Trump is celebrating the Division 1-winning North Dakota State University football team at the White House with a lunch of Big Macs, french fries and Chick-fil-A sandwiches.
Trump says he could have offered the players chef-prepared food, but, "I know you people."
The Mueller probe is going to be a dud as well, unless they indict a family member... the general attitude has been collusion with the Russians and that Trump is beholden to the Kremlin and that just isnt the case it seems... all of this hype by the media and the non-Trump crowd (myself included) set the expectation that he was a russian stooge, and they just dont have it........
Dems better choose wisely in 2020
Don't shoot the messenger, better wake up from dreamland folks
Felony Bank Fraud is an actual thing though. The Nad man has him by the short and curlies
Phony approval numbers don't mean shit. He's realistically at 34%, probably LOWER. He's going to be swept away and forgotten like hair in a barber shop.
Felony Bank Fraud is an actual thing though. The Nad man has him by the short and curlies
Phony approval numbers don't mean shit. He's realistically at 34%. He's going to be swept away and forgotten like hair in a barber shop.
Comparing bank loan applications to tax returns shall be interesting as will learning sources of cash inflows for condo sales (Russian oligarchs). RICO and FICA violations, tax evasion, money laundering, obstruction of justice, witness tampering. And, we still haven't heard nor seen hair nor hide of Donny, Jr., Jared Dear Boy, Ivanka Darlink and Eric in Team Mueller indictments, or report, as of yet to be issued, although we know at the least, that Jared Dear Boy falsified his security clearance applications (why?), Team Trump Treason stepped in and lied about it as did Ivanka Darlink (why?) and Donny, Jr. lied to Congress regarding the Team Trump Treason Tower meeting (why?). Five major players in all the swirl that we have yet to see disposed of or "cleared." And those relate to just the Team Trump Treason Organization and Team Mueller's DOJ charge appointing him.
The Mueller probe is going to be a dud as well, unless they indict a family member... the general attitude has been collusion with the Russians and that Trump is beholden to the Kremlin and that just isnt the case it seems... all of this hype by the media and the non-Trump crowd (myself included) set the expectation that he was a russian stooge, and they just dont have it........
Dems better choose wisely in 2020
Don't shoot the messenger, better wake up from dreamland folks
Don’t just focus on the word Collusion he has committed actuall crimes that have nothing to do with collusion..remember there’s multiple ways to skin a cat ..
The Mueller probe is going to be a dud as well, unless they indict a family member... the general attitude has been collusion with the Russians and that Trump is beholden to the Kremlin and that just isnt the case it seems... all of this hype by the media and the non-Trump crowd (myself included) set the expectation that he was a russian stooge, and they just dont have it........
Dems better choose wisely in 2020
Don't shoot the messenger, better wake up from dreamland folks
federal budget deficit ballooned rapidly in the first four months of
the fiscal year amid falling tax revenue and higher spending, the
Treasury Department said Tuesday, posing a new challenge for the White
House and Congress and they prepare for a number of budget battles.
deficit grew 77 percent in the first four months of fiscal year 2019
compared with the same period one year before, Treasury said.
total deficit for the four month period was $310 billion, Treasury
said, up from $176 billion for the same period one year earlier.
government is collecting less money in taxes and spending more money
that it did a year ago, in part because of policy decisions that the
White House and lawmakers embraced in recent years.
enacted sweeping tax cuts at the end of 2017, and those changes
continue to reduce revenue flowing to the Treasury Department.
revenue for October 2018 through January 2019 fell $19 billion, or 2
percent, Treasury said, though there were major reductions in the amount
of money collected from businesses. Treasury found corporate tax
payments over the first four months of the fiscal year dropped from from
$75.5 billion to $58.9 billion, a fall of roughly 22 percent.
Spending, meanwhile, increased 9 percent over the same period.
biggest increases were for defense military programs, which saw a 12
percent increase, and Medicare, which saw a 16 percent increase.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
Not as great as an indictment but lets wait to see if Team Trump Treason obstructs justice and whether the DOJ ends up indicting. Three times Jarrod Dear Boy amended his security clearance application and finally had daddy grant it to him over objections from the CIA and FBI. And then they lied abouty it (why?). Nothing to see here folks, nothing at all, just everyday, normal POTUS behavior.
Only the best people, only the best, folks. And these might end up being the heroes for leaving. Government firing on all cylinders, like a well oiled machine, working hard for the American people. Suckers.
Only the best people, only the best, folks. And these might end up being the heroes for leaving. Government firing on all cylinders, like a well oiled machine, working hard for the American people. Suckers.
Only the best people, only the best, folks. And these might end up being the heroes for leaving. Government firing on all cylinders, like a well oiled machine, working hard for the American people. Suckers.
Only the best people, only the best, folks. And these might end up being the heroes for leaving. Government firing on all cylinders, like a well oiled machine, working hard for the American people. Suckers.
Only the best people, only the best, folks. And these might end up being the heroes for leaving. Government firing on all cylinders, like a well oiled machine, working hard for the American people. Suckers.
The Mueller probe is going to be a dud as well, unless they indict a family member... the general attitude has been collusion with the Russians and that Trump is beholden to the Kremlin and that just isnt the case it seems... all of this hype by the media and the non-Trump crowd (myself included) set the expectation that he was a russian stooge, and they just dont have it........
Dems better choose wisely in 2020
Don't shoot the messenger, better wake up from dreamland folks
His numbers have always fluctuated from all time lowest to almost all time lowest. With the lowest ceiling in polling history (by over 15%) by a country mile.
Horrendous figures for an incumbent who inherited an economy like this.
The messenger is mistaken....but yes, the dems better choose wisely.
Personally, I feel like this whole thing pushes us closer to war. I’ve always felt like we would end up in a situation where Trump would say something along the lines of, “I tried folks. Little Rocket Man didn’t want the deal. We have no other options.” Its like Iraq, Hans Blix goes in ect. , but the decision had already been made.
Detroit 2000, Detroit 2003 1-2, Grand Rapids VFC 2004, Philly 2005, Grand Rapids 2006, Detroit 2006, Cleveland 2006, Lollapalooza 2007, Detroit Eddie Solo 2011, Detroit 2014, Chicago 2016 1-2, Chicago 2018 1-2, Ohana Encore 2021 1-2, Chicago Eddie/Earthlings 2022 1-2, Nashville 2022, St. Louis 2022
If Trump's popularity ratings remain low, the question is whether he can repeat his 2016 feat.
New polling suggests that Trump will have difficulty doing that because, for now, the 2020 election looks like it will be a referendum on him.
An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll out this weekend found that Trump trailed a generic Democratic candidate by 7 points in a hypothetical 2020 matchup. The important statistic here isn't so much that Trump was losing (it's still early 2019, after all). It's why Trump was losing. Trump trailed because among the same voters gave Trump a -6 point net approval rating (approval rating - disapproval rating).
This was not the first NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll to show Trump losing to a generic Democrat. Back in December, Trump trailed a generic Democrat by 14 points. His net approval rating in that poll was -11 points. (The average poll shows Trump is about this popular currently.) Again, the key statistic here is Trump's margin is directly related to his own popularity.
In limited polling, the well known Democratic candidates seem to doing as well against Trump by what you'd expect given his popularity. In a January Glengariff Group poll of Michigan voters, Trump trailed Joe Biden by 13 points and Bernie Sanders by 11 points. The same poll put Trump's net approval rating among Michiganders at -9 points. A poll from Quinnipiac University of Texas voters out last week showed something similar: Trump's position against the most well-known Democrats in Texas (Biden, Beto O'Rourke and Bernie Sanders) matched his approval rating.
This 2020 data does not look at all like what happened in 2016. In the election, Trump had a -22 net favorability rating (favorable - unfavorable). Yet, he only lost the popular vote by 2 points and won the electoral college.
Trump was able to win in 2016 because that election came down to a choice between him and Hillary Clinton. Clinton was the second-least-liked major party nominee of all time, and there was 18% of the electorate that liked neither Clinton nor Trump. Trump won this 18% of the electorate by 17 points and with it the election. In other words, Trump was seen as the lesser of two evils.
The 2020 polling looks a lot more like what occurred in 2018 than 2016. Last year, Democrats won the national House vote by 9 percentage points. Not surprisingly, Trump's net approval in the exit poll was -9 points. That is, if you liked Trump, you voted Republican. If you didn't like Trump, you voted Democratic.
Democrats were likely aided in 2018 by the fact that a lot more people liked the Democratic Party in 2018 than liked Clinton in 2016. In the 2018 exit polls, just 10% of the electorate viewed the Democratic Party and Republican Party unfavorably. That's only a little more than half who viewed Clinton and Trump unfavorably in 2016. Additionally, Democrats won this 10% of the electorate by a point, which is far better than Clinton did among those who disliked Clinton and Trump.
This points to the difficulty of Trump's road ahead if his own numbers don't improve: Clinton is not going to be his opponent in 2020. The default position voters have right now is to make the 2020 election about the incumbent. To win, Trump is likely going to have to make the 2020 a choice between two sides. This won't necessarily be easy, as 2018 showed. And even if 2020 is a choice between two sides, there's no guarantee that Democrats will nominate someone who is anywhere close to as disliked as Clinton was in 2016.
Of course, this leads to the question of who Democrats will nominate. The ball is in the court of Democratic primary voters. If they pick a candidate who allows the election to be about Trump, said Democratic candidate have a good chance of winning. If, however, the candidate is unpopular, it gives Trump an opportunity do what he did in 2016. He could win a choice election without a majority of people actually liking him.
So in December he is losing to a generic candidate by 14 points...
In March that is down to 7 points... yeah, thats not exactly a good thing
I'm not sure what you achieve by constantly pointing out he is unpopular... he's been unpopular since he rode the escalator down... i sure hope the hubris we saw in 2016 doesn't come back, that shit killed us... i heard every day how far ahead Hillary was in the polls and that Trump had slim chances of winning... the last nbc/wsj poll has him at 47% with registered voters... that is after Cohen... so pardon me if i'm not on cruise control thinking this is in the bag
And the messenger was not mistaken, did you read the article? His numbers ticked up.... Also the only polls i'm concerned with are registered voters and likely voters, not concerned with generic polls
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Trump is celebrating the Division 1-winning North Dakota State University football team at the White House with a lunch of Big Macs, french fries and Chick-fil-A sandwiches.
Trump says he could have offered the players chef-prepared food, but, "I know you people."
-EV 8/14/93
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Just more fake news
I blame it all on the damn SOCIALISTS
The Mueller probe is going to be a dud as well, unless they indict a family member... the general attitude has been collusion with the Russians and that Trump is beholden to the Kremlin and that just isnt the case it seems... all of this hype by the media and the non-Trump crowd (myself included) set the expectation that he was a russian stooge, and they just dont have it........
Dems better choose wisely in 2020
Don't shoot the messenger, better wake up from dreamland folks
Phony approval numbers don't mean shit. He's realistically at 34%, probably LOWER. He's going to be swept away and forgotten like hair in a barber shop.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
The federal deficit ballooned at start of new fiscal year, up 77 percent from a year before
The federal budget deficit ballooned rapidly in the first four months of the fiscal year amid falling tax revenue and higher spending, the Treasury Department said Tuesday, posing a new challenge for the White House and Congress and they prepare for a number of budget battles.
The deficit grew 77 percent in the first four months of fiscal year 2019 compared with the same period one year before, Treasury said.
The total deficit for the four month period was $310 billion, Treasury said, up from $176 billion for the same period one year earlier.
The government is collecting less money in taxes and spending more money that it did a year ago, in part because of policy decisions that the White House and lawmakers embraced in recent years.
Lawmakers enacted sweeping tax cuts at the end of 2017, and those changes continue to reduce revenue flowing to the Treasury Department.
Tax revenue for October 2018 through January 2019 fell $19 billion, or 2 percent, Treasury said, though there were major reductions in the amount of money collected from businesses. Treasury found corporate tax payments over the first four months of the fiscal year dropped from from $75.5 billion to $58.9 billion, a fall of roughly 22 percent.
Spending, meanwhile, increased 9 percent over the same period.
The biggest increases were for defense military programs, which saw a 12 percent increase, and Medicare, which saw a 16 percent increase.
or maybe hillary's?
-EV 8/14/93
Not as great as an indictment but lets wait to see if Team Trump Treason obstructs justice and whether the DOJ ends up indicting. Three times Jarrod Dear Boy amended his security clearance application and finally had daddy grant it to him over objections from the CIA and FBI. And then they lied abouty it (why?). Nothing to see here folks, nothing at all, just everyday, normal POTUS behavior.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
His approval rating is down almost 1% since Cohen stuff last week. New Quinnipiac out today actually has it at 38%. Terrible.
His numbers have always fluctuated from all time lowest to almost all time lowest. With the lowest ceiling in polling history (by over 15%) by a country mile.
Horrendous figures for an incumbent who inherited an economy like this.
The messenger is mistaken....but yes, the dems better choose wisely.
Its like Iraq, Hans Blix goes in ect. , but the decision had already been made.
Detroit 2000, Detroit 2003 1-2, Grand Rapids VFC 2004, Philly 2005, Grand Rapids 2006, Detroit 2006, Cleveland 2006, Lollapalooza 2007, Detroit Eddie Solo 2011, Detroit 2014, Chicago 2016 1-2, Chicago 2018 1-2, Ohana Encore 2021 1-2, Chicago Eddie/Earthlings 2022 1-2, Nashville 2022, St. Louis 2022
Early polling suggests 2020 will be about Trump. That's bad news for him.
(CNN)President Donald Trump was able to win the White House in 2016 despite being the least liked major party nominee in history. Today, more people continue to dislike than like Trump.
In March that is down to 7 points... yeah, thats not exactly a good thing
I'm not sure what you achieve by constantly pointing out he is unpopular... he's been unpopular since he rode the escalator down... i sure hope the hubris we saw in 2016 doesn't come back, that shit killed us... i heard every day how far ahead Hillary was in the polls and that Trump had slim chances of winning... the last nbc/wsj poll has him at 47% with registered voters... that is after Cohen... so pardon me if i'm not on cruise control thinking this is in the bag
And the messenger was not mistaken, did you read the article? His numbers ticked up.... Also the only polls i'm concerned with are registered voters and likely voters, not concerned with generic polls
Hubris is the enemy