Legalization is coming to Canada in July, maybe August, more than likely the fall...
i myself dont care care either way if it’s legal ... I would never give up my medicinal prescription to participate in our governments poor attempt at legalization. The government could/should have decriminalized long ago...the price per gram sounds like it’ll be 10/gram plus tax and we pay tax on medicinal as well, crooked government, the dealers will still be in business and will continue to thrive.
Legal in the entire country?
Yes, legal in the entire country recreationally. How that is delivered varies provincially.
And, poor attempt, meltdown? One of the first counties in the world to bite this bullet and it’s a poor attempt? It’s not as easy as you seem to think it is and I personally am really pleased they’re pushing through. And of course it’s getting taxed. It would be pretty naive to think it wasn’t going to be taxed. That’s one of the motivators for government to get it done.
It is a poor attempt ... not everyone lives in provinces that will get it right. Ontario is going to fuck it up, trust me...
Why not just decriminalize it in 2015? And work toward legalization and make sure you get it right...and anyone who doesn’t get a medicinal prescription...then you can wait. And the dealers will win, their weed will be cheaper, tax free and of quality potency...
That’s why what Trudeau says about legalizing it will eliminate the 10/gram the dealers will win, oh and doesTrudeau think people will drop their dealer to pay more to have to drive to a store to get their pot and pay excessive tax...many dealers even deliver...yeah right, he hasn’t a clue.
Why not decriminalize in 2015?? What, under Harper? That makes zero sense - there was no way that Harper was ever going to do anything other than tighten pot laws. And even if that wasn’t the case, it also makes no sense to complain that it wasn’t legalized in the past when it’s being legalized now.
You seem to have little idea how federal and provincial politics works.
You are full of full of shit...I meant when dumbass trudeau was elected...the difference from me and you is i don’t need a politicians to legalize something that should never be illegal...I’m not here to argue...we can agree to have a great fucking night. Your fucking useless opinion means fuck all to with it...I don’t need a bunch of useless politicians legalizing something because it’s a cash cow...
Whoa the fuck down. If you can't at least treat others with respect, conduct yourself with some.
Your comments were unwarranted and harsh.
Now go sit in the corner for a spell and think about it all.
I treat others with respect...what I dont need is someone defending a dumbass politiciian who is fucking up legalization...forgive me if I don’t kiss the ass of politicicians for legalizing something that the government has no business involved in...its fucking pot...a benign fucking drug...less fucking harmful than a aspirin...
Actually, your comment(s) up there were far from respectful. I understand your anger, but that doesn't give you the right to treat someone - who made an informed, non-confrontational comment, by the way - with the dickishness presented.
Brian, fortunately we have the benefit of technology and (hopefully reliable) word-of-mouth to educate ourselves when it comes to strains, potency, benefits, etc. Also fortunately, the 'tenders at my place know their shit over, under, sideways, down
And, as with much else in this beautiful yet fucked up life, we learn much through trial and error.
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,813
Legalization is coming to Canada in July, maybe August, more than likely the fall...
i myself dont care care either way if it’s legal ... I would never give up my medicinal prescription to participate in our governments poor attempt at legalization. The government could/should have decriminalized long ago...the price per gram sounds like it’ll be 10/gram plus tax and we pay tax on medicinal as well, crooked government, the dealers will still be in business and will continue to thrive.
Legal in the entire country?
Yes, legal in the entire country recreationally. How that is delivered varies provincially.
And, poor attempt, meltdown? One of the first counties in the world to bite this bullet and it’s a poor attempt? It’s not as easy as you seem to think it is and I personally am really pleased they’re pushing through. And of course it’s getting taxed. It would be pretty naive to think it wasn’t going to be taxed. That’s one of the motivators for government to get it done.
It is a poor attempt ... not everyone lives in provinces that will get it right. Ontario is going to fuck it up, trust me...
Why not just decriminalize it in 2015? And work toward legalization and make sure you get it right...and anyone who doesn’t get a medicinal prescription...then you can wait. And the dealers will win, their weed will be cheaper, tax free and of quality potency...
That’s why what Trudeau says about legalizing it will eliminate the 10/gram the dealers will win, oh and doesTrudeau think people will drop their dealer to pay more to have to drive to a store to get their pot and pay excessive tax...many dealers even deliver...yeah right, he hasn’t a clue.
Why not decriminalize in 2015?? What, under Harper? That makes zero sense - there was no way that Harper was ever going to do anything other than tighten pot laws. And even if that wasn’t the case, it also makes no sense to complain that it wasn’t legalized in the past when it’s being legalized now.
You seem to have little idea how federal and provincial politics works.
You are full of full of shit...I meant when dumbass trudeau was elected...the difference from me and you is i don’t need a politicians to legalize something that should never be illegal...I’m not here to argue...we can agree to have a great fucking night. Your fucking useless opinion means fuck all to with it...I don’t need a bunch of useless politicians legalizing something because it’s a cash cow...
Whoa the fuck down. If you can't at least treat others with respect, conduct yourself with some.
Your comments were unwarranted and harsh.
Now go sit in the corner for a spell and think about it all.
I treat others with respect...what I dont need is someone defending a dumbass politiciian who is fucking up legalization...forgive me if I don’t kiss the ass of politicicians for legalizing something that the government has no business involved in...its fucking pot...a benign fucking drug...less fucking harmful than a aspirin...
Actually, your comment(s) up there were far from respectful. I understand your anger, but that doesn't give you the right to treat someone - who made an informed, non-confrontational comment, by the way - with the dickishness presented.
Brian, fortunately we have the benefit of technology and (hopefully reliable) word-of-mouth to educate ourselves when it comes to strains, potency, benefits, etc. Also fortunately, the 'tenders at my place know their shit over, under, sideways, down
And, as with much else in this beautiful yet fucked up life, we learn much through trial and error.
Ain't it the truth!
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
Im sure pot causes anxiety. Its what ive been led to believe. And i think as a youngster it caused me lots of mental problems with paranoia and anxiety.
brixton 93
astoria 06
albany 06
hartford 06
reading 06
barcelona 06
paris 06
wembley 07
dusseldorf 07
nijmegen 07
this song is meant to be called i got shit,itshould be called i got shit tickets-hartford 06 -
Im sure pot causes anxiety. Its what ive been led to believe. And i think as a youngster it caused me lots of mental problems with paranoia and anxiety.
It can cause anxiety for some. Some people get panic attacks from pot, and some get paranoid. Some people with psychotic illnesses have worsening of their symptoms with pot use. However, many people can use weed without anxiety; it depends on the person and the strain, and sometimes the environment.
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
Im sure pot causes anxiety. Its what ive been led to believe. And i think as a youngster it caused me lots of mental problems with paranoia and anxiety.
It can cause anxiety for some. Some people get panic attacks from pot, and some get paranoid. Some people with psychotic illnesses have worsening of their symptoms with pot use. However, many people can use weed without anxiety; it depends on the person and the strain, and sometimes the environment.
When I was young it made me paranoid and anxious but I'm pretty sure it was because of fear of being pinched by cops or parents. Once we started in a secure environment like first apartment, that was all gone.
I would love to try it again. Its been 19 years i swore one day i would do it again. I loved it so much. But i did too much and then had kids and deemed it irresponsible. Who knows.
brixton 93
astoria 06
albany 06
hartford 06
reading 06
barcelona 06
paris 06
wembley 07
dusseldorf 07
nijmegen 07
this song is meant to be called i got shit,itshould be called i got shit tickets-hartford 06 -
I would love to try it again. Its been 19 years i swore one day i would do it again. I loved it so much. But i did too much and then had kids and deemed it irresponsible. Who knows.
You ever heard of looking a gift horse in the mouth? Millions of Americans and billions of people around the world face the threat of jail time for possessing a few grams and you are ranting and disrespecting because your country's groundbreaking legalisation isn't perfectly adherent to the intense demands of a recreational user who wants a free and unregulated market?
Repeat after yourself “my country are war mongers, both Democrats and republicans are war with it...that’s life...your country sucks, mine does too...surprisingly europe is getting it right...
In what way is Europe “getting it right” with respect to marijuana laws? It’s essentially illegal in almost all European counties with the exception of Portugal, and decriminalization of small amounts in the Czech Republic.
I thought it is legal in Holland?
Adelaide 17/11/2009, Melbourne 20/11/2009, Sydney 22/11/2009, Melbourne (Big Day Out Festival) 24/01/2014
You ever heard of looking a gift horse in the mouth? Millions of Americans and billions of people around the world face the threat of jail time for possessing a few grams and you are ranting and disrespecting because your country's groundbreaking legalisation isn't perfectly adherent to the intense demands of a recreational user who wants a free and unregulated market?
Repeat after yourself “my country are war mongers, both Democrats and republicans are war with it...that’s life...your country sucks, mine does too...surprisingly europe is getting it right...
In what way is Europe “getting it right” with respect to marijuana laws? It’s essentially illegal in almost all European counties with the exception of Portugal, and decriminalization of small amounts in the Czech Republic.
I thought it is legal in Holland?
Actually, it’s not. They have a policy called “toleration” that means they turn a blind eye to small amounts for personal use. The problem is, the supply chain is still illegal, making it risky for the owners of those pot cafes.
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
You ever heard of looking a gift horse in the mouth? Millions of Americans and billions of people around the world face the threat of jail time for possessing a few grams and you are ranting and disrespecting because your country's groundbreaking legalisation isn't perfectly adherent to the intense demands of a recreational user who wants a free and unregulated market?
Repeat after yourself “my country are war mongers, both Democrats and republicans are war with it...that’s life...your country sucks, mine does too...surprisingly europe is getting it right...
In what way is Europe “getting it right” with respect to marijuana laws? It’s essentially illegal in almost all European counties with the exception of Portugal, and decriminalization of small amounts in the Czech Republic.
I thought it is legal in Holland?
Actually, it’s not. They have a policy called “toleration” that means they turn a blind eye to small amounts for personal use. The problem is, the supply chain is still illegal, making it risky for the owners of those pot cafes.
Ahhh. Everyone makes it seem that everything goes in Holland.
Adelaide 17/11/2009, Melbourne 20/11/2009, Sydney 22/11/2009, Melbourne (Big Day Out Festival) 24/01/2014
You ever heard of looking a gift horse in the mouth? Millions of Americans and billions of people around the world face the threat of jail time for possessing a few grams and you are ranting and disrespecting because your country's groundbreaking legalisation isn't perfectly adherent to the intense demands of a recreational user who wants a free and unregulated market?
Repeat after yourself “my country are war mongers, both Democrats and republicans are war with it...that’s life...your country sucks, mine does too...surprisingly europe is getting it right...
In what way is Europe “getting it right” with respect to marijuana laws? It’s essentially illegal in almost all European counties with the exception of Portugal, and decriminalization of small amounts in the Czech Republic.
I thought it is legal in Holland?
Actually, it’s not. They have a policy called “toleration” that means they turn a blind eye to small amounts for personal use. The problem is, the supply chain is still illegal, making it risky for the owners of those pot cafes.
Ahhh. Everyone makes it seem that everything goes in Holland.
Yeah, and just like with Las Vegas, that's a nightmare for the people who live there.
You ever heard of looking a gift horse in the mouth? Millions of Americans and billions of people around the world face the threat of jail time for possessing a few grams and you are ranting and disrespecting because your country's groundbreaking legalisation isn't perfectly adherent to the intense demands of a recreational user who wants a free and unregulated market?
Repeat after yourself “my country are war mongers, both Democrats and republicans are war with it...that’s life...your country sucks, mine does too...surprisingly europe is getting it right...
In what way is Europe “getting it right” with respect to marijuana laws? It’s essentially illegal in almost all European counties with the exception of Portugal, and decriminalization of small amounts in the Czech Republic.
I thought it is legal in Holland?
Actually, it’s not. They have a policy called “toleration” that means they turn a blind eye to small amounts for personal use. The problem is, the supply chain is still illegal, making it risky for the owners of those pot cafes.
I apologize rgamgs and hedonist and to anyone else I offended...let me state my case better. Our governments allow us to costume all kinds of products that are far more harmful, like, caffeine, cigarettes, they put fluoride in most communities water (not my water, fluoride was removed a few years ago) Ontario, there is actually liberal MPs that have pushed for forcing communities to add fluoride, why? Fluoride was removed after a series of consultation and the mayor ran on removing fluoride. That’s just a small sample size of the governments bullshit.
Now .... marijuana is thought to be a cash cow for Canada ... it will not be the cash cow they think it is (I’ve seen some experts believe Ontario will lose money).
10/gram plus taxes. The same tax being applied to recreational, will be applied medicinal...medicinal marijuana should not be taxed at all...
Rgambs im not going to thank my political masters ever ... as I said just decriminalize...problem solved. I suppose no here informed you Trudeau cut back the amount that veteran affairs pay for vet...yes I know, they are asking for to much. Or just remove marijuana from the penal code completely.
Again, someone please explain why I should thank a politician for righting a 100 a year won’t happen.
Jodi and Marc Emory have done more to push for legalization than any politician, and just so you that I am an equal opprtunity critism of political parties, the conservative pm (harper) did not step in stop his extradition to US for selling seeds online to US customers...harper should have told the US to pound salt, 5 years for selling seeds...ridiculous.
once again I apologe for my outburst in previous position will never change, marijuana is harmless, and does a lot of people good, including myself...and yes when I lashed out I was off my the government has no business in the pot business...I for one hope Ontario loses millions with their sad effort at legalization.
Out in BC, they’ll get it right, looks like Alberta will get it right. It’s almost legal in Vancouver now, I don’t think the cops hassle people, I could be wrong...
Another thing. Who created the opioid crisis. The government. Maybe they should focus on getting off the streets. The government regulates the pharmaceutical industry...that’s gone well I would say. The bottom line, politicians only care about themselves and receiving money to line their political parties coffers...
Give Peas A Chance…
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,813
I'm still not clear on why you ranted the way you did. I agree with many of your premises. I find it hypocritical of governments to ban weed, yet allow (and in some cases subsidize) alcohol, tobacco, opiods, etc... But your rants seemed to be directed at people looking for solutions to problems. Legalization is something that will benefit almost everyone. Perhaps not you as you apparently participate in a medical system that allows you access at a price you like. But this isn't a medical issue, it is a much bigger issue. Recreational weed can and does coexist with medical weed. In some states here in the US (like my state), recreational weed is taxed at a higher rate than medicinal. They destroyed the medical system here when recreational shops first opened. They had to regroup and figure it out, by making tweaks to laws. Many rec shops provide a 20% discount on prices for medical patients to offset the taxes. But opening up the market to both medicinal and recreational use completely changes the game. It has all but eliminated the black market here. A small market exists where people grow, and sell to friends but nobody is getting rich selling weed on the black market here. That happened because of pricing. When we first legalized, we had stupid prices while processors were trying to fill the supply pipeline. The black market continued to thrive and most seasoned smokers stayed away from the shops and kept buying from their local guy. But more product meant lower pricing, and taxes were adjusted as well, and pricing ended up at or below black market pricing. That meant that people could now buy weed knowing where and how it was grown, what the strain is, and do so without looking over their shoulder risking getting mugged or busted. It also went a long way toward general acceptance. Even non-consumers here are no longer terrified of reefer madness. For most people, stopping in at the weed shop is no different than stopping in at a liquor store. Having a beer at home is no different than roasting a bowl. Law enforcement is no longer trying to jam up anyone they might smell weed on. Criminal enterprises are no longer interested in weed, as there is no margin for it, at least not commensurate with the risk. So while you may have an implementation issue with your local government, that will likely get ironed out over time, as experience is gained and data is collected. But you seem to want to throw out the baby with the bathwater, and it seems extremely counter productive. What you propose doesn't do anything to improve societal acceptance for weed, nor does it mitigate law enforcement's bias against weed. It sounds like you have no interest in improving the situation for everyone, and you're just cranky because it may affect your individual situation. That's a bummer.
"I'll use the magic word - let's just shut the fuck up, please." EV, 04/13/08
Sounds like West Hollywood is at the beginning stages you mention up there of WA. My dispensary has separate side-by-side storefronts for medical (where I go) and rec, and not even two months in to the first year of full legality, I haven't noticed much of an increase in cost. And there are no longer long lines for the non-scrip side.
This is a glorious new era in terms of pain management, anxiety alleviation, basic pleasure, and freedom. Kinks and shit still need to be worked out and it'll take time. I'm happy we've arrived at the point where the shit now, finally, IS ready to be worked out.
Sounds like West Hollywood is at the beginning stages you mention up there of WA. My dispensary has separate side-by-side storefronts for medical (where I go) and rec, and not even two months in to the first year of full legality, I haven't noticed much of an increase in cost. And there are no longer long lines for the non-scrip side.
This is a glorious new era in terms of pain management, anxiety alleviation, basic pleasure, and freedom. Kinks and shit still need to be worked out and it'll take time. I'm happy we've arrived at the point where the shit now, finally, IS ready to be worked out.
Excellent, Hedo! It sounds like things are starting to click with rec/med sales in CA. These things take time. Various municipalities will be slower than others to adopt/adapt. That remains an issue in CO and WA as well. But the bottom line is that we have to encourage progress and keep working toward improving systems and processes. I was originally opposed to the legalization effort in WA simply because of the way the initiative was written. But the bottom line is that once weed was legalized, some of my concerns were quickly dealt with through tweaks and revisions. We can't expect perfection on the first try. It is a process of improvement that we should be promoting. I still have plenty of issues with our system, but it is glorious to drive down the street of my sleepy suburban town and see multiple weed shops, none of which have increased crime in neighborhoods. They provide products, advise, jobs and tax revenue to our city and state. They create a disincentive for local criminal elements, since the black market isn't competing on price or quality these days. Things continue to improve and I am thrilled. Everyone is benefiting from this legislation including people who want nothing to do with weed, since they still derive benefit from the tax windfall.
"I'll use the magic word - let's just shut the fuck up, please." EV, 04/13/08
I'm still not clear on why you ranted the way you did. I agree with many of your premises. I find it hypocritical of governments to ban weed, yet allow (and in some cases subsidize) alcohol, tobacco, opiods, etc... But your rants seemed to be directed at people looking for solutions to problems. Legalization is something that will benefit almost everyone. Perhaps not you as you apparently participate in a medical system that allows you access at a price you like. But this isn't a medical issue, it is a much bigger issue. Recreational weed can and does coexist with medical weed. In some states here in the US (like my state), recreational weed is taxed at a higher rate than medicinal. They destroyed the medical system here when recreational shops first opened. They had to regroup and figure it out, by making tweaks to laws. Many rec shops provide a 20% discount on prices for medical patients to offset the taxes. But opening up the market to both medicinal and recreational use completely changes the game. It has all but eliminated the black market here. A small market exists where people grow, and sell to friends but nobody is getting rich selling weed on the black market here. That happened because of pricing. When we first legalized, we had stupid prices while processors were trying to fill the supply pipeline. The black market continued to thrive and most seasoned smokers stayed away from the shops and kept buying from their local guy. But more product meant lower pricing, and taxes were adjusted as well, and pricing ended up at or below black market pricing. That meant that people could now buy weed knowing where and how it was grown, what the strain is, and do so without looking over their shoulder risking getting mugged or busted. It also went a long way toward general acceptance. Even non-consumers here are no longer terrified of reefer madness. For most people, stopping in at the weed shop is no different than stopping in at a liquor store. Having a beer at home is no different than roasting a bowl. Law enforcement is no longer trying to jam up anyone they might smell weed on. Criminal enterprises are no longer interested in weed, as there is no margin for it, at least not commensurate with the risk. So while you may have an implementation issue with your local government, that will likely get ironed out over time, as experience is gained and data is collected. But you seem to want to throw out the baby with the bathwater, and it seems extremely counter productive. What you propose doesn't do anything to improve societal acceptance for weed, nor does it mitigate law enforcement's bias against weed. It sounds like you have no interest in improving the situation for everyone, and you're just cranky because it may affect your individual situation. That's a bummer.
I ranted because I’m sick of people thinking we should need the governments permission to use a product that is for most part is harmless and in my case has helped tremendously...I apologized...I’m pretty sure I’m not the only person who has ranted...once again sorry.
Ok can we move on Meltdown has stated his/hers apologies all good as far as i'm concerned i agree this country is so backwards in their thinking , weed needs to be legal period ! I know just in the county i live in their have been thousands of overdoses from pills hundreds of them kids most of them died it's insane the two things that we should have strict laws on should be opioids & weapons yet we don't ........
I'm still not clear on why you ranted the way you did. I agree with many of your premises. I find it hypocritical of governments to ban weed, yet allow (and in some cases subsidize) alcohol, tobacco, opiods, etc... But your rants seemed to be directed at people looking for solutions to problems. Legalization is something that will benefit almost everyone. Perhaps not you as you apparently participate in a medical system that allows you access at a price you like. But this isn't a medical issue, it is a much bigger issue. Recreational weed can and does coexist with medical weed. In some states here in the US (like my state), recreational weed is taxed at a higher rate than medicinal. They destroyed the medical system here when recreational shops first opened. They had to regroup and figure it out, by making tweaks to laws. Many rec shops provide a 20% discount on prices for medical patients to offset the taxes. But opening up the market to both medicinal and recreational use completely changes the game. It has all but eliminated the black market here. A small market exists where people grow, and sell to friends but nobody is getting rich selling weed on the black market here. That happened because of pricing. When we first legalized, we had stupid prices while processors were trying to fill the supply pipeline. The black market continued to thrive and most seasoned smokers stayed away from the shops and kept buying from their local guy. But more product meant lower pricing, and taxes were adjusted as well, and pricing ended up at or below black market pricing. That meant that people could now buy weed knowing where and how it was grown, what the strain is, and do so without looking over their shoulder risking getting mugged or busted. It also went a long way toward general acceptance. Even non-consumers here are no longer terrified of reefer madness. For most people, stopping in at the weed shop is no different than stopping in at a liquor store. Having a beer at home is no different than roasting a bowl. Law enforcement is no longer trying to jam up anyone they might smell weed on. Criminal enterprises are no longer interested in weed, as there is no margin for it, at least not commensurate with the risk. So while you may have an implementation issue with your local government, that will likely get ironed out over time, as experience is gained and data is collected. But you seem to want to throw out the baby with the bathwater, and it seems extremely counter productive. What you propose doesn't do anything to improve societal acceptance for weed, nor does it mitigate law enforcement's bias against weed. It sounds like you have no interest in improving the situation for everyone, and you're just cranky because it may affect your individual situation. That's a bummer.
I ranted because I’m sick of people thinking we should need the governments permission to use a product that is for most part is harmless and in my case has helped tremendously...I apologized...I’m pretty sure I’m not the only person who has ranted...once again sorry.
Hey man, sorry if it felt like I was piling on. Of course you aren't the only one who has ranted, and rants are often valid and therapeutic (although I really didn't want the thread locked, since we've already had at least 1 general weed thread locked which is why this one was started). That's why I turned my reply back toward me. I just wanted to provide perspective that at least in my case, while I wasn't a big supporter of legalization the way it was being drafted in my state, it ended up being closer to what I had hoped for than I thought it would. I was cranky about it it, and now I'm happy as a clam. Just trying to provide perspective and optimism. Glad cooler heads are prevailing.
And Jose, totally agree with your post.
"I'll use the magic word - let's just shut the fuck up, please." EV, 04/13/08
Ok can we move on Meltdown has stated his/hers apologies all good as far as i'm concerned i agree this country is so backwards in their thinking , weed needs to be legal period ! I know just in the county i live in their have been thousands of overdoses from pills hundreds of them kids most of them died it's insane the two things that we should have strict laws on should be opioids & weapons yet we don't ........
Ok can we move on Meltdown has stated his/hers apologies all good as far as i'm concerned i agree this country is so backwards in their thinking , weed needs to be legal period ! I know just in the county i live in their have been thousands of overdoses from pills hundreds of them kids most of them died it's insane the two things that we should have strict laws on should be opioids & weapons yet we don't ........
I'm still not clear on why you ranted the way you did. I agree with many of your premises. I find it hypocritical of governments to ban weed, yet allow (and in some cases subsidize) alcohol, tobacco, opiods, etc... But your rants seemed to be directed at people looking for solutions to problems. Legalization is something that will benefit almost everyone. Perhaps not you as you apparently participate in a medical system that allows you access at a price you like. But this isn't a medical issue, it is a much bigger issue. Recreational weed can and does coexist with medical weed. In some states here in the US (like my state), recreational weed is taxed at a higher rate than medicinal. They destroyed the medical system here when recreational shops first opened. They had to regroup and figure it out, by making tweaks to laws. Many rec shops provide a 20% discount on prices for medical patients to offset the taxes. But opening up the market to both medicinal and recreational use completely changes the game. It has all but eliminated the black market here. A small market exists where people grow, and sell to friends but nobody is getting rich selling weed on the black market here. That happened because of pricing. When we first legalized, we had stupid prices while processors were trying to fill the supply pipeline. The black market continued to thrive and most seasoned smokers stayed away from the shops and kept buying from their local guy. But more product meant lower pricing, and taxes were adjusted as well, and pricing ended up at or below black market pricing. That meant that people could now buy weed knowing where and how it was grown, what the strain is, and do so without looking over their shoulder risking getting mugged or busted. It also went a long way toward general acceptance. Even non-consumers here are no longer terrified of reefer madness. For most people, stopping in at the weed shop is no different than stopping in at a liquor store. Having a beer at home is no different than roasting a bowl. Law enforcement is no longer trying to jam up anyone they might smell weed on. Criminal enterprises are no longer interested in weed, as there is no margin for it, at least not commensurate with the risk. So while you may have an implementation issue with your local government, that will likely get ironed out over time, as experience is gained and data is collected. But you seem to want to throw out the baby with the bathwater, and it seems extremely counter productive. What you propose doesn't do anything to improve societal acceptance for weed, nor does it mitigate law enforcement's bias against weed. It sounds like you have no interest in improving the situation for everyone, and you're just cranky because it may affect your individual situation. That's a bummer.
Thank you Jose...much’s frustrating that medicinal users are taxed...
I am traveling to Seattle for the first time in April. I’m excited about going and wanted to ask a couple of questions. I am staying in Bellevue because that is where the seminar I have to attend is located. I’m assuming there are plenty of shops to buy some weed but where should I go to smoke? Any recommendations of what else to do while in the area would be appreciated. I’m assuming there are some Seattle locals here on this thread.
Seeing visions of falling up somehow.
Pensacola '94 New Orleans '95 Birmingham '98 New Orleans '00 New Orleans '03 Tampa '08 New Orleans '10 - Jazzfest New Orleans '16 - Jazzfest Fenway Park '18 St. Louis '22
I am traveling to Seattle for the first time in April. I’m excited about going and wanted to ask a couple of questions. I am staying in Bellevue because that is where the seminar I have to attend is located. I’m assuming there are plenty of shops to buy some weed but where should I go to smoke? Any recommendations of what else to do while in the area would be appreciated. I’m assuming there are some Seattle locals here on this thread.
That's the tricky part for visitors - where to smoke. Purchasing it is super easy. If you tell me where in Bellevue you will be, I can let you know of a couple of shops. My favorite shop, which we visit on our weekly errands, is located in Bellevue and always has good prices and a nice selection of flower, concentrate and edibles. As far as where to smoke? Well, it is technically illegal to smoke outdoors in public places. However, it is often done by locals and tourists alike, and if for some reason a cop sees it, the worst that will happen is that they'll tell you to put it out. Especially if you act dumb about it. If they are assholes, they can cite you, but it is similar to an open container ticket, and will run you about $27. But that is more hassle for them than it's worth, so they'll typically just tell you to put it out. When I'm in a weed unfriendly state, staying in a hotel, I just go into the bathroom, turn on the fan, put a rolled up towel under the door, start the shower, and smoke away.
As far as things to do, are you talking specifically about Bellevue? It is a nice smaller city, but doesn't have any sort of amazing night life or anything. There aren't a lot of clubs to see bands. It is more of an upscale place with malls with Neiman Marcus type stores but lots of good restaurants. There isn't really much to see in Bellevue. So I'd recommend popping over the bridge into Seattle for any sort of sightseeing, or taking in the local scene and night life. Take in a soccer game at CenturyLink Field, or a baseball game at Safeco Field. Catch a show at the Showbox, visit Pike Place Market, hang out in Pioneer Square. Spend some time in West Seattle visiting Easy Street Records and the great cafes, restaurants, bars and shops nearby. Take a ferry ride. There are lots of things do to in Seattle both indoors and outdoors depending on your tolerance of wet weather. And you might get lucky and catch us during a sunny period in which case there is no place more beautiful.
"I'll use the magic word - let's just shut the fuck up, please." EV, 04/13/08
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,813
Another way to avoid the hassle of being told to put it out (or worse) is to get a vape pen. They're available with varying levels of THC, they are very discrete, and there is no tell-tale odor. Vaping cannabis gives a nice high though it doesn't last as long. There are also oils but I haven't used them A friend says she puts some of the edible oil under her tongue for an excellent high.
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
Another way to avoid the hassle of being told to put it out (or worse) is to get a vape pen. They're available with varying levels of THC, they are very discrete, and there is no tell-tale odor. Vaping cannabis gives a nice high though it doesn't last as long. There are also oils but I haven't used them A friend says she puts some of the edible oil under her tongue for an excellent high.
Absolutely right. Most tourists I see in the shops are getting vape pens or edible candies and drinks. A much more discrete way of consuming product. But I enjoy smoking flower, and want to taste the nuances in various strains, so I guess I was giving advice as a smoker. But I 100% agree that a vape pen is probably the best way for a tourist to really maximize enjoyment of the local wares without hassle.
"I'll use the magic word - let's just shut the fuck up, please." EV, 04/13/08
Another way to avoid the hassle of being told to put it out (or worse) is to get a vape pen. They're available with varying levels of THC, they are very discrete, and there is no tell-tale odor. Vaping cannabis gives a nice high though it doesn't last as long. There are also oils but I haven't used them A friend says she puts some of the edible oil under her tongue for an excellent high.
Absolutely right. Most tourists I see in the shops are getting vape pens or edible candies and drinks. A much more discrete way of consuming product. But I enjoy smoking flower, and want to taste the nuances in various strains, so I guess I was giving advice as a smoker. But I 100% agree that a vape pen is probably the best way for a tourist to really maximize enjoyment of the local wares without hassle.
I don't really underatand. I have a vape pen, and it still produces a small amount of smoke - what I exhale smells like shatter. It is an obvious smell.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
Brian, fortunately we have the benefit of technology and (hopefully reliable) word-of-mouth to educate ourselves when it comes to strains, potency, benefits, etc. Also fortunately, the 'tenders at my place know their shit over, under, sideways, down
And, as with much else in this beautiful yet fucked up life, we learn much through trial and error.
astoria 06
albany 06
hartford 06
reading 06
barcelona 06
paris 06
wembley 07
dusseldorf 07
nijmegen 07
this song is meant to be called i got shit,itshould be called i got shit tickets-hartford 06 -
astoria 06
albany 06
hartford 06
reading 06
barcelona 06
paris 06
wembley 07
dusseldorf 07
nijmegen 07
this song is meant to be called i got shit,itshould be called i got shit tickets-hartford 06 -
astoria 06
albany 06
hartford 06
reading 06
barcelona 06
paris 06
wembley 07
dusseldorf 07
nijmegen 07
this song is meant to be called i got shit,itshould be called i got shit tickets-hartford 06 -
Everyone makes it seem that everything goes in Holland.
Now .... marijuana is thought to be a cash cow for Canada ... it will not be the cash cow they think it is (I’ve seen some experts believe Ontario will lose money).
10/gram plus taxes. The same tax being applied to recreational, will be applied medicinal...medicinal marijuana should not be taxed at all...
Rgambs im not going to thank my political masters ever ... as I said just decriminalize...problem solved. I suppose no here informed you Trudeau cut back the amount that veteran affairs pay for vet...yes I know, they are asking for to much. Or just remove marijuana from the penal code completely.
Again, someone please explain why I should thank a politician for righting a 100 a year won’t happen.
Jodi and Marc Emory have done more to push for legalization than any politician, and just so you that I am an equal opprtunity critism of political parties, the conservative pm (harper) did not step in stop his extradition to US for selling seeds online to US customers...harper should have told the US to pound salt, 5 years for selling seeds...ridiculous.
once again I apologe for my outburst in previous position will never change, marijuana is harmless, and does a lot of people good, including myself...and yes when I lashed out I was off my the government has no business in the pot business...I for one hope Ontario loses millions with their sad effort at legalization.
Out in BC, they’ll get it right, looks like Alberta will get it right. It’s almost legal in Vancouver now, I don’t think the cops hassle people, I could be wrong...
have a wonderful Monday ...
alcohol ruins lives and families.
what about casinos, lotteries, the also ruin lives and families...
So while you may have an implementation issue with your local government, that will likely get ironed out over time, as experience is gained and data is collected. But you seem to want to throw out the baby with the bathwater, and it seems extremely counter productive. What you propose doesn't do anything to improve societal acceptance for weed, nor does it mitigate law enforcement's bias against weed. It sounds like you have no interest in improving the situation for everyone, and you're just cranky because it may affect your individual situation. That's a bummer.
Sounds like West Hollywood is at the beginning stages you mention up there of WA. My dispensary has separate side-by-side storefronts for medical (where I go) and rec, and not even two months in to the first year of full legality, I haven't noticed much of an increase in cost. And there are no longer long lines for the non-scrip side.
This is a glorious new era in terms of pain management, anxiety alleviation, basic pleasure, and freedom. Kinks and shit still need to be worked out and it'll take time. I'm happy we've arrived at the point where the shit now, finally, IS ready to be worked out.
I know just in the county i live in their have been thousands of overdoses from pills hundreds of them kids most of them died it's insane the two things that we should have strict laws on should be opioids & weapons yet we don't ........
Thank you Jose...much’s frustrating that medicinal users are taxed...
I’m assuming there are some Seattle locals here on this thread.
Pensacola '94
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As far as things to do, are you talking specifically about Bellevue? It is a nice smaller city, but doesn't have any sort of amazing night life or anything. There aren't a lot of clubs to see bands. It is more of an upscale place with malls with Neiman Marcus type stores but lots of good restaurants. There isn't really much to see in Bellevue. So I'd recommend popping over the bridge into Seattle for any sort of sightseeing, or taking in the local scene and night life. Take in a soccer game at CenturyLink Field, or a baseball game at Safeco Field. Catch a show at the Showbox, visit Pike Place Market, hang out in Pioneer Square. Spend some time in West Seattle visiting Easy Street Records and the great cafes, restaurants, bars and shops nearby. Take a ferry ride. There are lots of things do to in Seattle both indoors and outdoors depending on your tolerance of wet weather. And you might get lucky and catch us during a sunny period in which case there is no place more beautiful.