“The President of the United States cannot obstruct Justice.” Let that sink in. Welcome to the junta!
And for you casual readers or wavering Team Trump Treason supporters who still haven’t given up or only have one faux source of information, Team Trump Treason’s attorneys are trying to make that legal, constitutional argument. By vested constitutional authority he’s above the law. Let that sink in. Or, please, try to defend it, suckers.
His fans think he is above the law. They are right.
1995 Milwaukee 1998 Alpine, Alpine 2003 Albany, Boston, Boston, Boston 2004 Boston, Boston 2006 Hartford, St. Paul (Petty), St. Paul (Petty) 2011 Alpine, Alpine 2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin 2024 Napa, Wrigley, Wrigley
To be fair, the right wing has always supported the notion that the president can't break the law. This is why they never wanted to prosecute Clinton for the murder of Vince Foster.
Where’s the outrage regarding this? Team Trump Treason’s lawyer Ghouliani talking about shooting the former director of the FBI instead of firing him? WTF is wrong with him? What the fuck is wrong with this country?
Where’s the outrage regarding this? Team Trump Treason’s lawyer Ghouliani talking about shooting the former director of the FBI instead of firing him? WTF is wrong with him? What the fuck is wrong with this country?
Maybe Trump shot Melanie so Rudy is setting up a defense.
1995 Milwaukee 1998 Alpine, Alpine 2003 Albany, Boston, Boston, Boston 2004 Boston, Boston 2006 Hartford, St. Paul (Petty), St. Paul (Petty) 2011 Alpine, Alpine 2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin 2024 Napa, Wrigley, Wrigley
Where’s the outrage regarding this? Team Trump Treason’s lawyer Ghouliani talking about shooting the former director of the FBI instead of firing him? WTF is wrong with him? What the fuck is wrong with this country?
Maybe Trump shot Melanie so Rudy is setting up a defense.
Where’s the outrage regarding this? Team Trump Treason’s lawyer Ghouliani talking about shooting the former director of the FBI instead of firing him? WTF is wrong with him? What the fuck is wrong with this country?
I don't mean any offence by this, but I keep reading this in Kyle's mom's voice in my head and it works so well!
'05 - TO, '06 - TO 1, '08 - NYC 1 & 2, '09 - TO, Chi 1 & 2, '10 - Buffalo, NYC 1 & 2, '11 - TO 1 & 2, Hamilton, '13 - Buffalo, Brooklyn 1 & 2, '15 - Global Citizen, '16 - TO 1 & 2, Chi 2
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
The GOP went from the party of small government and states rights to supporting a freakin King/dictator type power grab.
It shows how fragile our system, or any system, really is. It's built on the trust of the people. It's also much easier to understand how things went horribly wrong for so many countries in the 20th century. Scary.
So just to be clear......there are people who are surprised that a textbook narcissist and pathological liar would try to make Memorial day about himself??
Lol. It's not really that it surprises me he thinks it or anything. What stuns me over and over again is that he doesn't filter it for appearance's sake, or that someone isn't monitoring every Tweet and stopping all the idiotic ones from getting sent. Surely Trump is aware by now that many of his tweets are damaging to him.... but he just doesn't care. That's the weird part.
He paid off a porn star for Chrissakes... there is literally nothing damaging to him at this point. It's a sad commentary on the lives of the sycophants.
Which leads again to the question. ......
What' worse? The lying narcissist who'll say anything he wants no matter how hateful, ignorant, racist, etc.? Or the person who supports him and his behavior?
And when his party wins the house and Senate in a few months? Just watch him fire Rosie and Bobby, uh oh.
Dems need to learn the lessons of the last four congressional elections. So far this year, they are not impressive.
What are you using to gauge not impressive? They’ve flipped seats at the state level already. Dems probably won’t flip the Senate but they have a decent chancenwith the House. Mueller will probably be done late July/early August, and we’ll see what the fallout is from there.
To add to my other reply above, losing the House would be an absolute disaster for the Ds. Decent chance for the House?? Thats enough to give me agita .
If they lose... I would guess ... Mueller and Rosie would be fired by the end of 2018 (rumors are Mueller will not be releasing any major reports before election day), Medicare and social security would be privatized by 2019 and, any other guesses? Obamacare completely repealed?
And Trump would be an overwhelming favorite for four more years. America loves to root for the winners.
Yes Dems, you better figure this House race out before November.
Who is Rosie? And I think your rumors are completely wrong. Mueller will likely release his report to Rosenstein by July or August, which would include any further indictments. I would not expect Trump to be one of those, but could be a un-indicted co - conspirator. That will not be public. It will then go to the respective judiciary committees. At that point, Rosenstein will have the choice to redact and release the report to the public. He is under no legal obligation to do so, but I'm sure the pressure will be enormous.
Your predictions about Trump are total guesses and probably worth nothing (like everyone else's). There are too many variables in play between now and 2020.
I'm just not getting the sense Mueller is about a month away from releasing his report. I could be wrong, but I'm not seeing any signs he is this close to wrapping up.
Despite "pre Comey" DOJ policy to not release indictments in the month leading up to an election, there is a bigger reason Mueller will not release a pre election bombshell...
If Mueller were to release his findings after Labor Day, he risks becoming another James Comey. IMO, he would only do that if he had overwhelming evidence of collusion (which appears unlikely at the moment, as revelations similar to Juniors Tower meeting have been scarce lately).
Most likely the findings will be on a par with "extremely bad judgment" and that's just not enough to move the needle much in this Media dominated by Trump environment.
We have no idea where Mueller is in the process. His team has not leaked at all. Any information that comes out, comes from Trump's side. So I don't think anyone can get a true sense of anything. Regarding the report being released, again it's not at Mueller's discretion. It is completely at Rosenstein's. The only group of people required to see it are the judiciary committees. After that, it could theoretically be shelved or publicly released. Now I'm sure if it were shelved, there would be an immediate FOIA filed and it would probably end up before the SCOTUS. But none of that would happen before the mid terms.
So just to be clear......there are people who are surprised that a textbook narcissist and pathological liar would try to make Memorial day about himself??
Lol. It's not really that it surprises me he thinks it or anything. What stuns me over and over again is that he doesn't filter it for appearance's sake, or that someone isn't monitoring every Tweet and stopping all the idiotic ones from getting sent. Surely Trump is aware by now that many of his tweets are damaging to him.... but he just doesn't care. That's the weird part.
He paid off a porn star for Chrissakes... there is literally nothing damaging to him at this point. It's a sad commentary on the lives of the sycophants.
Which leads again to the question. ......
What' worse? The lying narcissist who'll say anything he wants no matter how hateful, ignorant, racist, etc.? Or the person who supports him and his behavior?
And when his party wins the house and Senate in a few months? Just watch him fire Rosie and Bobby, uh oh.
Dems need to learn the lessons of the last four congressional elections. So far this year, they are not impressive.
What are you using to gauge not impressive? They’ve flipped seats at the state level already. Dems probably won’t flip the Senate but they have a decent chancenwith the House. Mueller will probably be done late July/early August, and we’ll see what the fallout is from there.
To add to my other reply above, losing the House would be an absolute disaster for the Ds. Decent chance for the House?? Thats enough to give me agita .
If they lose... I would guess ... Mueller and Rosie would be fired by the end of 2018 (rumors are Mueller will not be releasing any major reports before election day), Medicare and social security would be privatized by 2019 and, any other guesses? Obamacare completely repealed?
And Trump would be an overwhelming favorite for four more years. America loves to root for the winners.
Yes Dems, you better figure this House race out before November.
Who is Rosie? And I think your rumors are completely wrong. Mueller will likely release his report to Rosenstein by July or August, which would include any further indictments. I would not expect Trump to be one of those, but could be a un-indicted co - conspirator. That will not be public. It will then go to the respective judiciary committees. At that point, Rosenstein will have the choice to redact and release the report to the public. He is under no legal obligation to do so, but I'm sure the pressure will be enormous.
Your predictions about Trump are total guesses and probably worth nothing (like everyone else's). There are too many variables in play between now and 2020.
I'm just not getting the sense Mueller is about a month away from releasing his report. I could be wrong, but I'm not seeing any signs he is this close to wrapping up.
Despite "pre Comey" DOJ policy to not release indictments in the month leading up to an election, there is a bigger reason Mueller will not release a pre election bombshell...
If Mueller were to release his findings after Labor Day, he risks becoming another James Comey. IMO, he would only do that if he had overwhelming evidence of collusion (which appears unlikely at the moment, as revelations similar to Juniors Tower meeting have been scarce lately).
Most likely the findings will be on a par with "extremely bad judgement" and that's just not enough to move the needle much in this Media dominated by Trump environment.
Remember how “Our Number One Priority is to See This President Fail” McConnell has threatened to keep the senate in session during the August recess to prevent Dems from being home to campaign? A few August timed releases, a summary report, status thus far, or some juicy tidbits to be leaked, would give the senate something to talk about and change the order of business for when the house returns after Labor Day. Team Mueller is not fucking around and he’s not going to allow Scum bag Team Trump Treason get away with anything. If there’s one thing I know about Team Mueller, it’s that guys like him who saw and experienced what they did in war, serving their nation and then going on to serve their nation honorably for a lifetime, is that they resent scum like Team Trump Treason and will absolutely ruin him if he’s guilty, which I believe he is. It’ll all come out. If Team Trump Treason is innocent and “there was no collusion,” “he doesn’t know any Russians,” and “he’s got nothing to hide,” then Team Trump Treason has nothing to worry about.
I don't understand how any American citizen could possibly be ok with the totalitarian stance Trump is taking. For someone to think that just because they are the President they cannot commit a crime or be held accountable is insane.
Something I've always wondered ... Is there a way that pollster were able to determine how many people who voted for Trump that don't normally vote?
There will be research papers and books written about this. Pollsters classify people into registered and likely voters. At the state level, they missed huge swaths of voters that they did not consider likely, but evidently voted. The polls were accurate at the national level, it's the state where things went wrong with the polling.
And the people reporting they were undecided was higher than normal, which I think threw up a red flag for Nate Silver, if I remember right.
Even so, Nate had HCs chance of victory at 70% IIRC. In retrospect, these red flags should have brought it closer to 50/50 in his statistical analysis.
The media annointing HC are the strong frontrunner may have doomed her campaign.
State polling just isn't that good and that is how elections are decided. The media spends it's pre election time analyzing national polls that are nearly meaningless when the margins are less than five points.
If HC understood that fact (national margins <5% are tossup elections) and campaigned to win instead of not to lose, her chances of winning would have been better
I don't understand how any American citizen could possibly be ok with the totalitarian stance Trump is taking. For someone to think that just because they are the President they cannot commit a crime or be held accountable is insane.
To begin to understand what you don't... you'd need to be able to get inside the mind of a moron. Once you get there... you'd be surprised at what people can legitimately think (brown cows= chocolate milk... Trump is making America great again... etc.).
I don't understand how any American citizen could possibly be ok with the totalitarian stance Trump is taking. For someone to think that just because they are the President they cannot commit a crime or be held accountable is insane.
To begin to understand what you don't... you'd need to be able to get inside the mind of a moron. Once you get there... you'd be surprised at what people can legitimately think (brown cows= chocolate milk... Trump is making America great again... etc.).
Again, the scarier thing is that a lot of them are not morons.
I don't understand how any American citizen could possibly be ok with the totalitarian stance Trump is taking. For someone to think that just because they are the President they cannot commit a crime or be held accountable is insane.
To begin to understand what you don't... you'd need to be able to get inside the mind of a moron. Once you get there... you'd be surprised at what people can legitimately think (brown cows= chocolate milk... Trump is making America great again... etc.).
Again, the scarier thing is that a lot of them are not morons.
Agreed. And you can't undervalue the notion that this is 'scary'. Really scary to be honest.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Fraud is right
U.S.-China Trade Talks End in an Impasse - The New York Times https://apple.news/A6E9i8ZkSQA2mr36vv0NcXQ
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin
2024 Napa, Wrigley, Wrigley
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin
2024 Napa, Wrigley, Wrigley
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
What's wrong with an Imperial Presidency?
What could go wrong?
The GOP went from the party of small government and states rights to supporting a freakin King/dictator type power grab.
I'm just not getting the sense Mueller is about a month away from releasing his report. I could be wrong, but I'm not seeing any signs he is this close to wrapping up.
Despite "pre Comey" DOJ policy to not release indictments in the month leading up to an election, there is a bigger reason Mueller will not release a pre election bombshell...
If Mueller were to release his findings after Labor Day, he risks becoming another James Comey. IMO, he would only do that if he had overwhelming evidence of collusion (which appears unlikely at the moment, as revelations similar to Juniors Tower meeting have been scarce lately).
Most likely the findings will be on a par with "extremely bad judgment" and that's just not enough to move the needle much in this Media dominated by Trump environment.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Exactly. I think he just said shoot. He didn't say anything about murder. They aren't savages.
Well, they aren't savages but they are a bunch of imbeciles.
The media annointing HC are the strong frontrunner may have doomed her campaign.
State polling just isn't that good and that is how elections are decided. The media spends it's pre election time analyzing national polls that are nearly meaningless when the margins are less than five points.
If HC understood that fact (national margins <5% are tossup elections) and campaigned to win instead of not to lose, her chances of winning would have been better
To begin to understand what you don't... you'd need to be able to get inside the mind of a moron. Once you get there... you'd be surprised at what people can legitimately think (brown cows= chocolate milk... Trump is making America great again... etc.).