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  • Go BeaversGo Beavers Posts: 8,936

    "The bad would rush into our country during that week."
    So our President has decided to run the country on pure conjecture. What a swell guy.

    And he kept it hidden from people who actually have knowledge about their jobs who could've given inout on the legality of his plan.
  • HughFreakingDillonHughFreakingDillon Winnipeg Posts: 36,464
    a president who calls terrorists "bad dudes". did you all elect the Big Lebowski?
    new album "Cigarettes" out Fall 2024!

  • HughFreakingDillonHughFreakingDillon Winnipeg Posts: 36,464
    JC29856 said:

    rgambs said:

    BS44325 said:

    rgambs said:

    my2hands said:

    How do the right wing sympathizers feel about the restructuring of the National Security Council that downgrades the Chair of The Joint Chiefs and National Intelligence Director while making white nationalist Steve Bannon a full member??? Don't forget kooky Mike "Fake News" Flynn, who Colin Powell felt had gone off the deep end, is running it

    Pro military conservatives should be screaming the loudest right now... maybe they will just get in line like good little sympathizers

    I am very interested in what you think about this move BS, foreign policy is one of the issues you hang your hat on and I wonder how this can be viewed in a positive light.
    Not sure how I feel about this yet. Would like to know more. Bannon being in the room doesn't trouble me...he does have a navy background after all...still want more info on the "downgrading" of the Joint Chiefs though. Remember that it isn't just Trump and Bannon in the room. Sec. Mattis and soon to be Sec. Tillerson will be there as well. If the Sec. of Defense was a civilian as per usual then this would certainly be a troubling "downgrade" because nobody with actual military experience would be present. General Mattis however gives Trump that military knowledge that would be lacking so is the Joint Chiefs presence absolutely necessary? This is what I would want to know. The current reporting states that the Joint Chiefs would be called upon if needed. That might be ok and I think deferring to Mattis on this decision is acceptable. No need for my2hands to get hysterical...yet.
    Oh gee, that's comforting! An oil CEO sure brings a much needed perspective to National Security!
    Knowing how much oil we can take after an invasion is important info.
    well, trump did say we should have taken the oil during the iraq war. even after he was pressed about it being against all international law, he still claimed we should have taken it, because then we "wouldn't have ISIS", and we may get the opportunity again.

    a president of the US telling a reporter in a televised interview he is interested in knowingly refuting international law.

    I can't understand why people haven't been talking about this.
    You really want a discussion about US presidents and international law???
    sure, have at er. I think openly discussing stealing to profit from invasion is, um, like, pretty bad, dude.
    new album "Cigarettes" out Fall 2024!

  • a president who calls terrorists "bad dudes". did you all elect the Big Lebowski?

    no interest in the horrific situation in canada?
  • HughFreakingDillonHughFreakingDillon Winnipeg Posts: 36,464
    sean spicer must be easily the most agressively defensive press sec I've ever seen.
    new album "Cigarettes" out Fall 2024!

  • HughFreakingDillonHughFreakingDillon Winnipeg Posts: 36,464

    a president who calls terrorists "bad dudes". did you all elect the Big Lebowski?

    no interest in the horrific situation in canada?
    no, I'm currently WAY too obsessed with america and my blind hatred of such.
    new album "Cigarettes" out Fall 2024!

  • a president who calls terrorists "bad dudes". did you all elect the Big Lebowski?

    no interest in the horrific situation in canada?
    no, I'm currently WAY too obsessed with america and my blind hatred of such.
    tell me something i dont know....
  • HughFreakingDillonHughFreakingDillon Winnipeg Posts: 36,464

    a president who calls terrorists "bad dudes". did you all elect the Big Lebowski?

    no interest in the horrific situation in canada?
    no, I'm currently WAY too obsessed with america and my blind hatred of such.
    tell me something i dont know....
    I always find it so interesting that americans that hate when non-americans criticize, or even just discuss, american foreign policy issues, which, like it or not, effect the globe, seem to be the first to defend their government's right to get involved in all the world's business.
    new album "Cigarettes" out Fall 2024!

  • KatKat Posts: 4,829
    edited January 2017
    Post edited by Kat on
    Falling down,...not staying down
  • a president who calls terrorists "bad dudes". did you all elect the Big Lebowski?

    no interest in the horrific situation in canada?
    no, I'm currently WAY too obsessed with america and my blind hatred of such.
    tell me something i dont know....
    I always find it so interesting that americans that hate when non-americans criticize, or even just discuss, american foreign policy issues, which, like it or not, effect the globe, seem to be the first to defend their government's right to get involved in all the world's business.
    you lost me. too many commas.
  • a president who calls terrorists "bad dudes". did you all elect the Big Lebowski?

    no interest in the horrific situation in canada?
    no, I'm currently WAY too obsessed with america and my blind hatred of such.
    tell me something i dont know....
    I always find it so interesting that americans that hate when non-americans criticize, or even just discuss, american foreign policy issues, which, like it or not, effect the globe, seem to be the first to defend their government's right to get involved in all the world's business.
    on second read, you are thinking way too much. have a doob and relax.
  • ledveddermanledvedderman Posts: 7,761
    So here's my train of thought. My grandpa's family moved to the United States from Germany in 1925 with my grandfather in the womb. Now, we're talking like 6 or 7 years after WWI where a main member of the alliance of the other side was...shocker, the German Empire. Germany was very unstable after the war and that lead to the unfortunate rise of Hitler.

    Now, let's put that very situation into place but with Donald Trump as the President. You're coming off the largest war in modern history, the new Germany is terribly unstable with a rise in extremism and facists...would he ban Germans from coming into the United States who are fleeing from a country in ruins?
  • dignindignin Posts: 9,331

    So here's my train of thought. My grandpa's family moved to the United States from Germany in 1925 with my grandfather in the womb. Now, we're talking like 6 or 7 years after WWI where a main member of the alliance of the other side was...shocker, the German Empire. Germany was very unstable after the war and that lead to the unfortunate rise of Hitler.

    Now, let's put that very situation into place but with Donald Trump as the President. You're coming off the largest war in modern history, the new Germany is terribly unstable with a rise in extremism and facists...would he ban Germans from coming into the United States who are fleeing from a country in ruins?

    I'm thinking he would probably align himself with the fascists, join the third reich.

    "Hitler is, like, a really smart guy, I like him" -1930's Trump
  • benjsbenjs Posts: 9,096

    a president who calls terrorists "bad dudes". did you all elect the Big Lebowski?

    no interest in the horrific situation in canada?
    no, I'm currently WAY too obsessed with america and my blind hatred of such.
    tell me something i dont know....
    I always find it so interesting that americans that hate when non-americans criticize, or even just discuss, american foreign policy issues, which, like it or not, effect the globe, seem to be the first to defend their government's right to get involved in all the world's business.
    on second read, you are thinking way too much. have a doob and relax.
    That's the problem with the world - too much thinking.
    '05 - TO, '06 - TO 1, '08 - NYC 1 & 2, '09 - TO, Chi 1 & 2, '10 - Buffalo, NYC 1 & 2, '11 - TO 1 & 2, Hamilton, '13 - Buffalo, Brooklyn 1 & 2, '15 - Global Citizen, '16 - TO 1 & 2, Chi 2

    Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
  • Cliffy6745Cliffy6745 Posts: 33,710
    An anti-LGBT executive order coming down the pipeline.

    What. Is. Happening?
  • ledveddermanledvedderman Posts: 7,761

    An anti-LGBT executive order coming down the pipeline.

    What. Is. Happening?

    I heard that as well. Trying to pry more info out of my source for that.
  • vaggar99vaggar99 Posts: 3,427
    i feel a HUGE protest coming on
  • An anti-LGBT executive order coming down the pipeline.

    What. Is. Happening?

    I heard that as well. Trying to pry more info out of my source for that.
    The rumor is that Trump intends to roll back an executive order put in place by President Obama which prohibited federal contractors from discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation, and perhaps go even further to allow a broader range of discrimination against LGBT people based on ‘religious freedom’.
  • ledveddermanledvedderman Posts: 7,761
    Good grief if that's what it is. God help us all.
  • jeffbrjeffbr Posts: 7,177

    An anti-LGBT executive order coming down the pipeline.

    What. Is. Happening?

    I heard that as well. Trying to pry more info out of my source for that.
    The rumor is that Trump intends to roll back an executive order put in place by President Obama which prohibited federal contractors from discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation, and perhaps go even further to allow a broader range of discrimination against LGBT people based on ‘religious freedom’.
    Sounds like something Pence would do. Between Bannon and Pence we're in for a hell of a ride. Fuck them both, and fuck the orange tyrant. It is going to be a long 4 years whether the fat orange guy lives that long or not.
    (BTW, whether he lives or not was not a reference to violence. I think he looks as unhealthy as I've ever seen him, and the stress will continue to pile on. I think he's going to die of natural causes before anyone could ever plot something).
    "I'll use the magic word - let's just shut the fuck up, please." EV, 04/13/08
  • tbergstbergs Posts: 9,535
    I think he just likes to be a headline everyday so he spaces everything out.

    Tomorrow night tune in for my big announcement on the supreme court!

    It's a hopeless situation...
  • Cliffy6745Cliffy6745 Posts: 33,710
    Read federal funding for adoption agencies may be impacted. Two of our best friends have 2 beautiful daughters and couldn't be better parents. This is all so sad
  • KatKat Posts: 4,829
    Just can't stop thinking of this..............

    First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a Socialist.
    Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
    Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a Jew.
    Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

    Falling down,...not staying down
  • jeffbrjeffbr Posts: 7,177
    Kat said:

    Just can't stop thinking of this..............

    First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a Socialist.
    Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
    Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a Jew.
    Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

    Yup. We definitely need to keep this in mind and stay vigilant.

    "I'll use the magic word - let's just shut the fuck up, please." EV, 04/13/08
  • mfc2006mfc2006 HTOWN Posts: 37,405

    An anti-LGBT executive order coming down the pipeline.

    What. Is. Happening?

    Heard that as well.....

    What the FUCK??????
  • dignindignin Posts: 9,331

    An anti-LGBT executive order coming down the pipeline.

    What. Is. Happening?

    You're thinking of this wrong. It's pro religious freedom....and throw in pro business too.

    We should have all knew this was coming.
  • ^^^
    Funny you mention business,
    Latest tweet,
    The American dream is back. We’re going to create an environment for small business like we haven’t had in many, many decades!
  • ^^^
    Funny you mention business,
    Latest tweet,
    The American dream is back. We’re going to create an environment for small business like we haven’t had in many, many decades!

    "My brain's a good brain!"
  • Go BeaversGo Beavers Posts: 8,936

    An anti-LGBT executive order coming down the pipeline.

    What. Is. Happening?

    I heard that as well. Trying to pry more info out of my source for that.
    Had a heads up on this one several weeks ago. This is one Pence wants for sure.
  • vaggar99vaggar99 Posts: 3,427
    a homophobe is such because that person is afraid he will not be able to control his impulses around a openly gay person.
This discussion has been closed.