ISO Telluride Ride Festival posters

2 hours in line and struck out on both the PJ poster & the festival poster. No limits on posters so they went pretty quick and are already close to $200 on Ebay. Heading back in to the festival this morning thinking they might have printed more or saved some for day 2 but don't have my hopes up.

If anyone picked up an extra of either please let me know. Can pick up local here in Telluride or pay for shipping.


  • grisbackgrisback Jersey Posts: 1
    same here. Willing to pay above face value- but not willing to pay the absurd eBay prices. I also have sticker, pin, and large PJ telluride shirt I can trade. Thanks!
  • a5pja5pj Hershey PA Posts: 3,924
    No more printed for day 2 of either poster
    Wouldn't it be funny if the world ended in 2010, with lots of fire?

  • TC18241TC18241 Gainesville, FL Posts: 15
    It was very disappointing to see people buying 10+ posters. There were only 3 people ahead of me on line when they sold out. We got in right when the festival opened at 10am, but still didn't get a poster.

    I wish there was a way to let Ten Club members pre-order a poster when getting 10C tickets. Or, just print more posters to take some power away from flippers.

    I've been very discouraged with the poster sales the past couple of tours. I love the artwork, I love the band, I even enjoy standing on line for an hour or two while talking with fellow fans, but it's sad to see so many posters getting flipped online.
  • elwayvedderelwayvedder South Jersey Posts: 9,141
    Telluride Emek up in shop
  • droptheleash9droptheleash9 Posts: 1,440
    Elwayvedder beat me to it. Go get this thing!
  • ToHellURideToHellURide Posts: 145
    Son of a....if anyone has one they are willing to part with consider my hand raised.
  • helplessdancerhelplessdancer Posts: 5,281
    if posters are in such demand why not print more?
    this sucks. anyone with an extra? i saw a guy leave the venue shortly after 10am with at least 5 posters in his hands....
  • prljmr316prljmr316 Denver, CO Posts: 162
    edited July 2016
    I was at the show, would love to pick one up, if someone can let one go for an honest price? EMEK
    I missed the drop by like an hour this morning, and just don't have the ankles anymore to have stood in that line. WOW, what a show!!!
    Post edited by prljmr316 on
    John Strohmeyer
  • AndoAndo Denver Posts: 410
    I watch a guy buy 20 posters. It was like 2 inches of posters, it was disgusting
  • elwayvedderelwayvedder South Jersey Posts: 9,141
    edited July 2016
    an amazing soul just surprised me with a donation of the Emek poster to OYR and it arrived in my mailbox this morning. She's what makes PJ fans the best. So I have one available for sale with 100% going to Operation Yellow Ribbon if you want to message me
    Post edited by elwayvedder on
  • SweetDaddyLouSweetDaddyLou Posts: 1,334
    If you have a telluride I will buy it.
  • SweetDaddyLouSweetDaddyLou Posts: 1,334
    Happy to support OYR for sure!
  • weddingparadeweddingparade Posts: 1,179

    an amazing soul just surprised me with a donation of the Emek poster to OYR and it arrived in my mailbox this morning. She's what makes PJ fans the best. So I have one available for sale with 100% going to Operation Yellow Ribbon if you want to message me

    pm sent
  • ToHellURideToHellURide Posts: 145
    PJ specifc Emek is in hand thanks to the very thoughtful elwayvedder!

    Still looking for the festival poster by AJ Masthay if anyone has one they are willing to part with.
  • prljmr316prljmr316 Denver, CO Posts: 162
    Make that 2 looking for a Mashtay, I was able to get an Emek finally!
    John Strohmeyer
  • whoyouare72whoyouare72 Chicago IL Posts: 2,157
    I have an Emek Telluride to trade. Looking to trade it plus $ for Wrigley 2013 munk one Hot Dog aka dirty frank. Or what else ya got?
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