No Binoculars: Does anybody know why?

I remembered prior to my show in 2006, there was an announcement about binoculars not being allowed. I remember people complaining, and there some people trying to get a reason why. I don't remember ever seeing or hearing about a reason. Was a reason ever offered? I checked, and they aren't allowed for the Ed solo shows either. Not that the venues for these are that large. Robert Plant doesn't mind them, Geddy Lee and the gang doesn't mind them either. I was curious if anybody knew why not at PJ/Ed. Thx
Up here so high I start to shake, Up here so high the sky I scrape, I've no fear but for falling down, So look out below I am falling now, Falling down,...not staying down, Could’ve held me up, rather tear me down, Drown in the river
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My friend was going to see Eddie last night. Since he was in Vegas, I gave him 5 Grand to gamble with. I told him I wanted it all to go on Black. Bastard! PhillyCrownOfThorns-11-2-12
its probably because they dont help you hear the music any better.
Hail, Hail!!!
I don't think you need nocs for that
Hail, Hail!!!
I think it's a bit of overkill. How would binoculars interfere or distract?
New Orleans 1995
Fort Lauderdale 1996
Atlanta & Birmingham 1998
New Orleans 2000
Tampa 2003
Kissimmee 2004
New York City (x 2) 2008
East Troy (x 2) 2011
Chicago & New Orleans 2013
Hampton, Raleigh, Boston 2016
Baltimore 2020
Louisville 2022
Philadelphia & Baltimore 2024
im kidding
I am far sighted and my 10c number puts me at a distance where binocs could really help. At Plant and Rush, they made a big difference.
Regarding the weapon theory, a belt, a shoe, a fist, a non-picturetaking cell phone could all be weapons. Do you think this 46 year old CPA intends to hurt anybody? Is coming to a concert with a cough bioterrorism?
A concert is a seeing and hearing experience. I expect to be able to do both. It doesn't help my hearing, it helps my seeing.
As for cameras inside the binocs, same with phones, make a no camera policy and let security check them.
They don't block anybody's view. I appreciate all of these responses so far but I am still curious why.
That would be nice oh well i will get my drink on in line and at the preparty
where does it say we cant bring them is it on the centre website
It's a pretty stupid rule, IMHO, especially since it is so easy to identify the ones with cameras built in them. :rolleyes:
This came up as a Rubysdad (Tim) sticky somewhere back in 2006 before my LA Forum show. The post said no Binocs and offered no reason why. A lot of posts were generated from this announcement; a lot of speculation, some complaining. Back then, I don't think 10c ever explained the reasoning for the policy. Through private messaging with site admin, I was told the policy was still in place for these Ed shows.
Combine a 46 year old CPA, and me, a 42 year old CPA, and we can form a dangerous fighting machine!
People best watch out!
with his guitar, a wireless mic and harmonica around his neck..
so everyone can see him up close..
I thought I came here to stay
We're all just visiting
All just breaking like waves.."
Social awareness does not equal political activism!
5/23/2011- An utter embarrassment... ticketing failures too many to list.
I live in the LA market with a lot of 10c members. The venues PJ uses in So Cal are 17,000 - 19,000 seat arenas. My 10c number is 25x,xxx. You do the math. Maybe an Eagle would have no problem. It's hard to soar like an Eagle when you're surrounded by pelicans.
JOEJOEJOE- Maybe we could get rich on some sort of thriller action movie based on us. Smashing people in the heads with binoculars at a rock concert, and then a cross country pursuit with Tommy Lee Jones trying to chase us down. The doctor thing is too plausable. CPA's are the real source of excitement. The world has yet to discover that. I don't know what I'll do with all the fame.
that's frankly the only reason I can think of...opera ones would be fine though
Also, don't really see how binoculars would help with you being far-sighted? That would mean you can see distant objects better than close objects. So I'm assuming you have a really good 10C number (i.e. front row) and you'll be looking through your binoculars backwards? Otherwise, just seems weird that someone with vision problems wouldn't know if they were near or far sighted. BTW, I have pretty bad myopia, but even I wouldn't need binoculars any more than the guy next to me... Do you have glasses?
Dude, we could walk in the same shoes as the accountant in "Untouchables" and Charles Grodin, CPA in "Midnight Run".
Is a level of detail necessary beyond what prescription eyeglasses provide? The band probably doesnt think so.
No real reason to bring em and much easier to just ban em
Pretty clear that EV wants people to focus on the music and not the visual accessories that are increasingly a distraction. Effing great I say
The insurance costs per show vary quite a bit. The band actually pays higher insurance premiums when Eddie throws things into the crowd (tambourines, etc.) since there is a bigger chance of someone getting elbowed in the face, etc.
I can't recall any instance where they gave a reason for anything they do. Are all bands like this?
I think if you are paying $65 for a ticket and you want to bring in binoculars, you should be able to. It's my right to focus on what I want, be it visual or audible. I also feel the same way about cameras but with those, I could see the flashes getting annoying for the bands. Does anybody remember the translator for the deaf person on the Touring Band DVD? Are they going to ban translators eventually as well? Where does it end? No binoculars is such a bizarre thing to ban.
there is a difference btw an interpretor and binoculars, unless, the person using the binocs needs them to get a regular view (as opposed to wanting to scope-out someones crotch, etc!)
actually thats wrong
you are being permitted into the venue as a licensee, you enter the venue under the terms and conditions imposed thereunder
You have a right to reject the terms and conditions, and not go.
I dunno, if I was an artist up on stage by myself, it might creep me out to know people were viewing me up close, scrutinizing my clothes, hair, etc.
I just dont see the need to have them.