Saudi Arabia...

Saudi Arabia selling Canadian assets amid escalating tensions: report
What a fucking joke this is ... Saudi Arabia one of the biggest POS countries out there and our government is allowing these ass backwards people to bitch slap us ... FUCK Saudi Arabia.
I will point out 3 of our allies that are most disappointing to me in this dispute ... the US (should be no surprises the us is on Saudi's side, they are a useful dictator to the US, most disappointed in Australia and the UK ... Time for Canada to leave the commonwealth and really re-think NATO...
It's time for the PM to have some backbone and immediately retaliate. Cancel the armour vehicle contract and just vehicles for ourselves, kick every Saudi diplomat out, cancel ll Saudi student/work visa's and order them out off the country and most importantly time to stop buying Saudi oil...
What a fucking joke this is ... Saudi Arabia one of the biggest POS countries out there and our government is allowing these ass backwards people to bitch slap us ... FUCK Saudi Arabia.
I will point out 3 of our allies that are most disappointing to me in this dispute ... the US (should be no surprises the us is on Saudi's side, they are a useful dictator to the US, most disappointed in Australia and the UK ... Time for Canada to leave the commonwealth and really re-think NATO...
It's time for the PM to have some backbone and immediately retaliate. Cancel the armour vehicle contract and just vehicles for ourselves, kick every Saudi diplomat out, cancel ll Saudi student/work visa's and order them out off the country and most importantly time to stop buying Saudi oil...
Give Peas A Chance…
I thought the tweet of the Air Canada jet heading towards the CN Tower was a tad over the top. But hey! Those terrorists on 911 didn't come from there. RIGHT!
The poison from the poison stream caught up to you ELEVEN years ago and you floated out of here. Sept. 14, 08
I think the entire Western World should cut Saudi Arabia off as much as possible until they decide to bring their human rights laws into this century... or even into the last century would be a huge improvement. I am actually happy they may be selling off all their Canadian assets. Screw 'em. I hope Canada stands strong on this one... I'm not sure it will, but I hope so.
The only ones I feel bad for the Saudi Arabian students who are being hurt by their own country's ridiculous hissy fit.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
On next steps, the fact that Canada is seeking mediation through other countries first seems like the right choice. The alternatives would be backtracking the condemnation issued by Canada, or boycotting trade and diplomatic relations - the former being cowardly, and the latter being ineffective but negatively impactful to Canadians.
Curious to see where this goes, but I hope the cowardly route isn't pursued.
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
From actual experience, I would not call it a POS country. It's not.
POS political system? Maybe. When we start talking politics, every damn country has their faults. There is too much corruption in politics that is allowed to exist. Right now the US sucks, but I don't think that is a reflection of all US citizens.
I guess the thing that I am wanting to say is, don't hold an entire country responsible for the actions of the misguided in power.
I would also say that you don't need to take bullshit from those in power, even if you can empathize with the people they represent.
I think it probably didn't even really occur to most to blame any of this particular stupidity on the regular citizens of Saudi Arabia though. They obviously have no control over any of this insane temper tantrum. I think Canadians are generally pretty good at separating politics and individual people minding their own business. That why we don't all hate every American's guts right now.
I am glad that you are the type of person that does not feel this way and simply assumes that others wouldn't as well.
I can say that it's difficult for me not to hate some Americans, I struggle with that on a daily basis. I have family that are genuinely afraid/angry at Muslim people as a whole. My heart aches because this. I have tried to reach them but can not.
Apparently this POS country oil not willing to back it by mot our money...
Another Saudi asshole ... every fucking Saudi that agrees with their government should be banned from Canada ...
A jellyfish has more backbone that Trudeau. Just idly sit by and let ass clowns in Saudi Arabia bitch slap.
I absolutely backed Trudeau on not apologizing now it time to kick the kingdom in the nuts ... cancelled the light armoured vehicle contract and STOP Saudi oil...
Tell that to the Universities and colleges who probably had all class schedules, housing arranged for 12-15 thousand Saudi students, or the hospitals that had appointments scheduled for medical procedures for Saudi citizens here for medical treatment. How about the Saudi's who live and are now inconvenienced because the Saudi air no longer comes here...
Canada needs to move forward by no longer offering Saudi Students/Businessmen Visa's/medical Visas, stop buying their oil and quit selling those loser weapons ... we can not allow a dirt bag country like Saudi Arabia t o push us around ...m but PM Fluff will never have any back-bone.
We need to cut ties with Saudi Arabia ...
And I'm am most disappointed in our our so called commonwealth allies, the UK and Australia...I will never buy a thing made in those 2 countries ever...
It's complicated...I still enjoy universal health care. It's nice just showing our health card and off we go....
Oh, you thought the answer was because of our socialized medicine? No. Some doctors leave, some return, some foreign doctors come to Canada - lots, actually. Not so many Canadian doctors want to practice in the crap American health care “system”. Many who left for the US returned.
pretty good stuff, dore is awesome. he addresses henry rollins comments