It's that time of year . . . the holiday work luncheon

We had a pot luck luncheon at work today. We usually have them on Thursday and then on Friday the plan is to put out all the left overs and everyone kind of picks at them all day long.
We had tons of food today, ham, fried chicken, baked chicken, chili, pizzas, hoagie trays, tons of salads, and lots of desserts.
People work different shifts so some don’t get in till halfway through the luncheon.
But before everyone even has a chance to get what they want, sit down and enjoy the festivities, there is always that one person that uses the event to fill up plates and bowls to bring home. Not just one, but today she filled up 8 bowls of food, wrapped it up and carried it out, along with a stack of desserts.
It’s always the same woman, at every event, whether it’s a baby shower, birthday party, doesn’t matter. She just helps herself. This woman has no kids, she is not food insecure. The woman went to Hawaii for vacation this year, she flies to NY multiple times a year for the holidays.
It’s just so rude. And everyone was talking about it today. I think her supervisor is going to bring her in to the office, but how do you approach that? She didn’t violate any company policy. It’s supposed to be a friendly gathering of co-workers.
I just don’t get the audacity. But I wouldn't be surprised to hear other stories.
When my daughter was in elementary school, I was a PTA mama. We would have lunch or dinner for the teachers during conference nights or during Teacher Appreciation Week. Lunches were split across 3 periods. The SpEd aides would always be the first in. Piled high on their plates, sit, eat, pile and take it back to their room. When it came to the 3rd lunch, no one thought to leave anything behind for the late lunch teachers. We finally had to have the food prepared for three separate lunches and we placed a tent card up asking that people take one sandwich to start to make certain everyone was served, then they could go back after. (Clearly not your situation.) The very, um, well-fed aide (the main culprit) said, "What do you mean that I can take only one sandwich?" :insert whine: "You mean I can't have more?" "I'm sorry, but by the time it gets to the 3rd lunch, we have found there was hardly anything left." Not certain it made a difference.
2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1
The bizarre thing is, she looks like Olive Oyl. Seriously, she's the skinniest woman I know.
I just think it's rude. And I don't understand the mindset that she has no shame in doing it. She got up, got a few bowls together, wrapped then in plastic wrap. Sat back down while everyone was mingling and eating. Little while later, she got up again, did another pass of the offerings, wrapped those up, sat back down. WTF, WTFFFF?
astoria 06
albany 06
hartford 06
reading 06
barcelona 06
paris 06
wembley 07
dusseldorf 07
nijmegen 07
this song is meant to be called i got shit,itshould be called i got shit tickets-hartford 06 -
2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1
I’m surprised I haven’t seen more stories of this happening in the work place. I spoke to a friend of mine who works for a large insurance company in the city and they had their work party yesterday as well. He said one woman came in at the beginning, filled two plates of food, wrapped them up, took them to her work space, then came and joined the party like nothing happened.
In another department for the same organization I work for, we used to do the same thing, have pot luck, have sign up sheets for who is bringing what. We always had a space for Main dishes, side dishes, desserts, etc. That way you don’t end up with 47 bags of chips and pretzels. There was one employee who never signed up to bring anything but he was ALWAYS the first one to show up. ALWAYS. It actually became a running joke for those of us who organized the event.
Oh and here’s the kicker, one woman was a Jehovah’s Witness and apparently they don’t celebrate any occasion so they don’t participate in any kind of party.
BUT, and this used to piss me the hell off, one of her co-worker friends would always put together a plate to take to her at the end of the party. No, NO, NO. If you don’t participate, why should you get a nice free lunch on everyone else?? You’ll take their food but won’t socialize with them. F that.
I feel like I should end this post with Bah Humbug. This kind of behavior during what is supposed to be a jolly time of year just puts a damper on the spirit. But it will pass and I will forgive and forget.
It feels good to just vent it out here. I choose to see the good in people, even those who come off as self-absorbed. Everyone has some redeeming quality, right?
I usually go up and grab the food but skip the meeting.
There is such a thing as a free lunch. Huzzah!
2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1
At my last job, we had a group who would descend upon just getting a whiff of something. And they would always hog the good leftovers.
Holiday shindigs at restaurants were preferable. Most everyone'd get wasted, and there was always somebody who somehow compromised themselves (one year, an elderly accountant gave an earnest lapdance to one of the big bosses). Plus, you get a great (yes, free!) meal and take off when you want.
How do you know she's not a handwasher, does she actually leave a stall and just walk out of the bathroom?
Who does that? I'm learning some really nasty things about people here, for the most part though it's that some people have absolutely no social awareness. No idea about acceptable behavior in a social situation? God knows what they do at home but around other people?
I'm now thinking about other situations where people are just downright rude, they don't practice simple human courtesy.
Saying things like, thank you, excuse me or I'm sorry when the situation calls for it.
To me those responses come naturally. Instinctively.
This thread has become disturbing to me. I've been called a bleeding heart regarding the human species many times, but I always thought better to be optimistic about things than always being negative. I'll remain that way but maybe with my eyes open a little wider.
I work at an art gallery. Bunches of converted houses. No stalls. Just one seater bathrooms. The building I am in houses the public bathroom. I will spare you the details of what people do in there.
2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1
2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1
2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1
Good thing I broke my bone in my foot and avoided having to kiss the CEO's ass when he visited from the UK.
Those were the worst, having to make small talk with some rich, posh, aristocratic motherfucker. Especially when you're from the working class that lives in a low socio-economic suburb that people make fun of. It was like talking to some member of the British royal family.
And yeah, being a socially awkward introvert made me so uncomfortable, having to mingle with people from work and having to tolerate being picked on by my manager who hated me. The thought of having to deal with that again once I re-enter the workforce bothers me and makes me anxious.
2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1