Speaking of beating homeless people, it's too bad those two Southie brothers who did so while invoking the name of their supreme leader have to miss the "free speech" rally tomorrow.
Speaking of beating homeless people, it's too bad those two Southie brothers who did so while invoking the name of their supreme leader have to miss the "free speech" rally tomorrow.
Not sure what you are referring to, but fuck them I guess.
I'd say a pretty savvy political tactic for vote getting. lump and line blur. If you don't vote Democrat you must be a Nazi or Nazi defender.
It's political evolution babay Nazi↔White Supremacist↔Alt-right↔Right Wing↔Republican
If you align yourself with the occupant of the white house, you're aligning yourself with racist, hateful, and quite ignorant nonsense. Stop defending him.
When you support evil you are evil When you support fear, hate, and ignorance you yourself are fearful, hateful, and ignorant
I've read this point of view a few times on here and all I can picture is a leather belt Anti-fa and a suspenders Neo-Nazi arguing back and forth, you support trousers, so you are trousers, no no I'm not trousers, YOU are trousers, YOU support trousers, you support trousers therefore you are trousers.......on and on
See this is funny but are we allowed to think so or are we about to feel the wrath of people thinking you're laughing at a tragic situation? Eventually you will be beaten down into saying you don't support trousers if you don't want a black eye.
cant u picture a cartoon belt and a cartoon suspender fighting over who is the trouser
Speaking of beating homeless people, it's too bad those two Southie brothers who did so while invoking the name of their supreme leader have to miss the "free speech" rally tomorrow.
Not sure what you are referring to, but fuck them I guess.
These winners. Now serving their sentences in a state prison for beating and urinating on a sleeping homeless man because they believed he was an immigrant. They told the cops they did it because "Donald Trump was right."
Editorial: How hilarious is it that one of them got pinched while wearing wife beaters? You stay classy, Boston.
I dont believe that phony Bannon "interview" he gave by mistake.
This is all his playbook. He is the extremist operative who wants to shake our society to its foundation... The north korea rhetoric, the ethno and nationalist division... it has his signature all over it. This isnt tillerson, kelly, kushner, etc...
Its odd that in the same day, trump tells the world that bannon is a great guy and unfairly misunderstood by the "media". Then this strange interview where bannon is cool on korea tension and candidly slams white supremacy groups.
People were on the verge of demanding his firing/resignation on the spot. They are trying to frame it like this is solely trump's farts stinking up the room. Much easier for public opinion to cull a staffer than the potus.
Bunch of snakes
I'm with you, bannon is the street thug Dick Cheney calculated and cunning.
Speaking of beating homeless people, it's too bad those two Southie brothers who did so while invoking the name of their supreme leader have to miss the "free speech" rally tomorrow.
Not sure what you are referring to, but fuck them I guess.
These winners. Now serving their sentences in a state prison for beating and urinating on a sleeping homeless man because they believed he was an immigrant. They told the cops they did it because "Donald Trump was right."
Editorial: How hilarious is it that one of them got pinched while wearing wife beaters? You stay classy, Boston.
Lol, i'm sure they will get their fair experience with urine and shit in the Boston penal system
Not really an example of antifa behavior from Charlottesville. Black Lives Matter, bro.
Denial must be fun, keep defending Antifa thugs
Trying to say antifa and white supremacists are essentially the same is a logic fail and a denial of historical facts as well as the group's objectives.
Not really an example of antifa behavior from Charlottesville. Black Lives Matter, bro.
Denial must be fun, keep defending Antifa thugs
Trying to say antifa and white supremacists are essentially the same is a logic fail and a denial of historical facts as well as the group's objectives.
I have never eluded that they are the same. Just pointed out that they are both fuckhead violence inticers in their own, unique, individuality. Two separate groups, both fucking wrong and guilty of escalating devision through their fascist tactics. Condemnation of both groups does not equate to supporting one. Some of you are so wrapped up in your hate...it's sad actually.
Show some examples of it. I've seen plenty of the "other side".
Examples of what?
Show us all the examples of "Antifa" running amok actually causing problems in Charlottesville Virginia from last weekend. I've seen plenty of examples alt-right white supremes and the KKK and the Nazis. Show me some antifa stomping on peoples rights from last weekend. The violence on many sides...you know, what we're talking about.
"...I changed by not changing at all..."
Hahaha, she is awesome! Not sure I disagree with anything she says.
Black Lives Matter, bro.
I've seen plenty of the "other side".
Now serving their sentences in a state prison for beating and urinating on a sleeping homeless man because they believed he was an immigrant. They told the cops they did it because "Donald Trump was right."
Editorial: How hilarious is it that one of them got pinched while wearing wife beaters? You stay classy, Boston.
perhaps he downed 2 too many moscow mules. i thought he was a the little guy on trumps right shoulder.
And yes, by equating the two groups you are.
His dumb family and the voices in his head?