I must have missed something. Because if people really think blaming the Chinese government for their response and blaming the Chinese government for their lack of health standards And blaming the Chinese government for allowing and the Chinese people for having and using a assbackwards meat market is being racist then I’m not really sure what to think about the people here.
Southern Black people in Louisiana eat pigs feet, pork jowls, pork rinds, frog legs, turtle soup, and they suck the "brains" out of crawdad heads. If I said the same thing about them, would it sound racist to you? Sure, wet markets should be better regulated, but they are only so highly vilified because they are culturally exotic to us, the same way most of those southern foods are culturally exotic to us in the north. Have you ever seen a CAFO in person? We don't actually have much room to criticize China on the issue, we just think we do because American society, under it's cool white supermarket lights keeps it's disgusting food hazards out of sight.
It's funny you mention that because I was texting some friends the other day and said perhaps the next virus would be the Bayou virus.
Your off comment..."sure, wet markets should be better regulated" is actually the whole problem. This isn't the middle ages....we have refrigeration and understand food safety. They choose to ignore it. And they fucked us all because we have chosen to have a blind eye and not include all the costs of dealing with China.
This reeks of the "both sides are the same" political argument that while has some merits at times, is a completely idiotic comparison on a whole. Sure at times, yes they appear the same. In reality, when you add it all up, give me a fucking break.
Good god when will this nightmares just end man i feel the only way to get away from this is to just plan on leaving and moving to some secluded place ughh, man what an evil bastard he really is
And yet there are people in this country, in your neighborhood, at your job, on here claiming to be Pearl Jam fans who not only support his/their policies, they think his behavior is okay, and believe his thousands of lies.
What does being a Pearl Jam fan have to do with anything? Claiming to be PJ fans? You can’t be a PJ fan and a republican? I’m almost positive that PJ would welcome any type of person to listen to and enjoy their music.
It wasn't about being republican or Democrat it was about the backwards ignorant behavior, lies, and policies and the people who continue to support him/them
Good god when will this nightmares just end man i feel the only way to get away from this is to just plan on leaving and moving to some secluded place ughh, man what an evil bastard he really is
And yet there are people in this country, in your neighborhood, at your job, on here claiming to be Pearl Jam fans who not only support his/their policies, they think his behavior is okay, and believe his thousands of lies.
What does being a Pearl Jam fan have to do with anything? Claiming to be PJ fans? You can’t be a PJ fan and a republican? I’m almost positive that PJ would welcome any type of person to listen to and enjoy their music.
It wasn't about being republican or Democrat it was about the backwards ignorant behavior, lies, and policies and the people who continue to support him/them
I must have missed something. Because if people really think blaming the Chinese government for their response and blaming the Chinese government for their lack of health standards And blaming the Chinese government for allowing and the Chinese people for having and using a assbackwards meat market is being racist then I’m not really sure what to think about the people here.
Southern Black people in Louisiana eat pigs feet, pork jowls, pork rinds, frog legs, turtle soup, and they suck the "brains" out of crawdad heads. If I said the same thing about them, would it sound racist to you? Sure, wet markets should be better regulated, but they are only so highly vilified because they are culturally exotic to us, the same way most of those southern foods are culturally exotic to us in the north. Have you ever seen a CAFO in person? We don't actually have much room to criticize China on the issue, we just think we do because American society, under it's cool white supermarket lights keeps it's disgusting food hazards out of sight.
It's funny you mention that because I was texting some friends the other day and said perhaps the next virus would be the Bayou virus.
Your off comment..."sure, wet markets should be better regulated" is actually the whole problem. This isn't the middle ages....we have refrigeration and understand food safety. They choose to ignore it. And they fucked us all because we have chosen to have a blind eye and not include all the costs of dealing with China.
This reeks of the "both sides are the same" political argument that while has some merits at times, is a completely idiotic comparison on a whole. Sure at times, yes they appear the same. In reality, when you add it all up, give me a fucking break.
I do see the similarity to the "both sides" argument, so I will clarify that I don't think both sides are the same here. China does need to take a stronger role, and their leadership has been terrible in so many ways. To get where I am coming from, you have to understand my extreme irritation with Western (American) ignorance of all things related to food production. It's a big issue for me, a pet peeve, and this plays right into it. Everyone hates the wet market, fuck China and their gross food, as they blissfully buy pink slime that came from an animal that lived it's entire life covered in feces in a giant warehouse that produces viruses and antibiotic resistant bacteria at astounding rates. It absolutely IS akin to racism, because it is distaste for "other" based on ignorance of them and of self.
Not that I can go outside, but I got zero prob with Rs in general. I just avoid talking about this idiot in real life.
I do have a problem with the way that our little dick-tater talks to women. Why is that OK? Who the fuck does he think he is?
I lost my shit when he said "enough" to Kaitlin Collins. She's a White House reporter for CNN for fucks sake, the literal top of her profession, not some stringer from some podunk weekly. Why do male reporters tolerate that shit? Someone should straight up punch that puke in the face.
You too Jose. I'll try. But hearing a news reporter say the likely end to the school year will devastate many year 12's who should have been graduating. Also, missing a whole year of schooling is very detrimental to the cognitive development of young children. It is hard not to be angry at China right now. And who knows how this year for my university will go, we are moving to online learning but all this is making it hard to focus right now. Worried about the future.
I am not finding it to be difficult at all.
Not even with 20,000 or so of your fellow country men and women dead because the CCP covered up this outbreak instead of doing the right thing by the world?
Adelaide 17/11/2009, Melbourne 20/11/2009, Sydney 22/11/2009, Melbourne (Big Day Out Festival) 24/01/2014
Trump is essentially a trainwreck heading ass first right into a giant dumpster fire. Fuck him & his bullshit.
I’ve stayed away from the press conferences but I did watch the clips from yesterday. Wow.
I have as well to avoid throwing our tv out the window. My brother texted me yesterday and said that it was unlike anything he'd seen, so I tuned in. I lasted about 10 minutes before the TV urge came again. Unreal.
You too Jose. I'll try. But hearing a news reporter say the likely end to the school year will devastate many year 12's who should have been graduating. Also, missing a whole year of schooling is very detrimental to the cognitive development of young children. It is hard not to be angry at China right now. And who knows how this year for my university will go, we are moving to online learning but all this is making it hard to focus right now. Worried about the future.
I am not finding it to be difficult at all.
Not even with 20,000 or so of your fellow country men and women dead because the CCP covered up this outbreak instead of doing the right thing by the world?
Pretty sure you mistook his statement. He doesn't find it hard to be mad.
I must have missed something. Because if people really think blaming the Chinese government for their response and blaming the Chinese government for their lack of health standards And blaming the Chinese government for allowing and the Chinese people for having and using a assbackwards meat market is being racist then I’m not really sure what to think about the people here.
Southern Black people in Louisiana eat pigs feet, pork jowls, pork rinds, frog legs, turtle soup, and they suck the "brains" out of crawdad heads. If I said the same thing about them, would it sound racist to you? Sure, wet markets should be better regulated, but they are only so highly vilified because they are culturally exotic to us, the same way most of those southern foods are culturally exotic to us in the north. Have you ever seen a CAFO in person? We don't actually have much room to criticize China on the issue, we just think we do because American society, under it's cool white supermarket lights keeps it's disgusting food hazards out of sight.
It's funny you mention that because I was texting some friends the other day and said perhaps the next virus would be the Bayou virus.
Your off comment..."sure, wet markets should be better regulated" is actually the whole problem. This isn't the middle ages....we have refrigeration and understand food safety. They choose to ignore it. And they fucked us all because we have chosen to have a blind eye and not include all the costs of dealing with China.
This reeks of the "both sides are the same" political argument that while has some merits at times, is a completely idiotic comparison on a whole. Sure at times, yes they appear the same. In reality, when you add it all up, give me a fucking break.
I do see the similarity to the "both sides" argument, so I will clarify that I don't think both sides are the same here. China does need to take a stronger role, and their leadership has been terrible in so many ways. To get where I am coming from, you have to understand my extreme irritation with Western (American) ignorance of all things related to food production. It's a big issue for me, a pet peeve, and this plays right into it. Everyone hates the wet market, fuck China and their gross food, as they blissfully buy pink slime that came from an animal that lived it's entire life covered in feces in a giant warehouse that produces viruses and antibiotic resistant bacteria at astounding rates. It absolutely IS akin to racism, because it is distaste for "other" based on ignorance of them and of self.
Absolutely. My same thinking. The American food industry, and specifically corporate farmed meat, is disgusting. How many people have actually raised and butchered their own meat? How many have ever even seen where their food comes from first hand?
You too Jose. I'll try. But hearing a news reporter say the likely end to the school year will devastate many year 12's who should have been graduating. Also, missing a whole year of schooling is very detrimental to the cognitive development of young children. It is hard not to be angry at China right now. And who knows how this year for my university will go, we are moving to online learning but all this is making it hard to focus right now. Worried about the future.
I am not finding it to be difficult at all.
Not even with 20,000 or so of your fellow country men and women dead because the CCP covered up this outbreak instead of doing the right thing by the world?
Pretty sure you mistook his statement. He doesn't find it hard to be mad.
No, he had it right. I don't have energy to waste on that shit.
I must have missed something. Because if people really think blaming the Chinese government for their response and blaming the Chinese government for their lack of health standards And blaming the Chinese government for allowing and the Chinese people for having and using a assbackwards meat market is being racist then I’m not really sure what to think about the people here.
Southern Black people in Louisiana eat pigs feet, pork jowls, pork rinds, frog legs, turtle soup, and they suck the "brains" out of crawdad heads. If I said the same thing about them, would it sound racist to you? Sure, wet markets should be better regulated, but they are only so highly vilified because they are culturally exotic to us, the same way most of those southern foods are culturally exotic to us in the north. Have you ever seen a CAFO in person? We don't actually have much room to criticize China on the issue, we just think we do because American society, under it's cool white supermarket lights keeps it's disgusting food hazards out of sight.
It's funny you mention that because I was texting some friends the other day and said perhaps the next virus would be the Bayou virus.
Your off comment..."sure, wet markets should be better regulated" is actually the whole problem. This isn't the middle ages....we have refrigeration and understand food safety. They choose to ignore it. And they fucked us all because we have chosen to have a blind eye and not include all the costs of dealing with China.
This reeks of the "both sides are the same" political argument that while has some merits at times, is a completely idiotic comparison on a whole. Sure at times, yes they appear the same. In reality, when you add it all up, give me a fucking break.
I do see the similarity to the "both sides" argument, so I will clarify that I don't think both sides are the same here. China does need to take a stronger role, and their leadership has been terrible in so many ways. To get where I am coming from, you have to understand my extreme irritation with Western (American) ignorance of all things related to food production. It's a big issue for me, a pet peeve, and this plays right into it. Everyone hates the wet market, fuck China and their gross food, as they blissfully buy pink slime that came from an animal that lived it's entire life covered in feces in a giant warehouse that produces viruses and antibiotic resistant bacteria at astounding rates. It absolutely IS akin to racism, because it is distaste for "other" based on ignorance of them and of self.
I do get your point re:the food. It's tough for me to reconcile sometimes in my head when I see cages of kittens and dogs in those markets. But as I was telling my daughter, they need protein to live and it's their culture. Do I find it disgusting some of the things they eat? Absolutely. DO I think cats and dogs and animals that are generally pets elsewhere is disgusting? Yes. But as you or someone else said, there are lots of people that think the same about my hamburger. I think in many cases it is ignorance more than racism.
My problem has been the amazing amount of deflection and explaining people are doing to say China isn't the problem. That's just bullshit, they are the problem for this virus. And the food safety standards and other things are the problem moving forward. Are there problems in the US...yes, but the degree is lower and the risk is lower. China owns this, they own their lies and coverup too. Though, with the idiot we have in the white house, I'm not sure we'd be better off at all even if they hadn't lied and covered up the issue.
Good god when will this nightmares just end man i feel the only way to get away from this is to just plan on leaving and moving to some secluded place ughh, man what an evil bastard he really is
And yet there are people in this country, in your neighborhood, at your job, on here claiming to be Pearl Jam fans who not only support his/their policies, they think his behavior is okay, and believe his thousands of lies.
What does being a Pearl Jam fan have to do with anything? Claiming to be PJ fans? You can’t be a PJ fan and a republican? I’m almost positive that PJ would welcome any type of person to listen to and enjoy their music.
Fun fact: this is exactly what the song "Not For You" is about
huh. and here I thought it was commentary or a response to corporate music industry and related shit born out of it.
I'm old enough to remember when the right liked states rights.
1995 Milwaukee 1998 Alpine, Alpine 2003 Albany, Boston, Boston, Boston 2004 Boston, Boston 2006 Hartford, St. Paul (Petty), St. Paul (Petty) 2011 Alpine, Alpine 2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin 2024 Napa, Wrigley, Wrigley
it's 11am on the east coast on April 14th 2020 in the midst of a pandemic. 5 months have not gone by since from impeachment of this President. Brett Kavanaugh. Steve Bannon. Michael Cohen. General Kelly Ann Conway. Head of the EPA Scott Puitt. JARED. He actually said "I am the chosen one..."
not to mention every other good goddamned thing this guy he has done from the jump what a tragedy.
Your off comment..."sure, wet markets should be better regulated" is actually the whole problem. This isn't the middle ages....we have refrigeration and understand food safety. They choose to ignore it. And they fucked us all because we have chosen to have a blind eye and not include all the costs of dealing with China.
This reeks of the "both sides are the same" political argument that while has some merits at times, is a completely idiotic comparison on a whole. Sure at times, yes they appear the same. In reality, when you add it all up, give me a fucking break.
To get where I am coming from, you have to understand my extreme irritation with Western (American) ignorance of all things related to food production. It's a big issue for me, a pet peeve, and this plays right into it. Everyone hates the wet market, fuck China and their gross food, as they blissfully buy pink slime that came from an animal that lived it's entire life covered in feces in a giant warehouse that produces viruses and antibiotic resistant bacteria at astounding rates. It absolutely IS akin to racism, because it is distaste for "other" based on ignorance of them and of self.
I do have a problem with the way that our little dick-tater talks to women. Why is that OK? Who the fuck does he think he is?
I lost my shit when he said "enough" to Kaitlin Collins. She's a White House reporter for CNN for fucks sake, the literal top of her profession, not some stringer from some podunk weekly. Why do male reporters tolerate that shit? Someone should straight up punch that puke in the face.
I don't have energy to waste on that shit.
My problem has been the amazing amount of deflection and explaining people are doing to say China isn't the problem. That's just bullshit, they are the problem for this virus. And the food safety standards and other things are the problem moving forward. Are there problems in the US...yes, but the degree is lower and the risk is lower. China owns this, they own their lies and coverup too. Though, with the idiot we have in the white house, I'm not sure we'd be better off at all even if they hadn't lied and covered up the issue.
2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin
2024 Napa, Wrigley, Wrigley
check out the hand movements.
this will not end well for this president.
The press basically has carte blanche to hammer him day after day after day
And he can't cancel them now, he'll look like a coward.
it's 11am on the east coast on April 14th 2020 in the midst of a pandemic. 5 months have not gone by since from impeachment of this President. Brett Kavanaugh. Steve Bannon. Michael Cohen. General Kelly Ann Conway. Head of the EPA Scott Puitt. JARED.
He actually said "I am the chosen one..."
not to mention every other good goddamned thing this guy he has done from the jump
what a tragedy.
carry on
it will all go away like a miracle...
so dangerous
He had no answers. He looked like a bumbling fool. She owned him. Let's hope it continues.
Can't recall off the top of my head. There's another clip that shows the two of them going back & forth. I'll try to find it.
Paula Reid from CBS