To be honest, I don’t eithrr. Didn’t know or care about the dude before, don’t know or care about him now.
Well, there isn't much left of him, so why bother about 'the dude'. You are right in step with the President and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Now how about those children in cages - that bug you or you cool with that?
He cares about tax breaks and the bottom line of his business. Don't waste your time.
Untrue. How many employees do you have? If I told you all of mine make what you all call a “living wage” what would you think? That my lowest paid employee in my restaurants makes 36k a year would you still talk shit and say that all I care about is my bottom line?
sounds like you have 0 idea of what you’re talking about. At least most shit talkers know what shit they speak of.
It's a great mystery to me that so many Americans think so highly of Trump. A great and terrible mystery.
Here is one example:
The problem is that liberals think a large % of conservatives are all racist. Let's look at immigration at the Southern Border. Whether right or wrong, most conservatives look at illegal immigration and see:
1) Large tax dollars going to pay for medical and school benefits to immigrants when Americans have to pay their insurance and pay for their kids to go to school
2) Kids don't speak English and it is a strain on teachers in class
3) Like any population (white, black, brown, whatever) there are criminals that sneak across the border so they want it secured
4) Conservatives tend to want to enforce the laws on the books or otherwise left with chaos (like we have now)
If a conservative tries to talk about any of the four above, they are labeled a racist. Of course there are alternative arguments to #1 through #4 above, but conservatives aren't against legal immigration so the fix in all of this is to make a secure border and speed up the legal immigration process.
So Trump comes along and they finally have a politician who doesn't label them a racist for wanting rule of law and a secure border. They are willing to put up with Trump's disgusting rhetoric. Someone on this board will come along and accuse me of being a racist for even posting this message and they don't know that careless behavior like that just pushes people more right and makes them significantly distrust any liberal.
It's a great mystery to me that so many Americans think so highly of Trump. A great and terrible mystery.
Here is one example:
The problem is that liberals think a large % of conservatives are all racist. Let's look at immigration at the Southern Border. Whether right or wrong, most conservatives look at illegal immigration and see:
1) Large tax dollars going to pay for medical and school benefits to immigrants when Americans have to pay their insurance and pay for their kids to go to school
2) Kids don't speak English and it is a strain on teachers in class
3) Like any population (white, black, brown, whatever) there are criminals that sneak across the border so they want it secured
4) Conservatives tend to want to enforce the laws on the books or otherwise left with chaos (like we have now)
If a conservative tries to talk about any of the four above, they are labeled a racist. Of course there are alternative arguments to #1 through #4 above, but conservatives aren't against legal immigration so the fix in all of this is to make a secure border and speed up the legal immigration process.
So Trump comes along and they finally have a politician who doesn't label them a racist for wanting rule of law and a secure border. They are willing to put up with Trump's disgusting rhetoric. Someone on this board will come along and accuse me of being a racist for even posting this message and they don't know that careless behavior like that just pushes people more right and makes them significantly distrust any liberal.
Liberals don't understand that their push for open borders paved the way for Trump. It wasn't abortion. It wasn't taxes. It wasn't war mongering. Liberals can have it all if they supported a secured border and the laws in place. The Dems can then win presidency back and Congress and then actually change laws if they don't like them.
Liberals don't understand that their push for open borders paved the way for Trump. It wasn't abortion. It wasn't taxes. It wasn't war mongering. Liberals can have it all if they supported a secured border and the laws in place. The Dems can then win presidency back and Congress and then actually change laws if they don't like them.
My god you get it. People along the border want to defend their way of life, nothing more nothing less.
Liberals don't understand that their push for open borders paved the way for Trump. It wasn't abortion. It wasn't taxes. It wasn't war mongering. Liberals can have it all if they supported a secured border and the laws in place. The Dems can then win presidency back and Congress and then actually change laws if they don't like them.
No one is calling for open borders. That is a talking point. There should be immigration reform, it is badly needed and overdue. We need to know who is coming into the country, how many, from where and steps for citizenship or worker visas. But there is no outcry over the Russian influx of women who fly into Florida and have their babies here so that they are US citizens, or the people from European countries who come in on work and school visas and overstay and just blend in. The outcry is over the brown people 'pouring into the country' on the Southern border. The vast majority of those people are seeking asylum from horrific conditions. Just like my grandparents did.
Are we the country that has a Statue of Liberty that says '
Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me: I lift my lamp beside the golden door.
That is what it says on the Statue of Liberty and that is how most of us got here - no matter how many generations we go back. Is that no longer the values of America when the scary brown people from the Middle East or Central America are running away from death and violence. We don't lift our lamp to them? But my Irish grandparents were welcomed? Doesn't seem to make any sense to me. There are bad people in every ethnic group. But every person in this country is an immigrant and was welcomed into this country. Only the Native Americans can say that they truly belong here and look at how they are treated.
America is an idea and if we become a nation that no longer cares about those who are yearning for freedom, then we are no longer America. That dream is dead.
Immigration laws are needed and there is no call for open borders - I don't even know what that means. But we are becoming a country who has forgotten our purpose and Americans who were born here are forgetting that they are immigrants, just like the people who are running from danger. Why don't we use some of the money that we just gave to the ultra rich to help fix the problems in Central America instead of denigrating those people. Why don't we use a tiny portion of our military budget to solve the problems of these countries that have become so unsafe that people will walk 2000 miles.
I do not want open borders but I do want to welcome the tempest tossed into our great country.
France gave us that statue to set us up for this immigration problem. Damn French
The poem was actually added to the statue to try to get donations. So if Democrats aren’t for open borders why the apprehension for a wall? Why so down on ice when they help deport illegal citizens?
France gave us that statue to set us up for this immigration problem. Damn French
The poem was actually added to the statue to try to get donations. So if Democrats aren’t for open borders why the apprehension for a wall? Why so down on ice when they help deport illegal citizens?
Because the wall isn't effective (there's already a third of the border with a wall), it's expensive, and the symbolism is awful. It's a gimmick for Trump, just more marketing.
France gave us that statue to set us up for this immigration problem. Damn French
The poem was actually added to the statue to try to get donations. So if Democrats aren’t for open borders why the apprehension for a wall? Why so down on ice when they help deport illegal citizens?
Because the wall isn't effective (there's already a third of the border with a wall), it's expensive, and the symbolism is awful. It's a gimmick for Trump, just more marketing.
How would putting up the other 2/3 not be effective to slowing down or stopping illegal immigration?
France gave us that statue to set us up for this immigration problem. Damn French
The poem was actually added to the statue to try to get donations. So if Democrats aren’t for open borders why the apprehension for a wall? Why so down on ice when they help deport illegal citizens?
France gave us that statue to set us up for this immigration problem. Damn French
The poem was actually added to the statue to try to get donations. So if Democrats aren’t for open borders why the apprehension for a wall? Why so down on ice when they help deport illegal citizens?
France gave us that statue to set us up for this immigration problem. Damn French
The poem was actually added to the statue to try to get donations. So if Democrats aren’t for open borders why the apprehension for a wall? Why so down on ice when they help deport illegal citizens?
Because the wall isn't effective (there's already a third of the border with a wall), it's expensive, and the symbolism is awful. It's a gimmick for Trump, just more marketing.
How would putting up the other 2/3 not be effective to slowing down or stopping illegal immigration?
Because the wall is not the most effective way to stop illegal crossings. You could use more advanced technology, drones, and other methods to stop crossings. More importantly, apply resources and criminal penalties against BUSINESSES THAT HIRE THEM. If there are no under the table jobs, they will go back and stop coming. There's a reason immigrants come here illegally, because they can get work.
I'd ask you to read this article from the Cato Institute, and published in Reason magazine. These are not liberal publications. Cato is conservative and Reason is the authority in true Libertarian thought (not psycho objectivism). It's a compelling and detailed argument about the wasteful "wall" argument.
Liberals don't understand that their push for open borders paved the way for Trump. It wasn't abortion. It wasn't taxes. It wasn't war mongering. Liberals can have it all if they supported a secured border and the laws in place. The Dems can then win presidency back and Congress and then actually change laws if they don't like them.
No one is calling for open borders. That is a talking point. There should be immigration reform, it is badly needed and overdue. We need to know who is coming into the country, how many, from where and steps for citizenship or worker visas. But there is no outcry over the Russian influx of women who fly into Florida and have their babies here so that they are US citizens, or the people from European countries who come in on work and school visas and overstay and just blend in. The outcry is over the brown people 'pouring into the country' on the Southern border. The vast majority of those people are seeking asylum from horrific conditions. Just like my grandparents did.
Are we the country that has a Statue of Liberty that says '
Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me: I lift my lamp beside the golden door.
That is what it says on the Statue of Liberty and that is how most of us got here - no matter how many generations we go back. Is that no longer the values of America when the scary brown people from the Middle East or Central America are running away from death and violence. We don't lift our lamp to them? But my Irish grandparents were welcomed? Doesn't seem to make any sense to me. There are bad people in every ethnic group. But every person in this country is an immigrant and was welcomed into this country. Only the Native Americans can say that they truly belong here and look at how they are treated.
America is an idea and if we become a nation that no longer cares about those who are yearning for freedom, then we are no longer America. That dream is dead.
Immigration laws are needed and there is no call for open borders - I don't even know what that means. But we are becoming a country who has forgotten our purpose and Americans who were born here are forgetting that they are immigrants, just like the people who are running from danger. Why don't we use some of the money that we just gave to the ultra rich to help fix the problems in Central America instead of denigrating those people. Why don't we use a tiny portion of our military budget to solve the problems of these countries that have become so unsafe that people will walk 2000 miles.
I do not want open borders but I do want to welcome the tempest tossed into our great country.
I don't like that our VISA enforcement control is so lax. Other 1st world countries emphatically enforce their VISA periods without uproar. I do not support people flying here just to have kids.
I don't think the Irish were welcomed with open arms back in the 1800's. Unless the movie Gangs of New York lied to me. Kidding on GONY.
Per the Pew Research Center 77% of illegal immigrants are from Hispanic countries. Asia was 14%, Europe was 5%, and Middle East/Africa was 4%. So if you are against illegal immigration in 2018 where is the majority of your energy going to be focused? By default it is the southern border. You say it is because they are anti-Hispanic, but the only way to test your theory is to see what the reaction would be if there were 500 cruise ships coming from Norway with 500,000 Norwegians ready to enter the country without authorization. I would suspect that Conservatives would require the ships to turn around.
Headline from my local newspaper (main area of distribution is two counties with approx one million people.) Seems like trump wasn’t wrong on this one:
"Not bad in Your book" , right?
Hey I call them like I see them, he was right. by the way, it was “my neck of the woods.” When you want to use my own words use them right.
No, it was "not bad in mY book".
Ok whatever, I am not understanding your point. He emphasized a long time ago and everyone on the forum downplayed it; turns out he was right.
If you’re claiming he was right, what was he right about. No one is saying ms 13 doesn’t exist. trump over stated the gang trying to weave it into a manipulative message about immigration policy. The actual number of ms 13 gang members has been the same for many years and was originally born in the US prison system.
Liberals don't understand that their push for open borders paved the way for Trump. It wasn't abortion. It wasn't taxes. It wasn't war mongering. Liberals can have it all if they supported a secured border and the laws in place. The Dems can then win presidency back and Congress and then actually change laws if they don't like them.
No one is calling for open borders. That is a talking point. There should be immigration reform, it is badly needed and overdue. We need to know who is coming into the country, how many, from where and steps for citizenship or worker visas. But there is no outcry over the Russian influx of women who fly into Florida and have their babies here so that they are US citizens, or the people from European countries who come in on work and school visas and overstay and just blend in. The outcry is over the brown people 'pouring into the country' on the Southern border. The vast majority of those people are seeking asylum from horrific conditions. Just like my grandparents did.
Are we the country that has a Statue of Liberty that says '
Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me: I lift my lamp beside the golden door.
That is what it says on the Statue of Liberty and that is how most of us got here - no matter how many generations we go back. Is that no longer the values of America when the scary brown people from the Middle East or Central America are running away from death and violence. We don't lift our lamp to them? But my Irish grandparents were welcomed? Doesn't seem to make any sense to me. There are bad people in every ethnic group. But every person in this country is an immigrant and was welcomed into this country. Only the Native Americans can say that they truly belong here and look at how they are treated.
America is an idea and if we become a nation that no longer cares about those who are yearning for freedom, then we are no longer America. That dream is dead.
Immigration laws are needed and there is no call for open borders - I don't even know what that means. But we are becoming a country who has forgotten our purpose and Americans who were born here are forgetting that they are immigrants, just like the people who are running from danger. Why don't we use some of the money that we just gave to the ultra rich to help fix the problems in Central America instead of denigrating those people. Why don't we use a tiny portion of our military budget to solve the problems of these countries that have become so unsafe that people will walk 2000 miles.
I do not want open borders but I do want to welcome the tempest tossed into our great country.
I don't like that our VISA enforcement control is so lax. Other 1st world countries emphatically enforce their VISA periods without uproar. I do not support people flying here just to have kids.
I don't think the Irish were welcomed with open arms back in the 1800's. Unless the movie Gangs of New York lied to me. Kidding on GONY.
Per the Pew Research Center 77% of illegal immigrants are from Hispanic countries. Asia was 14%, Europe was 5%, and Middle East/Africa was 4%. So if you are against illegal immigration in 2018 where is the majority of your energy going to be focused? By default it is the southern border. You say it is because they are anti-Hispanic, but the only way to test your theory is to see what the reaction would be if there were 500 cruise ships coming from Norway with 500,000 Norwegians ready to enter the country without authorization. I would suspect that Conservatives would require the ships to turn around.
My grandparents came through Ellis Island in the 1920 or 30's so the majority of hate for the Irish was gone. By welcomed, I meant that they were allowed to become citizens of this country and raise a family. There has always been prejudice and mistrust of the 'new' wave of immigrants; I just don't happen to have those feelings. Doesn't make me better or worse than anyone, I just don't understand the hate some people have for immigrants, especially those who are seeking asylum. That's all.
Liberals don't understand that their push for open borders paved the way for Trump. It wasn't abortion. It wasn't taxes. It wasn't war mongering. Liberals can have it all if they supported a secured border and the laws in place. The Dems can then win presidency back and Congress and then actually change laws if they don't like them.
No one is calling for open borders. That is a talking point. There should be immigration reform, it is badly needed and overdue. We need to know who is coming into the country, how many, from where and steps for citizenship or worker visas. But there is no outcry over the Russian influx of women who fly into Florida and have their babies here so that they are US citizens, or the people from European countries who come in on work and school visas and overstay and just blend in. The outcry is over the brown people 'pouring into the country' on the Southern border. The vast majority of those people are seeking asylum from horrific conditions. Just like my grandparents did.
Are we the country that has a Statue of Liberty that says '
Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me: I lift my lamp beside the golden door.
That is what it says on the Statue of Liberty and that is how most of us got here - no matter how many generations we go back. Is that no longer the values of America when the scary brown people from the Middle East or Central America are running away from death and violence. We don't lift our lamp to them? But my Irish grandparents were welcomed? Doesn't seem to make any sense to me. There are bad people in every ethnic group. But every person in this country is an immigrant and was welcomed into this country. Only the Native Americans can say that they truly belong here and look at how they are treated.
America is an idea and if we become a nation that no longer cares about those who are yearning for freedom, then we are no longer America. That dream is dead.
Immigration laws are needed and there is no call for open borders - I don't even know what that means. But we are becoming a country who has forgotten our purpose and Americans who were born here are forgetting that they are immigrants, just like the people who are running from danger. Why don't we use some of the money that we just gave to the ultra rich to help fix the problems in Central America instead of denigrating those people. Why don't we use a tiny portion of our military budget to solve the problems of these countries that have become so unsafe that people will walk 2000 miles.
I do not want open borders but I do want to welcome the tempest tossed into our great country.
I don't like that our VISA enforcement control is so lax. Other 1st world countries emphatically enforce their VISA periods without uproar. I do not support people flying here just to have kids.
I don't think the Irish were welcomed with open arms back in the 1800's. Unless the movie Gangs of New York lied to me. Kidding on GONY.
Per the Pew Research Center 77% of illegal immigrants are from Hispanic countries. Asia was 14%, Europe was 5%, and Middle East/Africa was 4%. So if you are against illegal immigration in 2018 where is the majority of your energy going to be focused? By default it is the southern border. You say it is because they are anti-Hispanic, but the only way to test your theory is to see what the reaction would be if there were 500 cruise ships coming from Norway with 500,000 Norwegians ready to enter the country without authorization. I would suspect that Conservatives would require the ships to turn around.
My grandparents came through Ellis Island in the 1920 or 30's so the majority of hate for the Irish was gone. By welcomed, I meant that they were allowed to become citizens of this country and raise a family. There has always been prejudice and mistrust of the 'new' wave of immigrants; I just don't happen to have those feelings. Doesn't make me better or worse than anyone, I just don't understand the hate some people have for immigrants, especially those who are seeking asylum. That's all.
As you rightly point out, there has always been prejudice in this country against the immigrants. First it was the Catholics, the Irish in the 19th century, Italians at the turn of the century, and then the slavs. The nativist movement always springs to life during waves of immigration. It's the Hispanics turn this time. But what people fail to remember (or don't care to learn) is the repetitive cycle of assimilation. The immigrants tend to struggle with the language. Their children are typically bilingual, and then the next generation is fully assimilated. We've seen this with every wave in American history, yet the reactionaries act like this is some new problem that we are grappling with. It's not. My father was an immigrant from the Ukraine. He was very young (they came in about 1930). He learned English fluently, but my grandparents never did. Also, my real last name was Rosul, not Russell. My dad Americanized it so he could get a job. No one wanted to hire a Uke in Cleveland during the depression.
Headline from my local newspaper (main area of distribution is two counties with approx one million people.) Seems like trump wasn’t wrong on this one:
"Not bad in Your book" , right?
Hey I call them like I see them, he was right. by the way, it was “my neck of the woods.” When you want to use my own words use them right.
No, it was "not bad in mY book".
Ok whatever, I am not understanding your point. He emphasized a long time ago and everyone on the forum downplayed it; turns out he was right.
If you’re claiming he was right, what was he right about. No one is saying ms 13 doesn’t exist. trump over stated the gang trying to weave it into a manipulative message about immigration policy. The actual number of ms 13 gang members has been the same for many years and was originally born in the US prison system.
Headline from my local newspaper (main area of distribution is two counties with approx one million people.) Seems like trump wasn’t wrong on this one:
"Not bad in Your book" , right?
Hey I call them like I see them, he was right. by the way, it was “my neck of the woods.” When you want to use my own words use them right.
No, it was "not bad in mY book".
Ok whatever, I am not understanding your point. He emphasized a long time ago and everyone on the forum downplayed it; turns out he was right.
If you’re claiming he was right, what was he right about. No one is saying ms 13 doesn’t exist. trump over stated the gang trying to weave it into a manipulative message about immigration policy. The actual number of ms 13 gang members has been the same for many years and was originally born in the US prison system.
Headline from my local newspaper (main area of distribution is two counties with approx one million people.) Seems like trump wasn’t wrong on this one:
"Not bad in Your book" , right?
Hey I call them like I see them, he was right. by the way, it was “my neck of the woods.” When you want to use my own words use them right.
No, it was "not bad in mY book".
Ok whatever, I am not understanding your point. He emphasized a long time ago and everyone on the forum downplayed it; turns out he was right.
If you’re claiming he was right, what was he right about. No one is saying ms 13 doesn’t exist. trump over stated the gang trying to weave it into a manipulative message about immigration policy. The actual number of ms 13 gang members has been the same for many years and was originally born in the US prison system.
Exactly..I know they've been in DC for years.
Be afraid, be very afraid, particularly of the other. Maybe Faux News can go back to the scrolling color alert system for MS-13 and Team Trump Treason can refer to the caravan south of the border as the Terrorvan?
According to one person with knowledge of these talks, Trump has said of Ryan and McConnell: “These are their elections … and if they screw it up, it’s not my fault.”
Other sources said Trump is sure to lash out at perhaps his favorite bogeyman of all — the media — for allegedly opposing him.
He did the same thing when we all thought he was going to lose in 2016. Wasn’t necessary then; isn’t now.
1995 Milwaukee 1998 Alpine, Alpine 2003 Albany, Boston, Boston, Boston 2004 Boston, Boston 2006 Hartford, St. Paul (Petty), St. Paul (Petty) 2011 Alpine, Alpine 2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin 2024 Napa, Wrigley, Wrigley
Headline from my local newspaper (main area of distribution is two counties with approx one million people.) Seems like trump wasn’t wrong on this one:
"Not bad in Your book" , right?
Hey I call them like I see them, he was right. by the way, it was “my neck of the woods.” When you want to use my own words use them right.
No, it was "not bad in mY book".
Ok whatever, I am not understanding your point. He emphasized a long time ago and everyone on the forum downplayed it; turns out he was right.
If you’re claiming he was right, what was he right about. No one is saying ms 13 doesn’t exist. trump over stated the gang trying to weave it into a manipulative message about immigration policy. The actual number of ms 13 gang members has been the same for many years and was originally born in the US prison system.
Exactly..I know they've been in DC for years.
From the article I read their numbers are going up in nj.
Headline from my local newspaper (main area of distribution is two counties with approx one million people.) Seems like trump wasn’t wrong on this one:
"Not bad in Your book" , right?
Hey I call them like I see them, he was right. by the way, it was “my neck of the woods.” When you want to use my own words use them right.
No, it was "not bad in mY book".
Ok whatever, I am not understanding your point. He emphasized a long time ago and everyone on the forum downplayed it; turns out he was right.
If you’re claiming he was right, what was he right about. No one is saying ms 13 doesn’t exist. trump over stated the gang trying to weave it into a manipulative message about immigration policy. The actual number of ms 13 gang members has been the same for many years and was originally born in the US prison system.
Exactly..I know they've been in DC for years.
From the article I read their numbers are going up in nj.
Are you afraid of the Bloods and the Crips too? What about Hell's Angels? Why do you think Trump singles out only this one kind of gang when there are many others like them?
Headline from my local newspaper (main area of distribution is two counties with approx one million people.) Seems like trump wasn’t wrong on this one:
"Not bad in Your book" , right?
Hey I call them like I see them, he was right. by the way, it was “my neck of the woods.” When you want to use my own words use them right.
No, it was "not bad in mY book".
Ok whatever, I am not understanding your point. He emphasized a long time ago and everyone on the forum downplayed it; turns out he was right.
If you’re claiming he was right, what was he right about. No one is saying ms 13 doesn’t exist. trump over stated the gang trying to weave it into a manipulative message about immigration policy. The actual number of ms 13 gang members has been the same for many years and was originally born in the US prison system.
Exactly..I know they've been in DC for years.
From the article I read their numbers are going up in nj.
Are you afraid of the Bloods and the Crips too? What about Hell's Angels? Why do you think Trump singles out only this one kind of gang when there are many others like them?
Yeah I am not a fan of any of the gangs you listed. The article was about how ms-13 is increasing their numbers and territory in Jersey; when I see a bloods and crips article I ll be sure to post.
Liberals don't understand that their push for open borders paved the way for Trump. It wasn't abortion. It wasn't taxes. It wasn't war mongering. Liberals can have it all if they supported a secured border and the laws in place. The Dems can then win presidency back and Congress and then actually change laws if they don't like them.
I don't believe the liberals want open borders as none of them has stated that. Stop believing what our carnival barking president is telling you. Every other word out of his mouth is an easily provable lie.
And this didn't "pave the way for Trump" as 3 million more people voted against him. What "paved the way" was him running against a terrible candidate, and the help of Jim Comey and Vladimir Putin.
Headline from my local newspaper (main area of distribution is two counties with approx one million people.) Seems like trump wasn’t wrong on this one:
"Not bad in Your book" , right?
Hey I call them like I see them, he was right. by the way, it was “my neck of the woods.” When you want to use my own words use them right.
No, it was "not bad in mY book".
Ok whatever, I am not understanding your point. He emphasized a long time ago and everyone on the forum downplayed it; turns out he was right.
If you’re claiming he was right, what was he right about. No one is saying ms 13 doesn’t exist. trump over stated the gang trying to weave it into a manipulative message about immigration policy. The actual number of ms 13 gang members has been the same for many years and was originally born in the US prison system.
Exactly..I know they've been in DC for years.
From the article I read their numbers are going up in nj.
Are you afraid of the Bloods and the Crips too? What about Hell's Angels? Why do you think Trump singles out only this one kind of gang when there are many others like them?
Yeah I am not a fan of any of the gangs you listed. The article was about how ms-13 is increasing their numbers and territory in Jersey; when I see a bloods and crips article I ll be sure to post.
What was Trump right about? Why do you think Trump singles out only this one kind of gang when there are many others like them?
sounds like you have 0 idea of what you’re talking about. At least most shit talkers know what shit they speak of.
Here is one example:
The problem is that liberals think a large % of conservatives are all racist. Let's look at immigration at the Southern Border. Whether right or wrong, most conservatives look at illegal immigration and see:
1) Large tax dollars going to pay for medical and school benefits to immigrants when Americans have to pay their insurance and pay for their kids to go to school
2) Kids don't speak English and it is a strain on teachers in class
3) Like any population (white, black, brown, whatever) there are criminals that sneak across the border so they want it secured
4) Conservatives tend to want to enforce the laws on the books or otherwise left with chaos (like we have now)
If a conservative tries to talk about any of the four above, they are labeled a racist. Of course there are alternative arguments to #1 through #4 above, but conservatives aren't against legal immigration so the fix in all of this is to make a secure border and speed up the legal immigration process.
So Trump comes along and they finally have a politician who doesn't label them a racist for wanting rule of law and a secure border. They are willing to put up with Trump's disgusting rhetoric. Someone on this board will come along and accuse me of being a racist for even posting this message and they don't know that careless behavior like that just pushes people more right and makes them significantly distrust any liberal.
Are we the country that has a Statue of Liberty that says '
Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.
That is what it says on the Statue of Liberty and that is how most of us got here - no matter how many generations we go back. Is that no longer the values of America when the scary brown people from the Middle East or Central America are running away from death and violence. We don't lift our lamp to them? But my Irish grandparents were welcomed? Doesn't seem to make any sense to me. There are bad people in every ethnic group. But every person in this country is an immigrant and was welcomed into this country. Only the Native Americans can say that they truly belong here and look at how they are treated.
America is an idea and if we become a nation that no longer cares about those who are yearning for freedom, then we are no longer America. That dream is dead.
Immigration laws are needed and there is no call for open borders - I don't even know what that means. But we are becoming a country who has forgotten our purpose and Americans who were born here are forgetting that they are immigrants, just like the people who are running from danger. Why don't we use some of the money that we just gave to the ultra rich to help fix the problems in Central America instead of denigrating those people. Why don't we use a tiny portion of our military budget to solve the problems of these countries that have become so unsafe that people will walk 2000 miles.
I do not want open borders but I do want to welcome the tempest tossed into our great country.
So if Democrats aren’t for open borders why the apprehension for a wall? Why so down on ice when they help deport illegal citizens?
I'd ask you to read this article from the Cato Institute, and published in Reason magazine. These are not liberal publications. Cato is conservative and Reason is the authority in true Libertarian thought (not psycho objectivism). It's a compelling and detailed argument about the wasteful "wall" argument.
I don't like that our VISA enforcement control is so lax. Other 1st world countries emphatically enforce their VISA periods without uproar. I do not support people flying here just to have kids.
I don't think the Irish were welcomed with open arms back in the 1800's. Unless the movie Gangs of New York lied to me. Kidding on GONY.
Per the Pew Research Center 77% of illegal immigrants are from Hispanic countries. Asia was 14%, Europe was 5%, and Middle East/Africa was 4%. So if you are against illegal immigration in 2018 where is the majority of your energy going to be focused? By default it is the southern border. You say it is because they are anti-Hispanic, but the only way to test your theory is to see what the reaction would be if there were 500 cruise ships coming from Norway with 500,000 Norwegians ready to enter the country without authorization. I would suspect that Conservatives would require the ships to turn around.
But what people fail to remember (or don't care to learn) is the repetitive cycle of assimilation. The immigrants tend to struggle with the language. Their children are typically bilingual, and then the next generation is fully assimilated. We've seen this with every wave in American history, yet the reactionaries act like this is some new problem that we are grappling with. It's not.
My father was an immigrant from the Ukraine. He was very young (they came in about 1930). He learned English fluently, but my grandparents never did. Also, my real last name was Rosul, not Russell. My dad Americanized it so he could get a job. No one wanted to hire a Uke in Cleveland during the depression.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
According to one person with knowledge of these talks, Trump has said of Ryan and McConnell: “These are their elections … and if they screw it up, it’s not my fault.”
Other sources said Trump is sure to lash out at perhaps his favorite bogeyman of all — the media — for allegedly opposing him.
2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin
2024 Napa, Wrigley, Wrigley
Yep they just want you to be man/woman, who else is left for this administration to attack?
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
And this didn't "pave the way for Trump" as 3 million more people voted against him. What "paved the way" was him running against a terrible candidate, and the help of Jim Comey and Vladimir Putin.