He's real low and, if still in office, will be running against someone immensely more popular than the person he ran against 3 years ago. These things matter greatly.
But, hey, if these democrats are good at anything, it's screwing up elections they should win. So....yeah don't assume things.
I'm not so sure about that. His opponent might be less loathsome than Hillary, but I'm not sure that nominee will be truly "popular" in a way that people will be energized and excited to vote for them. I wouldn't be surprised if the democratic nominee has a "John Kerry vibe" to him/her. And by that I mean "Ugh...I am in no way excited to vote for this person, but I have to because I don't want to vote for Bush." That's how I was in 2004. That's how I was in 2016. And more than likely, that's how I'll be in 2020: "Fine, Bernie/Biden/Warren/Harris/Whoever, I'll vote for you but just because Trump is awful." While that may be enough to get my vote, I'm not sure about the electorate at large.
My point is even if someone has a "John Kerry vibe" ---just merely the fact that he or she won't be Hillary Fucking Clinton means that person will be way more popular....and will be running against the most unpopular president ever (or one of, depending on what day you check his numbers).
You cannot stress enough how much baggage she had/has and how deeply people despised both her and her husband for 25 years prior to running in '16. Nobody else can come close to that.
She got the third-most votes ever in a U.S. presidential election behind only Obama's two wins. She had a lot of baggage, but also a lot of resources like experience, an enormous amount of money that none of the 2020 democrats will likely be able to raise, and she was married to a popular president. For how unlikeable she was, she had a lot of good stuff going for her too. I can't fathom Kamala Harris or Elizabeth Warren doing as well as her. Even Biden and Sanders' time might have come and gone with the democrats, though I'd have more faith in them against Trump than I would any of the others.
See, I think what you say here supports my argument. Think about it: the most unlikable candidate got the third most votes in this country's history because she was running against someone equally or more so unlikable. Whoever the dems nominate will be immensely more popular than Hillary Clinton and won't have an ounce of her baggage.
The money and resources you mention are overblown because all of those resources and money will be put into whoever the nominee will be this year anyway. You think they will hold back with this fucking guy on the ballot after what happened in '16? Hell no. I'd argue the money and resources will be greater than before, only because Trump's had such a head start since he technically declared he was running the day he was inaugurated (or close to that---they've been raising money for two years).
There'll be plenty of fake baggage. I am sure it's well under development for everyone that's considering running.
Everyone has baggage. No one has close to the baggage that Hillary dragged around throughout her divisive 25 years of public service. Nothing will be remotely close to that.
Edit--oh you said "fake" baggage. Ha. Yeah, I am sure Russia is working overtime right now in preparation.
Do you not think the average American revels in all the unnecessary chaos they cause? They either revel or don't give it shit They need to feel what other countries feel. But they never will, they will continue to bully the world. Americans are very self-centred people. Their needs are what matters most. Just look at all the other really interesting topics that some people start here an hardly anyone looks at them...but we'll discuss 5 pages about Trump's weight. It is fucking hilarious. I wouldn't bet against most poster only being able to only find other countries on a map from the PJ shows they travel to.
Are you fucking kidding me? Apparently, you know all Americans better than we know ourselves. Give me a damn break.
He's real low and, if still in office, will be running against someone immensely more popular than the person he ran against 3 years ago. These things matter greatly.
But, hey, if these democrats are good at anything, it's screwing up elections they should win. So....yeah don't assume things.
I'm not so sure about that. His opponent might be less loathsome than Hillary, but I'm not sure that nominee will be truly "popular" in a way that people will be energized and excited to vote for them. I wouldn't be surprised if the democratic nominee has a "John Kerry vibe" to him/her. And by that I mean "Ugh...I am in no way excited to vote for this person, but I have to because I don't want to vote for Bush." That's how I was in 2004. That's how I was in 2016. And more than likely, that's how I'll be in 2020: "Fine, Bernie/Biden/Warren/Harris/Whoever, I'll vote for you but just because Trump is awful." While that may be enough to get my vote, I'm not sure about the electorate at large.
My point is even if someone has a "John Kerry vibe" ---just merely the fact that he or she won't be Hillary Fucking Clinton means that person will be way more popular....and will be running against the most unpopular president ever (or one of, depending on what day you check his numbers).
You cannot stress enough how much baggage she had/has and how deeply people despised both her and her husband for 25 years prior to running in '16. Nobody else can come close to that.
She got the third-most votes ever in a U.S. presidential election behind only Obama's two wins. She had a lot of baggage, but also a lot of resources like experience, an enormous amount of money that none of the 2020 democrats will likely be able to raise, and she was married to a popular president. For how unlikeable she was, she had a lot of good stuff going for her too. I can't fathom Kamala Harris or Elizabeth Warren doing as well as her. Even Biden and Sanders' time might have come and gone with the democrats, though I'd have more faith in them against Trump than I would any of the others.
See, I think what you say here supports my argument. Think about it: the most unlikable candidate got the third most votes in this country's history because she was running against someone equally or more so unlikable. Whoever the dems nominate will be immensely more popular than Hillary Clinton and won't have an ounce of her baggage.
The money and resources you mention are overblown because all of those resources and money will be put into whoever the nominee will be this year anyway. You think they will hold back with this fucking guy on the ballot after what happened in '16? Hell no. I'd argue the money and resources will be greater than before, only because Trump's had such a head start since he technically declared he was running the day he was inaugurated (or close to that---they've been raising money for two years).
There'll be plenty of fake baggage. I am sure it's well under development for everyone that's considering running.
Everyone has baggage. No one has close to the baggage that Hillary dragged around throughout her divisive 25 years of public service. Nothing will be remotely close to that.
Edit--oh you said "fake" baggage. Ha. Yeah, I am sure Russia is working overtime right now in preparation.
Whoever gets the dem nod will be found to suddenly have more baggage than Samsonite.
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
So in December he is losing to a generic candidate by 14 points...
In March that is down to 7 points... yeah, thats not exactly a good thing
I'm not sure what you achieve by constantly pointing out he is unpopular... he's been unpopular since he rode the escalator down... i sure hope the hubris we saw in 2016 doesn't come back, that shit killed us... i heard every day how far ahead Hillary was in the polls and that Trump had slim chances of winning... the last nbc/wsj poll has him at 47% with registered voters... that is after Cohen... so pardon me if i'm not on cruise control thinking this is in the bag
And the messenger was not mistaken, did you read the article? His numbers ticked up.... Also the only polls i'm concerned with are registered voters and likely voters, not concerned with generic polls
Hubris is the enemy
Okay. First of all, please don't take offense to what I am about to say. And please don't run to the moderator like the last time we disagreed. People can have discussion and disagree and still remain civil and not have to feel the need to run to a moderator and risk having a thread shut down just because they were proven wrong.
Dude you just cant help yourself... i try to play nice
I point out to the mods when you were dismissive, rude, passive aggressive, name call, attempt to talk down to me, or act like an ass in general... i could give AF if you disagree with me
some folks around here have no problem running to the mods in secret, i have chosen to do it right in your face, and don't care if it hurts your feelings, homie
This is a problem for Trump. Lordstown is a big plant in the Youngstown area that is heart of the blue collar Ohio. While I don't think Ohio is in play for Democrats, it's close enough to the PA border where it affects PA citizens. It also shows that capital will always gravitate to the lowest cost. Factory jobs will come back when they are robotic and run by engineers , not blue collar workers.
Sad. A few years ago seems everyone was getting away from suvs and buying a Cruze or other small compact car. Then gas prices went down now the trend has gone the other way. Just got a new Malibu and also have an Impala, which if I’m correct both those models are being discontinued as well. If GM is positioning themselves to invest and make more electric vehicles that’s a positive , but it sucks for those affected by the job loses.
Detroit 2000, Detroit 2003 1-2, Grand Rapids VFC 2004, Philly 2005, Grand Rapids 2006, Detroit 2006, Cleveland 2006, Lollapalooza 2007, Detroit Eddie Solo 2011, Detroit 2014, Chicago 2016 1-2, Chicago 2018 1-2, Ohana Encore 2021 1-2, Chicago Eddie/Earthlings 2022 1-2, Nashville 2022, St. Louis 2022
So in December he is losing to a generic candidate by 14 points...
In March that is down to 7 points... yeah, thats not exactly a good thing
I'm not sure what you achieve by constantly pointing out he is unpopular... he's been unpopular since he rode the escalator down... i sure hope the hubris we saw in 2016 doesn't come back, that shit killed us... i heard every day how far ahead Hillary was in the polls and that Trump had slim chances of winning... the last nbc/wsj poll has him at 47% with registered voters... that is after Cohen... so pardon me if i'm not on cruise control thinking this is in the bag
And the messenger was not mistaken, did you read the article? His numbers ticked up.... Also the only polls i'm concerned with are registered voters and likely voters, not concerned with generic polls
Hubris is the enemy
Okay. First of all, please don't take offense to what I am about to say. And please don't run to the moderator like the last time we disagreed. People can have discussion and disagree and still remain civil and not have to feel the need to run to a moderator and risk having a thread shut down just because they were proven wrong.
Dude you just cant help yourself... i try to play nice
I point out to the mods when you were dismissive, rude, passive aggressive, name call, attempt to talk down to me, or act like an ass in general... i could give AF if you disagree with me
some folks around here have no problem running to the mods in secret, i have chosen to do it right in your face, and don't care if it hurts your feelings, homie
After Trump took office, he expanded the use of drone strikes across the Middle East and in places like West Africa. The Trump administration expanded CIA’s drone mission in Niger and Libya after Obama had limited the agency’s involvement in lethal strikes, The New York Times reported in September.
After Trump took office, he expanded the use of drone strikes across the Middle East and in places like West Africa. The Trump administration expanded CIA’s drone mission in Niger and Libya after Obama had limited the agency’s involvement in lethal strikes, The New York Times reported in September.
I just waded through about 100 posts on polling to see if anyone else had posted about this. Fucking spineless assholes. Hiding behind the national security bullshit. This pisses me off more than anything, especially when we are claiming moral superiority over places we've deemed the enemy or terrorist threats. How can there even be talk of the despicable actions being carried out in other countries when our own government isn't willing to come clean on how many unintended casualties these strikes are causing? Accountability you shit birds. There's really only one reason not to release them, they're bad and would fuel the anti-American fire of certain terror cells. I just can't believe anybody would be ok with hiding this info. If this was happening on US soil, people would be fucking terrified and demanding answers.
This is a problem for Trump. Lordstown is a big plant in the Youngstown area that is heart of the blue collar Ohio. While I don't think Ohio is in play for Democrats, it's close enough to the PA border where it affects PA citizens. It also shows that capital will always gravitate to the lowest cost. Factory jobs will come back when they are robotic and run by engineers , not blue collar workers.
I’m not sure that Ohio isn’t in play as Team Trump Treason’s approval rating is down 20 points from January to January of last year, currently at 51%. If Kasich continues to speak out and tries to primary him, tariffs continue to crush farmers and large item manufacturers or voters start paying attention to the congressional hearings, investigations and realize they’re being conned, I can see Ohio flipping. Depends on the dem nominee but I’d also like to see the strength of the “anybody but Team Trump Treason” crowd. Regardless, too far from the election to be making bets. A lot can and will happen between now and then.
He's real low and, if still in office, will be running against someone immensely more popular than the person he ran against 3 years ago. These things matter greatly.
But, hey, if these democrats are good at anything, it's screwing up elections they should win. So....yeah don't assume things.
I'm not so sure about that. His opponent might be less loathsome than Hillary, but I'm not sure that nominee will be truly "popular" in a way that people will be energized and excited to vote for them. I wouldn't be surprised if the democratic nominee has a "John Kerry vibe" to him/her. And by that I mean "Ugh...I am in no way excited to vote for this person, but I have to because I don't want to vote for Bush." That's how I was in 2004. That's how I was in 2016. And more than likely, that's how I'll be in 2020: "Fine, Bernie/Biden/Warren/Harris/Whoever, I'll vote for you but just because Trump is awful." While that may be enough to get my vote, I'm not sure about the electorate at large.
My point is even if someone has a "John Kerry vibe" ---just merely the fact that he or she won't be Hillary Fucking Clinton means that person will be way more popular....and will be running against the most unpopular president ever (or one of, depending on what day you check his numbers).
You cannot stress enough how much baggage she had/has and how deeply people despised both her and her husband for 25 years prior to running in '16. Nobody else can come close to that.
She got the third-most votes ever in a U.S. presidential election behind only Obama's two wins. She had a lot of baggage, but also a lot of resources like experience, an enormous amount of money that none of the 2020 democrats will likely be able to raise, and she was married to a popular president. For how unlikeable she was, she had a lot of good stuff going for her too. I can't fathom Kamala Harris or Elizabeth Warren doing as well as her. Even Biden and Sanders' time might have come and gone with the democrats, though I'd have more faith in them against Trump than I would any of the others.
See, I think what you say here supports my argument. Think about it: the most unlikable candidate got the third most votes in this country's history because she was running against someone equally or more so unlikable. Whoever the dems nominate will be immensely more popular than Hillary Clinton and won't have an ounce of her baggage.
The money and resources you mention are overblown because all of those resources and money will be put into whoever the nominee will be this year anyway. You think they will hold back with this fucking guy on the ballot after what happened in '16? Hell no. I'd argue the money and resources will be greater than before, only because Trump's had such a head start since he technically declared he was running the day he was inaugurated (or close to that---they've been raising money for two years).
There'll be plenty of fake baggage. I am sure it's well under development for everyone that's considering running.
Everyone has baggage. No one has close to the baggage that Hillary dragged around throughout her divisive 25 years of public service. Nothing will be remotely close to that.
Edit--oh you said "fake" baggage. Ha. Yeah, I am sure Russia is working overtime right now in preparation.
Whoever gets the dem nod will be found to suddenly have more baggage than Samsonite.
But the baggage had to stick. They tried and tried to label Obama a socialist. Remember how Rs turned Saul Alinsky into a household name? Did it work? Did Obama ever lose?
Hillary was investigated by Congress for over five years. She never came up with a reasonable explanation for the emails. People may not have thought what she did was illegal, but clearly were not comfortable with how she explained herself.
Hillary also faced baggage no other candidate that I am familiar with had to face: a foreign military leaking her emails daily (which fed right in with the Hilary evil email narrative), the head of the FBI publicly commenting on an investigation with zero indictments including releasing that damning Comey letter a week before the election. Trump parading around Bill Clinton girlfriends at the debates, calling her a rape enabler.
That's not too say Hillary was a horrible candidate, she was, but to assume Biden will have this level of baggage and not know how to climb out of it is preposterous. Ok maybe not preposterous, but silly.
He's real low and, if still in office, will be running against someone immensely more popular than the person he ran against 3 years ago. These things matter greatly.
But, hey, if these democrats are good at anything, it's screwing up elections they should win. So....yeah don't assume things.
I'm not so sure about that. His opponent might be less loathsome than Hillary, but I'm not sure that nominee will be truly "popular" in a way that people will be energized and excited to vote for them. I wouldn't be surprised if the democratic nominee has a "John Kerry vibe" to him/her. And by that I mean "Ugh...I am in no way excited to vote for this person, but I have to because I don't want to vote for Bush." That's how I was in 2004. That's how I was in 2016. And more than likely, that's how I'll be in 2020: "Fine, Bernie/Biden/Warren/Harris/Whoever, I'll vote for you but just because Trump is awful." While that may be enough to get my vote, I'm not sure about the electorate at large.
My point is even if someone has a "John Kerry vibe" ---just merely the fact that he or she won't be Hillary Fucking Clinton means that person will be way more popular....and will be running against the most unpopular president ever (or one of, depending on what day you check his numbers).
You cannot stress enough how much baggage she had/has and how deeply people despised both her and her husband for 25 years prior to running in '16. Nobody else can come close to that.
She got the third-most votes ever in a U.S. presidential election behind only Obama's two wins. She had a lot of baggage, but also a lot of resources like experience, an enormous amount of money that none of the 2020 democrats will likely be able to raise, and she was married to a popular president. For how unlikeable she was, she had a lot of good stuff going for her too. I can't fathom Kamala Harris or Elizabeth Warren doing as well as her. Even Biden and Sanders' time might have come and gone with the democrats, though I'd have more faith in them against Trump than I would any of the others.
See, I think what you say here supports my argument. Think about it: the most unlikable candidate got the third most votes in this country's history because she was running against someone equally or more so unlikable. Whoever the dems nominate will be immensely more popular than Hillary Clinton and won't have an ounce of her baggage.
The money and resources you mention are overblown because all of those resources and money will be put into whoever the nominee will be this year anyway. You think they will hold back with this fucking guy on the ballot after what happened in '16? Hell no. I'd argue the money and resources will be greater than before, only because Trump's had such a head start since he technically declared he was running the day he was inaugurated (or close to that---they've been raising money for two years).
There'll be plenty of fake baggage. I am sure it's well under development for everyone that's considering running.
Everyone has baggage. No one has close to the baggage that Hillary dragged around throughout her divisive 25 years of public service. Nothing will be remotely close to that.
Edit--oh you said "fake" baggage. Ha. Yeah, I am sure Russia is working overtime right now in preparation.
Whoever gets the dem nod will be found to suddenly have more baggage than Samsonite.
But the baggage had to stick. They tried and tried to label Obama a socialist. Remember how Rs turned Saul Alinsky into a household name? Did it work? Did Obama ever lose?
Hillary was investigated by Congress for over five years. She never came up with a reasonable explanation for the emails. People may not have thought what she did was illegal, but clearly were not comfortable with how she explained herself.
Hillary also faced baggage no other candidate that I am familiar with had to face: a foreign military leaking her emails daily (which fed right in with the Hilary evil email narrative), the head of the FBI publicly commenting on an investigation with zero indictments including releasing that damning Comey letter a week before the election. Trump parading around Bill Clinton girlfriends at the debates, calling her a rape enabler.
That's not too say Hillary was a horrible candidate, she was, but to assume Biden will have this level of baggage and not know how to climb out of it is preposterous. Ok maybe not preposterous, but silly.
The Honorable Elijah Cummings and the House Oversight Committee looking into the Team Trump Treason involvement in nixing the FBI building/luxury hotel deal. Now, lets say you're a developer and went through whatever process the GSA had put together for an open, fair, transparent process, you win the bid and then Team Trump Treason nixes the deal because it would compete with his hotel. Now, lets say Team Trump Treason is a pizza conglomorate and has a store on the Hill. Lets say the GSA and Congress decide they want pizza places in all their eateries in all the Hill buildings and you, a small time pizza operator bid and win the business in an open, fair, transparent process and then Team Trump Treason nixes the deal because it'll compete with his pizza shop?. How you feelin'? Are you going to defend this Administration?
The Honorable Elijah Cummings and the House Oversight Committee looking into the Team Trump Treason involvement in nixing the FBI building/luxury hotel deal. Now, lets say you're a developer and went through whatever process the GSA had put together for an open, fair, transparent process, you win the bid and then Team Trump Treason nixes the deal because it would compete with his hotel. Now, lets say Team Trump Treason is a pizza conglomorate and has a store on the Hill. Lets say the GSA and Congress decide they want pizza places in all their eateries in all the Hill buildings and you, a small time pizza operator bid and win the business in an open, fair, transparent process and then Team Trump Treason nixes the deal because it'll compete with his pizza shop?. How you feelin'? Are you going to defend this Administration?
Depends Are we talking about Comet Pizza Papa John's Little Cesars? Dominoes?
This is a problem for Trump. Lordstown is a big plant in the Youngstown area that is heart of the blue collar Ohio. While I don't think Ohio is in play for Democrats, it's close enough to the PA border where it affects PA citizens. It also shows that capital will always gravitate to the lowest cost. Factory jobs will come back when they are robotic and run by engineers , not blue collar workers.
I’m not sure that Ohio isn’t in play as Team Trump Treason’s approval rating is down 20 points from January to January of last year, currently at 51%. If Kasich continues to speak out and tries to primary him, tariffs continue to crush farmers and large item manufacturers or voters start paying attention to the congressional hearings, investigations and realize they’re being conned, I can see Ohio flipping. Depends on the dem nominee but I’d also like to see the strength of the “anybody but Team Trump Treason” crowd. Regardless, too far from the election to be making bets. A lot can and will happen between now and then.
I hope you're right... I've sort of lost faith in Ohio. They are going the wrong way.
This is a problem for Trump. Lordstown is a big plant in the Youngstown area that is heart of the blue collar Ohio. While I don't think Ohio is in play for Democrats, it's close enough to the PA border where it affects PA citizens. It also shows that capital will always gravitate to the lowest cost. Factory jobs will come back when they are robotic and run by engineers , not blue collar workers.
I’m not sure that Ohio isn’t in play as Team Trump Treason’s approval rating is down 20 points from January to January of last year, currently at 51%. If Kasich continues to speak out and tries to primary him, tariffs continue to crush farmers and large item manufacturers or voters start paying attention to the congressional hearings, investigations and realize they’re being conned, I can see Ohio flipping. Depends on the dem nominee but I’d also like to see the strength of the “anybody but Team Trump Treason” crowd. Regardless, too far from the election to be making bets. A lot can and will happen between now and then.
I hope you're right... I've sort of lost faith in Ohio. They are going the wrong way.
Don’t lose faith, just get angry at how the repubs have rigged the system in Ohio and other places. I don’t see Kasich playing that game but I could be wrong.
This is a problem for Trump. Lordstown is a big plant in the Youngstown area that is heart of the blue collar Ohio. While I don't think Ohio is in play for Democrats, it's close enough to the PA border where it affects PA citizens. It also shows that capital will always gravitate to the lowest cost. Factory jobs will come back when they are robotic and run by engineers , not blue collar workers.
I’m not sure that Ohio isn’t in play as Team Trump Treason’s approval rating is down 20 points from January to January of last year, currently at 51%. If Kasich continues to speak out and tries to primary him, tariffs continue to crush farmers and large item manufacturers or voters start paying attention to the congressional hearings, investigations and realize they’re being conned, I can see Ohio flipping. Depends on the dem nominee but I’d also like to see the strength of the “anybody but Team Trump Treason” crowd. Regardless, too far from the election to be making bets. A lot can and will happen between now and then.
I hope you're right... I've sort of lost faith in Ohio. They are going the wrong way.
Don’t lose faith, just get angry at how the repubs have rigged the system in Ohio and other places. I don’t see Kasich playing that game but I could be wrong.
I'm not sure what you mean by rigged here. I talk to some people that I went to HS with in Cleveland and it just depresses me how they think today. It really surprises me, and in line with what the broader numbers say.
This is a problem for Trump. Lordstown is a big plant in the Youngstown area that is heart of the blue collar Ohio. While I don't think Ohio is in play for Democrats, it's close enough to the PA border where it affects PA citizens. It also shows that capital will always gravitate to the lowest cost. Factory jobs will come back when they are robotic and run by engineers , not blue collar workers.
I’m not sure that Ohio isn’t in play as Team Trump Treason’s approval rating is down 20 points from January to January of last year, currently at 51%. If Kasich continues to speak out and tries to primary him, tariffs continue to crush farmers and large item manufacturers or voters start paying attention to the congressional hearings, investigations and realize they’re being conned, I can see Ohio flipping. Depends on the dem nominee but I’d also like to see the strength of the “anybody but Team Trump Treason” crowd. Regardless, too far from the election to be making bets. A lot can and will happen between now and then.
I hope you're right... I've sort of lost faith in Ohio. They are going the wrong way.
Don’t lose faith, just get angry at how the repubs have rigged the system in Ohio and other places. I don’t see Kasich playing that game but I could be wrong.
I'm not sure what you mean by rigged here. I talk to some people that I went to HS with in Cleveland and it just depresses me how they think today. It really surprises me, and in line with what the broader numbers say.
Since 2004, Ohio has been one of the states that actively works to suppress voting in dem precincts. Too few voting machines in dem districts resulting in long lines, too many in repub districts resulting in in and out, voter roll purges, absentee ballot shenanigans, voter ID, etc. Kasich doesn’t seem afraid of “turnout” and trusts he can win on policy/ideas. We’re going to need UN voting monitors soon.
Yesterday I was saying that they should merge this with the "Impending impeachment..." thread but since some of you guys find a way to get one locked every week, I guess it's good we have two.
Yesterday I was saying that they should merge this with the "Impending impeachment..." thread but since some of you guys find a way to get one locked every week, I guess it's good we have two.
"Oh Canada...you're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
Edit--oh you said "fake" baggage. Ha. Yeah, I am sure Russia is working overtime right now in preparation.
From $22 an hour to $11: GM job cuts in Ohio show a hot economy is still leaving parts of America behind
The automaker is shutting down production at its Lordstown plant, home of the Chevy Cruze — affecting 5,400 people
By Heather Long • Read more »
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
I point out to the mods when you were dismissive, rude, passive aggressive, name call, attempt to talk down to me, or act like an ass in general... i could give AF if you disagree with me
some folks around here have no problem running to the mods in secret, i have chosen to do it right in your face, and don't care if it hurts your feelings, homie
Detroit 2000, Detroit 2003 1-2, Grand Rapids VFC 2004, Philly 2005, Grand Rapids 2006, Detroit 2006, Cleveland 2006, Lollapalooza 2007, Detroit Eddie Solo 2011, Detroit 2014, Chicago 2016 1-2, Chicago 2018 1-2, Ohana Encore 2021 1-2, Chicago Eddie/Earthlings 2022 1-2, Nashville 2022, St. Louis 2022
Hubris is the enema.
People claiming that he will just hand power if he gets beat in 2020 are not reading between the lines
And what was that again about not releasing the names or information about people not charged with crimes?
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Trump nixes public report on drone-strike deaths
After Trump took office, he expanded the use of drone strikes across the Middle East and in places like West Africa. The Trump administration expanded CIA’s drone mission in Niger and Libya after Obama had limited the agency’s involvement in lethal strikes, The New York Times reported in September.https
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
But the baggage had to stick. They tried and tried to label Obama a socialist. Remember how Rs turned Saul Alinsky into a household name? Did it work? Did Obama ever lose?
Hillary was investigated by Congress for over five years. She never came up with a reasonable explanation for the emails. People may not have thought what she did was illegal, but clearly were not comfortable with how she explained herself.
Hillary also faced baggage no other candidate that I am familiar with had to face: a foreign military leaking her emails daily (which fed right in with the Hilary evil email narrative), the head of the FBI publicly commenting on an investigation with zero indictments including releasing that damning Comey letter a week before the election. Trump parading around Bill Clinton girlfriends at the debates, calling her a rape enabler.
That's not too say Hillary was a horrible candidate, she was, but to assume Biden will have this level of baggage and not know how to climb out of it is preposterous. Ok maybe not preposterous, but silly.
That Time Trump Got $18.3 Million in Palm Beach
https://www.bloomberg.com/amp/opinion/articles/2019-03-07/nadler-and-others-look-at-trump-s-business-dealings?__twitter_impression=trueWe've heard enough already.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Are we talking about Comet Pizza
Papa John's
Little Cesars?
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
-EV 8/14/93