If there's not a hand holding down my head in it, sure!
(SD, I adopted one years ago - his name was Fudgy but I dubbed him Fucky. He was a little asshole, cute as hell, but just not a good fit for either of us. We both tried! I've always gone the rescue route with no "returns" but fortunately this organization was able to re-home him )
Are there some people with whom you just don't talk politics?
do you get distracted easily?
Do you like to eat lunch?
do you look for weekly sales in the grocery flyers?
Do you cook from scratch?
you prefer bbq steak over bbq chicken?
Have you had more than two employers in your working life?
Are you currently looking for a new job?
Do you play video games?
Do you feed birds?
Do you give the bird?
Have you ever pet a bird?
Do you swear frequently?
What would you say if you hit your toe really hard ?
Have you ever had a polydactyl cat?
have you ever owned a horse?
Hedonist, I had a cat with extra toes. Best. Cat. EVER.
Have you ever been to Hemingway's house in Key West?
Have you seen the Eiffel tower?
Have you ever played shuffle board?
Do you like being underwater?
(SD, I adopted one years ago - his name was Fudgy but I dubbed him Fucky. He was a little asshole, cute as hell, but just not a good fit for either of us. We both tried! I've always gone the rescue route with no "returns" but fortunately this organization was able to re-home him
Are there some people with whom you just don't talk politics?
Do you like talking politics with people?
Are pygmy goats adorable?
Did you know that pygmy goats are quite hardy?
have you ever had a goat for a pet?
Do you forcefully part your hair?
(I can't; it just does its natural thing)
Have you ever had a lizard for a pet?
Did often answer the goat question AND am I now smiling at her response in the context of the hair-parting thing?
Is you car more than 20 years old?