So if you were one of the many who tried to purchase a Pearl Jam Madrid poster during the sale today, and carted the poster and got an error message on your way through the checkout process. This post is for you unfortunately.
Turns out there was an issue with my site and how it communicates with Paypal. My site uses credit cards as payment, but that is all processed through paypal, and my site had some out of date connection protocol with paypal that caused the issue today.
Hopefully it will get resolved as soon as possible, but that most likely will not happen until Monday or next week.
I very much want to honor and respect all the orders that people carted. So if you carted a poster and got the error message, here is what we need to do:
- if you took a screenshot of your cart or of the error message or of the be patient you resubmitted your payment page, email me but make sure to include these things (also if you already sent me a screenshot, please send it again with the info below):
1). Send me an email with this in the subject line: PJ MADRID- SCREENSHOT
2). in the email:
- YOUR PAYPAL EMAIL ADDRESS (IF YOU HAVE ONE, if you do not have one, things might be trickier to get you an invoice but we can figure it out)
- if you did not take a screenshot email me with the same info as above just change the subject line to read: PJ MADRID - NO SCREENSHOT gotta be honest here, PLEASE DO NOT LIE... I realize some people will or might try, dont be that guy or gal.
It will most likely take me some time to get things figured out as well as to get the issue with the site resolved, so hopefully by sometime next week I will be able to send out invoices to all who carted posters
Really sorry for the frustration and headache this may have caused any of you. It has certainly caused me some headache and frustration and a whole bunch more work to do to right this all.
Brad, just sent all the info to you. Thanks for the effort and sorry for the situation @bradklausen
I feel like we're extremely lucky to have @bradklausen in this community. Things happen and he's doing everything in his power to make it right. I feel like many other sites would just have another sale when things were working. Cheers for Brad!
Email sent too. It is crazy how many people here got one of Brad's prints when compared to the other last couple of sought after drops. I think one or two scored the Emek only after the initial drop as well as the Berlin. Besides the fact the site glitched and we were unable to complete the transaction this is the way to do an AP drop imo. Also allowing an extra 100 prints really helps us ordinary fans without wizardry online skills a shot at a great print.
So sounds like you’ve got the same response as our IS department... put a ticket in, get the call back eventually, told to reboot the computer (like I didn’t do that on my own already), told they will fix it, then wait patiently in limbo until it’s fixed...
oh to whoever invented computers and the internet.... so much easier to have a machine handle all this! Alas, it is getting handled... invoices should hopefully go out in the next day or few... have a poster deadline I need to finish by tuesday so dealing with all this sale debacle was not in the cards obviously, so it might take til monday before I get invoices out.. thank you all for your patience and understanding.
oh to whoever invented computers and the internet.... so much easier to have a machine handle all this! Alas, it is getting handled... invoices should hopefully go out in the next day or few... have a poster deadline I need to finish by tuesday so dealing with all this sale debacle was not in the cards obviously, so it might take til monday before I get invoices out.. thank you all for your patience and understanding.
Bummer for you.
I never tried. I like the print though.
Do you have any kind of working relationship with DMB? I bought the DMB Vancouver poster a few years ago that you did when I was at the show. I plan on framing it for my daughter who I took with me (she doesn't know this). I was pleasantly surprised you created it and have often wondered why you don't do more?
I feel like we're extremely lucky to have @bradklausen in this community. Things happen and he's doing everything in his power to make it right. I feel like many other sites would just have another sale when things were working. Cheers for Brad!
'95: Brisbane BEC March 21 & 22 '98: Brisbane BEC March 14 & 15 '03: Brad Surfers Paradise Troccadero Jan 11 '03: Brisbane BEC Feb 8 '06: Brisbane BEC Nov 10 & 11 '09: Brisbane QSAC Nov 25 '11: EV Solo Brisbane QPAC March 10, 12 & 13 '11: PJ20 Alpine Valley Sep 3 & 4 '14: Gold Coast BDO Jan 19 EV Solo QPAC Feb 22, 23 & 25
Class pure class, I tried to put one in my cart but never got one. Not too bummed. So nice to see that we are a community and there are still great people out there that treat people like people. BK you have alway been great to your fans and we do appreciate it!!
oh to whoever invented computers and the internet.... so much easier to have a machine handle all this! Alas, it is getting handled... invoices should hopefully go out in the next day or few... have a poster deadline I need to finish by tuesday so dealing with all this sale debacle was not in the cards obviously, so it might take til monday before I get invoices out.. thank you all for your patience and understanding.
Bummer for you.
I never tried. I like the print though.
Do you have any kind of working relationship with DMB? I bought the DMB Vancouver poster a few years ago that you did when I was at the show. I plan on framing it for my daughter who I took with me (she doesn't know this). I was pleasantly surprised you created it and have often wondered why you don't do more?
You wanna know the bummer bout that DMB poster? I had a concept based off the album title Under the Table and Dreaming that I was super stoked on and figure fans would be super stoked on given that is basically the Ten for DMB... but my thumbnail rough sketches are always SUPER rough, if you have my book you can see how messy a sketcher I am and how my concept ideas are SUPER rough and you have to take a BIG leap of faith with when I show my initial shitty concept sketch... when I showed them my sketch for my Under the table and dreaming concept they were not feeling it (cause like I said you gots to take a big leap of faith with me on my concept sketches... you just gotta know that the crappy scribbles will turn into a great poster, something Tsurt is great at doing) and they asked can you make something more like this and this and they cited previous posters, one being the PJ Worcester I changed to try and meet what they were hoping I would do, something more like the PJ Worcester poster, and it came out okay, but I am still bummed I never got to do that under the table and dreaming concept cause I know DMB fans woulda really dug it (and that album basically defined at least one year of my college life if not all 4, cuz that album was EVERYWHERE if you were in college in the early / mid 90s especially in Colorado)... still wish I could follow that idea through to completion cause in my head it looked really cool and I was super stoked on my concept... my thumbnail sketches though are junk and just crappy scribbles usually, as you can see in the book...even my lady who is an artist and a graphic designer when I show her sketches for concepts she often responds with: what am I looking at? Cuz it is just a messy scribble of pencil lines... they make sense to me cause I know how they are just simple place holders for bigger ideas... so as much as I want to do that original design idea for DMB, you cannot really compete with James Flames and James Eads for DMB prints... those two Jims usually knock it out the park for that band. AND i am back from having dinner at the mexican joint down the street and like 3 big margaritas and a shot of tequila deep so I should prolly not be posting online... but I do wish I could make that poster for the under the table and dreaming concept I originally had... but just know friends, the failure of the site today drove me to drink... and I am not ashamed... of the drinking that is... the failure of the site I am still sour on...
oh and one more thing, if you just email me at info@artillerydesign, I will respond more so then if you try and DM or PM me via the ten club site... I am far better at responding to email then to messages on FB or via some other site... just go right to the source and ask the horse
oh to whoever invented computers and the internet.... so much easier to have a machine handle all this! Alas, it is getting handled... invoices should hopefully go out in the next day or few... have a poster deadline I need to finish by tuesday so dealing with all this sale debacle was not in the cards obviously, so it might take til monday before I get invoices out.. thank you all for your patience and understanding.
Bummer for you.
I never tried. I like the print though.
Do you have any kind of working relationship with DMB? I bought the DMB Vancouver poster a few years ago that you did when I was at the show. I plan on framing it for my daughter who I took with me (she doesn't know this). I was pleasantly surprised you created it and have often wondered why you don't do more?
You wanna know the bummer bout that DMB poster? I had a concept based off the album title Under the Table and Dreaming that I was super stoked on and figure fans would be super stoked on given that is basically the Ten for DMB... but my thumbnail rough sketches are always SUPER rough, if you have my book you can see how messy a sketcher I am and how my concept ideas are SUPER rough and you have to take a BIG leap of faith with when I show my initial shitty concept sketch... when I showed them my sketch for my Under the table and dreaming concept they were not feeling it (cause like I said you gots to take a big leap of faith with me on my concept sketches... you just gotta know that the crappy scribbles will turn into a great poster, something Tsurt is great at doing) and they asked can you make something more like this and this and they cited previous posters, one being the PJ Worcester I changed to try and meet what they were hoping I would do, something more like the PJ Worcester poster, and it came out okay, but I am still bummed I never got to do that under the table and dreaming concept cause I know DMB fans woulda really dug it (and that album basically defined at least one year of my college life if not all 4, cuz that album was EVERYWHERE if you were in college in the early / mid 90s especially in Colorado)... still wish I could follow that idea through to completion cause in my head it looked really cool and I was super stoked on my concept... my thumbnail sketches though are junk and just crappy scribbles usually, as you can see in the book...even my lady who is an artist and a graphic designer when I show her sketches for concepts she often responds with: what am I looking at? Cuz it is just a messy scribble of pencil lines... they make sense to me cause I know how they are just simple place holders for bigger ideas... so as much as I want to do that original design idea for DMB, you cannot really compete with James Flames and James Eads for DMB prints... those two Jims usually knock it out the park for that band. AND i am back from having dinner at the mexican joint down the street and like 3 big margaritas and a shot of tequila deep so I should prolly not be posting online... but I do wish I could make that poster for the under the table and dreaming concept I originally had... but just know friends, the failure of the site today drove me to drink... and I am not ashamed... of the drinking that is... the failure of the site I am still sour on...
Well gee. Firstly... you're not alone with the drink... so all is good on that front.
Secondly... what an interesting story. I wish they had more faith in you for that Vancouver print! I like what you did, but it sounds as if you got handcuffed or placed in a cage (never do that with eagles!).
Third... I really like Eads as well he did a fantastic Gorge print that hangs on my walls at home.
For the record- if it makes you feel any better- you're up on my wall too with an Eddie Vedder print! And as I said, one day you'll be up on my daughter's wall as well (with a great story for me to talk about when we look at it).
oh to whoever invented computers and the internet.... so much easier to have a machine handle all this! Alas, it is getting handled... invoices should hopefully go out in the next day or few... have a poster deadline I need to finish by tuesday so dealing with all this sale debacle was not in the cards obviously, so it might take til monday before I get invoices out.. thank you all for your patience and understanding.
Bummer for you.
I never tried. I like the print though.
Do you have any kind of working relationship with DMB? I bought the DMB Vancouver poster a few years ago that you did when I was at the show. I plan on framing it for my daughter who I took with me (she doesn't know this). I was pleasantly surprised you created it and have often wondered why you don't do more?
You wanna know the bummer bout that DMB poster? I had a concept based off the album title Under the Table and Dreaming that I was super stoked on and figure fans would be super stoked on given that is basically the Ten for DMB... but my thumbnail rough sketches are always SUPER rough, if you have my book you can see how messy a sketcher I am and how my concept ideas are SUPER rough and you have to take a BIG leap of faith with when I show my initial shitty concept sketch... when I showed them my sketch for my Under the table and dreaming concept they were not feeling it (cause like I said you gots to take a big leap of faith with me on my concept sketches... you just gotta know that the crappy scribbles will turn into a great poster, something Tsurt is great at doing) and they asked can you make something more like this and this and they cited previous posters, one being the PJ Worcester I changed to try and meet what they were hoping I would do, something more like the PJ Worcester poster, and it came out okay, but I am still bummed I never got to do that under the table and dreaming concept cause I know DMB fans woulda really dug it (and that album basically defined at least one year of my college life if not all 4, cuz that album was EVERYWHERE if you were in college in the early / mid 90s especially in Colorado)... still wish I could follow that idea through to completion cause in my head it looked really cool and I was super stoked on my concept... my thumbnail sketches though are junk and just crappy scribbles usually, as you can see in the book...even my lady who is an artist and a graphic designer when I show her sketches for concepts she often responds with: what am I looking at? Cuz it is just a messy scribble of pencil lines... they make sense to me cause I know how they are just simple place holders for bigger ideas... so as much as I want to do that original design idea for DMB, you cannot really compete with James Flames and James Eads for DMB prints... those two Jims usually knock it out the park for that band. AND i am back from having dinner at the mexican joint down the street and like 3 big margaritas and a shot of tequila deep so I should prolly not be posting online... but I do wish I could make that poster for the under the table and dreaming concept I originally had... but just know friends, the failure of the site today drove me to drink... and I am not ashamed... of the drinking that is... the failure of the site I am still sour on...
Well gee. Firstly... you're not alone with the drink... so all is good on that front.
Secondly... what an interesting story. I wish they had more faith in you for that Vancouver print! I like what you did, but it sounds as if you got handcuffed or placed in a cage (never do that with eagles!).
Third... I really like Eads as well he did a fantastic Gorge print that hangs on my walls at home.
For the record- if it makes you feel any better- you're up on my wall too with an Eddie Vedder print! And as I said, one day you'll be up on my daughter's wall as well (with a great story for me to talk about when we look at it).
maybe someday I will get another shot at a DMB print and I can break free from the cage... dammit now I have wilson phillips ear wormed in my brain... damn you Thirty Bills...damn you........ break free from the caaayyyy---aaaayyyge
oh to whoever invented computers and the internet.... so much easier to have a machine handle all this! Alas, it is getting handled... invoices should hopefully go out in the next day or few... have a poster deadline I need to finish by tuesday so dealing with all this sale debacle was not in the cards obviously, so it might take til monday before I get invoices out.. thank you all for your patience and understanding.
Bummer for you.
I never tried. I like the print though.
Do you have any kind of working relationship with DMB? I bought the DMB Vancouver poster a few years ago that you did when I was at the show. I plan on framing it for my daughter who I took with me (she doesn't know this). I was pleasantly surprised you created it and have often wondered why you don't do more?
You wanna know the bummer bout that DMB poster? I had a concept based off the album title Under the Table and Dreaming that I was super stoked on and figure fans would be super stoked on given that is basically the Ten for DMB... but my thumbnail rough sketches are always SUPER rough, if you have my book you can see how messy a sketcher I am and how my concept ideas are SUPER rough and you have to take a BIG leap of faith with when I show my initial shitty concept sketch... when I showed them my sketch for my Under the table and dreaming concept they were not feeling it (cause like I said you gots to take a big leap of faith with me on my concept sketches... you just gotta know that the crappy scribbles will turn into a great poster, something Tsurt is great at doing) and they asked can you make something more like this and this and they cited previous posters, one being the PJ Worcester I changed to try and meet what they were hoping I would do, something more like the PJ Worcester poster, and it came out okay, but I am still bummed I never got to do that under the table and dreaming concept cause I know DMB fans woulda really dug it (and that album basically defined at least one year of my college life if not all 4, cuz that album was EVERYWHERE if you were in college in the early / mid 90s especially in Colorado)... still wish I could follow that idea through to completion cause in my head it looked really cool and I was super stoked on my concept... my thumbnail sketches though are junk and just crappy scribbles usually, as you can see in the book...even my lady who is an artist and a graphic designer when I show her sketches for concepts she often responds with: what am I looking at? Cuz it is just a messy scribble of pencil lines... they make sense to me cause I know how they are just simple place holders for bigger ideas... so as much as I want to do that original design idea for DMB, you cannot really compete with James Flames and James Eads for DMB prints... those two Jims usually knock it out the park for that band. AND i am back from having dinner at the mexican joint down the street and like 3 big margaritas and a shot of tequila deep so I should prolly not be posting online... but I do wish I could make that poster for the under the table and dreaming concept I originally had... but just know friends, the failure of the site today drove me to drink... and I am not ashamed... of the drinking that is... the failure of the site I am still sour on...
the sketch can be page one of Book #2 "From the Woods of Kingston" by BK...let it be written, let it be day
Brad, just sent all the info to you. Thanks for the effort and sorry for the situation @bradklausen
You never really had to begin with.
Sometimes it's not the song that makes you emotional it's the people and things that come to your mind when you hear it.
Bummer for you.
I never tried. I like the print though.
Do you have any kind of working relationship with DMB? I bought the DMB Vancouver poster a few years ago that you did when I was at the show. I plan on framing it for my daughter who I took with me (she doesn't know this). I was pleasantly surprised you created it and have often wondered why you don't do more?
2007 Lollapalooza Chicago
2013 Wrigley Chicago
2013 Dallas
2013 Oklahoma City
Thanks for keeping us updated
'03: Brisbane BEC Feb 8 '06: Brisbane BEC Nov 10 & 11 '09: Brisbane QSAC Nov 25
'11: EV Solo Brisbane QPAC March 10, 12 & 13 '11: PJ20 Alpine Valley Sep 3 & 4
'14: Gold Coast BDO Jan 19 EV Solo QPAC Feb 22, 23 & 25
Well gee. Firstly... you're not alone with the drink... so all is good on that front.
Secondly... what an interesting story. I wish they had more faith in you for that Vancouver print! I like what you did, but it sounds as if you got handcuffed or placed in a cage (never do that with eagles!).
Third... I really like Eads as well he did a fantastic Gorge print that hangs on my walls at home.
For the record- if it makes you feel
any better- you're up on my wall too with an Eddie Vedder print! And as I said, one day you'll be up on my daughter's wall as well (with a great story for me to talk about when we look at it).
Prague Krakow Berlin 2018. Berlin 2022
EV, Taormina 1+2 2017.
I wish i was the souvenir you kept your house key on..
God this is awful
PJ 2018: London 1, Padova, Roma, Prague, Krakow, Berlin, Barcelona, Madrid, Lisbon, London 2
EV 2017: Amsterdam 2&3, London 1&2
Comments should be good today
I know. I was like it doesn’t even say Pearl Jam!