That describes most Americans. I guarantee you "doesn't like to read" is better for election chances than "likes to read."
1995 Milwaukee 1998 Alpine, Alpine 2003 Albany, Boston, Boston, Boston 2004 Boston, Boston 2006 Hartford, St. Paul (Petty), St. Paul (Petty) 2011 Alpine, Alpine 2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin 2024 Napa, Wrigley, Wrigley
That describes most Americans. I guarantee you "doesn't like to read" is better for election chances than "likes to read."
That doesn't describe "most" Americans, I don't believe. It probably describes "most" of his supporters.
I don't think this is true. His supporters are quite literate in general. They tend not to have college degrees, however. And many of them resent those who do. I think it has something to do with the perception that a college education is essentially a meal ticket. As in, you didn't earn your way, it was given to you for a price. In many cases, there's a lot of truth to that.
That describes most Americans. I guarantee you "doesn't like to read" is better for election chances than "likes to read."
That doesn't describe "most" Americans, I don't believe. It probably describes "most" of his supporters.
I don't think this is true. His supporters are quite literate in general. They tend not to have college degrees, however. And many of them resent those who do. I think it has something to do with the perception that a college education is essentially a meal ticket. As in, you didn't earn your way, it was given to you for a price. In many cases, there's a lot of truth to that.
What is the truth in that? Getting a degree is hard work as well, particularly if it’s going to be in a field that directly assists you to get work.
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
That describes most Americans. I guarantee you "doesn't like to read" is better for election chances than "likes to read."
That doesn't describe "most" Americans, I don't believe. It probably describes "most" of his supporters.
I don't think this is true. His supporters are quite literate in general. They tend not to have college degrees, however. And many of them resent those who do. I think it has something to do with the perception that a college education is essentially a meal ticket. As in, you didn't earn your way, it was given to you for a price. In many cases, there's a lot of truth to that.
Almost every adult American is literate. But many choose not to read or not to read but from one source.
And I could not disagree with you any more on the meal ticket statement. From where I sit in business, there is a world of difference between college grads and non-college grads. It doesn't apply to EVERYONE, but the trend is unmistakable from a skill set perspective.
Just bringing a conversation between Halifax and me over from the NFL thread on the AET board so we don't bother people over there with Trump shit.
Here's Halifax responding to me noting that he's a Patriots fan, and Trump-hater, yet Kraft, Belichick and Brady are all friends with Trump:
"I think you use the term “friends” a wee bit loosely. That said, one of things that makes us great is that we can have different political views and still respect individual accomplishments. I have no idea whether they voted for Team Trump Treason or gave money to his campaign. If they did or do, yea that sucks and I hope they’ve realized the error of their ways. Come game time, all I care about for the next three hours is how they play the game and whether they played well or won or lost. Gee, if all that we know now were known pre-election, would Team Trump Treason be in the White House and would you even be bringing it up?"
Well for starters, I'm not sure what you mean when you say "If all that we know now were known pre-election...." Has anything surprised you about Trump's presidency? Isn't this EXACTLY what you expected when he was campaigning? It's exactly what I expected.
But the reason I even made this post is that you often suggest that people that like, voted for, or are friends of Trump, are racist morons. You do. You're going to deny it. But you constantly do. You and I have had a few back and forths where I tried to stick up for Middle-America Trump-Voters by suggesting they were either duped by Trump, or just desperate for something new. You always dismissed that and said nope, they're racists (or...indirect racists, by supporting Trump and turning a blind eye). But here, when talking about guys you admire (hell, I'm fucking Dolphins fan and I admire those three assholes too), you say it's "great that we can have different political views and still respect individual accomplishments." I completely agree with that statement. But I think it contradicts many of your previous posts.
As far as I know, Kraft, Brady and Belichick haven't voted for, nor given money to Team Trump Treason as a candidate for president. They haven't held fundraisers for him nor attended his rallies. I have heard or seen that Team Trump Treason was very supportive of Kraft after his wife died, from which a friendship was born. I heard Kraft give a very lengthy radio interview before the super bowl after his wife had passed and I was struck by the emotion with which he spoke. It was very clear to me that she was incredibly important to him, they were partners and he missed her. It was tough at times to listen to as I drove because he was very intimate and open about what she meant to him. To find out well after that that Team Trump Treason attended the services and called him every week for a year to check on what Kraft described as the darkest years of his life, how can you be critical of what appears to be a genuine friendship? That said, I'm not comfortable with Kraft rubbing elbows with Team Trump Treason but I take comfort in knowing that he voted for Obama. Twice.
As for Kraft being friends with putin on the ritz, as some on here have alleged, putin on the ritz literally stole his super bowl ring in Moscow. Kraft gave it to him to try on, he put it on his finger, Kraft asked for it back and putin on the ritz put it in his pocket, was surrounded by KGB agents and walked away. The Obama administration told him to let it go and call it a gift, which Kraft did. That's more reflective of putin on the ritz than it is of Kraft. And who is currently a "slave" to putin on the ritz?
As for Brady and Belichick being friends with Team Trump Treason, all I've seen of that is that they have attended the same social functions, ones were 500 people are invited and millionaires and billionaires rub elbows. Fashion events, Met galas, charity golf tournaments and the like. "Friends," means they communicate regularly, socialize on a regular basis, etc. Calling Brady and Belichick friends is like someone claiming their 500 friends on facebook are "friends." Again, I think you use the term "friends" a wee bit loosely.
If anyone can provide evidence that Kraft, Brady or Belichick voted for Team Trump Treason, gave money in support, held fundraisers or attended rallies, yes, I'll be disappointed and criticize them for being racist, misogynist Team Trump Treason supporters. However, it would be worse if they support him moving forward, knowing all that we know now. I can also balance that with the charitable work all three individuals do and knowing they're not supporting Team Trump Treason as they play corn hole, scratching their bellies, yelling at the passing "other" to go back to their country and whistling at the women walking by. Middle America got duped but the telling thing is, what do we call, or how do we describe those 35%-40% of Americans who continue to support Team Trump Treason (21MM voters), knowing what we know now, two years on?
Like others on here, I was extremely disappointed when Team Trump Treason was elected. However, after I talked myself back from the ledge and got over the depressing thought, I figured I'd give him a chance, that he would actually respect the office, step up and try to lead, bring the nation together and move forward. Team Trump Treason very quickly disappointed me and when the Russia collusion began to look more and more as a reality, I lost all hope in him as president and because of Charlottesville, as a human being, despite knowing what I already knew about him. He was "elected" after all.
And here's thing, despite what many others on these forums believe, I still have faith in our system, the checks and balances. If Team Mueller's report doesn't find impeachable offenses, highly unlikely in my mind, I'll accept it and we'll all move on. I take comfort that in two years, we'll have an election and our nightmare of a presidency will be over. Unless Middle America decides to vote for and support a racist, misogynist candidate and my disappointment will be in the American voting public that re-elected him. Again, what should we call these people or how should we refer to them? We still don't have tanks rolling through the streets after elections. For now.
Regarding Brady:
Well, apparently, calling Brady isn't really an option for Trump right now. Back in December, Trump admitted that his relationship with Brady wasn't what it used to be and that the quarterback had distanced himself from the president. As you may or may not remember, Brady's politics got him in some hot water with his wife, and just before the 2016 election, Gisele came out and made it clear that no one in her family is supporting Trump.
Brady definitely got the message from Gisele, because he didn't show up at the Patriots' White House ceremony following the team's win in Super Bowl LI. It's probably safe to say he probably stopped taking Trump's phone calls at that point, which is likely why Trump went to Belichick to get the scoop on Brady's playing status for 2018.
The only "club" more exclusive than the US Senate is being an NFL owner. And the NFL is hardly a bastion of integrity. Every owner wants to win the super bowl. Every team cheats in some regard and the NFL itself is pretty unethical and corrupt and is trying to spread the wealth by "helping" teams win and make the playoffs (good for the fan base). As such, I enjoy watching the Patriots play, have been a fan since childhood and suffered through many a losing season. Come Sunday, all I care about is whether they win or lose, knowing the system is rigged. With the average value of an NFL team $2.5BB, there's a vested interest in keeping things a certain way and with that much money sloshing around, corruption is inevitable.
That describes most Americans. I guarantee you "doesn't like to read" is better for election chances than "likes to read."
That doesn't describe "most" Americans, I don't believe. It probably describes "most" of his supporters.
I don't think this is true. His supporters are quite literate in general. They tend not to have college degrees, however. And many of them resent those who do. I think it has something to do with the perception that a college education is essentially a meal ticket. As in, you didn't earn your way, it was given to you for a price. In many cases, there's a lot of truth to that.
What is the truth in that? Getting a degree is hard work as well, particularly if it’s going to be in a field that directly assists you to get work.
well, my memory from college was a lot of complete bullshit degrees where you didn't even need to attend class to do well on the exams. and of course, a 2.0 GPA earns the same diploma as a 4.0 GPA. not saying all or even most degree programs are shit and everyone who attends college did nothing but party, but i understand where the stereotype comes from. look i'm all about higher education. i'm always trying to learn shit, so i'd consider myself a strong beneficiary of the university system. but, i also had times where i was that slacker 2.0 entitled pos that i've come to resent myself. just being a messenger here.
That describes most Americans. I guarantee you "doesn't like to read" is better for election chances than "likes to read."
That doesn't describe "most" Americans, I don't believe. It probably describes "most" of his supporters.
I don't think this is true. His supporters are quite literate in general. They tend not to have college degrees, however. And many of them resent those who do. I think it has something to do with the perception that a college education is essentially a meal ticket. As in, you didn't earn your way, it was given to you for a price. In many cases, there's a lot of truth to that.
Almost every adult American is literate. But many choose not to read or not to read but from one source.
And I could not disagree with you any more on the meal ticket statement. From where I sit in business, there is a world of difference between college grads and non-college grads. It doesn't apply to EVERYONE, but the trend is unmistakable from a skill set perspective.
I wish this were true but its not. A lot of functioning illiterates roaming around.
What is the literacy rate in the US?
According to a study conducted in late April by the U.S. Department of Education and the National Institute of Literacy, 32 million adults in the U.S. can't read. That's 14 percent of the population. 21 percent of adults in the U.S. read below a 5th grade level, and 19 percent of high school graduates can't read.
The “head of a criminal family.” Opening days of impeachment, according to one congress member, John Garamendi. Conspiracy, obstruction, high crimes and misdemeanors. Congress must act. Emoluments Clause violations are still floating around. It’s going to be a very Mueller Christmas!
That describes most Americans. I guarantee you "doesn't like to read" is better for election chances than "likes to read."
That doesn't describe "most" Americans, I don't believe. It probably describes "most" of his supporters.
I don't think this is true. His supporters are quite literate in general. They tend not to have college degrees, however. And many of them resent those who do. I think it has something to do with the perception that a college education is essentially a meal ticket. As in, you didn't earn your way, it was given to you for a price. In many cases, there's a lot of truth to that.
What is the truth in that? Getting a degree is hard work as well, particularly if it’s going to be in a field that directly assists you to get work.
well, my memory from college was a lot of complete bullshit degrees where you didn't even need to attend class to do well on the exams. and of course, a 2.0 GPA earns the same diploma as a 4.0 GPA. not saying all or even most degree programs are shit and everyone who attends college did nothing but party, but i understand where the stereotype comes from. look i'm all about higher education. i'm always trying to learn shit, so i'd consider myself a strong beneficiary of the university system. but, i also had times where i was that slacker 2.0 entitled pos that i've come to resent myself. just being a messenger here.
Well, then you have some pretty lax colleges in the US. Maybe no surprise there. That’s not a reflection on education, that’s a reflection on poor management, low standards and a focus on profits over quality.
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
That describes most Americans. I guarantee you "doesn't like to read" is better for election chances than "likes to read."
That doesn't describe "most" Americans, I don't believe. It probably describes "most" of his supporters.
I don't think this is true. His supporters are quite literate in general. They tend not to have college degrees, however. And many of them resent those who do. I think it has something to do with the perception that a college education is essentially a meal ticket. As in, you didn't earn your way, it was given to you for a price. In many cases, there's a lot of truth to that.
What is the truth in that? Getting a degree is hard work as well, particularly if it’s going to be in a field that directly assists you to get work.
well, my memory from college was a lot of complete bullshit degrees where you didn't even need to attend class to do well on the exams. and of course, a 2.0 GPA earns the same diploma as a 4.0 GPA. not saying all or even most degree programs are shit and everyone who attends college did nothing but party, but i understand where the stereotype comes from. look i'm all about higher education. i'm always trying to learn shit, so i'd consider myself a strong beneficiary of the university system. but, i also had times where i was that slacker 2.0 entitled pos that i've come to resent myself. just being a messenger here.
Good, high paying, skills required employers request official transcripts and someone with a 2.0 GPA is not likely to get hired. The person attending college is responsible for their success or lack thereof.
That describes most Americans. I guarantee you "doesn't like to read" is better for election chances than "likes to read."
That doesn't describe "most" Americans, I don't believe. It probably describes "most" of his supporters.
I don't think this is true. His supporters are quite literate in general. They tend not to have college degrees, however. And many of them resent those who do. I think it has something to do with the perception that a college education is essentially a meal ticket. As in, you didn't earn your way, it was given to you for a price. In many cases, there's a lot of truth to that.
What is the truth in that? Getting a degree is hard work as well, particularly if it’s going to be in a field that directly assists you to get work.
well, my memory from college was a lot of complete bullshit degrees where you didn't even need to attend class to do well on the exams. and of course, a 2.0 GPA earns the same diploma as a 4.0 GPA. not saying all or even most degree programs are shit and everyone who attends college did nothing but party, but i understand where the stereotype comes from. look i'm all about higher education. i'm always trying to learn shit, so i'd consider myself a strong beneficiary of the university system. but, i also had times where i was that slacker 2.0 entitled pos that i've come to resent myself. just being a messenger here.
Couldn't you use the same argument for the difference between high school graduates and high dropout? And is there any difference between 2.0 and 4.0 in high school when you get into the work force? Of course not, generally speaking. Where it matters is for your next educational endeavor. But where I see the difference between college educated and non-college educated people is: 1. Stronger vocabulary 2. Clear difference in writing capabilities 3. Better math and analytical skills 4. Evidence that you took on an optional challenge (college) and finished it. That says a lot to me about a person's willingness to strive and achieve.
That describes most Americans. I guarantee you "doesn't like to read" is better for election chances than "likes to read."
That doesn't describe "most" Americans, I don't believe. It probably describes "most" of his supporters.
I don't think this is true. His supporters are quite literate in general. They tend not to have college degrees, however. And many of them resent those who do. I think it has something to do with the perception that a college education is essentially a meal ticket. As in, you didn't earn your way, it was given to you for a price. In many cases, there's a lot of truth to that.
What is the truth in that? Getting a degree is hard work as well, particularly if it’s going to be in a field that directly assists you to get work.
well, my memory from college was a lot of complete bullshit degrees where you didn't even need to attend class to do well on the exams. and of course, a 2.0 GPA earns the same diploma as a 4.0 GPA. not saying all or even most degree programs are shit and everyone who attends college did nothing but party, but i understand where the stereotype comes from. look i'm all about higher education. i'm always trying to learn shit, so i'd consider myself a strong beneficiary of the university system. but, i also had times where i was that slacker 2.0 entitled pos that i've come to resent myself. just being a messenger here.
Well, then you have some pretty lax colleges in the US. Maybe no surprise there. That’s not a reflection on education, that’s a reflection on poor management, low standards and a focus on profits over quality.
Don't be snarky on the US college education system. It's very good overall. There's a reason people come from around the world to attend our post-graduate programs in particular. From a Danish site..
That describes most Americans. I guarantee you "doesn't like to read" is better for election chances than "likes to read."
That doesn't describe "most" Americans, I don't believe. It probably describes "most" of his supporters.
I don't think this is true. His supporters are quite literate in general. They tend not to have college degrees, however. And many of them resent those who do. I think it has something to do with the perception that a college education is essentially a meal ticket. As in, you didn't earn your way, it was given to you for a price. In many cases, there's a lot of truth to that.
Almost every adult American is literate. But many choose not to read or not to read but from one source.
And I could not disagree with you any more on the meal ticket statement. From where I sit in business, there is a world of difference between college grads and non-college grads. It doesn't apply to EVERYONE, but the trend is unmistakable from a skill set perspective.
I wish this were true but its not. A lot of functioning illiterates roaming around.
What is the literacy rate in the US?
According to a study conducted in late April by the U.S. Department of Education and the National Institute of Literacy, 32 million adults in the U.S. can't read. That's 14 percent of the population. 21 percent of adults in the U.S. read below a 5th grade level, and 19 percent of high school graduates can't read.
14% is much higher than I would have expected. Sad.
And Team Trump Treason just tweeted that today’s events totally clears the President, thank you.
delusional very stable genius
After all the build up, that was kind of a let down tweet. I was at least thinking we’d get a nickname for Cohen. Candy-Ass Cohen?
Give it a few hours when it’s all quiet in the White House and the Ghost of Team Mueller starts rattling the chains and slamming doors that sound like cell doors closing and he hears the echoes in his head.
That describes most Americans. I guarantee you "doesn't like to read" is better for election chances than "likes to read."
That doesn't describe "most" Americans, I don't believe. It probably describes "most" of his supporters.
I don't think this is true. His supporters are quite literate in general. They tend not to have college degrees, however. And many of them resent those who do. I think it has something to do with the perception that a college education is essentially a meal ticket. As in, you didn't earn your way, it was given to you for a price. In many cases, there's a lot of truth to that.
What is the truth in that? Getting a degree is hard work as well, particularly if it’s going to be in a field that directly assists you to get work.
well, my memory from college was a lot of complete bullshit degrees where you didn't even need to attend class to do well on the exams. and of course, a 2.0 GPA earns the same diploma as a 4.0 GPA. not saying all or even most degree programs are shit and everyone who attends college did nothing but party, but i understand where the stereotype comes from. look i'm all about higher education. i'm always trying to learn shit, so i'd consider myself a strong beneficiary of the university system. but, i also had times where i was that slacker 2.0 entitled pos that i've come to resent myself. just being a messenger here.
Good, high paying, skills required employers request official transcripts and someone with a 2.0 GPA is not likely to get hired. The person attending college is responsible for their success or lack thereof.
only for the first job. i have never heard of employer wanting to see a transcript after you've already gained experience in industry. at least thats how the engineering world works in the US.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Rex Tillerson on Trump: ‘Undisciplined, doesn’t like to read' and tries to do illegal things
2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin
2024 Napa, Wrigley, Wrigley
-EV 8/14/93
And I could not disagree with you any more on the meal ticket statement. From where I sit in business, there is a world of difference between college grads and non-college grads. It doesn't apply to EVERYONE, but the trend is unmistakable from a skill set perspective.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
What a maroon. Get off the TV and do some work.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
-EV 8/14/93
As far as I know, Kraft, Brady and Belichick haven't voted for, nor given money to Team Trump Treason as a candidate for president. They haven't held fundraisers for him nor attended his rallies. I have heard or seen that Team Trump Treason was very supportive of Kraft after his wife died, from which a friendship was born. I heard Kraft give a very lengthy radio interview before the super bowl after his wife had passed and I was struck by the emotion with which he spoke. It was very clear to me that she was incredibly important to him, they were partners and he missed her. It was tough at times to listen to as I drove because he was very intimate and open about what she meant to him. To find out well after that that Team Trump Treason attended the services and called him every week for a year to check on what Kraft described as the darkest years of his life, how can you be critical of what appears to be a genuine friendship? That said, I'm not comfortable with Kraft rubbing elbows with Team Trump Treason but I take comfort in knowing that he voted for Obama. Twice.
As for Kraft being friends with putin on the ritz, as some on here have alleged, putin on the ritz literally stole his super bowl ring in Moscow. Kraft gave it to him to try on, he put it on his finger, Kraft asked for it back and putin on the ritz put it in his pocket, was surrounded by KGB agents and walked away. The Obama administration told him to let it go and call it a gift, which Kraft did. That's more reflective of putin on the ritz than it is of Kraft. And who is currently a "slave" to putin on the ritz?
As for Brady and Belichick being friends with Team Trump Treason, all I've seen of that is that they have attended the same social functions, ones were 500 people are invited and millionaires and billionaires rub elbows. Fashion events, Met galas, charity golf tournaments and the like. "Friends," means they communicate regularly, socialize on a regular basis, etc. Calling Brady and Belichick friends is like someone claiming their 500 friends on facebook are "friends." Again, I think you use the term "friends" a wee bit loosely.
If anyone can provide evidence that Kraft, Brady or Belichick voted for Team Trump Treason, gave money in support, held fundraisers or attended rallies, yes, I'll be disappointed and criticize them for being racist, misogynist Team Trump Treason supporters. However, it would be worse if they support him moving forward, knowing all that we know now. I can also balance that with the charitable work all three individuals do and knowing they're not supporting Team Trump Treason as they play corn hole, scratching their bellies, yelling at the passing "other" to go back to their country and whistling at the women walking by. Middle America got duped but the telling thing is, what do we call, or how do we describe those 35%-40% of Americans who continue to support Team Trump Treason (21MM voters), knowing what we know now, two years on?
Like others on here, I was extremely disappointed when Team Trump Treason was elected. However, after I talked myself back from the ledge and got over the depressing thought, I figured I'd give him a chance, that he would actually respect the office, step up and try to lead, bring the nation together and move forward. Team Trump Treason very quickly disappointed me and when the Russia collusion began to look more and more as a reality, I lost all hope in him as president and because of Charlottesville, as a human being, despite knowing what I already knew about him. He was "elected" after all.
And here's thing, despite what many others on these forums believe, I still have faith in our system, the checks and balances. If Team Mueller's report doesn't find impeachable offenses, highly unlikely in my mind, I'll accept it and we'll all move on. I take comfort that in two years, we'll have an election and our nightmare of a presidency will be over. Unless Middle America decides to vote for and support a racist, misogynist candidate and my disappointment will be in the American voting public that re-elected him. Again, what should we call these people or how should we refer to them? We still don't have tanks rolling through the streets after elections. For now.
Regarding Brady:
Well, apparently, calling Brady isn't really an option for Trump right now. Back in December, Trump admitted that his relationship with Brady wasn't what it used to be and that the quarterback had distanced himself from the president. As you may or may not remember, Brady's politics got him in some hot water with his wife, and just before the 2016 election, Gisele came out and made it clear that no one in her family is supporting Trump.
Brady definitely got the message from Gisele, because he didn't show up at the Patriots' White House ceremony following the team's win in Super Bowl LI. It's probably safe to say he probably stopped taking Trump's phone calls at that point, which is likely why Trump went to Belichick to get the scoop on Brady's playing status for 2018.
The only "club" more exclusive than the US Senate is being an NFL owner. And the NFL is hardly a bastion of integrity. Every owner wants to win the super bowl. Every team cheats in some regard and the NFL itself is pretty unethical and corrupt and is trying to spread the wealth by "helping" teams win and make the playoffs (good for the fan base). As such, I enjoy watching the Patriots play, have been a fan since childhood and suffered through many a losing season. Come Sunday, all I care about is whether they win or lose, knowing the system is rigged. With the average value of an NFL team $2.5BB, there's a vested interest in keeping things a certain way and with that much money sloshing around, corruption is inevitable.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
look i'm all about higher education. i'm always trying to learn shit, so i'd consider myself a strong beneficiary of the university system. but, i also had times where i was that slacker 2.0 entitled pos that i've come to resent myself. just being a messenger here.
I wish this were true but its not. A lot of functioning illiterates roaming around.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Great post brother!
But, fuck The Pats
The “head of a criminal family.” Opening days of impeachment, according to one congress member, John Garamendi. Conspiracy, obstruction, high crimes and misdemeanors. Congress must act. Emoluments Clause violations are still floating around. It’s going to be a very Mueller Christmas!
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
delusional very stable genius
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
1. Stronger vocabulary
2. Clear difference in writing capabilities
3. Better math and analytical skills
4. Evidence that you took on an optional challenge (college) and finished it. That says a lot to me about a person's willingness to strive and achieve.
Overall Rank in 2016
Rank in 2015
United States of America
United Kingdom
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.