Wait, what? The death toll in Puerto Rico is 70 times higher than "thought" (reported)??? I haven't seen any news about that at all, let alone 3 times less than news about Roseanne.
this goes to my point a few days ago about "Celebrity trumps society"
Sure... but your point was lost back then because you were talking about Weinstein/an extremely relevant and important story, celebrity or not. Not because the idea that North Americans are too into the entertainment industry isn't true.
I was talking about celebrity in general in the weinstein thread. the point stands.
I never said it didn't. I think my argument was that it's the fault of the masses far more than it is the fault of the news media.
which I also agreed with previously.
I know. But back to the Roseanne story..... Our little side convo here got me thinking about just how important or not important this story might be..... I think everyone is fascinated with it because it's so damned "gossipy" or "juicy", and also because people love to see wackos like Roseanne fall from grace (especially when it's the second go 'round). That's the superficial crap you're talking about I think. But then there is the issue of ABC's response, and how that ties into the behaviour of and response by the POTUS and his supporters .... I think that side of the story deserves some serious attention. Not as much attention as Trump's completely indifference to Puerto Rico's situation though, obviously. That is appalling.
I agree. but unfortunately, I think this further emboldens Trump in his own mind as being untouchable. just the fact that he used a friend of his being held to account for being racist to demand further retribution from a foe is staggeringly out of touch.
I have no issue with these stories when they have a larger societal consequence, like weinstein, like this, but this roseanne story specifically, in my opinion, is NOT bigger than the Puerto Rico story.
Well it should be, at least... Makes me wonder though... Like we talked about before, the media focuses on what the audience wants... Does the media have a good reason to assume the masses really don't or wouldn't care about the Puerto Rico story? They probably know the audience a lot better than we do.
of course they have good reason, because our society is addicted to celebrity. they fucking elected one.
however, I think that the press has an obligation to not just sell themselves, but to tell the important stories. it's twofold. unfortunately, there is so much tabloid news everywhere, the previously respected news agencies that would have placed the roseanne story as a footnote, have no choice but to compete for clicks and views. and the idiotic public dictates what news we all get.
The idiotic public does not dictate what news we all get, you’re responsible for the “news” you consume. If you’re reliant on one or two sources of news, faux news, CNN, or less, shame on you. You want to know more about Puerto Rico? Give up your Facebook news feed and seek out information.
Well I don't personally consume any of that media regularly... but I don't think it's reasonable to put that onus on the masses in general, namely because the masses simply don't know any better, and that isn't really their fault, is it?? You don't cure mass ignorance by saying "stop being ignorant!" I really don't think everyone is responsible for this - the education system is, and that system has failed miserably. I am constantly talking about how the education has to start focusing on media literacy from grade 1 right through high school, as a required course. It is so badly needed. Until that happens, we can't just blame everyone for not being "responsible news media consumers" IMHO.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
Seriously, who the fuck says "happy Memorial Day"???? I've actually had conversations about how inappropriate it would be to say "happy Remembrance Day" (Canada's Memorial Day), like as a joke - a tasteless joke .... I've actually had a laugh with others over how weird that is to say. But the fucking POTUS just blasts it out there on Twitter without even thinking about it. SMH!!! And the "... and women in 18 years".... WHAT THE FUCK?!
I had over 50 people tell me happy Memorial Day yesterday.
The same guy you're sticking up for here wrote a tacky 'To all my friends what an amazing time' at the holocaust memorial... and a 'get well soon' to a McCain's cancer diagnosis.
He's a f**king clueless dolt- just like his brain dead supporters.
No, I’m not arguing with anyone that he says stupid shit. We all know that twitter should be on the NO list for him. I was saying that it’s ridiculous to get up in arms because someone said “happy Memorial Day.” That’s taking it to a silly level. I listened to a baseball podcast yesterday and within the first minute the guy says “happy Memorial Day everyone!” It’s just a greeting- don’t let your hate for the president make you react poorly to commonalities.
But that's just it: the 'commonality' is McDonald saying stupid, off hand things in situations that demand heightened levels of respect.
He's completely absorbed with himself to the point he can't even feign respect.
McDonald? Ohhhhh lol didn’t get it till I typed it.
Wait, what? The death toll in Puerto Rico is 70 times higher than "thought" (reported)??? I haven't seen any news about that at all, let alone 3 times less than news about Roseanne.
Seriously, who the fuck says "happy Memorial Day"???? I've actually had conversations about how inappropriate it would be to say "happy Remembrance Day" (Canada's Memorial Day), like as a joke - a tasteless joke .... I've actually had a laugh with others over how weird that is to say. But the fucking POTUS just blasts it out there on Twitter without even thinking about it. SMH!!! And the "... and women in 18 years".... WHAT THE FUCK?!
I had over 50 people tell me happy Memorial Day yesterday.
The same guy you're sticking up for here wrote a tacky 'To all my friends what an amazing time' at the holocaust memorial... and a 'get well soon' to a McCain's cancer diagnosis.
He's a f**king clueless dolt- just like his brain dead supporters.
No, I’m not arguing with anyone that he says stupid shit. We all know that twitter should be on the NO list for him. I was saying that it’s ridiculous to get up in arms because someone said “happy Memorial Day.” That’s taking it to a silly level. I listened to a baseball podcast yesterday and within the first minute the guy says “happy Memorial Day everyone!” It’s just a greeting- don’t let your hate for the president make you react poorly to commonalities.
I don't care who says it, it's inappropriate and out of context. People who fail to engage their thinking skills are mindlessly saying something that they shouldn't. Do you go to a funeral and say happy funeral day? Happy Memorial Day is not a commonality any more than Happy MLK Day.
It sure is common. Sorry, but get with the times, people say it. Get over it. Just because they say it doesn’t at all mean they don’t understand the meaning of the day itself. Go yell at some kids to eat off your lawn or something, you seem a bit too worked up over a greeting. Take a cool shower or something, it’s not that big a deal.
Wait, what? The death toll in Puerto Rico is 70 times higher than "thought" (reported)??? I haven't seen any news about that at all, let alone 3 times less than news about Roseanne.
this goes to my point a few days ago about "Celebrity trumps society"
Sure... but your point was lost back then because you were talking about Weinstein/an extremely relevant and important story, celebrity or not. Not because the idea that North Americans are too into the entertainment industry isn't true.
I was talking about celebrity in general in the weinstein thread. the point stands.
I never said it didn't. I think my argument was that it's the fault of the masses far more than it is the fault of the news media.
which I also agreed with previously.
I know. But back to the Roseanne story..... Our little side convo here got me thinking about just how important or not important this story might be..... I think everyone is fascinated with it because it's so damned "gossipy" or "juicy", and also because people love to see wackos like Roseanne fall from grace (especially when it's the second go 'round). That's the superficial crap you're talking about I think. But then there is the issue of ABC's response, and how that ties into the behaviour of and response by the POTUS and his supporters .... I think that side of the story deserves some serious attention. Not as much attention as Trump's completely indifference to Puerto Rico's situation though, obviously. That is appalling.
I agree. but unfortunately, I think this further emboldens Trump in his own mind as being untouchable. just the fact that he used a friend of his being held to account for being racist to demand further retribution from a foe is staggeringly out of touch.
I have no issue with these stories when they have a larger societal consequence, like weinstein, like this, but this roseanne story specifically, in my opinion, is NOT bigger than the Puerto Rico story.
Well it should be, at least... Makes me wonder though... Like we talked about before, the media focuses on what the audience wants... Does the media have a good reason to assume the masses really don't or wouldn't care about the Puerto Rico story? They probably know the audience a lot better than we do.
of course they have good reason, because our society is addicted to celebrity. they fucking elected one.
however, I think that the press has an obligation to not just sell themselves, but to tell the important stories. it's twofold. unfortunately, there is so much tabloid news everywhere, the previously respected news agencies that would have placed the roseanne story as a footnote, have no choice but to compete for clicks and views. and the idiotic public dictates what news we all get.
The idiotic public does not dictate what news we all get, you’re responsible for the “news” you consume. If you’re reliant on one or two sources of news, faux news, CNN, or less, shame on you. You want to know more about Puerto Rico? Give up your Facebook news feed and seek out information.
oh jesus christ. I'm not blaming the media for the news I get. I'm blaming them for what they report on. I don't rely on my facebook feed for news FFS. But the dumbing down of news for your average consumer is undeniable.
as a general rule, I don't read the news. I do visit CNN occasionally, but I'm smart enough to know what's partisan and what isn't. not all of us have the time to seek out reputable underground news sources all fucking day long.
I have 80's movies to argue about with PJ Soul.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
I don't ever hear Christians smiling and saying "Happy Good Friday everyone!". that would be weird.
I'm not offended by Happy Memorial Day, I think it's just.....odd.
I’ve actually heard that as well- though not nearly as common. Back when I went to college and everyone had ash on their foreheads people even said happy Ash Wednesday. Weird, but again it’s a greeting, no reason to shun someone just being polite and wishing you a good day, right?
damn ya’ll sure are uptight up in here! It’s frigid in these halls.
My point stands. Just because Rosanne seems to be all over the news does not mean other more important stories or news aren’t being reported on. By reputable news agencies, not “underground” news sources, no less. Your statement is a cop out.
no, your point doesn't stand, because it's not what I'm talking about. of course they are being reported on. but one gets the massive headline, the other gets a small snippet down the page.
you don't seem to be understanding what I'm saying here. I look at all the stories, because I know that often the fluff gets the top headline.
You said, “and the idiotic public dictates what news we all get.” And I call that BS.
and I expanded on that in my subsequent post.
Duly noted but should have expanded that thought in your first post. Otherwise it stands as complete BS.
uh, that's called a DISCUSSION. when something is obviously taken incorrectly, regardless of fault, people expand on it to give/gain better understanding of said thought.
part of it is clarification before accusation, which is something you seem to need to work on. Jared, dear boy.
I don't ever hear Christians smiling and saying "Happy Good Friday everyone!". that would be weird.
I'm not offended by Happy Memorial Day, I think it's just.....odd.
I’ve actually heard that as well- though not nearly as common. Back when I went to college and everyone had ash on their foreheads people even said happy Ash Wednesday. Weird, but again it’s a greeting, no reason to shun someone just being polite and wishing you a good day, right?
damn ya’ll sure are uptight up in here! It’s frigid in these halls.
Like HFD said, I'm not offended by it... It's just fucking weird and inappropriate. It just tells me that the purpose or importance of the day doesn't matter to people. Saying that 50 people said it just means that a LOT of people have forgotten about the meaningfulness of the day, which is a little depressing.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
My point stands. Just because Rosanne seems to be all over the news does not mean other more important stories or news aren’t being reported on. By reputable news agencies, not “underground” news sources, no less. Your statement is a cop out.
no, your point doesn't stand, because it's not what I'm talking about. of course they are being reported on. but one gets the massive headline, the other gets a small snippet down the page.
you don't seem to be understanding what I'm saying here. I look at all the stories, because I know that often the fluff gets the top headline.
You said, “and the idiotic public dictates what news we all get.” And I call that BS.
and I expanded on that in my subsequent post.
Duly noted but should have expanded that thought in your first post. Otherwise it stands as complete BS.
uh, that's called a DISCUSSION. when something is obviously taken incorrectly, regardless of fault, people expand on it to give/gain better understanding of said thought.
part of it is clarification before accusation, which is something you seem to need to work on. Jared, dear boy.
So had I not called BS, it wouldn’t be BS, hFd? Without clarifying? And what exactly was my accusation? That your statement, without clarification, was BS? So much so that the fbombs got dropped?
complaining about people saying Happy Memorial Day is faux internet outrage at it's finest. so stupid to be outraged over that when there is so much to be outraged over.
complaining about people saying Happy Memorial Day is faux internet outrage at it's finest. so stupid to be outraged over that when there is so much to be outraged over.
Are people really outraged by it? I just think it's dumb and inappropriate. Far from outrage.
complaining about people saying Happy Memorial Day is faux internet outrage at it's finest. so stupid to be outraged over that when there is so much to be outraged over.
There's no outrage.
People are just consistently and easily pointing out what a f**king idiot he is.
It's piling on. It's all people can really do. It's therapeutic if anything.
complaining about people saying Happy Memorial Day is faux internet outrage at it's finest. so stupid to be outraged over that when there is so much to be outraged over.
Are people really outraged by it? I just think it's dumb and inappropriate. Far from outrage.
No, nobody is outraged about it all. Not even remotely close. We're having a completely reasoned and unemotional conversation about it.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
(while this is all true and much worse than ever and much more direct and blatant ....... racism has always been pretty damn normalized in America, hasn't it? Relative to what the expectations are of minorities?)
Post edited by PJ_Soul on
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
Everytime I see Trump's press conferences I laugh because he's like some comical clown figure, someone you might expect from a Austin Powers movie. Then I remember, this guy is the president of the USA and in charge of the free world.
Post edited by Thoughts_Arrive on
Adelaide 17/11/2009, Melbourne 20/11/2009, Sydney 22/11/2009, Melbourne (Big Day Out Festival) 24/01/2014
Wait, what? The death toll in Puerto Rico is 70 times higher than "thought" (reported)??? I haven't seen any news about that at all, let alone 3 times less than news about Roseanne.
I posted about it on this thread yesterday.
That way they came to that "number" sounds a little far fetched. They went and interviewed people about whom is missing/dead?
Coroners and hospitals should have these numbers of the dead, no?
This doesn't seem like something that should be covered up so if it is real then the local officials, hospitals and law enforcement all screwed this up royally.
Ha pardoned Dinesh D’Souza. Freeing criminal allies! Second term...locking up political opponents? Nothing to see here.
1995 Milwaukee 1998 Alpine, Alpine 2003 Albany, Boston, Boston, Boston 2004 Boston, Boston 2006 Hartford, St. Paul (Petty), St. Paul (Petty) 2011 Alpine, Alpine 2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin 2024 Napa, Wrigley, Wrigley
That corrupt FBI can't be trusted, just see what they did to poor Martha and Rod, AND they're trying to do the same to me, Team Trump Treason, with a WITCH HUNT!
Ha pardoned Dinesh D’Souza. Freeing criminal allies! Second term...locking up political opponents? Nothing to see here.
He is now talking about pardoning Martha Stewart, and commuting that fucker Rod Blagojevich's sentence (yeah, the bastard to tried to help his reputation by going onto celebrity apprentice - Trump loved that corrupt criminal even though he didn't even do any work on the show - all he did was try to salvage his reputation. Didn't work, but Trump never cared about his crimes and corruption in the first place obviously).
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
Ha pardoned Dinesh D’Souza. Freeing criminal allies! Second term...locking up political opponents? Nothing to see here.
He is now talking about pardoning Martha Stewart, and commuting that fucker Rod Blagojevich's sentence (yeah, the bastard to tried to help his reputation by going onto celebrity apprentice - Trump loved that corrupt criminal even though he didn't even do any work on the show - all he did was try to salvage his reputation. Didn't work, but Trump never cared about his crimes and corruption in the first place obviously).
He's setting up the precedent to pardon "process" crimes. It's paving a way for his children and anyone that is indicted in the probe.
damn ya’ll sure are uptight up in here! It’s frigid in these halls.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
stay focused everyone.... Donald Trump is the fucking POTUS!?!?!?!?!?
this all feels like a bad dream, or an amazing movie lol
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
People are just consistently and easily pointing out what a f**king idiot he is.
It's piling on. It's all people can really do. It's therapeutic if anything.
President Trump is normalizing racism
(while this is all true and much worse than ever and much more direct and blatant ....... racism has always been pretty damn normalized in America, hasn't it? Relative to what the expectations are of minorities?)
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Coroners and hospitals should have these numbers of the dead, no?
This doesn't seem like something that should be covered up so if it is real then the local officials, hospitals and law enforcement all screwed this up royally.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin
2024 Napa, Wrigley, Wrigley
-EV 8/14/93
That corrupt FBI can't be trusted, just see what they did to poor Martha and Rod, AND they're trying to do the same to me, Team Trump Treason, with a WITCH HUNT!
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.