the guys .... you say that after your acdc statement - so i do hope you mean the pj guys!!
yea, if i won lotto i have to say id be packing up and doing a little tour - just like the 'long, red haired bloke' (thats gus btw) but i dont think i could be dedicated enough to go barrier everytime - even this tour i did barrier one show, back up along the runway the next, over & over to get a bit of a break and hang out with groups a bit. .... and the kids would just have to come with me - riley would be ok, jay would just have to sit in the hotel room every show :roll:
and as much as id like to go to the us one day ..... i always remember a convo i had with my 06 newcastle tkt friend on the drive home ...
"'how do people afford to follow them everywhere and see 70+ shows???"
"they obviously dont have kids or a mortgage" :roll:
the guys .... you say that after your acdc statement - so i do hope you mean the pj guys!!
yea, if i won lotto i have to say id be packing up and doing a little tour - just like the 'long, red haired bloke' (thats gus btw) but i dont think i could be dedicated enough to go barrier everytime - even this tour i did barrier one show, back up along the runway the next, over & over to get a bit of a break and hang out with groups a bit. .... and the kids would just have to come with me - riley would be ok, jay would just have to sit in the hotel room every show :roll:
and as much as id like to go to the us one day ..... i always remember a convo i had with my 06 newcastle tkt friend on the drive home ...
"'how do people afford to follow them everywhere and see 70+ shows???"
"they obviously dont have kids or a mortgage" :roll:
sorry zenith I do me PJ, I could not follow acdc from show to show I dont love them that much.
who needs a morgage, renting is the only way to go, and if worse comes to worse a nice alley way or a gutter to sleep in
i struggled with my one show up the front, dont know how gus did all of them
Rod Laver Arena - Feb 18, 2003
Rod Laver Arena - Nov 13, 2006
Adelaide Oval - Nov 17, 2009
Etihad Stadium - Nov 20, 2009
BDO Melbourne - Jan 24, 2014
New York - May 02 - 2016
sydney was easy up front - auckland was a bit rough. but you dont go onto a barrier and expect a picnic blanket do you - although if your lucky you might get some wine on a pj barrier
mortgage .... well, id rather be paying mine than some fat landlords .... rent prices are pretty much a mortgage payment these days
and ..... mr wookie ..... get thy butt to the workout thread
sydney was easy up front - auckland was a bit rough. but you dont go onto a barrier and expect a picnic blanket do you - although if your lucky you might get some wine on a pj barrier
mortgage .... well, id rather be paying mine than some fat landlords .... rent prices are pretty much a mortgage payment these days
and ..... mr wookie ..... get thy butt to the workout thread
i struggled with the standing for 4 hours after waiting only from 9am in the line, add the heat and i was fubared. Middle of winter it would have been a picnic. Upfront i was expecting some pain and suffering.
yeah i suppose that is true about a mortgage but i dont want to loose half my pay a month vs 1/3rd (including bills).
soon i will return to the workout thread its just not worthing posting about my last 13 days of working out
Rod Laver Arena - Feb 18, 2003
Rod Laver Arena - Nov 13, 2006
Adelaide Oval - Nov 17, 2009
Etihad Stadium - Nov 20, 2009
BDO Melbourne - Jan 24, 2014
New York - May 02 - 2016
Ah yes, at least with a morgage you can borrow against it to make investments, or to dig you out of trouble with the ATO... :x
I've never been on the rail, would like to, but it's to squishy for the way I dance, everyone around me would end up with black eyes and blood noses..... :oops:
Do you think the guys from PJ get tired of seeing the same faces on the rail? or even spooked out by it?
There is a member on the whos' avatar is a picture of Gus ( I think it is, it's a bit blury ) and his name is 'Gustopholies'. I thought Gus was from the US, but this person is from Adelaide.
Do you think it's him? He may have some financial tips or some scams we could pull to finance this addiction.
......I wish I tried harder in school and became a CEO, then I'd just pay for PJ to stay in Oz. *sigh.*
But doesn't Gus get to the rail quite alot at International concerts?? How can he afford that?
My youngest goes to kindy this year, so I finaly can get back into the workforce a bit......but thats still not going to help much.....
Anyone know how to hack into the ATO and wipe out debts????
PM me hehe
Anyone know how to hack into the ATO and wipe out debts????
PM me hehe
+1 i need that too, gotta love da tax man
Rod Laver Arena - Feb 18, 2003
Rod Laver Arena - Nov 13, 2006
Adelaide Oval - Nov 17, 2009
Etihad Stadium - Nov 20, 2009
BDO Melbourne - Jan 24, 2014
New York - May 02 - 2016
Haha I just got my bro's partnership off an $11k debt and another individual (who lodged 6 years at once) they waived $8200 of her 12. So hit and miss are my lovely friends at the ATO :roll:
Ive found my new Masamam trilogy.....PERTH trifecta of Just Breathe/Red Moz/Love Reign...all three are corkers
i was going to be ok because i had lots to look forward to
faith no more: decided not to play wellington. fuckholes.
rufus wainwright: cancelled next month's show. damnit.
camera obscura: going alone cuz no one else cares.
pixies: at least we still have the pixies, but it means driving to fucking yuckland again.
But doesn't Gus get to the rail quite alot at International concerts?? How can he afford that?
My youngest goes to kindy this year, so I finaly can get back into the workforce a bit......but thats still not going to help much.....
Anyone know how to hack into the ATO and wipe out debts????
PM me hehe
I wish I knew how to hack them as well.....
pm me if u get a pm....
Haha I just got my bro's partnership off an $11k debt and another individual (who lodged 6 years at once) they waived $8200 of her 12. So hit and miss are my lovely friends at the ATO :roll:
Ive found my new Masamam trilogy.....PERTH trifecta of Just Breathe/Red Moz/Love Reign...all three are corkers
I dont know how u do it but u need to ring our accountant asap and tell him how to do it.....
Seeing as this is OZ/NZ Rumour Thread, I have one to share, and I bet lots of you have one too.......
Rumour: Whilst PJ are in Perth, Ed goes to Scarborough Beach. ( this bit is true)
He walkes into a Pub, ( this bit is true too. )
and the LIVE music playing is jammin " Daughter ".
Ed orders a drink, turns to the singer and says " Not a bad version. " and walks out.
that was it..........
The Band member doing the gig turned that episode into .....
"Oh yea....I MET Eddie, had a yarn, he's a nice bloke, he liked my music".
I have wittenesses to begining of this rumour.
I think it's kinda 'fanaticle' which I get. Name dropping....
I'm more of a doer.
If it was ME, jammin in the pub and Ed walked in, .....I WILL BE arrested for ' causing a disturbance'.
ive posted this before - but ive often wondered about how id react if i were to ever meet ed .... and i really dont think id jump or gush or carry on .... id just shake his hand and thank him for writing the soundtrack to my life
Seeing as this is OZ/NZ Rumour Thread, I have one to share, and I bet lots of you have one too.......
Rumour: Whilst PJ are in Perth, Ed goes to Scarborough Beach. ( this bit is true)
He walkes into a Pub, ( this bit is true too. )
and the LIVE music playing is jammin " Daughter ".
Ed orders a drink, turns to the singer and says " Not a bad version. " and walks out.
that was it..........
The Band member doing the gig turned that episode into .....
"Oh yea....I MET Eddie, had a yarn, he's a nice bloke, he liked my music".
I have wittenesses to begining of this rumour.
I think it's kinda 'fanaticle' which I get. Name dropping....
I'm more of a doer.
If it was ME, jammin in the pub and Ed walked in, .....I WILL BE arrested for ' causing a disturbance'.
Hahah thats a classic. I reckon I woulda stopped singing outta fear
today, besides the usual admit/discharge/im not paying for this that cos im on a pension whinges/my pay didnt go in so ring pay office for me/zillion incoming calls/and dodgy paperwork ........
i come across an admission, transfer out to cardiac ward to another bigger hospital done over the weekend where the treating RN hadnt bothered writing the last 2 hours of the patients stay with us .... wtf! no obs, no how he left, no times, no condition he left in .... nothing.
so conincidentally she came in to get her new roster while i was looking at it and me and the deputy num showed her and asked he to please just complete it. well!!! total meltdown - why should I! I work hard enough as it is - do you know what its like to have everyone at you all the time (well, yea, actually i do :roll: ) .... blah blah
so i point out its a legal document, she is required in her position to complete adequate paperwork .... she then raves on that she has 'a piece of paper saying how excellent her paperwork is' .... again wtf (this is a nurse who a few weeks ago made outpatiens fill out their own presentation sheets in red pen - in health paperwork, red pen is used for deceased status .....)
so i point out well obviously no her paperwork isnt excellent at all - does she realise if this was subpoenaed for any reason she's signing her name to it and not completing it. so she then flicks thru it - and lo. theres the missing 2 hours. on a fucking fluid balance chart!!!!! WTF!!!! apart from it being the wrong form to write clinical notes, its obviously set out in table format for capturing urine output, graphical obs - i mean.... wtf???!!! so she starts screaming shes too busy. I tell her fine, stay back and finish, every one else has to when they are snowed under. prioritise.
So she then screams 'you can have my resignation then!"
wtf ... i dont want it. i tell her to stop being so defensive. off she goes. arrives back an hour later with a resignation letter.
do you ever feel like youve got your own personal full moon hovering over you attracting all the nuttos???
(be indulgent with me kiddies ... sometimes you just need someone to sit there and go yea ... yea .... uh-hu .... *nod* .... *sympathetic look* )
to a lesser extent i feel your pain. i'm a trainer at work. this apparently means i have a sign on my head that says "think for me". i do actually have a tshirt that says " you don't have to" but it's a ze frank thing, not an actual thing.
picturing it in my head now.. oh god.. no lisa.. what are you doing?
i'd curtsey.
That's ok, I'd probably bow down and then start kissing his feet. :oops:
Sydney, Australia - March 12, 1998; Sydney, Australia - February 14, 2003; Sydney, Australia - November 8, 2006; Sydney, Australia - November 25, 2006; Brisbane, Australia - November, 2009; Gold Coast, Australia - January, 2014, Gold Coast, Australia - November 2024
today, besides the usual admit/discharge/im not paying for this that cos im on a pension whinges/my pay didnt go in so ring pay office for me/zillion incoming calls/and dodgy paperwork ........
i come across an admission, transfer out to cardiac ward to another bigger hospital done over the weekend where the treating RN hadnt bothered writing the last 2 hours of the patients stay with us .... wtf! no obs, no how he left, no times, no condition he left in .... nothing.
so conincidentally she came in to get her new roster while i was looking at it and me and the deputy num showed her and asked he to please just complete it. well!!! total meltdown - why should I! I work hard enough as it is - do you know what its like to have everyone at you all the time (well, yea, actually i do :roll: ) .... blah blah
so i point out its a legal document, she is required in her position to complete adequate paperwork .... she then raves on that she has 'a piece of paper saying how excellent her paperwork is' .... again wtf (this is a nurse who a few weeks ago made outpatiens fill out their own presentation sheets in red pen - in health paperwork, red pen is used for deceased status .....)
so i point out well obviously no her paperwork isnt excellent at all - does she realise if this was subpoenaed for any reason she's signing her name to it and not completing it. so she then flicks thru it - and lo. theres the missing 2 hours. on a fucking fluid balance chart!!!!! WTF!!!! apart from it being the wrong form to write clinical notes, its obviously set out in table format for capturing urine output, graphical obs - i mean.... wtf???!!! so she starts screaming shes too busy. I tell her fine, stay back and finish, every one else has to when they are snowed under. prioritise.
So she then screams 'you can have my resignation then!"
wtf ... i dont want it. i tell her to stop being so defensive. off she goes. arrives back an hour later with a resignation letter.
do you ever feel like youve got your own personal full moon hovering over you attracting all the nuttos???
(be indulgent with me kiddies ... sometimes you just need someone to sit there and go yea ... yea .... uh-hu .... *nod* .... *sympathetic look* )
to a lesser extent i feel your pain. i'm a trainer at work. this apparently means i have a sign on my head that says "think for me". i do actually have a tshirt that says " you don't have to" but it's a ze frank thing, not an actual thing.
people are strange.
TOUR!! .. oh.. wait.. :(
i do a lot of ad-hoc training - how to use different database systems, how terminal digit filing works etc etc ... no IT based on site, so i get the job. ive told our IT dpt they should be paying me a wage for all the work i save them having to drive out & fix. i even get rung at home after hours to walk people thru a database - last night for eg :roll:
but ..... i do get so frustrated at how some people just dont get things. or dont want to .....
I read something in todays paper saying we will all have a ID number by mid year that is going to slash the "incomplete or missing histories of patients". Hello?? Doesn't someone have to ' COMPLETE ' the paperwork in the first place?
It really sux when you go above and beyond your call of duty, when others go half arsed and so also have to concern yourself with thier lack of competence.
So yea, we hear you. Thanks for being concerned.
And oh yea, I heard a rumour that PJ visit every 3 TOURRRRR!
each area health service in nsw already has a unique mrn for each patient .... the plan is to link each area health so the numbers are unique across the state. ..... in theory
trouble is, the data is usually so dirty that you end up with double or triple records, either thru incomplete records / staff that dont bother searching data properly before they make up a new registration / staff that dont bother updating address or name changes etc.
really - since each person has a unique medicare number in australia it should only appear once in an area health or state (or even national) database. the database system used now should be upgraded to automatically cross reference a persons mrn with their medicare number and flagg a duplicate record.
unfortunately ... im only a lowly admin slave .... it doesnt matter that i have database design training & experience .... it doesnt matter that i cover IT's arse now (but, i do like our IT guy, so its not a bother for me ) .... it doesnt matter that i passed a bachelor database management module last year .... im not allowed to have that foresight :roll:
on the up side, i did have a good day today - thinking about applying for 2 new jobs up in wollongong - one at wollongong uni, or one at patient transport in port kembla
yea, if i won lotto i have to say id be packing up and doing a little tour - just like the 'long, red haired bloke'
and as much as id like to go to the us one day ..... i always remember a convo i had with my 06 newcastle tkt friend on the drive home ...
"'how do people afford to follow them everywhere and see 70+ shows???"
"they obviously dont have kids or a mortgage" :roll:
sorry zenith I do me PJ, I could not follow acdc from show to show I dont love them that much.
who needs a morgage, renting is the only way to go, and if worse comes to worse a nice alley way or a gutter to sleep in
i struggled with my one show up the front, dont know how gus did all of them
Rod Laver Arena - Nov 13, 2006
Adelaide Oval - Nov 17, 2009
Etihad Stadium - Nov 20, 2009
BDO Melbourne - Jan 24, 2014
New York - May 02 - 2016
Powered by Pearl Jam
mortgage .... well, id rather be paying mine than some fat landlords .... rent prices are pretty much a mortgage payment these days
and ..... mr wookie ..... get thy butt to the workout thread
i struggled with the standing for 4 hours after waiting only from 9am in the line, add the heat and i was fubared. Middle of winter it would have been a picnic. Upfront i was expecting some pain and suffering.
yeah i suppose that is true about a mortgage but i dont want to loose half my pay a month vs 1/3rd (including bills).
soon i will return to the workout thread its just not worthing posting about my last 13 days of working out
Rod Laver Arena - Nov 13, 2006
Adelaide Oval - Nov 17, 2009
Etihad Stadium - Nov 20, 2009
BDO Melbourne - Jan 24, 2014
New York - May 02 - 2016
Powered by Pearl Jam
I've never been on the rail, would like to, but it's to squishy for the way I dance, everyone around me would end up with black eyes and blood noses..... :oops:
Do you think the guys from PJ get tired of seeing the same faces on the rail? or even spooked out by it?
There is a member on the whos' avatar is a picture of Gus ( I think it is, it's a bit blury ) and his name is 'Gustopholies'. I thought Gus was from the US, but this person is from Adelaide.
Do you think it's him? He may have some financial tips or some scams we could pull to finance this addiction.
......I wish I tried harder in school and became a CEO, then I'd just pay for PJ to stay in Oz. *sigh.*
My youngest goes to kindy this year, so I finaly can get back into the workforce a bit......but thats still not going to help much.....
Anyone know how to hack into the ATO and wipe out debts????
PM me
+1 i need that too, gotta love da tax man
Rod Laver Arena - Nov 13, 2006
Adelaide Oval - Nov 17, 2009
Etihad Stadium - Nov 20, 2009
BDO Melbourne - Jan 24, 2014
New York - May 02 - 2016
Powered by Pearl Jam
Ive found my new Masamam trilogy.....PERTH trifecta of Just Breathe/Red Moz/Love Reign...all three are corkers
i was going to be ok because i had lots to look forward to
faith no more: decided not to play wellington. fuckholes.
rufus wainwright: cancelled next month's show. damnit.
camera obscura: going alone cuz no one else cares.
pixies: at least we still have the pixies, but it means driving to fucking yuckland again.
I wish I knew how to hack them as well.....
pm me if u get a pm....
I dont know how u do it but u need to ring our accountant asap and tell him how to do it.....
Is Them Crooked Vultures in your reach?
Rumour: Whilst PJ are in Perth, Ed goes to Scarborough Beach. ( this bit is true)
He walkes into a Pub, ( this bit is true too. )
and the LIVE music playing is jammin " Daughter ".
Ed orders a drink, turns to the singer and says " Not a bad version. " and walks out.
that was it..........
The Band member doing the gig turned that episode into .....
"Oh yea....I MET Eddie, had a yarn, he's a nice bloke, he liked my music".
I have wittenesses to begining of this rumour.
I think it's kinda 'fanaticle' which I get. Name dropping....
I'm more of a doer.
If it was ME, jammin in the pub and Ed walked in, .....I WILL BE arrested for ' causing a disturbance'.
id prob get a bit shaky & gushy afterwards tho
i'd curtsey.
Hahah thats a classic. I reckon I woulda stopped singing outta fear
today, besides the usual admit/discharge/im not paying for this that cos im on a pension whinges/my pay didnt go in so ring pay office for me/zillion incoming calls/and dodgy paperwork ........
i come across an admission, transfer out to cardiac ward to another bigger hospital done over the weekend where the treating RN hadnt bothered writing the last 2 hours of the patients stay with us .... wtf! no obs, no how he left, no times, no condition he left in .... nothing.
so conincidentally she came in to get her new roster while i was looking at it and me and the deputy num showed her and asked he to please just complete it. well!!! total meltdown - why should I! I work hard enough as it is - do you know what its like to have everyone at you all the time (well, yea, actually i do :roll: ) .... blah blah
so i point out its a legal document, she is required in her position to complete adequate paperwork .... she then raves on that she has 'a piece of paper saying how excellent her paperwork is' .... again wtf (this is a nurse who a few weeks ago made outpatiens fill out their own presentation sheets in red pen - in health paperwork, red pen is used for deceased status .....)
so i point out well obviously no her paperwork isnt excellent at all - does she realise if this was subpoenaed for any reason she's signing her name to it and not completing it. so she then flicks thru it - and lo. theres the missing 2 hours. on a fucking fluid balance chart!!!!! WTF!!!! apart from it being the wrong form to write clinical notes, its obviously set out in table format for capturing urine output, graphical obs - i mean.... wtf???!!! so she starts screaming shes too busy. I tell her fine, stay back and finish, every one else has to when they are snowed under. prioritise.
So she then screams 'you can have my resignation then!"
wtf ... i dont want it. i tell her to stop being so defensive. off she goes. arrives back an hour later with a resignation letter.
do you ever feel like youve got your own personal full moon hovering over you attracting all the nuttos???
(be indulgent with me kiddies ... sometimes you just need someone to sit there and go yea ... yea .... uh-hu .... *nod* .... *sympathetic look* )
/end rant
people are strange.
TOUR!! .. oh.. wait.. :(
That's ok, I'd probably bow down and then start kissing his feet. :oops:
i had faith id get at least one of these ......
i do a lot of ad-hoc training - how to use different database systems, how terminal digit filing works etc etc ... no IT based on site, so i get the job. ive told our IT dpt they should be paying me a wage for all the work i save them having to drive out & fix. i even get rung at home after hours to walk people thru a database - last night for eg :roll:
but ..... i do get so frustrated at how some people just dont get things. or dont want to .....
yea .... tour ....
I read something in todays paper saying we will all have a ID number by mid year that is going to slash the "incomplete or missing histories of patients". Hello?? Doesn't someone have to ' COMPLETE ' the paperwork in the first place?
It really sux when you go above and beyond your call of duty, when others go half arsed and so also have to concern yourself with thier lack of competence.
So yea, we hear you. Thanks for being concerned.
And oh yea, I heard a rumour that PJ visit every 3 TOURRRRR!
trouble is, the data is usually so dirty that you end up with double or triple records, either thru incomplete records / staff that dont bother searching data properly before they make up a new registration / staff that dont bother updating address or name changes etc.
really - since each person has a unique medicare number in australia it should only appear once in an area health or state (or even national) database. the database system used now should be upgraded to automatically cross reference a persons mrn with their medicare number and flagg a duplicate record.
unfortunately ... im only a lowly admin slave .... it doesnt matter that i have database design training & experience .... it doesnt matter that i cover IT's arse now (but, i do like our IT guy, so its not a bother for me
on the up side, i did have a good day today - thinking about applying for 2 new jobs up in wollongong - one at wollongong uni, or one at patient transport in port kembla