Every knowledgeable person I have respected to this point in my life thinks he's a baboon. They cannot be wrong. His greatest supporters think there's pedophile sex rings on Mars (hahahahaha). His insignificant supporters are... well...
A baboon? You are being to kind, Thirty!
I'm trying to change!
"Sigh... that's alright, Thirty. I get it. People are always mistaking me for that big orange gorilla. My cranky cousin on the other hand, well, he will probably just say..."
That first picture of Trump was taken when he shit himself on the golf course.
He wasn't very proud of himself.
One of his lackeys switched pants with him though and he got to play the remaining 14 holes with unsoiled clothing.
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
Of course Trump needs the media. Some people simply cannot handle the fact that Donald Trump was elected president. One of those people is Donald Trump. Trump has shown himself intellectually and emotionally incapable of making the transition from minor entertainment figure to major political figure. He is in the strange position of being a B-list celebrity who is also the most famous man in the world. His recent Twitter attack on Mika Brzezinski of MSNBC’s Morning Joe exemplifies that as much as it does the president’s other by-now-familiar pathologies, notably his strange psychological need to verbally abuse women in physical terms.
Trump may have his problems with women, but it is his unrequited love of the media that is undoing him.“I always tell the president, ‘You don’t need them,’” says Sean Hannity, the self-abasing monkey-butler of the Trump regime. The president, Hannity says, can reach more Americans via Twitter than he could through the conventional media. That isn’t true, of course: Only about one in five Americans uses Twitter. Hannity might be forgiven for not knowing this, a consequence of his much more general habit of not knowing things. But he actually does know the president. How could he possibly believe that this man — this man — does not need them? He needs them the way a junkie needs his junk.
Donald Trump cares more about how he is perceived in the media than he cares about anything else in the world, including money. Trump is a true disciple of Bishop Berkeley, professing the creed of the social-media age: Esse eat percipi— “To be is to be seen.” Trump is incapable of enjoying anything — money, success, sex — without being perceived enjoying it. Consider: Even though he has in fact been on the cover of Time magazine, it was discovered this week that he had had his people produce some fake Time magazine covers lauding the success of his television show, The Apprentice. He had these fake Time covers displayed at Trump properties around the world. Why? Because Trump, for all his professed contempt for the media, believes that success is not success until it is certified by Time magazine or (avert thine eyes, Hannity!) the New York Times.
Donald Trump is a man who invented an imaginary friend, John Barron, to call up members of the New York press and lie to them about his business success and his sex life. (He claimed, among other things, to be dating Carla Bruni.) A man who “does not need” the media does not do that. Trump wrote of the third lady that he chose her because he wanted to be able to enter a room with her and make other men envious — to see “grown men weep” — a very strange admission that his satisfaction in his marriage rests neither with himself nor with his wife but with third parties who might ogle her. (His cuckoldry-obsessed fans must surely have noted this.) But envious of what? Asked during a public appearance whether she’d have married Trump if he weren’t rich, she answered: “If I weren’t beautiful, do you think he’d be with me?” There is a certain clarity in that, one of a very familiar sort. What do you think he reads first in the morning: His national-security briefing or Page Six? As president and president-elect, Trump spent a great deal of time tweeting about his ratings as host of The Apprentice and those of his successor, about the ratings of various news programs covering him, about the viewerships and readerships of various media outlets, generally theorizing that those critical of him must by moral necessity be in decline.
On the other hand, he plainly does not know that there are tax provisions in the health-care bill Republicans are trying to drag out of Congress: He was perplexed when they came up at a White House meeting with Republican senators, saying that he was planning on taking on tax reform at a later date, oblivious to the content of the bill he purports to be negotiating. He doesn’t understand what’s going on between Saudi Arabia and Qatar, but has taken to Twitter to argue — surprise — that, whatever it is, it’s all about him. What do you think he reads first in the morning: His national-security briefing or Page Six? I’d wager that Trump could list at least three times as many cable-news commentators as world leaders. He is much better versed in CNN’s lineup than in NATO’s.
Doesn’t need the media? He is the media, a former contract employee at NBC with a sideline in casinos. He was born to conduct Twitter feuds with second-tier cable-television hosts. Figuring out health-care policy? Nobody watches that.
^^^ Just another guy w/ an opinion. You know what they say about opinions. Not one point in his article will lead to the impeachment of President Trump. I don't think he can handle the fact of the election results.
^^^ Just another guy w/ an opinion. You know what they say about opinions. Not one point in his article will lead to the impeachment of President Trump. I don't think he can handle the fact of the election results.
^^^ Just another guy w/ an opinion. You know what they say about opinions. Not one point in his article will lead to the impeachment of President Trump. I don't think he can handle the fact of the election results.
^^^ Just another guy w/ an opinion. You know what they say about opinions. Not one point in his article will lead to the impeachment of President Trump. I don't think he can handle the fact of the election results.
Hi Snowflake. It's the National Review....I know you don't know anything about them but it's about the most conservative publication you can possibly find.
It is the weekend of our country's birthday. It's a couple days before his g20 summit.....and he's posting videos of himself at some fucking wrestling thing beating up a guy with a cnn logo on his head?
Republicans in congress have got to be losing their minds right now.
^^^ Just another guy w/ an opinion. You know what they say about opinions. Not one point in his article will lead to the impeachment of President Trump. I don't think he can handle the fact of the election results.
^^^ Just another guy w/ an opinion. You know what they say about opinions. Not one point in his article will lead to the impeachment of President Trump. I don't think he can handle the fact of the election results.
Hi Snowflake. It's the National Review....I know you don't know anything about them but it's about the most conservative publication you can possibly find.
He still thinks he is in a reality show. He is a disaster and constant national humiliation. His only supporters are the lowest denominator, those who would (and are) supporting a pile of dung if it had (R) next to it, and the ultra wealthy who stand to see short term windfalls.
It is the weekend of our country's birthday. It's a couple days before his g20 summit.....and he's posting videos of himself at some fucking wrestling thing beating up a guy with a cnn logo on his head?
Republicans in congress have got to be losing their minds right now.
no they aren't. they are on vacation. not meeting with constituents. they are trying to figure out a way to cut taxes for billionaires and take insurance away from the poor. they give no fucks about trump's behavior. they have not realized that they own him. this party is always the first to claim to be the party of lincoln. now they have to claim to be the party of trump too.
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
He still thinks he is in a reality show. He is a disaster and constant national humiliation. His only supporters are the lowest denominator, those who would (and are) supporting a pile of dung if it had (R) next to it, and the ultra wealthy who stand to see short term windfalls.
He is most assuredly a national embarrassment, but don't worry. Everyone else in the world understands there are decent people in the US.
This is where BS is right on some levels: Trump and all his obscenity has the potential to serve as a catalyst for meaningful social change. Now... don't get me wrong... I think BS thinks Trump is going to deliver such change which, of course, is wrong lest you count detrimental change. I speak to rebounding from this calamity.
Sure... you will never convince the slack jawed morons that Trump and his brand is sheer idiocy, but you can't convince those morons of anything. Other countries have their share of morons as well, but in all seriousness... not so many. An investment in public education might be necessary and could be one of the positive changes that develops as a result of seeing something like this happen.
White House Science division empty.
He's a travesty on so many levels.
See you all down in Arizona Bay....
Junkie Running Dry
Of course Trump needs the media. Some people simply cannot handle the fact that Donald Trump was elected president. One of those people is Donald Trump. Trump has shown himself intellectually and emotionally incapable of making the transition from minor entertainment figure to major political figure. He is in the strange position of being a B-list celebrity who is also the most famous man in the world. His recent Twitter attack on Mika Brzezinski of MSNBC’s Morning Joe exemplifies that as much as it does the president’s other by-now-familiar pathologies, notably his strange psychological need to verbally abuse women in physical terms.
Trump may have his problems with women, but it is his unrequited love of the media that is undoing him.“I always tell the president, ‘You don’t need them,’” says Sean Hannity, the self-abasing monkey-butler of the Trump regime. The president, Hannity says, can reach more Americans via Twitter than he could through the conventional media. That isn’t true, of course: Only about one in five Americans uses Twitter. Hannity might be forgiven for not knowing this, a consequence of his much more general habit of not knowing things. But he actually does know the president. How could he possibly believe that this man — this man — does not need them? He needs them the way a junkie needs his junk.
Donald Trump cares more about how he is perceived in the media than he cares about anything else in the world, including money. Trump is a true disciple of Bishop Berkeley, professing the creed of the social-media age: Esse eat percipi— “To be is to be seen.” Trump is incapable of enjoying anything — money, success, sex — without being perceived enjoying it. Consider: Even though he has in fact been on the cover of Time magazine, it was discovered this week that he had had his people produce some fake Time magazine covers lauding the success of his television show, The Apprentice. He had these fake Time covers displayed at Trump properties around the world. Why? Because Trump, for all his professed contempt for the media, believes that success is not success until it is certified by Time magazine or (avert thine eyes, Hannity!) the New York Times.
Donald Trump is a man who invented an imaginary friend, John Barron, to call up members of the New York press and lie to them about his business success and his sex life. (He claimed, among other things, to be dating Carla Bruni.) A man who “does not need” the media does not do that. Trump wrote of the third lady that he chose her because he wanted to be able to enter a room with her and make other men envious — to see “grown men weep” — a very strange admission that his satisfaction in his marriage rests neither with himself nor with his wife but with third parties who might ogle her. (His cuckoldry-obsessed fans must surely have noted this.) But envious of what? Asked during a public appearance whether she’d have married Trump if he weren’t rich, she answered: “If I weren’t beautiful, do you think he’d be with me?” There is a certain clarity in that, one of a very familiar sort. What do you think he reads first in the morning: His national-security briefing or Page Six? As president and president-elect, Trump spent a great deal of time tweeting about his ratings as host of The Apprentice and those of his successor, about the ratings of various news programs covering him, about the viewerships and readerships of various media outlets, generally theorizing that those critical of him must by moral necessity be in decline.
On the other hand, he plainly does not know that there are tax provisions in the health-care bill Republicans are trying to drag out of Congress: He was perplexed when they came up at a White House meeting with Republican senators, saying that he was planning on taking on tax reform at a later date, oblivious to the content of the bill he purports to be negotiating. He doesn’t understand what’s going on between Saudi Arabia and Qatar, but has taken to Twitter to argue — surprise — that, whatever it is, it’s all about him. What do you think he reads first in the morning: His national-security briefing or Page Six? I’d wager that Trump could list at least three times as many cable-news commentators as world leaders. He is much better versed in CNN’s lineup than in NATO’s.
Doesn’t need the media? He is the media, a former contract employee at NBC with a sideline in casinos. He was born to conduct Twitter feuds with second-tier cable-television hosts. Figuring out health-care policy? Nobody watches that.
Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/449145/donald-trump-media-mika-brzezinski-tweet
Just another guy w/ an opinion. You know what they say about opinions. Not one point in his article will lead to the impeachment of President Trump. I don't think he can handle the fact of the election results.
Hi Snowflake. It's the National Review....I know you don't know anything about them but it's about the most conservative publication you can possibly find.
Republicans in congress have got to be losing their minds right now.
That particular article didn't seem like a conservative viewpoint that's all I was getting at.
Today he posts a vide of him beating someone up at a wrestling event.
Well, wrestling is fake. So technically he is fake beating up someone. #fakebeatingup
Almost as good as when he got this guy just prior to one of his bankruptcies:
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
This is where BS is right on some levels: Trump and all his obscenity has the potential to serve as a catalyst for meaningful social change. Now... don't get me wrong... I think BS thinks Trump is going to deliver such change which, of course, is wrong lest you count detrimental change. I speak to rebounding from this calamity.
Sure... you will never convince the slack jawed morons that Trump and his brand is sheer idiocy, but you can't convince those morons of anything. Other countries have their share of morons as well, but in all seriousness... not so many. An investment in public education might be necessary and could be one of the positive changes that develops as a result of seeing something like this happen.