Listening to the Melbourne boot now, just noticed Ed says during DTE “those ignorant Aborigines got nothing on me”
Also love the little “Richo” in the middle of Given to Fly
i still don't get that line.... "those ignorant Indians got nothing on me”
Is that some white collar dude saying that line?
I know what you mean...
I have the answer in my head but can't figure out a way to explain it frustrating!
For me, personally, it's Ed having a dig at people thinking they are better than the Indigenous (or Native? Wasnt sure if I could say that??) people of America, and the world for that yes, kind of like the White Collars saying they are better than the Indians I guess.
Where as the Indians probably have a more richer life in terms of happiness and health. In the Vitalogy booklet, isnt there a picture of an Indian, who didnt have any grey hair?
Post edited by yellowled24 on
"....and was very surprised to see that he didnt actually have a recipe for anus-ankle soup." - Big Ed
I've always thought it'd be good to use aborigines or maoris [sic] in that line in Oz/NZ. I guess people can't understand him enough to get upset about it though
Listening to the Melbourne boot now, just noticed Ed says during DTE “those ignorant Aborigines got nothing on me”
Also love the little “Richo” in the middle of Given to Fly
i still don't get that line.... "those ignorant Indians got nothing on me”
Is that some white collar dude saying that line?
I know what you mean...
I have the answer in my head but can't figure out a way to explain it frustrating!
For me, personally, it's Ed having a dig at people thinking they are better than the Indigenous (or Native? Wasnt sure if I could say that??) people of America, and the world for that yes, kind of like the White Collars saying they are better than the Indians I guess.
Where as the Indians probably have a more richer life in terms of happiness and health. In the Vitalogy booklet, isnt there a picture of an Indian, who didnt have any grey hair?
evolution is a parody on how the human race has 'evolved' but actually become stupider .... 'the first mammal to wear pants' becomes 'the first man to piss my pants' which might not be original, but ive heard him sing many times buying stocks on the day of the crash, admire my clones, im basically going to fuck the earth up etc
so the 'ignorant indians, aboriginals, whatever' they've been around for years longer than us. and while the haven't 'evolved' in the sense that educated man defines it, they are probably actually far more adapt than us at surviving and respecting what they've been given. we've evolved. but in the past 50 years we've evolved backwards. so who's the 'ignorant' ones
Rod Laver Arena - Feb 18, 2003
Rod Laver Arena - Nov 13, 2006
Adelaide Oval - Nov 17, 2009
Etihad Stadium - Nov 20, 2009
BDO Melbourne - Jan 24, 2014
New York - May 02 - 2016
and in hiding, in my tree, and save you .... all all one after the other!!!! how this has taken so long to re-occur to me is unbelievable - i dont know how i didnt implode on the spot at that show
and in hiding, in my tree, and save you .... all all one after the other!!!! how this has taken so long to re-occur to me is unbelievable - i dont know how i didnt implode on the spot at that show
and in hiding, in my tree, and save you .... all all one after the other!!!! how this has taken so long to re-occur to me is unbelievable - i dont know how i didnt implode on the spot at that show
I did smell something funny...
actually - where exactly were you standing??? some idiot hurled over the barrier about 3 people down from me. i kept worrying that ed would slip over on it when he did his run :shock:
Unthought Known is such a good live track. Shits on Amongst the Waves
Supersonic WOULD be great live too!!!!!!!!!!!!! :evil: :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :roll: :twisted: :twisted: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its friday. Chrissy party this arvo. Two tomorrow then a BBQ sunday. I HATE christmas :evil:
Unthought Known is such a good live track. Shits on Amongst the Waves
Supersonic WOULD be great live too!!!!!!!!!!!!! :evil: :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :roll: :twisted: :twisted: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its friday. Chrissy party this arvo. Two tomorrow then a BBQ sunday. I HATE christmas :evil:
i only hate it because i cant keep drinking for the whole season!
Rod Laver Arena - Feb 18, 2003
Rod Laver Arena - Nov 13, 2006
Adelaide Oval - Nov 17, 2009
Etihad Stadium - Nov 20, 2009
BDO Melbourne - Jan 24, 2014
New York - May 02 - 2016
and in hiding, in my tree, and save you .... all all one after the other!!!! how this has taken so long to re-occur to me is unbelievable - i dont know how i didnt implode on the spot at that show
Me either. I have super special memories of Brissie, the concert that stands out the most in my mind for one reason or another. All the concerts were great. Not for You was my favourite song in Brissie, I was totally out of it during that song, with not one drop of alcohol or other substance in me!
Just received Adelaide boot in the mail. Only ordered it last friday from memory. Yay 10c
Due to my stupidity of ordering AND downloading the same thing....I think Ill give the hardcopy to brother for a present. Theres one lot of chrissy shopping I dont have to do
Wonder if mum and dad will want a copy of a boot as well Would save me having to battle the chrissy crowds.
A girl at the pub last night said she'd do my chrissy shopping for a case of beer. Gonna take her up on the offer....just hope mother dont catch a drift of it
and in hiding, in my tree, and save you .... all all one after the other!!!! how this has taken so long to re-occur to me is unbelievable - i dont know how i didnt implode on the spot at that show
Me either. I have super special memories of Brissie, the concert that stands out the most in my mind for one reason or another. All the concerts were great. Not for You was my favourite song in Brissie, I was totally out of it during that song, with not one drop of alcohol or other substance in me!
high on eddie
actually, high on music ... and words ... and atmosphere ..... *sigh* im ready for another show now. doesnt have to be pj at all. just someone i like. its times like this i actually think i could cope with living in stinky dirty sydney if it meant checking out someone with a fingerful of talent at the local pub on the weekend ....
Yeah I here ya. The local has just started getting a one man band in on sunday arvo's. Beer and music.....the chickadee last week was a stunner.
Im just about to book tickets for the 3 Jan concert at the Enmore for Rodrigo and Gabriela. They are those Mexican freaks on guitar that TommyPhillips had playing in Christchurch
Thanks Tom. They are superb....been shifting between them and boots. No Brissy yet
oh i started telling rileys guitar teach about them - he knew who they were straight away!!! he never ceases to amaze me that guy - looks like a conservative old fart, and rattles off music like magic.
i didnt know they were playing .... especially here .... what i remember of that night is amazment of how they sounded, then getting the impression they were a brother & sister & it was just something tommy had, not that they still existed in any sense - but pete (the teach) tells me they are a divorced(?) couple who still get along well enough to play. but again, i didnt realise they were current??
boots sydney - christchurch bought ..... i wavered over adelaide, but if i got that then id have to get melb, then if i got that id have to get perth .... :roll:
y'know, im quite sure the universe has fucked up somewhere here. i was quite obviously meant to be born into a rich family, or trick some rich guy into marrying me, or reproduced with someone who actually botheed to pay maintenance :roll:
it needs one giant kick up its rear
and in hiding, in my tree, and save you .... all all one after the other!!!! how this has taken so long to re-occur to me is unbelievable - i dont know how i didnt implode on the spot at that show
I didn't know that. I wonder if any Aborigines were offended by that, by not understanding what he meant by it?
i still don't get that line.... "those ignorant Indians got nothing on me”
Is that some white collar dude saying that line?
I have the answer in my head but can't figure out a way to explain it frustrating!
For me, personally, it's Ed having a dig at people thinking they are better than the Indigenous (or Native? Wasnt sure if I could say that??) people of America, and the world for that yes, kind of like the White Collars saying they are better than the Indians I guess.
Where as the Indians probably have a more richer life in terms of happiness and health. In the Vitalogy booklet, isnt there a picture of an Indian, who didnt have any grey hair?
evolution is a parody on how the human race has 'evolved' but actually become stupider .... 'the first mammal to wear pants' becomes 'the first man to piss my pants' which might not be original, but ive heard him sing many times
so the 'ignorant indians, aboriginals, whatever' they've been around for years longer than us. and while the haven't 'evolved' in the sense that educated man defines it, they are probably actually far more adapt than us at surviving and respecting what they've been given. we've evolved. but in the past 50 years we've evolved backwards. so who's the 'ignorant' ones
i wish he still said 'admire Stone'
I'm pretty sure he did say admire Stone... which concert weren't you at?
$80 flight to Perth :P
someone go check
$80 my ass!!! :evil: hahaa!!
Rod Laver Arena - Nov 13, 2006
Adelaide Oval - Nov 17, 2009
Etihad Stadium - Nov 20, 2009
BDO Melbourne - Jan 24, 2014
New York - May 02 - 2016
Powered by Pearl Jam
it's so weird having to read/type/use my fingers again at work, my grammar is so shit, only from 3 weeks off work
anyone else the same? :?
listening to brissie
up in my tree - my smile is so wide it hurts
and in hiding, in my tree, and save you .... all all one after the other!!!! how this has taken so long to re-occur to me is unbelievable - i dont know how i didnt implode on the spot at that show
If that man went to the concert.. he'd be singing along... to a different tune!!
actually - where exactly were you standing??? some idiot hurled over the barrier about 3 people down from me. i kept worrying that ed would slip over on it when he did his run :shock:
so glad save you was somewhere on tour, always love hearing that live
Unthought Known is such a good live track. Shits on Amongst the Waves
Supersonic WOULD be great live too!!!!!!!!!!!!! :evil: :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :roll: :twisted: :twisted: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its friday. Chrissy party this arvo. Two tomorrow then a BBQ sunday. I HATE christmas :evil:
i only hate it because i cant keep drinking for the whole season!
Rod Laver Arena - Nov 13, 2006
Adelaide Oval - Nov 17, 2009
Etihad Stadium - Nov 20, 2009
BDO Melbourne - Jan 24, 2014
New York - May 02 - 2016
Powered by Pearl Jam
Me either. I have super special memories of Brissie, the concert that stands out the most in my mind for one reason or another. All the concerts were great. Not for You was my favourite song in Brissie, I was totally out of it during that song, with not one drop of alcohol or other substance in me!
Due to my stupidity of ordering AND downloading the same thing....I think Ill give the hardcopy to brother for a present. Theres one lot of chrissy shopping I dont have to do
Wonder if mum and dad will want a copy of a boot as well
A girl at the pub last night said she'd do my chrissy shopping for a case of beer. Gonna take her up on the offer....just hope mother dont catch a drift of it
high on eddie
actually, high on music ... and words ... and atmosphere ..... *sigh* im ready for another show now. doesnt have to be pj at all. just someone i like. its times like this i actually think i could cope with living in stinky dirty sydney if it meant checking out someone with a fingerful of talent at the local pub on the weekend ....
Im just about to book tickets for the 3 Jan concert at the Enmore for Rodrigo and Gabriela. They are those Mexican freaks on guitar that TommyPhillips had playing in Christchurch
Thanks Tom. They are superb....been shifting between them and boots. No Brissy yet
i didnt know they were playing .... especially here .... what i remember of that night is amazment of how they sounded, then getting the impression they were a brother & sister & it was just something tommy had, not that they still existed in any sense - but pete (the teach) tells me they are a divorced(?) couple who still get along well enough to play. but again, i didnt realise they were current??
Oops sorry My space
y'know, im quite sure the universe has fucked up somewhere here. i was quite obviously meant to be born into a rich family, or trick some rich guy into marrying me, or reproduced with someone who actually botheed to pay maintenance :roll:
it needs one giant kick up its rear
i was going to go, but it is pretty pricey
they do some great covers and have some great stuff of their own
I wave to all my Friends... Yeah!
that was Sam.