Where did I mock American kids getting murdered? I clearly pointed out the exemplary NZ response to their ‘one’ mass shooting. And then I mocked the US response to countless mass shootings (teach people how to do better in a mass murder situation).
Sorry. I know you think the US is the greatest country in the world- you’ve said it several times in the America is awesome thread. But the truth is...your country elects f**king idiots (“Let’s rake the forests!”) for its president.,, and routinely fails its youth among a whole bunch of other things.
So... yah.
That's ALL you do is mock America, maybe have some taste and draw the line at schoolhouse slaughters? Or just get a new schtick, it's stale
Lets hope it never comes to your community
I def don’t see it the way your portraying it , it’s pathetic that we have to resort to these drills at our schools because they could have a massacre by doing so we have normalized these events as if it’s part of the corricullum it’s a fucking pathetic way to deal with this issue ! IMHO
I'll play devil's advocate here. How are drills for active shooters any different than a fire drill? Both can be prevented to a certain extent, but never completely, thus the need for drills to ensure as many people as possible survive. Now, this is in no way an endorsement for doing nothing in regards to prevention, which seems to be the current state as it relates to active shooters. Imagine if we took the approach to fire code and prevention the same as we have to gun violence. Yikes!
I worked 25 years for a school board in Canada, a few years back they started active shooter drills, and the police would conduct training at some of the schools. As the director of education stated, "it's like buying insurance, you hope you never need it, but it never hurts to be prepared".
Where did I mock American kids getting murdered? I clearly pointed out the exemplary NZ response to their ‘one’ mass shooting. And then I mocked the US response to countless mass shootings (teach people how to do better in a mass murder situation).
Sorry. I know you think the US is the greatest country in the world- you’ve said it several times in the America is awesome thread. But the truth is...your country elects f**king idiots (“Let’s rake the forests!”) for its president.,, and routinely fails its youth among a whole bunch of other things.
So... yah.
That's ALL you do is mock America, maybe have some taste and draw the line at schoolhouse slaughters? Or just get a new schtick, it's stale
Lets hope it never comes to your community
I def don’t see it the way your portraying it , it’s pathetic that we have to resort to these drills at our schools because they could have a massacre by doing so we have normalized these events as if it’s part of the corricullum it’s a fucking pathetic way to deal with this issue ! IMHO
I'll play devil's advocate here. How are drills for active shooters any different than a fire drill? Both can be prevented to a certain extent, but never completely, thus the need for drills to ensure as many people as possible survive. Now, this is in no way an endorsement for doing nothing in regards to prevention, which seems to be the current state as it relates to active shooters. Imagine if we took the approach to fire code and prevention the same as we have to gun violence. Yikes!
I agree with every word of this. I'd wager a guess that way more kids have been killed by school shooters than they have by school fires. You can never be too safe.
You can definitely be “too safe”, because focusing on safety as the sole goal stifles so many other experiences, but that’s not really the salient issue here. Active shooter drills are a poor excuse for a bandaid solution at best, compared to addressing the gun violence issue. As tbergs said, we don’t just have fire drills while we ignore changing how we design and build schools to prevent fires from even starting.
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
Where did I mock American kids getting murdered? I clearly pointed out the exemplary NZ response to their ‘one’ mass shooting. And then I mocked the US response to countless mass shootings (teach people how to do better in a mass murder situation).
Sorry. I know you think the US is the greatest country in the world- you’ve said it several times in the America is awesome thread. But the truth is...your country elects f**king idiots (“Let’s rake the forests!”) for its president.,, and routinely fails its youth among a whole bunch of other things.
So... yah.
That's ALL you do is mock America, maybe have some taste and draw the line at schoolhouse slaughters? Or just get a new schtick, it's stale
Lets hope it never comes to your community
I def don’t see it the way your portraying it , it’s pathetic that we have to resort to these drills at our schools because they could have a massacre by doing so we have normalized these events as if it’s part of the corricullum it’s a fucking pathetic way to deal with this issue ! IMHO
I'll play devil's advocate here. How are drills for active shooters any different than a fire drill? Both can be prevented to a certain extent, but never completely, thus the need for drills to ensure as many people as possible survive. Now, this is in no way an endorsement for doing nothing in regards to prevention, which seems to be the current state as it relates to active shooters. Imagine if we took the approach to fire code and prevention the same as we have to gun violence. Yikes!
I agree with every word of this. I'd wager a guess that way more kids have been killed by school shooters than they have by school fires. You can never be too safe.
You can definitely be “too safe”, because focusing on safety as the sole goal stifles so many other experiences, but that’s not really the salient issue here. Active shooter drills are a poor excuse for a bandaid solution at best, compared to addressing the gun violence issue. As tbergs said, we don’t just have fire drills while we ignore changing how we design and build schools to prevent fires from even starting.
It wouldn't hurt to address the gun violence issue from both the sides of the potential perpetrators and the potential victims.
Where did I mock American kids getting murdered? I clearly pointed out the exemplary NZ response to their ‘one’ mass shooting. And then I mocked the US response to countless mass shootings (teach people how to do better in a mass murder situation).
Sorry. I know you think the US is the greatest country in the world- you’ve said it several times in the America is awesome thread. But the truth is...your country elects f**king idiots (“Let’s rake the forests!”) for its president.,, and routinely fails its youth among a whole bunch of other things.
So... yah.
That's ALL you do is mock America, maybe have some taste and draw the line at schoolhouse slaughters? Or just get a new schtick, it's stale
Lets hope it never comes to your community
Is this what you mean by ‘triggered’?
You still purposely try and twist my words to somehow demonize me. At no point have I even remotely mocked schoolhouse slaughters. One last time for the resident genius... I mocked your country’s pathetic response to them.
In another post... you talked about how population is a factor. That’s tantamount to the able bodied unemployed bum offering excuses why he can’t go get a job (too far... not great in the morning... I heard that company sucks... etc.). Weak.
Further... you talked about ‘knee jerk reactions’. Dear gawd man. You think an appropriate response to routine mass murder by a gunman in the US would be a knee jerk reaction? Can I go “hahahhahahahhahhaha” without you thinking I’m mocking dead children? Can you establish that I’d be laughing at you? Is it worded clearly enough? Maybe fresh enough so that it’s not stale?
Where did I mock American kids getting murdered? I clearly pointed out the exemplary NZ response to their ‘one’ mass shooting. And then I mocked the US response to countless mass shootings (teach people how to do better in a mass murder situation).
Sorry. I know you think the US is the greatest country in the world- you’ve said it several times in the America is awesome thread. But the truth is...your country elects f**king idiots (“Let’s rake the forests!”) for its president.,, and routinely fails its youth among a whole bunch of other things.
So... yah.
That's ALL you do is mock America, maybe have some taste and draw the line at schoolhouse slaughters? Or just get a new schtick, it's stale
Lets hope it never comes to your community
I def don’t see it the way your portraying it , it’s pathetic that we have to resort to these drills at our schools because they could have a massacre by doing so we have normalized these events as if it’s part of the corricullum it’s a fucking pathetic way to deal with this issue ! IMHO
I'll play devil's advocate here. How are drills for active shooters any different than a fire drill? Both can be prevented to a certain extent, but never completely, thus the need for drills to ensure as many people as possible survive. Now, this is in no way an endorsement for doing nothing in regards to prevention, which seems to be the current state as it relates to active shooters. Imagine if we took the approach to fire code and prevention the same as we have to gun violence. Yikes!
As I talked about with Scruffy... they’re necessary given the reality you’re country has established.
Guns aren’t going anywhere either. In all honesty, I’d feel safer with my kids going to a fortified school if they were attending school in the US.
Guns don’t make their way into Disneyland. Let’s make sure they don’t make their way into the school system. Tax the shit out of guns and ammunition and make the users pay for the heightened security across your land.
Where did I mock American kids getting murdered? I clearly pointed out the exemplary NZ response to their ‘one’ mass shooting. And then I mocked the US response to countless mass shootings (teach people how to do better in a mass murder situation).
Sorry. I know you think the US is the greatest country in the world- you’ve said it several times in the America is awesome thread. But the truth is...your country elects f**king idiots (“Let’s rake the forests!”) for its president.,, and routinely fails its youth among a whole bunch of other things.
So... yah.
That's ALL you do is mock America, maybe have some taste and draw the line at schoolhouse slaughters? Or just get a new schtick, it's stale
Where did I mock American kids getting murdered? I clearly pointed out the exemplary NZ response to their ‘one’ mass shooting. And then I mocked the US response to countless mass shootings (teach people how to do better in a mass murder situation).
Sorry. I know you think the US is the greatest country in the world- you’ve said it several times in the America is awesome thread. But the truth is...your country elects f**king idiots (“Let’s rake the forests!”) for its president.,, and routinely fails its youth among a whole bunch of other things.
So... yah.
That's ALL you do is mock America, maybe have some taste and draw the line at schoolhouse slaughters? Or just get a new schtick, it's stale
Lets hope it never comes to your community
Brakes. Tap 'em.
Passing time before "the report" is good, but there is a robust thread for"guns" here?
Im awaiting explanation here for the nearly 2 days (one day for each hand) waiting for a supposedly "clean" report completely exonerating POTUS.
And two days with zero Russia tweets from him.
WTF, if it's clean, released the damnned thing. This is not about someone's email server, it's about wtf Russia did to our election.
More good news for trump: Isis was just defeated at their last stronghold.
Yes. ISIS and Mueller go down on same week.
Victory indeed.
Snowflakes are melting everywhere lol.
Stop being like this @mcgruff10. It should be beneath you.
Dude it is hilarious.
No it's not. But now I guess I know where your head is at. ZZZ.
The last thing this country needs is a two year long trial. Let’s now move past this witch hunt and tackle the problems we have.
Like monthly... no... weekly active shooter drills in high schools?
This post seemed a bit like mocking to me... maybe a stretch in hindsight... but maybe as a real american, that actually has a little experience with gun violence, i take it a bit seriously sometimes.... some might understand the stretch when considering your track record of stereotyping, mocking, belittling, and juvenile playground name calling of Americans on a DAILY basis... you think you're being funny, but you're really not
Where did I mock American kids getting murdered? I clearly pointed out the exemplary NZ response to their ‘one’ mass shooting. And then I mocked the US response to countless mass shootings (teach people how to do better in a mass murder situation).
Sorry. I know you think the US is the greatest country in the world- you’ve said it several times in the America is awesome thread. But the truth is...your country elects f**king idiots (“Let’s rake the forests!”) for its president.,, and routinely fails its youth among a whole bunch of other things.
So... yah.
That's ALL you do is mock America, maybe have some taste and draw the line at schoolhouse slaughters? Or just get a new schtick, it's stale
More good news for trump: Isis was just defeated at their last stronghold.
Yes. ISIS and Mueller go down on same week.
Victory indeed.
Snowflakes are melting everywhere lol.
Stop being like this @mcgruff10. It should be beneath you.
Dude it is hilarious.
No it's not. But now I guess I know where your head is at. ZZZ.
The last thing this country needs is a two year long trial. Let’s now move past this witch hunt and tackle the problems we have.
Like monthly... no... weekly active shooter drills in high schools?
This post seemed a bit like mocking to me... maybe a stretch in hindsight... but maybe as a real american, that actually has a little experience with gun violence, i take it a bit seriously sometimes.... some might understand the stretch when considering your track record of stereotyping, mocking, belittling, and juvenile playground name calling of Americans on a DAILY basis... you think you're being funny, but you're really not
We need civility, not playground bullying
canadians hate America, and Americans. they can't hide it.
More good news for trump: Isis was just defeated at their last stronghold.
Yes. ISIS and Mueller go down on same week.
Victory indeed.
Snowflakes are melting everywhere lol.
Stop being like this @mcgruff10. It should be beneath you.
Dude it is hilarious.
No it's not. But now I guess I know where your head is at. ZZZ.
The last thing this country needs is a two year long trial. Let’s now move past this witch hunt and tackle the problems we have.
Like monthly... no... weekly active shooter drills in high schools?
This post seemed a bit like mocking to me... maybe a stretch in hindsight... but maybe as a real american, that actually has a little experience with gun violence, i take it a bit seriously sometimes.... some might understand the stretch when considering your track record of stereotyping, mocking, belittling, and juvenile playground name calling of Americans on a DAILY basis... you think you're being funny, but you're really not
We need civility, not playground bullying
canadians hate America, and Americans. they can't hide it.
Simply not true.
I'll respond to My2 and you with this post. If you also look at my posting history (My2)... particularly in the gun threads... you'll note a consistent and long pattern of encouragement for gun reform- all in the interest of public safety. If I didn't give two shits (or hated Americans, Rusty), I'd say nothing. I'd post in the Pizza Thread and the Other Music threads (given there's nothing to post about PJ) and vote on the shittiest song of the album thread and remain unconcerned with America and what seems to be an unravelling at the moment.
I think the Americans on this thread are fantastic (outside of a couple to be honest). I think the Americans I have met in the US have been fantastic. Even the Republican god fearing ones would give you the shirt off their back after meeting them.
I don't post here to impress anyone. I'm not looking to get cheap laughs and couldn't care less what people think of my opinion. When I take aim at the sector of the US that needs improvements, I choose to take my shots as I please. I could be more direct, but that would likely lead to a banning and I like to be a little more colorful.
Maybe things have gotten stale for me around here? You'll have to forgive me if they have- it's been the same issues for 10 years that I've been here. There's nothing really 'fresh' to add.
I'm sorry I've agitated you My2. Rusty... not so much lol (but I hardly think you're a bad person).
More good news for trump: Isis was just defeated at their last stronghold.
Yes. ISIS and Mueller go down on same week.
Victory indeed.
Snowflakes are melting everywhere lol.
Stop being like this @mcgruff10. It should be beneath you.
Dude it is hilarious.
No it's not. But now I guess I know where your head is at. ZZZ.
The last thing this country needs is a two year long trial. Let’s now move past this witch hunt and tackle the problems we have.
Like monthly... no... weekly active shooter drills in high schools?
This post seemed a bit like mocking to me... maybe a stretch in hindsight... but maybe as a real american, that actually has a little experience with gun violence, i take it a bit seriously sometimes.... some might understand the stretch when considering your track record of stereotyping, mocking, belittling, and juvenile playground name calling of Americans on a DAILY basis... you think you're being funny, but you're really not
We need civility, not playground bullying
canadians hate America, and Americans. they can't hide it.
Simply not true.
I'll respond to My2 and you with this post. If you also look at my posting history (My2)... particularly in the gun threads... you'll note a consistent and long pattern of encouragement for gun reform- all in the interest of public safety. If I didn't give two shits (or hated Americans, Rusty), I'd say nothing. I'd post in the Pizza Thread and the Other Music threads (given there's nothing to post about PJ) and vote on the shittiest song of the album thread and remain unconcerned with America and what seems to be an unravelling at the moment.
I think the Americans on this thread are fantastic (outside of a couple to be honest). I think the Americans I have met in the US have been fantastic. Even the Republican god fearing ones would give you the shirt off their back after meeting them.
I don't post here to impress anyone. I'm not looking to get cheap laughs and couldn't care less what people think of my opinion. When I take aim at the sector of the US that needs improvements, I choose to take my shots as I please. I could be more direct, but that would likely lead to a banning and I like to be a little more colorful.
Maybe things have gotten stale for me around here? You'll have to forgive me if they have- it's been the same issues for 10 years that I've been here. There's nothing really 'fresh' to add.
I'm sorry I've agitated you My2. Rusty... not so much lol (but I hardly think you're a bad person).
don't flatter yourself, you haven't agitated me. and i really don't care what kind of person you think i am. HUUURNHNT HUURNNT
More good news for trump: Isis was just defeated at their last stronghold.
Yes. ISIS and Mueller go down on same week.
Victory indeed.
Snowflakes are melting everywhere lol.
Stop being like this @mcgruff10. It should be beneath you.
Dude it is hilarious.
No it's not. But now I guess I know where your head is at. ZZZ.
The last thing this country needs is a two year long trial. Let’s now move past this witch hunt and tackle the problems we have.
Like monthly... no... weekly active shooter drills in high schools?
This post seemed a bit like mocking to me... maybe a stretch in hindsight... but maybe as a real american, that actually has a little experience with gun violence, i take it a bit seriously sometimes.... some might understand the stretch when considering your track record of stereotyping, mocking, belittling, and juvenile playground name calling of Americans on a DAILY basis... you think you're being funny, but you're really not
We need civility, not playground bullying
canadians hate America, and Americans. they can't hide it.
Simply not true.
I'll respond to My2 and you with this post. If you also look at my posting history (My2)... particularly in the gun threads... you'll note a consistent and long pattern of encouragement for gun reform- all in the interest of public safety. If I didn't give two shits (or hated Americans, Rusty), I'd say nothing. I'd post in the Pizza Thread and the Other Music threads (given there's nothing to post about PJ) and vote on the shittiest song of the album thread and remain unconcerned with America and what seems to be an unravelling at the moment.
I think the Americans on this thread are fantastic (outside of a couple to be honest). I think the Americans I have met in the US have been fantastic. Even the Republican god fearing ones would give you the shirt off their back after meeting them.
I don't post here to impress anyone. I'm not looking to get cheap laughs and couldn't care less what people think of my opinion. When I take aim at the sector of the US that needs improvements, I choose to take my shots as I please. I could be more direct, but that would likely lead to a banning and I like to be a little more colorful.
Maybe things have gotten stale for me around here? You'll have to forgive me if they have- it's been the same issues for 10 years that I've been here. There's nothing really 'fresh' to add.
I'm sorry I've agitated you My2. Rusty... not so much lol (but I hardly think you're a bad person).
don't flatter yourself, you haven't agitated me. and i really don't care what kind of person you think i am. HUUURNHNT HUURNNT
It is much but I do wonder how a few other posters would have done had Trump been indicted?
I hope everyone realizes that this is not the only investigation going on. I wouldn’t celebrate too much right now whether you’re pro-Trump or anti-Trump. Just my take.
The fact of the matter is that Russia hack the elections and the Baffoon has done zero to make sure our next elections are not compromised absolutely zero I ask everyone of you Constitutionalists here why are you ok with it ?
“It also does not exonerate him.” You’ve got 4 pages from Team Trump Treason’s appointees and the determination that there was no obstruction of justice is murky as AG Barr and Rosenstein made that decision. Why? I look forward to the full report being released.
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
You still purposely try and twist my words to somehow demonize me. At no point have I even remotely mocked schoolhouse slaughters. One last time for the resident genius... I mocked your country’s pathetic response to them.
In another post... you talked about how population is a factor. That’s tantamount to the able bodied unemployed bum offering excuses why he can’t go get a job (too far... not great in the morning... I heard that company sucks... etc.). Weak.
Further... you talked about ‘knee jerk reactions’. Dear gawd man. You think an appropriate response to routine mass murder by a gunman in the US would be a knee jerk reaction? Can I go “hahahhahahahhahhaha” without you thinking I’m mocking dead children? Can you establish that I’d be laughing at you? Is it worded clearly enough? Maybe fresh enough so that it’s not stale?
Guns aren’t going anywhere either. In all honesty, I’d feel safer with my kids going to a fortified school if they were attending school in the US.
Guns don’t make their way into Disneyland. Let’s make sure they don’t make their way into the school system. Tax the shit out of guns and ammunition and make the users pay for the heightened security across your land.
Passing time before "the report" is good, but there is a robust thread for"guns" here?
Im awaiting explanation here for the nearly 2 days (one day for each hand) waiting for a supposedly "clean" report completely exonerating POTUS.
And two days with zero Russia tweets from him.
WTF, if it's clean, released the damnned thing. This is not about someone's email server, it's about wtf Russia did to our election.
We need civility, not playground bullying
Simply not true.
I'll respond to My2 and you with this post. If you also look at my posting history (My2)... particularly in the gun threads... you'll note a consistent and long pattern of encouragement for gun reform- all in the interest of public safety. If I didn't give two shits (or hated Americans, Rusty), I'd say nothing. I'd post in the Pizza Thread and the Other Music threads (given there's nothing to post about PJ) and vote on the shittiest song of the album thread and remain unconcerned with America and what seems to be an unravelling at the moment.
I think the Americans on this thread are fantastic (outside of a couple to be honest). I think the Americans I have met in the US have been fantastic. Even the Republican god fearing ones would give you the shirt off their back after meeting them.
I don't post here to impress anyone. I'm not looking to get cheap laughs and couldn't care less what people think of my opinion. When I take aim at the sector of the US that needs improvements, I choose to take my shots as I please. I could be more direct, but that would likely lead to a banning and I like to be a little more colorful.
Maybe things have gotten stale for me around here? You'll have to forgive me if they have- it's been the same issues for 10 years that I've been here. There's nothing really 'fresh' to add.
I'm sorry I've agitated you My2. Rusty... not so much lol (but I hardly think you're a bad person).
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.