way back on this thread (maybe first 20 pages), that happened to someone. They rushed and bought then realized they bought Vitology tickets. TM refunded them. It is a pain in the ass when the put them up. Screws everyone up.
That was me ....Sigh.......
Hahaha, sorry brotha! Glad you got your money back though. In your defense, I'm sure we all ALMOST did the same thing.
Hello F5 Tribe. I put this on the spreadsheet but I have a Baltimore pair in 109, Row C (Seats 13 and 14, which are aisle seats on the left and closer to the stage - so basically next to 107) that I bought through the first Vitalogy sale (when prices were still way high but not like the ones that just went). I paid $750 per seat (total order was like $1700 with fees). Assuming I'm able to "downgrade", anyone interested at that price? If I miraculously get another pair, I'll post here right away but wanted to see if I would even have a buyer. Assume I would... DM me and we can discuss.
Seems like I am just missing these Baltimore tix over the last week or so and its frustrating ... needed a break from the constant refreshing so I mocked up this t-shirt for the Baltimore people, hopefully you guys like it ... gonna take this weekend off from the f5ing and start fresh on Monday with hopefully some better luck ... enjoy the weekend and good luck to all of you that are still at it!
Los Angeles, transplanted from Chicago Posts: 930
Oh wow, they did you guys dirty... how many people flew through that checkout process without looking, had a heart attack when they actually got them and then a stroke when they saw the $4000 charge?
Seems like I am just missing these Baltimore tix over the last week or so and its frustrating ... needed a break from the constant refreshing so I mocked up this t-shirt for the Baltimore people, hopefully you guys like it ... gonna take this weekend off from the f5ing and start fresh on Monday with hopefully some better luck ... enjoy the weekend and good luck to all of you that are still at it!
Seems like I am just missing these Baltimore tix over the last week or so and its frustrating ... needed a break from the constant refreshing so I mocked up this t-shirt for the Baltimore people, hopefully you guys like it ... gonna take this weekend off from the f5ing and start fresh on Monday with hopefully some better luck ... enjoy the weekend and good luck to all of you that are still at it!
Seems like I am just missing these Baltimore tix over the last week or so and its frustrating ... needed a break from the constant refreshing so I mocked up this t-shirt for the Baltimore people, hopefully you guys like it ... gonna take this weekend off from the f5ing and start fresh on Monday with hopefully some better luck ... enjoy the weekend and good luck to all of you that are still at it!
Seems like I am just missing these Baltimore tix over the last week or so and its frustrating ... needed a break from the constant refreshing so I mocked up this t-shirt for the Baltimore people, hopefully you guys like it ... gonna take this weekend off from the f5ing and start fresh on Monday with hopefully some better luck ... enjoy the weekend and good luck to all of you that are still at it!
Seems like I am just missing these Baltimore tix over the last week or so and its frustrating ... needed a break from the constant refreshing so I mocked up this t-shirt for the Baltimore people, hopefully you guys like it ... gonna take this weekend off from the f5ing and start fresh on Monday with hopefully some better luck ... enjoy the weekend and good luck to all of you that are still at it!
That was me ....Sigh.......