"Uh, because. Don't question, just follow." you have the choice to follow or not nobody said you have to but if your are a non believer then the consequnces of it should mean nothing to you, I am not muslim,buddist or morman so the consequences of not following those don't bother me but you seem to be angery because you think someone said you HAVE to follow...got news for ya man you don't it's your choice you wont be beheaded or thrown inprison and if you are invited all you have to say is "no thank you". you can keep waiting for the grays and little green men to swing by and pick you up in thier space ship.... hahhahahha sorry man I couldn't help myself.
for darwin's sake, man, learn the difference between anger and sarcasm. all he did was answer your question with a very good point. most of the christian religion makes zero sense and I can't even get a fucking priest to properly explain it to me. they don't even seem to understand how god is jesus but jesus is his son and why he needed to send himself/his son to earth to die for humanity's sins so jesus/god would be a filter so god (also jesus-still following?) wouldn't be able to see how bad man is.
seriously? that makes NO sense whatsoever.
oh, and then jesus/god is also a ghost.
and he had to get a human to take all the animals on a boat so he could kill every other human instead of just doing so and recreating the animals. this god is not very efficient, and couldn't even get a job as a project manager, never mind creator/ruler of the universe.
we need the laughing and smiley faces back, I was not reacting in anger and i didn't think he was being angery I was joking around, if I add a HAHHAHHAHHAHHA in posts would that help ?
BTW you can't wrap your head around the whole Christian thing but you can the visiting ET thing ? .......oki-doki.
"Uh, because. Don't question, just follow." you have the choice to follow or not nobody said you have to but if your are a non believer then the consequnces of it should mean nothing to you, I am not muslim,buddist or morman so the consequences of not following those don't bother me but you seem to be angery because you think someone said you HAVE to follow...got news for ya man you don't it's your choice you wont be beheaded or thrown inprison and if you are invited all you have to say is "no thank you". you can keep waiting for the grays and little green men to swing by and pick you up in thier space ship.... hahhahahha sorry man I couldn't help myself.
for darwin's sake, man, learn the difference between anger and sarcasm. all he did was answer your question with a very good point. most of the christian religion makes zero sense and I can't even get a fucking priest to properly explain it to me. they don't even seem to understand how god is jesus but jesus is his son and why he needed to send himself/his son to earth to die for humanity's sins so jesus/god would be a filter so god (also jesus-still following?) wouldn't be able to see how bad man is.
seriously? that makes NO sense whatsoever.
oh, and then jesus/god is also a ghost.
and he had to get a human to take all the animals on a boat so he could kill every other human instead of just doing so and recreating the animals. this god is not very efficient, and couldn't even get a job as a project manager, never mind creator/ruler of the universe.
we need the laughing and smiley faces back, I was not reacting in anger and i didn't think he was being angery I was joking around, if I add a HAHHAHHAHHAHHA in posts would that help ?
BTW you can't wrap your head around the whole Christian thing but you can the visiting ET thing ? .......oki-doki.
I didn't say you were reacting in anger. you thought he was.
we exist. why wouldn't others? it's really a very basic concept.
an inconceivably smaller stretch than a big dude in the sky who we only found out about 2000 years ago when modern man has been around for 2 HUNDRED THOUSAND, and the earth has been around for billions.
and for the record, no, I don't think they've been here. I don't even claim to KNOW they exist, as most christians claim to have a fucking relationship with an invisible man that they think talks to them.
if you took someone who is 30 years old. didn't ever introduce them to the idea of god. then explained the concept to them at 30. they would have you committed. the only reason anyone ever believes in that shit is because they are told about it as fact from birth, just like santa claus.
I just think it's arrogant to believe that we are the only ones. Maybe they don't exist now. Maybe they existed 3 million years ago. Maybe they will exist in 3 million more. maybe WE are the aliens.
but as someone's signature on here states....."maybe we are alone.....maybe we are not.......both concepts are overwhelming"
"Oh Canada...you're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
Alien life doesn't necessarily mean green men flying around in awesome space ships.
Alien life to me means simply that- life. Alien life forms may or may not be incapable of intelligent thought. It is simply naive to think there is nothing out there in any infinite direction other than us.
Given we are dealing with infinity, it's a mathematical certainty.
"Uh, because. Don't question, just follow." you have the choice to follow or not nobody said you have to but if your are a non believer then the consequnces of it should mean nothing to you, I am not muslim,buddist or morman so the consequences of not following those don't bother me but you seem to be angery because you think someone said you HAVE to follow...got news for ya man you don't it's your choice you wont be beheaded or thrown inprison and if you are invited all you have to say is "no thank you". you can keep waiting for the grays and little green men to swing by and pick you up in thier space ship.... hahhahahha sorry man I couldn't help myself.
for darwin's sake, man, learn the difference between anger and sarcasm. all he did was answer your question with a very good point. most of the christian religion makes zero sense and I can't even get a fucking priest to properly explain it to me. they don't even seem to understand how god is jesus but jesus is his son and why he needed to send himself/his son to earth to die for humanity's sins so jesus/god would be a filter so god (also jesus-still following?) wouldn't be able to see how bad man is.
seriously? that makes NO sense whatsoever.
oh, and then jesus/god is also a ghost.
and he had to get a human to take all the animals on a boat so he could kill every other human instead of just doing so and recreating the animals. this god is not very efficient, and couldn't even get a job as a project manager, never mind creator/ruler of the universe.
we need the laughing and smiley faces back, I was not reacting in anger and i didn't think he was being angery I was joking around, if I add a HAHHAHHAHHAHHA in posts would that help ?
BTW you can't wrap your head around the whole Christian thing but you can the visiting ET thing ? .......oki-doki.
I didn't say you were reacting in anger. you thought he was.
we exist. why wouldn't others? it's really a very basic concept.
an inconceivably smaller stretch than a big dude in the sky who we only found out about 2000 years ago when modern man has been around for 2 HUNDRED THOUSAND, and the earth has been around for billions.
and for the record, no, I don't think they've been here. I don't even claim to KNOW they exist, as most christians claim to have a fucking relationship with an invisible man that they think talks to them.
if you took someone who is 30 years old. didn't ever introduce them to the idea of god. then explained the concept to them at 30. they would have you committed. the only reason anyone ever believes in that shit is because they are told about it as fact from birth, just like santa claus.
I just think it's arrogant to believe that we are the only ones. Maybe they don't exist now. Maybe they existed 3 million years ago. Maybe they will exist in 3 million more. maybe WE are the aliens.
but as someone's signature on here states....."maybe we are alone.....maybe we are not.......both concepts are overwhelming"
Alien life doesn't necessarily mean green men flying around in awesome space ships.
Alien life to me means simply that- life. Alien life forms may or may not be incapable of intelligent thought. It is simply naive to think there is nothing out there in any infinite direction other than us.
Given we are dealing with infinity, it's a mathematical certainty.
It's not naive. How do you know the universe is infinite? We can only date the universe so far back. I'd like to see, not that I'd be able to understand it, the formula that show life is a certainty elsewhere.
Alien life doesn't necessarily mean green men flying around in awesome space ships.
Alien life to me means simply that- life. Alien life forms may or may not be incapable of intelligent thought. It is simply naive to think there is nothing out there in any infinite direction other than us.
Given we are dealing with infinity, it's a mathematical certainty.
Alien life doesn't necessarily mean green men flying around in awesome space ships.
Alien life to me means simply that- life. Alien life forms may or may not be incapable of intelligent thought. It is simply naive to think there is nothing out there in any infinite direction other than us.
Given we are dealing with infinity, it's a mathematical certainty.
It's not naive. How do you know the universe is infinite? We can only date the universe so far back. I'd like to see, not that I'd be able to understand it, the formula that show life is a certainty elsewhere.
talking about the universe makes my head spin. what is the universe IN? how is it everything? how does it expand? expanding into what?
Alien life doesn't necessarily mean green men flying around in awesome space ships.
Alien life to me means simply that- life. Alien life forms may or may not be incapable of intelligent thought. It is simply naive to think there is nothing out there in any infinite direction other than us.
Given we are dealing with infinity, it's a mathematical certainty.
It's not naive. How do you know the universe is infinite? We can only date the universe so far back. I'd like to see, not that I'd be able to understand it, the formula that show life is a certainty elsewhere.
talking about the universe makes my head spin. what is the universe IN? how is it everything? how does it expand? expanding into what?
reminds me of the Louis CK bit......."we came here, we thought we were in India....we saw the people, and said "you're indians, right?", "no, this isn't India"....."nahhhhh, yer indians". "and we STILL call them that. we've known for hundreds of years that they aren't indians, but we still call them that".
I still don't understand why in 2015 we still call them Indians. or why we call East Indians, EAST Indians. They are just Indians. I'm going to start calling myself West Scottish. LOL.
"Oh Canada...you're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
Read countless books on the subject and yes David Icke which probably makes me clinically paranoid , only joking. Zechariah sitchin decoded ancient writings which said this planet was visited by a race called the annunaki , which resided in Babylon now Iraq, this race was apparantely reptilian in form and many indigenous cultures recall encounters with this race. Of course evidence is pretty slim , but isn't that what they want. shamans were killed in many cultures because they held knowledge of the this ancient race. They held alliance with a blonde haired blue eyed race called the Nordics and still according to certain theorists control the planet today and hold ritualistic ceremonies, mock ceremonies at places like bohemian grove. So I believe it's possible we're an experiment and they reside underground. I'm pretty open to all theories, but at the same time believe it could be a deception for the world unite to oppose a new world order, either way were fu#cked!! Best to read with an open mind and come up with your own opinion , what to believe is the problem.......
Read countless books on the subject and yes David Icke which probably makes me clinically paranoid , only joking. Zechariah sitchin decoded ancient writings which said this planet was visited by a race called the annunaki , which resided in Babylon now Iraq, this race was apparantely reptilian in form and many indigenous cultures recall encounters with this race. Of course evidence is pretty slim , but isn't that what they want. shamans were killed in many cultures because they held knowledge of the this ancient race. They held alliance with a blonde haired blue eyed race called the Nordics and still according to certain theorists control the planet today and hold ritualistic ceremonies, mock ceremonies at places like bohemian grove. So I believe it's possible we're an experiment and they reside underground. I'm pretty open to all theories, but at the same time believe it could be a deception for the world unite to oppose a new world order, either way were fu#cked!! Best to read with an open mind and come up with your own opinion , what to believe is the problem.......
sounds like a big budget summer movie starring The Rock and Benedict Cabbagepatch.
"Oh Canada...you're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
and not just stars. sun-like stars like ours. it's inconceivable to me that there isn't/was/will be life somewhere else.
-EV 8/14/93
Sorry, that's not gonna cut it.
-EV 8/14/93
Can anyone else picture nart in your head saying this?
"Uhhh, scott, yea....if that's what floats yer boat?!??"
Where's the fucking guy laughing on the floor? Seriously, where's the faces at?
I thought it was just my work pc blocking them now or something.
-EV 8/14/93
we need the laughing and smiley faces back, I was not reacting in anger and i didn't think he was being angery I was joking around, if I add a HAHHAHHAHHAHHA in posts would that help ?
BTW you can't wrap your head around the whole Christian thing but you can the visiting ET thing ? .......oki-doki.
I didn't say you were reacting in anger. you thought he was.
we exist. why wouldn't others? it's really a very basic concept.
an inconceivably smaller stretch than a big dude in the sky who we only found out about 2000 years ago when modern man has been around for 2 HUNDRED THOUSAND, and the earth has been around for billions.
and for the record, no, I don't think they've been here. I don't even claim to KNOW they exist, as most christians claim to have a fucking relationship with an invisible man that they think talks to them.
if you took someone who is 30 years old. didn't ever introduce them to the idea of god. then explained the concept to them at 30. they would have you committed. the only reason anyone ever believes in that shit is because they are told about it as fact from birth, just like santa claus.
I just think it's arrogant to believe that we are the only ones. Maybe they don't exist now. Maybe they existed 3 million years ago. Maybe they will exist in 3 million more. maybe WE are the aliens.
but as someone's signature on here states....."maybe we are alone.....maybe we are not.......both concepts are overwhelming"
-EV 8/14/93
Alien life to me means simply that- life. Alien life forms may or may not be incapable of intelligent thought. It is simply naive to think there is nothing out there in any infinite direction other than us.
Given we are dealing with infinity, it's a mathematical certainty.
well I always say believe as you wish.
It's not naive. How do you know the universe is infinite? We can only date the universe so far back. I'd like to see, not that I'd be able to understand it, the formula that show life is a certainty elsewhere.
awesome post.
talking about the universe makes my head spin. what is the universe IN? how is it everything? how does it expand? expanding into what?
-EV 8/14/93
I dropped this off before.
yeah right, and my dad is Gods legitimate son
oki-doki pilgram....do you have a green card. HAHHAHHAHHAHHHAHHAHHAHA.
sure.....cruze by my casino and Ill hook you up with some playing ships.
I still don't understand why in 2015 we still call them Indians. or why we call East Indians, EAST Indians. They are just Indians. I'm going to start calling myself West Scottish. LOL.
-EV 8/14/93
sounds like a big budget summer movie starring The Rock and Benedict Cabbagepatch.
-EV 8/14/93