And now the article... I hope we only have one public official lying (Trump) rather than Clapper and Comey. Although one would have to wonder why Comey would cover for Obama, no?
And now the article... I hope we only have one public official lying (Trump) rather than Clapper and Comey. Although one would have to wonder why Comey would cover for Obama, no? US President Donald Trump is preparing to sign a revised Executive Order temporarily barring the entry of people from certain Muslim-majority countries and halting the nation's refugee programme. A White House official says plans to roll out the order are on track for tomorrow.
Transcripts indeed. I guess that confirms the tapping then. There better be some meat in those. Time for everybody to put their cards on the table. What evidence justified the FISA approval, who was spied on after the approval, what evidence was found following the approval, and how was collected evidence handled? Lot of minefields for all careful of the blowback.
Well if you read this semi-carefully, doesn't Foreign Intelligence services imply intelligence captured by other countries, not the US? Pretty sure the Brits, Israelis, etc. don't go to FISA.
Hmmm. That is a different and interesting way to look at it. Is the information from a foreign service that was then shared? Good question.
Read the tweet from NBC News... Comey is fighting with the DOJ...saying the accusation is false.
Also very interesting. The story is from a source but not Comey himself. I'm inclined to believe this but what is being refuted? The entire statement or just the "obama ordered" part? Is spying as part of a FISA request being refuted? A lot we still don't know.
As an aside...this clip of James Rosen being interviewed showed the type of spying conducted under the Obama DOJ. A judge approved this.
Love how you're trying to make the nefariousness out to be "Obama spying." With what we already know and what has transpired, it would appear there is a "there" there. But keep trying to make it about the black guy.
Whatever happened to "lock her up?"
Follow the money, from Russia with love, all the way to Trump's impeachment.
I like this from the article. ..Let’s instead find ways to rebuild what is rational. And the Democrats, goddamn it, get a little backbone, get a little spine.
Back from Florida, Bullshit. nice to see we got the real MAGAMillionare Asshole Golfing Again.
That golf trip cost at least 3 MILLION dollars. Listen I understand wanting to play golf. The game is hard to not play, and can relieve stress, although with the OF it seems like it would just make him an even bigger douche, throwing clubs and losing his shit when he misses a putt, demanding that people gamble on stupid shit and then not paying when he loses. If he felt the urge he could whip up a motorcade and drive down the Suitland Parkway and play at one of the courses at Andrews in a fucking sweater
If he wanted to avoid looking bad for the idea of taking advantage of the taxpayers (not like that had stopped him before, these are the perks of the office) He actually owns (well he's probably upside down in it...knowing how good he is at business...) Trump National Golf Club in Potomac Falls, VA .Invest in some cold weather gear, AND GO THERE.
Hey Orange bafoon why don't you release the intelligence you have pertaining to Obama wire tapping your phones like now you idiot , any sane human would of followed such a claim against an exrealpresident with proof !
When their is an investigation and there is no evidence of wiretapping, Trump will just say it's all lies (in Cobra Commander voice), so why waste time investigating. This man operates in La La Land.
When will they go in and throw him outta of office him & Bannon should both be thrown out , this country is fucked with someone like Bannon calling the shots !!
He's the biggest threat to our democracy not the illegals or Muslims or the gay community ! Him a total incompetent bafoon is who all Americans should be afraid of !
Hey Orange bafoon why don't you release the intelligence you have pertaining to Obama wire tapping your phones like now you idiot , any sane human would of followed such a claim against an exrealpresident with proof !
I read an article last night in which someone tried to claim that if it wasn't true, Obama would have already "sued for libel", so the allegation must be true.
Like Obama has the time and the inclination to stoop to his level and sue Trump for every stupid allegation he makes.
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
propaganda was the major tool the Russians used to "hack" (I think a better description is negatively influence) the election to cloud the judgement of the weak minded. Just think about the idea of paid internet trolls, institutional and systemic widespread fake facebook news,
There's also the rise of "whataboutism", a DISTRACTION tactic that the OF actually uses all the time. Jeff Session's recusal? WHAT ABOUT Barry personally wiretapping me? 3 million dollars for a golf weekend and a trip to a Catholic School with the new Education secretary? WHAT ABOUT those well behaved and SO organized March 4 Trumpers? A budget that calls for the virtual elimination of at least %90 of the EPA's budget to deal with the cleanup of the ALREADY POLLUTED Great Lakes, Chesapeake Bay, and Puget Sound, WHAT ABOUT the fabulous Travel Ban that will be reintroduced because our already perfect 1st Executive Order was overturned by "So-called" liberal judges
I'm hearing, anyway. I just thought I'd put it out there without really doing any research ...
Well, at least Trump had one good day last week after give the most classy address to congress ever. We got to enjoy almost 24 hours of Trump acting presidential.
They should put one of those "days since last accident" signs outside the White House, except make it "days since acting presidential".
Using that widow was pretty classy. Especially after blaming the commanders for the raid that he decided was such a good idea over dinner with Jared Kushner turned into such a clusterfuck. What a douche.
Well, at least Trump had one good day last week after give the most classy address to congress ever. We got to enjoy almost 24 hours of Trump acting presidential.
They should put one of those "days since last accident" signs outside the White House, except make it "days since acting presidential".
Well, at least Trump had one good day last week after give the most classy address to congress ever. We got to enjoy almost 24 hours of Trump acting presidential.
They should put one of those "days since last accident" signs outside the White House, except make it "days since acting presidential".
To follow the money like Congress minus Cruz will, from Russia with love, all the way to impeachment.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
The 'in' kind
US President Donald Trump is preparing to sign a revised Executive Order temporarily barring the entry of people from certain Muslim-majority countries and halting the nation's refugee programme.
A White House official says plans to roll out the order are on track for tomorrow.
Then I have a bridge to sell you... in Siberia
This shit used to be called treason
As an aside...this clip of James Rosen being interviewed showed the type of spying conducted under the Obama DOJ. A judge approved this.
Love how you're trying to make the nefariousness out to be "Obama spying." With what we already know and what has transpired, it would appear there is a "there" there. But keep trying to make it about the black guy.
Whatever happened to "lock her up?"
Follow the money, from Russia with love, all the way to Trump's impeachment.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
..Let’s instead find ways to rebuild what is rational. And the Democrats, goddamn it, get a little backbone, get a little spine.
If BHO wanted to expose Trump he would have leaked his taxes.
Follow the money, from Russia with love, all the way to trump's impeachment.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
nice to see we got the real MAGA Millionare Asshole Golfing Again.
That golf trip cost at least 3 MILLION dollars. Listen I understand wanting to play golf. The game is hard to not play, and can relieve stress, although with the OF it seems like it would just make him an even bigger douche, throwing clubs and losing his shit when he misses a putt, demanding that people gamble on stupid shit and then not paying when he loses. If he felt the urge he could whip up a motorcade and drive down the Suitland Parkway and play at one of the courses at Andrews in a fucking sweater
If he wanted to avoid looking bad for the idea of taking advantage of the taxpayers (not like that had stopped him before, these are the perks of the office) He actually owns (well he's probably upside down in it...knowing how good he is at business...) Trump National Golf Club in Potomac Falls, VA .Invest in some cold weather gear, AND GO THERE.
Don't be DISTRACTED This is still about Russia.
Poor Trump, you're no daisy, you're no daisy at all. Poor soul, you were just too high strung.
Fake news! SAD!!!
Like Obama has the time and the inclination to stoop to his level and sue Trump for every stupid allegation he makes.
And the hits keep coming and yeah what a great business man he is no ?
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
That's actually happening there NOW, and it happened here throughout the election process.
There's also the rise of "whataboutism", a DISTRACTION tactic that the OF actually uses all the time. Jeff Session's recusal? WHAT ABOUT Barry personally wiretapping me? 3 million dollars for a golf weekend and a trip to a Catholic School with the new Education secretary? WHAT ABOUT those well behaved and SO organized March 4 Trumpers? A budget that calls for the virtual elimination of at least %90 of the EPA's budget to deal with the cleanup of the ALREADY POLLUTED Great Lakes, Chesapeake Bay, and Puget Sound, WHAT ABOUT the fabulous Travel Ban that will be reintroduced because our already perfect 1st Executive Order was overturned by "So-called" liberal judges
I'm hearing, anyway. I just thought I'd put it out there without really doing any research ...
Luckily, Trump has legions of supporters who bought the 'Trump's a victim of Obama' bit hook line & sinker.
They should put one of those "days since last accident" signs outside the White House, except make it "days since acting presidential".
Every day he's in office is bad. Turns out he does not understand the words "responsibility" OR "honor".