FAKE NEWS media, which makes up stories and "sources," is far more effective than the discredited Democrats - but they are fading fast! The Democrats had to come up with a story as to why they lost the election, and so badly (306), so they made up a story - RUSSIA. Fake news!
nobody believes him, except his craziest and kookiest supporters
he is at 35-40% and falling with upside down numbers no matter how you look at it
he is a godsend for the progressive movement in this country
it will be very interesting in 4 years, if it goes that long.
"Oh Canada...you're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
FAKE NEWS media, which makes up stories and "sources," is far more effective than the discredited Democrats - but they are fading fast! The Democrats had to come up with a story as to why they lost the election, and so badly (306), so they made up a story - RUSSIA. Fake news!
nobody believes him, except his craziest and kookiest supporters
he is at 35-40% and falling with upside down numbers no matter how you look at it
he is a godsend for the progressive movement in this country
it will be very interesting in 4 years, if it goes that long.
FAKE NEWS media, which makes up stories and "sources," is far more effective than the discredited Democrats - but they are fading fast! The Democrats had to come up with a story as to why they lost the election, and so badly (306), so they made up a story - RUSSIA. Fake news!
nobody believes him, except his craziest and kookiest supporters
he is at 35-40% and falling with upside down numbers no matter how you look at it
he is a godsend for the progressive movement in this country
it will be very interesting in 4 years, if it goes that long.
If the past 4 weeks has been any indication, my liver won't make it four whole years.
you have no issue or concerns at all with the trump administration, and trump himself, appearing to have a nefarious relationship with Putin & the Russians?
please do not reference Hillary, Obama, W, Clinton, Bush 41, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, LBJ, JFK, Ike, Truman, FDR, Hoover, Coolidge, Harding, Wilson, Taft, or Teddy
It's comical how the 2-3 people around here in love with Trump become irritated when Hitler references are used... yet employ the historical references as a go to tactic when defending the moron.
FAKE NEWS media, which makes up stories and "sources," is far more effective than the discredited Democrats - but they are fading fast! The Democrats had to come up with a story as to why they lost the election, and so badly (306), so they made up a story - RUSSIA. Fake news!
nobody believes him, except his craziest and kookiest supporters
he is at 35-40% and falling with upside down numbers no matter how you look at it
he is a godsend for the progressive movement in this country
it will be very interesting in 4 years, if it goes that long.
FAKE NEWS media, which makes up stories and "sources," is far more effective than the discredited Democrats - but they are fading fast! The Democrats had to come up with a story as to why they lost the election, and so badly (306), so they made up a story - RUSSIA. Fake news!
nobody believes him, except his craziest and kookiest supporters
he is at 35-40% and falling with upside down numbers no matter how you look at it
he is a godsend for the progressive movement in this country
it will be very interesting in 4 years, if it goes that long.
If the past 4 weeks has been any indication, my liver won't make it four whole years.
FAKE NEWS media, which makes up stories and "sources," is far more effective than the discredited Democrats - but they are fading fast! The Democrats had to come up with a story as to why they lost the election, and so badly (306), so they made up a story - RUSSIA. Fake news!
nobody believes him, except his craziest and kookiest supporters
he is at 35-40% and falling with upside down numbers no matter how you look at it
he is a godsend for the progressive movement in this country
it will be very interesting in 4 years, if it goes that long.
If the past 4 weeks has been any indication, my liver won't make it four whole years.
Stock market hits new high with longest winning streak in decades. Great level of confidence and optimism - even before tax plan rollout! Leaking, and even illegal classified leaking, has been a big problem in Washington for years. Failing @nytimes (and others) must apologize! The spotlight has finally been put on the low-life leakers! They will be caught!
low-life is in sharp contrast with god-blessed
The oath taken by every intelligence agent:
I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic
Whoever it was, was just following the oath.
now we are talking
That's fine and dandy but I would be frustrated too by leakers as POTUS. Obama was Barack Obama was extremely frustrated by unauthorized disclosures, and during his time in office, nine alleged leakers were prosecuted, more than any other administration http://www.npr.org/2017/02/16/515548708/inside-the-white-house-trump-changes-his-tune-on-leaks Leakers are dangerous to security period.
Stock market hits new high with longest winning streak in decades. Great level of confidence and optimism - even before tax plan rollout! Leaking, and even illegal classified leaking, has been a big problem in Washington for years. Failing @nytimes (and others) must apologize! The spotlight has finally been put on the low-life leakers! They will be caught!
low-life is in sharp contrast with god-blessed
The oath taken by every intelligence agent:
I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic
Whoever it was, was just following the oath.
now we are talking
That's fine and dandy but I would be frustrated too by leakers as POTUS. Obama was Barack Obama was extremely frustrated by unauthorized disclosures, and during his time in office, nine alleged leakers were prosecuted, more than any other administration http://www.npr.org/2017/02/16/515548708/inside-the-white-house-trump-changes-his-tune-on-leaks Leakers are dangerous to security period.
Great, now show me the article when Obama not only embraced, but encouraged leaks on his political opponents.
Illegal or not, the information is true. By definition, a leak is true.
exactly. the very founding of this country was pushback against power. what is a leak other than pushback?
If that is the case than why so mad if Trump colluded with Russia to leak the Hillary campaign's emails? Just pushback, you know, the foundation of this country?
colluding with an adversarial foreign power in the electoral process is a lot different than leaking pertinent info on corruptable power. And in the early stages of this particular administration, its a civic obligation imo.
Hillary was a corruptable power. The FBI was giving everybody the heads-up. It was just pushback.
still not the same ballpark. at all. preventing corruptable power so corruptable power can take office? stop insulting my intelligence.
props to the deftness of your PM the other day btw.
The only thing that has been suggested to be corruptable right now is Flynn post-lie to Pence. I'm not sure how that's worse then the known corruptable power that was Hillary. Not the same ballpark. At all.
In terms of my PM...Yeah. I don't like him but he played it right.
its emerging that Flynn wasnt the only one of the team. and now we're talking about well before election day. and given his continued deflections in regards to russia's exertion of influence, it suggests to me something involving him directly.
Actually none of that is emerging.
True. The Paul Manafort and Roger Stone connection emerged long ago. Another player is emerging and they all are connected by Mr. Trump. But seriously BS, you can't really believe that Trump was unaware or disconnected from all of these Russian issues. His own words throughout the campaign and during the first weeks of his presidency make it quite obvious.
To date there is no evidence of wrongdoing. By anyone. Communications are not a crime. Could something else arise? Certainly but so far there is just nothing.
Let's all remember that when Bush was negotiating with Iran in 2008 Obama sent Ambassador William Miller to meet with Iran and let them know that he will be "friendlier" to them. That meeting pretty much sabotaged Bush and nobody made a peep.
Has anything Trump or his people have done even approached that level of interference? I don't think so.
Because 26 days into a new administration, you have a high profile resignation that was preceded by two previous high level resignations, a cabinet level nominee withdraw from consideration and 4 national security/law enforcement agencies beginning investigations as well as both republican and democrat members of congress, specifically members of the intelligence committees, and not back bencher amateurs like Tom "I'm a Warrior Hear Me Roar Cotton." Because this is how most newly elected administrations get off the ground. Brilliant!!
A whole lot of nothing? You mean like Hillary's emails? Or did you mean the Clinton Foundation? Or nothing like Comet Pizza?
Why don't you go back and see how many of Obama's team withdrew and/or had to be pushed out in the early stages. Daschle, Richardson, Gregg, Jones, Zinni...there are others. Did any of those withdrawals represent the collapse of his administration? Do your homework please.
How many law enforcement or intelligence agencies opened investigations of the Obama administration in the first 26 days?
How many have opened one now? I haven't seen an actual list. All I have seen is that the FBI has cleared everybody.
Illegal or not, the information is true. By definition, a leak is true.
exactly. the very founding of this country was pushback against power. what is a leak other than pushback?
If that is the case than why so mad if Trump colluded with Russia to leak the Hillary campaign's emails? Just pushback, you know, the foundation of this country?
colluding with an adversarial foreign power in the electoral process is a lot different than leaking pertinent info on corruptable power. And in the early stages of this particular administration, its a civic obligation imo.
Hillary was a corruptable power. The FBI was giving everybody the heads-up. It was just pushback.
still not the same ballpark. at all. preventing corruptable power so corruptable power can take office? stop insulting my intelligence.
props to the deftness of your PM the other day btw.
The only thing that has been suggested to be corruptable right now is Flynn post-lie to Pence. I'm not sure how that's worse then the known corruptable power that was Hillary. Not the same ballpark. At all.
In terms of my PM...Yeah. I don't like him but he played it right.
its emerging that Flynn wasnt the only one of the team. and now we're talking about well before election day. and given his continued deflections in regards to russia's exertion of influence, it suggests to me something involving him directly.
Actually none of that is emerging.
True. The Paul Manafort and Roger Stone connection emerged long ago. Another player is emerging and they all are connected by Mr. Trump. But seriously BS, you can't really believe that Trump was unaware or disconnected from all of these Russian issues. His own words throughout the campaign and during the first weeks of his presidency make it quite obvious.
To date there is no evidence of wrongdoing. By anyone. Communications are not a crime. Could something else arise? Certainly but so far there is just nothing.
Let's all remember that when Bush was negotiating with Iran in 2008 Obama sent Ambassador William Miller to meet with Iran and let them know that he will be "friendlier" to them. That meeting pretty much sabotaged Bush and nobody made a peep.
Has anything Trump or his people have done even approached that level of interference? I don't think so.
Because 26 days into a new administration, you have a high profile resignation that was preceded by two previous high level resignations, a cabinet level nominee withdraw from consideration and 4 national security/law enforcement agencies beginning investigations as well as both republican and democrat members of congress, specifically members of the intelligence committees, and not back bencher amateurs like Tom "I'm a Warrior Hear Me Roar Cotton." Because this is how most newly elected administrations get off the ground. Brilliant!!
A whole lot of nothing? You mean like Hillary's emails? Or did you mean the Clinton Foundation? Or nothing like Comet Pizza?
Why don't you go back and see how many of Obama's team withdrew and/or had to be pushed out in the early stages. Daschle, Richardson, Gregg, Jones, Zinni...there are others. Did any of those withdrawals represent the collapse of his administration? Do your homework please.
off the top of my head, its been a few years, but I remember most of them being pushed out due to tax issues... not for being on the payroll of the Russians... and of course we know this bafoon hasn't paid taxes in decades and still hasn't released his taxes
keep making excuses. keep reading right wing blogs that excuse it all way. keep that head in the sand my friend. its not going to change reality
I am not making excuses. There is currently nothing to make an excuse for. Other then innuendo of course.
right. people can see right through this b-b-b-ut Obama, and b-b-b-ut Hillary. They're persona non grata. This is not an issue of 'both side are bad, so....' This is unpresidented territory, and the people who own this mess are Trump, his administration, and the GOP that continues to put their agenda and party before their country.
Take your 'both sides are bad' narrative and shove it.
I love how they are trying to change focus to "the leakers" lol
Some people will fall for it... mostly his "fans"... most people with a functioning brain know it's bullshit
I saw a quote online that said:
"blaming the leakers for the information is like blaming the fire alarm for causing the fire"
You can't take the effect...and make it the cause...you didn't rob a bank because I made up the law.. Well I ain't saying I'm innocent In fact the reverse But if your heading to the grave you don't blame the hearse You're like a little girl yelling at her brother Cuz you lost his ball
I love how they are trying to change focus to "the leakers" lol
Some people will fall for it... mostly his "fans"... most people with a functioning brain know it's bullshit
I saw a quote online that said:
"blaming the leakers for the information is like blaming the fire alarm for causing the fire"
You can't take the effect...and make it the cause...you didn't rob a bank because I made up the law.. Well I ain't saying I'm innocent In fact the reverse But if your heading to the grave you don't blame the hearse You're like a little girl yelling at her brother Cuz you lost his ball
right. people can see right through this b-b-b-ut Obama, and b-b-b-ut Hillary. They're persona non grata. This is not an issue of 'both side are bad, so....' This is unpresidented territory, and the people who own this mess are Trump, his administration, and the GOP that continues to put their agenda and party before their country.
Take your 'both sides are bad' narrative and shove it.
I really can't tell anymore if you support President Trump or not. I post an article with some facts and you say shove it? I've never said both sides are bad only one.
you have no issue or concerns at all with the trump administration, and trump himself, appearing to have a nefarious relationship with Putin & the Russians?
please do not reference Hillary, Obama, W, Clinton, Bush 41, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, LBJ, JFK, Ike, Truman, FDR, Hoover, Coolidge, Harding, Wilson, Taft, or Teddy
you have no issue or concerns at all with the trump administration, and trump himself, appearing to have a nefarious relationship with Putin & the Russians?
please do not reference Hillary, Obama, W, Clinton, Bush 41, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, LBJ, JFK, Ike, Truman, FDR, Hoover, Coolidge, Harding, Wilson, Taft, or Teddy
Of course I have issues. Remember that I am probably the biggest hawk on here and I am very concerned with Russian behaviour over the last few years. That being said all I am witnessing right now are "appearances"...with some "appearances" being worse then others. The Manafort stuff bugs me far more then the Flynn stuff but I don't think either rise to the level of "nefarious" from what we know...yet. Also when it comes down to it I don't think Trump himself is even ideological about Russia. Like most issues he probably hasn't given any of this too much thought but he does actually have a strategic advantage by maintaining a polite posture with Putin over the course of the campaign. More importantly then any of this would be to ask yourself what kind of strategy and/or relationship would you like to see with Russia. There is room here to push back against Russia while giving Putin the chance to save face. It would also be good to bring Russia closer to the US in order to counter Iran and a more aggressive China...a reverse Nixon if you will (sorry for the reference but this is strategy and not comparing behaviour). So yes I have concerns but it is important to not overreact to every little unsubstantiated tidbit in the press. Right now Russia is loving the division in your country. They have been hitting Ukraine hard over the last few days. They count on your weakness.
Illegal or not, the information is true. By definition, a leak is true.
exactly. the very founding of this country was pushback against power. what is a leak other than pushback?
If that is the case than why so mad if Trump colluded with Russia to leak the Hillary campaign's emails? Just pushback, you know, the foundation of this country?
colluding with an adversarial foreign power in the electoral process is a lot different than leaking pertinent info on corruptable power. And in the early stages of this particular administration, its a civic obligation imo.
Hillary was a corruptable power. The FBI was giving everybody the heads-up. It was just pushback.
still not the same ballpark. at all. preventing corruptable power so corruptable power can take office? stop insulting my intelligence.
props to the deftness of your PM the other day btw.
The only thing that has been suggested to be corruptable right now is Flynn post-lie to Pence. I'm not sure how that's worse then the known corruptable power that was Hillary. Not the same ballpark. At all.
In terms of my PM...Yeah. I don't like him but he played it right.
its emerging that Flynn wasnt the only one of the team. and now we're talking about well before election day. and given his continued deflections in regards to russia's exertion of influence, it suggests to me something involving him directly.
Actually none of that is emerging.
True. The Paul Manafort and Roger Stone connection emerged long ago. Another player is emerging and they all are connected by Mr. Trump. But seriously BS, you can't really believe that Trump was unaware or disconnected from all of these Russian issues. His own words throughout the campaign and during the first weeks of his presidency make it quite obvious.
To date there is no evidence of wrongdoing. By anyone. Communications are not a crime. Could something else arise? Certainly but so far there is just nothing.
Let's all remember that when Bush was negotiating with Iran in 2008 Obama sent Ambassador William Miller to meet with Iran and let them know that he will be "friendlier" to them. That meeting pretty much sabotaged Bush and nobody made a peep.
Has anything Trump or his people have done even approached that level of interference? I don't think so.
Because 26 days into a new administration, you have a high profile resignation that was preceded by two previous high level resignations, a cabinet level nominee withdraw from consideration and 4 national security/law enforcement agencies beginning investigations as well as both republican and democrat members of congress, specifically members of the intelligence committees, and not back bencher amateurs like Tom "I'm a Warrior Hear Me Roar Cotton." Because this is how most newly elected administrations get off the ground. Brilliant!!
A whole lot of nothing? You mean like Hillary's emails? Or did you mean the Clinton Foundation? Or nothing like Comet Pizza?
Why don't you go back and see how many of Obama's team withdrew and/or had to be pushed out in the early stages. Daschle, Richardson, Gregg, Jones, Zinni...there are others. Did any of those withdrawals represent the collapse of his administration? Do your homework please.
How many law enforcement or intelligence agencies opened investigations of the Obama administration in the first 26 days?
How many have opened one now? I haven't seen an actual list. All I have seen is that the FBI has cleared everybody.
CIA, NSA and Treasury's Financial Crimes Unit. Ongoing investigations and unlike Comey, they're not commenting on ongoing investigations. Comey's actions alone make the FBI suspect but I'll bet there are some rogue agents leaking, as opposed to taking leaks.
Illegal or not, the information is true. By definition, a leak is true.
exactly. the very founding of this country was pushback against power. what is a leak other than pushback?
If that is the case than why so mad if Trump colluded with Russia to leak the Hillary campaign's emails? Just pushback, you know, the foundation of this country?
colluding with an adversarial foreign power in the electoral process is a lot different than leaking pertinent info on corruptable power. And in the early stages of this particular administration, its a civic obligation imo.
Hillary was a corruptable power. The FBI was giving everybody the heads-up. It was just pushback.
still not the same ballpark. at all. preventing corruptable power so corruptable power can take office? stop insulting my intelligence.
props to the deftness of your PM the other day btw.
The only thing that has been suggested to be corruptable right now is Flynn post-lie to Pence. I'm not sure how that's worse then the known corruptable power that was Hillary. Not the same ballpark. At all.
In terms of my PM...Yeah. I don't like him but he played it right.
its emerging that Flynn wasnt the only one of the team. and now we're talking about well before election day. and given his continued deflections in regards to russia's exertion of influence, it suggests to me something involving him directly.
Actually none of that is emerging.
True. The Paul Manafort and Roger Stone connection emerged long ago. Another player is emerging and they all are connected by Mr. Trump. But seriously BS, you can't really believe that Trump was unaware or disconnected from all of these Russian issues. His own words throughout the campaign and during the first weeks of his presidency make it quite obvious.
To date there is no evidence of wrongdoing. By anyone. Communications are not a crime. Could something else arise? Certainly but so far there is just nothing.
Let's all remember that when Bush was negotiating with Iran in 2008 Obama sent Ambassador William Miller to meet with Iran and let them know that he will be "friendlier" to them. That meeting pretty much sabotaged Bush and nobody made a peep.
Has anything Trump or his people have done even approached that level of interference? I don't think so.
Because 26 days into a new administration, you have a high profile resignation that was preceded by two previous high level resignations, a cabinet level nominee withdraw from consideration and 4 national security/law enforcement agencies beginning investigations as well as both republican and democrat members of congress, specifically members of the intelligence committees, and not back bencher amateurs like Tom "I'm a Warrior Hear Me Roar Cotton." Because this is how most newly elected administrations get off the ground. Brilliant!!
A whole lot of nothing? You mean like Hillary's emails? Or did you mean the Clinton Foundation? Or nothing like Comet Pizza?
Why don't you go back and see how many of Obama's team withdrew and/or had to be pushed out in the early stages. Daschle, Richardson, Gregg, Jones, Zinni...there are others. Did any of those withdrawals represent the collapse of his administration? Do your homework please.
How many law enforcement or intelligence agencies opened investigations of the Obama administration in the first 26 days?
How many have opened one now? I haven't seen an actual list. All I have seen is that the FBI has cleared everybody.
CIA, NSA and Treasury's Financial Crimes Unit. Ongoing investigations and unlike Comey, they're not commenting on ongoing investigations. Comey's actions alone make the FBI suspect but I'll bet there are some rogue agents leaking, as opposed to taking leaks.
And both parties in congress are calling for investigative committees with some advocating for a special prosecutor. Nothing to see here folks. Move on.
you have no issue or concerns at all with the trump administration, and trump himself, appearing to have a nefarious relationship with Putin & the Russians?
please do not reference Hillary, Obama, W, Clinton, Bush 41, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, LBJ, JFK, Ike, Truman, FDR, Hoover, Coolidge, Harding, Wilson, Taft, or Teddy
Of course I have issues. Remember that I am probably the biggest hawk on here and I am very concerned with Russian behaviour over the last few years. That being said all I am witnessing right now are "appearances"...with some "appearances" being worse then others. The Manafort stuff bugs me far more then the Flynn stuff but I don't think either rise to the level of "nefarious" from what we know...yet. Also when it comes down to it I don't think Trump himself is even ideological about Russia. Like most issues he probably hasn't given any of this too much thought but he does actually have a strategic advantage by maintaining a polite posture with Putin over the course of the campaign. More importantly then any of this would be to ask yourself what kind of strategy and/or relationship would you like to see with Russia. There is room here to push back against Russia while giving Putin the chance to save face. It would also be good to bring Russia closer to the US in order to counter Iran and a more aggressive China...a reverse Nixon if you will (sorry for the reference but this is strategy and not comparing behaviour). So yes I have concerns but it is important to not overreact to every little unsubstantiated tidbit in the press. Right now Russia is loving the division in your country. They have been hitting Ukraine hard over the last few days. They count on your weakness.
The reason there is so much concern is two-fold...
1. We don't know Trump's financial ties to Russia. And everyone knows that Putin would not hesitate for a second to confiscate assets. So any overtures to Russia are scene by many of us with a suspicious eye. 2. Russia has been promoting right wing extremism, anti-globalism and anti-NATO views for the last few years. Trump certainly has some affinity to this mind set and Bannon absolutely does. So the American people have the absolute right to know the extend of any ties between our gov't officials and theirs.
Let me know when Obama & his cronies had a treasonous relationship with Russia
They had a similar one with Iran prior to him taking office and I never heard you make a peep.
you're joking right? you see those situations the same? how many people had to step down from the Obama team due to being on the Iranian payroll? were there any inclinations that Obama may have been compromised by Iran?
by the way, you have no clue what I make a peep about and don't... you act as if posting on here is the only measure of a persons stance on issues? lol
Let me know when Obama & his cronies had a treasonous relationship with Russia
They had a similar one with Iran prior to him taking office and I never heard you make a peep.
you're joking right? you see those situations the same? how many people had to step down from the Obama team due to being on the Iranian payroll? were there any inclinations that Obama may have been compromised by Iran?
by the way, you have no clue what I make a peep about and don't... you act as if posting on here is the only measure of a persons stance on issues? lol
Obama sent someone to Iran while Bush was trying to negotiate a deal. Isn't that why everybody is suggesting the Flynn phone call was so problematic? It is the exact same thing. Second nobody had to step down for being on Russian payroll. You keep writing that as if it happened. It is innuendo. The suggestion that Trump may have been compromised by Russia is innuendo. You are basically the mouthpiece for every intelligence leak that appears in yesterday's paper. That is when you make peeps.
Let me know when Obama & his cronies had a treasonous relationship with Russia
They had a similar one with Iran prior to him taking office and I never heard you make a peep.
you're joking right? you see those situations the same? how many people had to step down from the Obama team due to being on the Iranian payroll? were there any inclinations that Obama may have been compromised by Iran?
by the way, you have no clue what I make a peep about and don't... you act as if posting on here is the only measure of a persons stance on issues? lol
Obama sent someone to Iran while Bush was trying to negotiate a deal. Isn't that why everybody is suggesting the Flynn phone call was so problematic? It is the exact same thing. Second nobody had to step down for being on Russian payroll. You keep writing that as if it happened. It is innuendo. The suggestion that Trump may have been compromised by Russia is innuendo. You are basically the mouthpiece for every intelligence leak that appears in yesterday's paper. That is when you make peeps.
To be more specific, Manafort was forced to resign because his name came up in a log of illegal payments to or from Ukraine separatists. If it was all bullcrap, I wonder why he resigned.
Second, like anything else, it's the cover up, not the crime. The issue..again... is that Flynn lied to Pence, Pence misled the American people. That can't happen. Why did Flynn lie? Don't know. Seems odd. I guess we will have to wait for the transcripts. Why did Trump wait 18 days before forcing the resignation of Flynn (until the Washpo story)? Don't know. Why did Trump say he was unaware of it during a Q&A last Friday when he had known for at least two weeks? Don't know. Maybe it's because he and his cronies are pathological liars. Maybe not.
Illegal or not, the information is true. By definition, a leak is true.
exactly. the very founding of this country was pushback against power. what is a leak other than pushback?
If that is the case than why so mad if Trump colluded with Russia to leak the Hillary campaign's emails? Just pushback, you know, the foundation of this country?
colluding with an adversarial foreign power in the electoral process is a lot different than leaking pertinent info on corruptable power. And in the early stages of this particular administration, its a civic obligation imo.
Hillary was a corruptable power. The FBI was giving everybody the heads-up. It was just pushback.
still not the same ballpark. at all. preventing corruptable power so corruptable power can take office? stop insulting my intelligence.
props to the deftness of your PM the other day btw.
The only thing that has been suggested to be corruptable right now is Flynn post-lie to Pence. I'm not sure how that's worse then the known corruptable power that was Hillary. Not the same ballpark. At all.
In terms of my PM...Yeah. I don't like him but he played it right.
its emerging that Flynn wasnt the only one of the team. and now we're talking about well before election day. and given his continued deflections in regards to russia's exertion of influence, it suggests to me something involving him directly.
Actually none of that is emerging.
True. The Paul Manafort and Roger Stone connection emerged long ago. Another player is emerging and they all are connected by Mr. Trump. But seriously BS, you can't really believe that Trump was unaware or disconnected from all of these Russian issues. His own words throughout the campaign and during the first weeks of his presidency make it quite obvious.
To date there is no evidence of wrongdoing. By anyone. Communications are not a crime. Could something else arise? Certainly but so far there is just nothing.
Let's all remember that when Bush was negotiating with Iran in 2008 Obama sent Ambassador William Miller to meet with Iran and let them know that he will be "friendlier" to them. That meeting pretty much sabotaged Bush and nobody made a peep.
Has anything Trump or his people have done even approached that level of interference? I don't think so.
Because 26 days into a new administration, you have a high profile resignation that was preceded by two previous high level resignations, a cabinet level nominee withdraw from consideration and 4 national security/law enforcement agencies beginning investigations as well as both republican and democrat members of congress, specifically members of the intelligence committees, and not back bencher amateurs like Tom "I'm a Warrior Hear Me Roar Cotton." Because this is how most newly elected administrations get off the ground. Brilliant!!
A whole lot of nothing? You mean like Hillary's emails? Or did you mean the Clinton Foundation? Or nothing like Comet Pizza?
Why don't you go back and see how many of Obama's team withdrew and/or had to be pushed out in the early stages. Daschle, Richardson, Gregg, Jones, Zinni...there are others. Did any of those withdrawals represent the collapse of his administration? Do your homework please.
How many law enforcement or intelligence agencies opened investigations of the Obama administration in the first 26 days?
How many have opened one now? I haven't seen an actual list. All I have seen is that the FBI has cleared everybody.
CIA, NSA and Treasury's Financial Crimes Unit. Ongoing investigations and unlike Comey, they're not commenting on ongoing investigations. Comey's actions alone make the FBI suspect but I'll bet there are some rogue agents leaking, as opposed to taking leaks.
The CIA and NSA don't do investigations...they collect intelligence and they need a court to gather this intelligence when it comes to American citizens. This intelligence can be handed over to investigating agencies under certain circumstances. I haven't seen a report anywhere that the Treasury's Financial Crimes Unit is investigating anything. I think you're making shit up again. You are the Comet Pizza guy.
-EV 8/14/93
Turns out I'm not the only one, misery loves company I guess
Americans Are Really Stressed About Donald Trump, Study Finds
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
Obama was
Barack Obama was extremely frustrated by unauthorized disclosures, and during his time in office, nine alleged leakers were prosecuted, more than any other administration
Leakers are dangerous to security period.
You can do that.
Some people will fall for it... mostly his "fans"... most people with a functioning brain know it's bullshit
However, the order aimed to keep revelations out of the press. It encouraged whistleblowers to keep their complaints internal, or, if they must, go to Congress.
Those who chose to go the media found the limits of the policy.
"blaming the leakers for the information is like blaming the fire alarm for causing the fire"
-EV 8/14/93
people can see right through this b-b-b-ut Obama, and b-b-b-ut Hillary. They're persona non grata. This is not an issue of 'both side are bad, so....' This is unpresidented territory, and the people who own this mess are Trump, his administration, and the GOP that continues to put their agenda and party before their country.
Take your 'both sides are bad' narrative and shove it.
Well I ain't saying I'm innocent
In fact the reverse
But if your heading to the grave
you don't blame the hearse
You're like a little girl yelling at her brother
Cuz you lost his ball
I post an article with some facts and you say shove it?
I've never said both sides are bad only one.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
1. We don't know Trump's financial ties to Russia. And everyone knows that Putin would not hesitate for a second to confiscate assets. So any overtures to Russia are scene by many of us with a suspicious eye.
2. Russia has been promoting right wing extremism, anti-globalism and anti-NATO views for the last few years. Trump certainly has some affinity to this mind set and Bannon absolutely does. So the American people have the absolute right to know the extend of any ties between our gov't officials and theirs.
by the way, you have no clue what I make a peep about and don't... you act as if posting on here is the only measure of a persons stance on issues? lol
Second, like anything else, it's the cover up, not the crime. The issue..again... is that Flynn lied to Pence, Pence misled the American people. That can't happen. Why did Flynn lie? Don't know. Seems odd. I guess we will have to wait for the transcripts. Why did Trump wait 18 days before forcing the resignation of Flynn (until the Washpo story)? Don't know. Why did Trump say he was unaware of it during a Q&A last Friday when he had known for at least two weeks? Don't know. Maybe it's because he and his cronies are pathological liars. Maybe not.