More good news for trump: Isis was just defeated at their last stronghold.
Yes. ISIS and Mueller go down on same week.
Victory indeed.
Snowflakes are melting everywhere lol.
Stop being like this @mcgruff10. It should be beneath you.
Dude it is hilarious.
You're sounding like the base. These guys: We don't care about the country as long as liberals are upset.
When liberals are upset it generally means the country is moving in the right direction.
Best day ever. Does the report make mention of climate change? seems like some of our greatest liberal and super tolerant posters might be a little hot today. BS44325 you are well on your game. Happy PDJT Day.
More good news for trump: Isis was just defeated at their last stronghold.
Yes. ISIS and Mueller go down on same week.
Victory indeed.
Snowflakes are melting everywhere lol.
Stop being like this @mcgruff10. It should be beneath you.
Dude it is hilarious.
You're sounding like the base. These guys: We don't care about the country as long as liberals are upset.
When liberals are upset it generally means the country is moving in the right direction.
Best day ever. Does the report make mention of climate change? seems like some of our greatest liberal and super tolerant posters might be a little hot today. BS44325 you are well on your game. Happy PDJT Day.
Since you have obviously read the report already can you fill us in with a little more detail?
If Don Trump had any brains AT ALL, he would just lay low for 3 days. Make absolutely zero statements, just zip it. Go to church on Sunday, get in 36 holes, maybe have dinner on the patio, fly back to Andrews that night and keep it zipped. Nothing about the Jews, nothing about how great Sean Hannity is, nothing about SNL, nothing about how he's such a victim.
So are we looking at indictments over the fraudulent dossier?
More of the “fraudulent” dossier has been proven true than less. Who should be indicted?
I’m parroting MAGAs...their take on the McCain kerfuffle. They say he was part of that and tried to unseat a duly-elected president; Treason. Truthfully, I know nothing about the dossier so I wanted to bounce this off the board.
McCain was involved in the bipartisan effort to take Trump down. The dossier was the tool. It was assembled, laundered, recycled and distributed by multiple to make it seem like it was a set of corroborated sources. It was a fraud that only those like Halifax still believe. It was used to obtain FISA warrants even when some in the DOJ objected. It was used to spy on a candidate. It was used to hamstring an unexpected and unwanted President. It was used to trigger a Special Counsel. It’s all coming out.
Point out what in the dossier is fraudulent
That Michael Cohen went to Prague to meet with the Russians....
Funny how the media, and my progressive friends completely ignored that part of his recent testimony they were drooling over
These idiots, coupled with the fakenews media bullshit hype machine, just handed him re-election.... when i said this was coming a few months ago i was treated like a moron and enemy of the state in here.... you can all eat crow
These idiots, coupled with the fakenews media bullshit hype machine, just handed him re-election.... when i said this was coming a few months ago i was treated like a moron and enemy of the state in here.... you can all eat crow
A total fucking dud
I would be very surprised if Trump was not re-elected.
Economy is booming
And the new face of the Democratic party is tweeting about cows farting.
Take me piece by piece..... Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
These idiots, coupled with the fakenews media bullshit hype machine, just handed him re-election.... when i said this was coming a few months ago i was treated like a moron and enemy of the state in here.... you can all eat crow
I’ll be voting for who ever is running against the Baffoon that’s all I can do and rest at night that I don’t support a crooked idiot for president , it’s all about the economy for a large % of the population that is to eager to vote for him and he will be re-elected but I’d rather be on the opposing team ...
These idiots, coupled with the fakenews media bullshit hype machine, just handed him re-election.... when i said this was coming a few months ago i was treated like a moron and enemy of the state in here.... you can all eat crow
A total fucking dud
couldn't agree more.
"Mostly I think that people react sensitively because they know you’ve got a point"
So are we looking at indictments over the fraudulent dossier?
More of the “fraudulent” dossier has been proven true than less. Who should be indicted?
I’m parroting MAGAs...their take on the McCain kerfuffle. They say he was part of that and tried to unseat a duly-elected president; Treason. Truthfully, I know nothing about the dossier so I wanted to bounce this off the board.
McCain was involved in the bipartisan effort to take Trump down. The dossier was the tool. It was assembled, laundered, recycled and distributed by multiple to make it seem like it was a set of corroborated sources. It was a fraud that only those like Halifax still believe. It was used to obtain FISA warrants even when some in the DOJ objected. It was used to spy on a candidate. It was used to hamstring an unexpected and unwanted President. It was used to trigger a Special Counsel. It’s all coming out.
The appointment of a special counsel was triggered by the firing of James Comey. Please stick to the facts. Which, if the following were true,
“There was no collusion.”
”I don’t know any Russians.” ”I have nothing to hide.” ”I’ll sit down and talk to anyone.” ”We do everything by the book.”
“Only the guilty plea the fifth.”
“Very legal, very cool.”
Follow the money, from Russia with love and a PTape, all the way to impeachment.
Why would you fire the director of the FBI?
ps: Team Trump Treason never “sat down and talked to anyone.”
You fire the director of the FBI when he or she is doing a shitty job. He was too busy participating in coups in order to protect the FISA abuses of his upper brass instead of working to serve the citizenry. He lost the plot and lost the confidence of his employer.
No assumptions baked into this statement.. sticking to the facts, are ya?
Yes. Facts that have been reported. Where it goes from here nobody knows. The IG is working on it.
So it's factual that Comey wad attempting a coup. And his other motivation was to protect the brass. These are factual statements.
Yes. He testified to it in June of 2017 when he discussed he leaked FBI memos to a friend who then passed it on to the NY Times in order to trigger a special counsel investigation. You see he and others signed off on a fraudulent FISA application against Carter Page in order to weaponize the intelligence community against a political opponent. With Trump’s unexpected election that was going to be discovered. Comey was in to deep. Many were. They needed to force Trump’s removal in order to protect themselves. They failed. Now they are being exposed.
So why did he release the email memo a week before election? Was theat a clever head fake, or his he just bad at diabolical strategies? Also, none of the events prove your crackpot theory. Your abandonment of conservative principles has led to the adoption of Trumpian conspiracy mongering.
At this stage most still thought Trump would lose. Comey included. The memo was released to protect himself and clear the deck for Hillary going forward. You see some in the FBI were outraged about the handling of the Hillary investigation and the newly discovered Weiner laptop. Comey wanted to get ahead of this prior to the incoming Clinton administration. If it came up after her election he can claim it was already investigated. Clinton could claim the public had this information and voted for her anyway. Everybody thought she would win.
You read way too much Jon Solomon. He can take any event and attempt to spin it into a coup d'etat narrative. At one point I thought you were a principled conservative, but you've got onboard like the rest of them. I suggest you read more, Goldberg, Dreher and Sullivan, rather than McCarthy and Solomon.
I’ll be voting for who ever is running against the Baffoon
I don't see how anyone wouldn't. You must be a total idiot to vote for him instead of "literally anyone else" - even if you were fooled in 2016 because you're dumb, now you've seen him in power.
"Mostly I think that people react sensitively because they know you’ve got a point"
More good news for trump: Isis was just defeated at their last stronghold.
Yes. ISIS and Mueller go down on same week.
Victory indeed.
Snowflakes are melting everywhere lol.
Stop being like this @mcgruff10. It should be beneath you.
Dude it is hilarious.
You're sounding like the base. These guys: We don't care about the country as long as liberals are upset.
When liberals are upset it generally means the country is moving in the right direction.
Because the liberals had it completely wrong on Civil Rights, Gay rights, healthcare, etc. Conservatives nailed it on trickle down economics and that cutting taxes leads to exploding growth. I mean, we really killed it last year in GDP and 2019 looks even better, right?
He's remarkably unqualified for the job he has. Staggeringly unqualified. His enablers should all be voted the eff out.
Nothing would make me happier than to see fatass dragged across the MarALago patio, in cuffs by some over enthusiastic FBI agent, in ANY DIRECTION. Do I think that will happen? I have my doubts.
I do know that next week is gonna suck hard for Don Trump.
These idiots, coupled with the fakenews media bullshit hype machine, just handed him re-election.... when i said this was coming a few months ago i was treated like a moron and enemy of the state in here.... you can all eat crow
A total fucking dud
A friend of mine suggested you pump your brakes. just give em a tap.
Personally, it would be nice if the entire report was made public...but for national security reasons (cough, cough), a very water down report will be released, leaving everyone to speculate for 2 more years...
That is FANTASTIC!!!
Thank you for putting a smile on my face this morning.
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Go to church on Sunday, get in 36 holes, maybe have dinner on the patio, fly back to Andrews that night and keep it zipped.
Nothing about the Jews, nothing about how great Sean Hannity is, nothing about SNL, nothing about how he's such a victim.
Everybody knows it.
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
What a witch hunt :O
Funny how the media, and my progressive friends completely ignored that part of his recent testimony they were drooling over
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
A total fucking dud
I would be very surprised if Trump was not re-elected.
Economy is booming
And the new face of the Democratic party is tweeting about cows farting.
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
A total fucking dud
couldn't agree more.
He's remarkably unqualified for the job he has. Staggeringly unqualified. His enablers should all be voted the eff out.
Nothing would make me happier than to see fatass dragged across the MarALago patio, in cuffs by some over enthusiastic FBI agent, in ANY DIRECTION. Do I think that will happen? I have my doubts.
I do know that next week is gonna suck hard for Don Trump.
You can do whatever you want though.