The gift I'm sending out hasn't been mailed yet. It will be soon, I'm waiting on a few things.
So sorry for the delay, just wanted to advise here..........I'm not flaking out on this (never would do that)!
The best use of Life is Love.
The best expression of Love is Time.
The best time to Love is Now.
I'm never as good as when you're there.........
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,602
edited December 2017
Mine is heading out today. Sent -- hope the customs charges are not too much, I listed as lower than what was worth. Also, did not declare food as I didnt want them opening and taking!
Mine is heading out today. Sent -- hope the customs charges are not too much, I listed as lower than what was worth. Also, did not declare food as I didnt want them opening and taking!
Who did you ship through? I usually ship packages form my office but the mail room adds a $25 surcharge for all personal international shipments. I rarely ship anything internationally so I'm looking for the cheapest route.
A BIG thank you to Julie (I think? That's what I saw on the packaging) for sending so many wonderful treats from Norway (I believe...though I'm not entirely sure). My secret santa package was waiting at the post office in Canada when I went to pick up some Christmas gifts I've purchased on Amazon today. It was such a nice surprise! I really love the bracelet and earrings. Pearls and owls are two of my favourite things! How did you know? I also really love the tree decor and all the yummy treats. Homemade candies? How did I get so lucky? Thanks again Dimi for putting this together. It's one of my favourite parts of being a Pearl Jam fan! Much love and happy holidays to you all! Warm wishes for 2018! (Spoiled) Jam.Head xo
Finally got mine into the mail today. Been sick so I fell behind on the baking schedule. I was quoted between 4-12 business days, so hopefully it arrives before Christmas. Merry Christmas!
"What the CANUCK happened?!? - Esquimalt Barber Shop
@mfc2006 So glad it made it there Matt! I was trying not to spill the beans when I read your last comment haha. I was hoping you didn't already have that book. I hope you enjoy the documentary! I might have cried a couple times watching it. Someone must have been chopping onions... There's some really fun moments too. Happy holidays!
My secret Santa gift arrived today from someone in New York State. Haven't yet decided if I'll open it or wait for Christmas. Just wanted to let them know I received it and that I'll post pix when I do.
"What the CANUCK happened?!? - Esquimalt Barber Shop
I just finished opening my package...WOW! the thought that went into my gift(s) based on minimal personal info given is impressive! The delicious treats are appreciated, I'm enjoying the Wawa bread with a coffee as I post this. The pin is very cool, I have nothing band related from that long ago. The clock is creative indeed and has already found a home in our den. Holy moly, a limited addition numbered copy of Big Fish!! It is truly beautiful, not only the vinyl but the booklet inside as well. Thank you so much F Me In The Brain!!
I just finished opening my package...WOW! the thought that went into my gift(s) based on minimal personal info given is impressive! The delicious treats are appreciated, I'm enjoying the Wawa bread with a coffee as I post this. The pin is very cool, I have nothing band related from that long ago. The clock is creative indeed and has already found a home in our den. Holy moly, a limited addition numbered copy of Big Fish!! It is truly beautiful, not only the vinyl but the booklet inside as well. Thank you so much F Me In The Brain!!
Glad you liked the gifts!!! Awesome that the example of a Philly Pretzel is still edible even after being mailed to Canada in a box! Hope you enjoy the other South Jersey/Philly area eats. It was (as always) lots of fun to try and find things that someone will like based on the information shared. A treasure hunt. Have a wonderful holiday!
Forgot to update the thread. I received an awesome package and contacted my generous SS directly. My outgoing was just shipped, but fit nicely in a 3-day priority box and should arrive Monday. Thanks again to Dimi for putting this all together.
An amazing selection of beautiful and thoughtful gifts from a forum member who didn't tell me her forum name. Thank you so much, Leanne D from Calgary! These are fantastic.
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
The gift I'm sending out hasn't been mailed yet. It will be soon, I'm waiting on a few things.
So sorry for the delay, just wanted to advise here..........I'm not flaking out on this (never would do that)!
The best expression of Love is Time.
The best time to Love is Now.
I'm never as good as when you're there.........
Sent -- hope the customs charges are not too much, I listed as lower than what was worth. Also, did not declare food as I didnt want them opening and taking!
Wrigley 1 & 2-2018
Hopefully you get hooked up MFC you're an excellent gift giver
Those that can be trusted can change their mind.
I really love the bracelet and earrings. Pearls and owls are two of my favourite things! How did you know? I also really love the tree decor and all the yummy treats. Homemade candies? How did I get so lucky?
Thanks again Dimi for putting this together. It's one of my favourite parts of being a Pearl Jam fan!
Much love and happy holidays to you all! Warm wishes for 2018!
(Spoiled) Jam.Head xo
BIG thanks to @Jam.Head!!! Love the socks & book and can’t wait to watch the Hip documentary!! Cheers to you and Happy Holidays!!
Those that can be trusted can change their mind.
Those that can be trusted can change their mind.
Awesome that the example of a Philly Pretzel is still edible even after being mailed to Canada in a box!
Hope you enjoy the other South Jersey/Philly area eats.
It was (as always) lots of fun to try and find things that someone will like based on the information shared. A treasure hunt.
Have a wonderful holiday!
I received my gift havent opened it yet but will this weekend and post pics!!
An amazing selection of beautiful and thoughtful gifts from a forum member who didn't tell me her forum name. Thank you so much, Leanne D from Calgary! These are fantastic.