these are sick!!!! which one do you like more? I don't think i've ever had the privilege of playing a taylor.
I'm currently selling the Taylor 714ce because it hasn't gotten much play since I bought the Martin D-41. Both great guitars but the Martin just suites me better.
I'd guess EADG and C. Throw F and B in there if you really want to get fancy.
Yes, EADGC. Every other (non "weird or funky chords"), is based off of the same shapes just barred with your index finger. Then like was said learn differences in majors and minors, etc. That's most songs, if you wanna go from there get teaching (youtube or real), learn scales, etc are the next steps in my opinion. But, start with the basics and go from there.
I agree with what you guys just said. I think what's great about the time we live in now is that you can watch lessons on YouTube, rewind, rewatch, until you get it. Granted, some of the people on YouTube are rubbish but there are some really good teachers too! You just have to weed them out and find someone you like.
Marty Schwartz is the best YouTube teacher, he does great beginner songs and breaks them down really well.
I also like Ryan Lendt for Pearl Jam stuff and Carl Brown is a good teacher too. Once you learn the chords you'll be amazed by how quickly you progress and how fun it is. Stick with it!
I'll ride the wave where it takes me... Camden, '98 Camden, '00 Philadelphia, State College, '03 Camden, '06 Philadelphia, '09 Philadelphia, '13 Philadelphia, '16
The twins: ESP LTD C-304s. The only things left stock are the bodies/necks. (Neck-thru). I built the preamps myself and put EMG P4s in the neck position and EMG 35-CSs at the bridge. Both basses have the same pickups, electronics and hardware. The one on the right was converted to fretless.
If hope can grow from dirt like me, it can be done. - EV
gratuitous pedal board shot thrown in for good measure /not pictured: electroharmonix big muff and ibanez ds-10
What's the acoustic on the top left? That's a pretty funky looking pickguard and inlay. Kind of reminds me of Buddy Guy's Martin with the blue polka dot inlays.
If hope can grow from dirt like me, it can be done. - EV
Tried to get as much of it in as I could on the wide shot. The drums and the blondy Tele are mine. Play it through a custom-made/modified tweed-style double deluxe. The rest of the gear is my brother's. He's got a couple Peavey Wolfgangs down there and a couple other guitars, a monster 200W Behringer amp, the EQ and PA are all his.
Oh and had to include the poster since it snuck into the shot and it's my screen name and all. A friend saw it for me at a bar. Knowing it was my nickname, he had it framed for me. Actually came out awesome with the matte (considering it was beer-soaked at one time).
very cool gear in this thread. very cool to see what everyone is making music on. keep em coming!
Agreed. Especially the guy from STL who started the thread so he could show off his own collection!
Seriously though, some awesome stuff. I've got an acoustic and a couple ukes on some cool wall hangers, as well. I'm kind of like McGruff... need some strings on every floor! You never know when the mood will strike.
gratuitous pedal board shot thrown in for good measure /not pictured: electroharmonix big muff and ibanez ds-10
What's the acoustic on the top left? That's a pretty funky looking pickguard and inlay. Kind of reminds me of Buddy Guy's Martin with the blue polka dot inlays.
My wife got that during college from a friend who was learning to become a luthier. The inlay on the neck matches one of my wife's tattoos. I tried to get another picture but she wouldn't hold still. Needs to be taken in to be reset, the guitar too.
gratuitous pedal board shot thrown in for good measure /not pictured: electroharmonix big muff and ibanez ds-10
What's the acoustic on the top left? That's a pretty funky looking pickguard and inlay. Kind of reminds me of Buddy Guy's Martin with the blue polka dot inlays.
Close up for those who were interested. Sorry, I can't get it to rotate....
Here is my newest addition to the herd, a Rainsong CH-WS1000NS. It's a carbon fiber top, carbon/glass fiber back and sides. LR Baggs Element pickup. The other Rainsong is a Shorty model, a few years old, with a Fishman Prefix. The CH-WS is a bigger body, blackout look, with a satin finish on the back and neck. Plays like butter! And loud as hell. You can ignore the Schecter in the background, I bought that a couple months ago for a pickup transplant, but I've been saving that project for later.
...and if you don't like it, you can suck on an egg.
very cool gear in this thread. very cool to see what everyone is making music on. keep em coming!
Agreed. Especially the guy from STL who started the thread so he could show off his own collection!
Seriously though, some awesome stuff. I've got an acoustic and a couple ukes on some cool wall hangers, as well. I'm kind of like McGruff... need some strings on every floor! You never know when the mood will strike.
I am itching for a new acoustic really bad. If I get one I would have one on each floor of my house lol.
Here is my newest addition to the herd, a Rainsong CH-WS1000NS. It's a carbon fiber top, carbon/glass fiber back and sides. LR Baggs Element pickup. The other Rainsong is a Shorty model, a few years old, with a Fishman Prefix. The CH-WS is a bigger body, blackout look, with a satin finish on the back and neck. Plays like butter! And loud as hell. You can ignore the Schecter in the background, I bought that a couple months ago for a pickup transplant, but I've been saving that project for later.
Cool! You don't see too many of those. The Rainsong and CA carbon fiber guitars I've played have all been very nice. They sound so warm and rich.
If hope can grow from dirt like me, it can be done. - EV
I'm currently selling the Taylor 714ce because it hasn't gotten much play since I bought the Martin D-41. Both great guitars but the Martin just suites me better.
2016: Greenville Columbia
Camden, '98
Camden, '00
Philadelphia, State College, '03
Camden, '06
Philadelphia, '09
Philadelphia, '13
Philadelphia, '16
Martin 00C-16GTAE Bass. The thin, small body makes it comfortable to play and it's surprisingly loud unplugged.
2016: Greenville Columbia
That bass beat out everything else I could find when I was shopping for an ABG. I already had a couple but they moved out when this one moved in.
If your D-41 sounds half as good as it looks, you're probably in tone heaven.
2016: Greenville Columbia
I think we might have the same sofa, too.
gratuitous pedal board shot thrown in for good measure
/not pictured: electroharmonix big muff and ibanez ds-10
Tried to get as much of it in as I could on the wide shot. The drums and the blondy Tele are mine. Play it through a custom-made/modified tweed-style double deluxe. The rest of the gear is my brother's. He's got a couple Peavey Wolfgangs down there and a couple other guitars, a monster 200W Behringer amp, the EQ and PA are all his.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Agreed. Especially the guy from STL who started the thread so he could show off his own collection!
Seriously though, some awesome stuff. I've got an acoustic and a couple ukes on some cool wall hangers, as well. I'm kind of like McGruff... need some strings on every floor! You never know when the mood will strike.
2016: Greenville Columbia
That gibson is beautiful! What did that cost you?