So are we looking at indictments over the fraudulent dossier?
More of the “fraudulent” dossier has been proven true than less. Who should be indicted?
I’m parroting MAGAs...their take on the McCain kerfuffle. They say he was part of that and tried to unseat a duly-elected president; Treason. Truthfully, I know nothing about the dossier so I wanted to bounce this off the board.
McCain was involved in the bipartisan effort to take Trump down. The dossier was the tool. It was assembled, laundered, recycled and distributed by multiple to make it seem like it was a set of corroborated sources. It was a fraud that only those like Halifax still believe. It was used to obtain FISA warrants even when some in the DOJ objected. It was used to spy on a candidate. It was used to hamstring an unexpected and unwanted President. It was used to trigger a Special Counsel. It’s all coming out.
The appointment of a special counsel was triggered by the firing of James Comey. Please stick to the facts. Which, if the following were true,
“There was no collusion.”
”I don’t know any Russians.” ”I have nothing to hide.” ”I’ll sit down and talk to anyone.” ”We do everything by the book.”
“Only the guilty plea the fifth.”
“Very legal, very cool.”
Follow the money, from Russia with love and a PTape, all the way to impeachment.
Why would you fire the director of the FBI?
ps: Team Trump Treason never “sat down and talked to anyone.”
You fire the director of the FBI when he or she is doing a shitty job. He was too busy participating in coups in order to protect the FISA abuses of his upper brass instead of working to serve the citizenry. He lost the plot and lost the confidence of his employer.
So you admit that the firing of Comey lead to the appointment of special counsel Mueller and not the Steele Dossier?
Further, repubs have been strangely silent as well. No elected repub members of Congress making statements, of any kind. Maybe on Faux News? My cable package doesn’t include it so, what are repubs saying?
7 hours since the last Team Trump Treason Tweet. Team Mueller’s report was released 6 hours ago and nary a word. Strange. Odd. Damning.
Jeez, good thing you're not a prosecutor or an investigator since you'd consider some dumbass not tweeting for six hours to be "damning."
It kills you knowing that someone (Barr) is already reading it and you're still in the dark doesn't it?
No, not at all. What I find interesting is that the most prolific Tweeter the Oval Office has ever seen is strangely quiet when they’ve been claiming for two years that it’s a witch hunt, no collusion, etc. radio silence now? You’re kidding me, right. No worries, I’m patient. Remember, it’s a witch hunt.
Keep in mind, every avenue that was investigated was legitimate and authorized by Rosenstein and stamped with approval by AG Barr and Team Mueller ran a by the book investigation as opposed to those Benghazi hearings and the other repub house farces. Remember nunes’ Midnight run and spicer baby in the bushes?
So are we looking at indictments over the fraudulent dossier?
More of the “fraudulent” dossier has been proven true than less. Who should be indicted?
Haaaa. You still going? Hilarious.
Care to answer the question? At least I didn’t run away and hide when things looked tough. So, you going to stick around and up for Team Trump Treason?
The silence is, in a way, deafening. Pass me some fruit from the poisonous tree, please.
Things have never looked tough. Not once.
You still haven’t answered the question, who would you indict for the Steele Dossier and on what charges?
I would start with those who signed off on and/or presented it to the FISA court as a justification to obtain domestic spying warrants on American citizens. Make a false declaration to a judge is a big no-no. It was just reported today that DOJ National Security Division assitant attorney general Stuart Evans opposed the use of the dossier for obtaining a FISA warrant due to the bias of it’s author and the fact it was unverified. Page and Stzrok pushed back on that and text messages revealed that this argument went all the way to the White House who interestingly enough previously denied ever being involved in the FISA warrant discussion. So let’s start with that. Judges were misled. Let’s indict those who misled them and see who rats out whom.
And who are those individuals? With titles and roles? You seem to know but don’t.
7 hours since the last Team Trump Treason Tweet. Team Mueller’s report was released 6 hours ago and nary a word. Strange. Odd. Damning.
Jeez, good thing you're not a prosecutor or an investigator since you'd consider some dumbass not tweeting for six hours to be "damning."
It kills you knowing that someone (Barr) is already reading it and you're still in the dark doesn't it?
Oh come on, are you really trying to imply that you wouldn’t want to have an unredacted, unexpurgated copy of the report now? I call total bullshit on that
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
So are we looking at indictments over the fraudulent dossier?
More of the “fraudulent” dossier has been proven true than less. Who should be indicted?
I’m parroting MAGAs...their take on the McCain kerfuffle. They say he was part of that and tried to unseat a duly-elected president; Treason. Truthfully, I know nothing about the dossier so I wanted to bounce this off the board.
McCain was involved in the bipartisan effort to take Trump down. The dossier was the tool. It was assembled, laundered, recycled and distributed by multiple to make it seem like it was a set of corroborated sources. It was a fraud that only those like Halifax still believe. It was used to obtain FISA warrants even when some in the DOJ objected. It was used to spy on a candidate. It was used to hamstring an unexpected and unwanted President. It was used to trigger a Special Counsel. It’s all coming out.
President Donald Trump repeatedly asked then-FBI Director James Comey to drop an investigation into his former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn and to pledge his allegiance. He also brought up the subject of Russian “hookers.”
“He said he had nothing to do with Russia, had not been involved with hookers in Russia, and had always assumed he was being recorded when in Russia,” read just one startling section of Comey’s opening statement to the Senate Intelligence Committee, released Wednesday.
The comments allegedly came in a March 30 phone call Trump placed to Comey as he described the “cloud” that he said was impeding his ability to lead the country. The conversation took place two-and-a-half months after classified documents were presented to then-President Barack Obama and President-elect Trump featuring allegations that Russian operatives had highly compromising information on the Republican.
The report was based on memos from former British intelligence agent Christopher Steele, who once served in Moscow, on a report into Russian interference in the 2016 election. The veracity of the memos was not verified but quickly gained the title the “golden shower memos” because of one particularly salacious detail contained within them.
They describe videos taken of Trump in a Moscow hotel room in 2013 together with Russian prostitutes. And not just together with them but “employing a number of prostitutes to perform a ‘golden showers’ [urination] show in front of him," according to the memos.
And it didn’t end there. The act occurred in the presidential suite of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, where Trump was said to be aware that the president and first lady Michelle Obama had stayed on one of their official trips to Russia. The “[perverted] conduct” was said to be a deliberate act of “defiling” the bed on which the Obamas had slept.
Video of the incident was collected by Russian authorities, it is alleged, in order to obtain “kompromat,” or compromising material, in order to blackmail Trump down the line.
As well as the salacious details, the memos also contained allegations of deals struck with Russian officials that could constitute bribes as well as several meetings with Russian officials during the 2016 campaign.
In his first press conference as president-elect, Trump denied the allegations, particularly referencing the “golden showers” episode.
“I'm also very much of a germaphobe, by the way. Believe me.”
Sean Hannity's opening monologue from last night (03222019) is ESSENTIAL viewing. You should Google that shit.
I just googled the word "shit" First response was in regards to the currently elected president Second was about Sean Hannity Third was supporters of the currently elected president
So are we looking at indictments over the fraudulent dossier?
More of the “fraudulent” dossier has been proven true than less. Who should be indicted?
I’m parroting MAGAs...their take on the McCain kerfuffle. They say he was part of that and tried to unseat a duly-elected president; Treason. Truthfully, I know nothing about the dossier so I wanted to bounce this off the board.
McCain was involved in the bipartisan effort to take Trump down. The dossier was the tool. It was assembled, laundered, recycled and distributed by multiple to make it seem like it was a set of corroborated sources. It was a fraud that only those like Halifax still believe. It was used to obtain FISA warrants even when some in the DOJ objected. It was used to spy on a candidate. It was used to hamstring an unexpected and unwanted President. It was used to trigger a Special Counsel. It’s all coming out.
The appointment of a special counsel was triggered by the firing of James Comey. Please stick to the facts. Which, if the following were true,
“There was no collusion.”
”I don’t know any Russians.” ”I have nothing to hide.” ”I’ll sit down and talk to anyone.” ”We do everything by the book.”
“Only the guilty plea the fifth.”
“Very legal, very cool.”
Follow the money, from Russia with love and a PTape, all the way to impeachment.
Why would you fire the director of the FBI?
ps: Team Trump Treason never “sat down and talked to anyone.”
You fire the director of the FBI when he or she is doing a shitty job. He was too busy participating in coups in order to protect the FISA abuses of his upper brass instead of working to serve the citizenry. He lost the plot and lost the confidence of his employer.
No assumptions baked into this statement.. sticking to the facts, are ya?
Yes. Facts that have been reported. Where it goes from here nobody knows. The IG is working on it.
So it's factual that Comey wad attempting a coup. And his other motivation was to protect the brass. These are factual statements.
Yes. He testified to it in June of 2017 when he discussed he leaked FBI memos to a friend who then passed it on to the NY Times in order to trigger a special counsel investigation. You see he and others signed off on a fraudulent FISA application against Carter Page in order to weaponize the intelligence community against a political opponent. With Trump’s unexpected election that was going to be discovered. Comey was in to deep. Many were. They needed to force Trump’s removal in order to protect themselves. They failed. Now they are being exposed.
So are we looking at indictments over the fraudulent dossier?
More of the “fraudulent” dossier has been proven true than less. Who should be indicted?
I’m parroting MAGAs...their take on the McCain kerfuffle. They say he was part of that and tried to unseat a duly-elected president; Treason. Truthfully, I know nothing about the dossier so I wanted to bounce this off the board.
McCain was involved in the bipartisan effort to take Trump down. The dossier was the tool. It was assembled, laundered, recycled and distributed by multiple to make it seem like it was a set of corroborated sources. It was a fraud that only those like Halifax still believe. It was used to obtain FISA warrants even when some in the DOJ objected. It was used to spy on a candidate. It was used to hamstring an unexpected and unwanted President. It was used to trigger a Special Counsel. It’s all coming out.
The appointment of a special counsel was triggered by the firing of James Comey. Please stick to the facts. Which, if the following were true,
“There was no collusion.”
”I don’t know any Russians.” ”I have nothing to hide.” ”I’ll sit down and talk to anyone.” ”We do everything by the book.”
“Only the guilty plea the fifth.”
“Very legal, very cool.”
Follow the money, from Russia with love and a PTape, all the way to impeachment.
Why would you fire the director of the FBI?
ps: Team Trump Treason never “sat down and talked to anyone.”
You fire the director of the FBI when he or she is doing a shitty job. He was too busy participating in coups in order to protect the FISA abuses of his upper brass instead of working to serve the citizenry. He lost the plot and lost the confidence of his employer.
So you admit that the firing of Comey lead to the appointment of special counsel Mueller and not the Steele Dossier?
It all goes hand in hand. One leads to the other. Dossier fabrication. FISA abuse and domestic spying. Leaks of laundered and fraudulent material to hamstring and take down a President. FBI agents entraping Presidential associates in process crimes. DOJ and FBI lying to a President’s face while leaking opposite info to the media. Comey’s plan was intelligent...tie up and lie to the president, force him to act, trigger a special counsel, get the participants of FISA abuse to join the Special Counsel’s team.
So are we looking at indictments over the fraudulent dossier?
More of the “fraudulent” dossier has been proven true than less. Who should be indicted?
I’m parroting MAGAs...their take on the McCain kerfuffle. They say he was part of that and tried to unseat a duly-elected president; Treason. Truthfully, I know nothing about the dossier so I wanted to bounce this off the board.
McCain was involved in the bipartisan effort to take Trump down. The dossier was the tool. It was assembled, laundered, recycled and distributed by multiple to make it seem like it was a set of corroborated sources. It was a fraud that only those like Halifax still believe. It was used to obtain FISA warrants even when some in the DOJ objected. It was used to spy on a candidate. It was used to hamstring an unexpected and unwanted President. It was used to trigger a Special Counsel. It’s all coming out.
The appointment of a special counsel was triggered by the firing of James Comey. Please stick to the facts. Which, if the following were true,
“There was no collusion.”
”I don’t know any Russians.” ”I have nothing to hide.” ”I’ll sit down and talk to anyone.” ”We do everything by the book.”
“Only the guilty plea the fifth.”
“Very legal, very cool.”
Follow the money, from Russia with love and a PTape, all the way to impeachment.
Why would you fire the director of the FBI?
ps: Team Trump Treason never “sat down and talked to anyone.”
You fire the director of the FBI when he or she is doing a shitty job. He was too busy participating in coups in order to protect the FISA abuses of his upper brass instead of working to serve the citizenry. He lost the plot and lost the confidence of his employer.
So you admit that the firing of Comey lead to the appointment of special counsel Mueller and not the Steele Dossier?
It all goes hand in hand. One leads to the other. Dossier fabrication. FISA abuse and domestic spying. Leaks of laundered and fraudulent material to hamstring and take down a President. FBI agents entraping Presidential associates in process crimes. DOJ and FBI lying to a President’s face while leaking opposite info to the media. Comey’s plan was intelligent...tie up and lie to the president, force him to act, trigger a special counsel, get the participants of FISA abuse to join the Special Counsel’s team.
7 hours since the last Team Trump Treason Tweet. Team Mueller’s report was released 6 hours ago and nary a word. Strange. Odd. Damning.
Trump is too media savy to comment. He knows better then to get in the way of a mainstream media meltdown. Never interrupt Rachel Maddow while she’s crying.
Still the most corrupt president ever BS and all his supporters can believe what ever they want the Baffoon is a crook every single inch of his fat body !
So are we looking at indictments over the fraudulent dossier?
More of the “fraudulent” dossier has been proven true than less. Who should be indicted?
I’m parroting MAGAs...their take on the McCain kerfuffle. They say he was part of that and tried to unseat a duly-elected president; Treason. Truthfully, I know nothing about the dossier so I wanted to bounce this off the board.
McCain was involved in the bipartisan effort to take Trump down. The dossier was the tool. It was assembled, laundered, recycled and distributed by multiple to make it seem like it was a set of corroborated sources. It was a fraud that only those like Halifax still believe. It was used to obtain FISA warrants even when some in the DOJ objected. It was used to spy on a candidate. It was used to hamstring an unexpected and unwanted President. It was used to trigger a Special Counsel. It’s all coming out.
The appointment of a special counsel was triggered by the firing of James Comey. Please stick to the facts. Which, if the following were true,
“There was no collusion.”
”I don’t know any Russians.” ”I have nothing to hide.” ”I’ll sit down and talk to anyone.” ”We do everything by the book.”
“Only the guilty plea the fifth.”
“Very legal, very cool.”
Follow the money, from Russia with love and a PTape, all the way to impeachment.
Why would you fire the director of the FBI?
ps: Team Trump Treason never “sat down and talked to anyone.”
You fire the director of the FBI when he or she is doing a shitty job. He was too busy participating in coups in order to protect the FISA abuses of his upper brass instead of working to serve the citizenry. He lost the plot and lost the confidence of his employer.
So you admit that the firing of Comey lead to the appointment of special counsel Mueller and not the Steele Dossier?
It all goes hand in hand. One leads to the other. Dossier fabrication. FISA abuse and domestic spying. Leaks of laundered and fraudulent material to hamstring and take down a President. FBI agents entraping Presidential associates in process crimes. DOJ and FBI lying to a President’s face while leaking opposite info to the media. Comey’s plan was intelligent...tie up and lie to the president, force him to act, trigger a special counsel, get the participants of FISA abuse to join the Special Counsel’s team.
So you read the report ?
This won’t be covered in the report. It will be in the IG report to come. Most is publicly available already. Interesting though that nobody mentioned in the dossier was charged with anything related to it. Carter Page? No charges. The President? No charges. Michael Cohen? Charges but zero to do with the dossier. Also...he wasn’t in Prague either.
Still the most corrupt president ever BS and all his supporters can believe what ever they want the Baffoon is a crook every single inch of his fat body !
No evidence for this statement. It’s just your feelings. You hate him. I get it.
There is nothing more corrupt then spying on a political opponent. It wasn’t Trump who did that.
So are we looking at indictments over the fraudulent dossier?
More of the “fraudulent” dossier has been proven true than less. Who should be indicted?
Haaaa. You still going? Hilarious.
lol and here you are blowing your Baffoon horn and yet we still have the SDNY investigations still going , please tell us how those are going to end ?
Unknown but the SDNY must be responsive to Barr. He will make sure they act appropriately.
He can’t stop those investigations and any counterintelligence findings from the Muller report have to be given to congress in its entirety period none can be held back ..there’s plenty more to come don’t go parading through the streets
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
It kills you knowing that someone (Barr) is already reading it and you're still in the dark doesn't it?
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
We Don’t Need to Read the Mueller Report
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
He's SO guilty.
Russian prostitute: Putin is right about us being the best
President Donald Trump repeatedly asked then-FBI Director James Comey to drop an investigation into his former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn and to pledge his allegiance. He also brought up the subject of Russian “hookers.”
“He said he had nothing to do with Russia, had not been involved with hookers in Russia, and had always assumed he was being recorded when in Russia,” read just one startling section of Comey’s opening statement to the Senate Intelligence Committee, released Wednesday.
The comments allegedly came in a March 30 phone call Trump placed to Comey as he described the “cloud” that he said was impeding his ability to lead the country. The conversation took place two-and-a-half months after classified documents were presented to then-President Barack Obama and President-elect Trump featuring allegations that Russian operatives had highly compromising information on the Republican.
The report was based on memos from former British intelligence agent Christopher Steele, who once served in Moscow, on a report into Russian interference in the 2016 election. The veracity of the memos was not verified but quickly gained the title the “golden shower memos” because of one particularly salacious detail contained within them.
They describe videos taken of Trump in a Moscow hotel room in 2013 together with Russian prostitutes. And not just together with them but “employing a number of prostitutes to perform a ‘golden showers’ [urination] show in front of him," according to the memos.
And it didn’t end there. The act occurred in the presidential suite of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, where Trump was said to be aware that the president and first lady Michelle Obama had stayed on one of their official trips to Russia. The “[perverted] conduct” was said to be a deliberate act of “defiling” the bed on which the Obamas had slept.
Video of the incident was collected by Russian authorities, it is alleged, in order to obtain “kompromat,” or compromising material, in order to blackmail Trump down the line.
As well as the salacious details, the memos also contained allegations of deals struck with Russian officials that could constitute bribes as well as several meetings with Russian officials during the 2016 campaign.In his first press conference as president-elect, Trump denied the allegations, particularly referencing the “golden showers” episode.
“I'm also very much of a germaphobe, by the way. Believe me.”
First response was in regards to the currently elected president
Second was about Sean Hannity
Third was supporters of the currently elected president
There is nothing more corrupt then spying on a political opponent. It wasn’t Trump who did that.